} //what do we get from url? go to appropiate function(s)! if (!isset($_GET['do'])) { showcatsandauthors(); } else { if ($_GET['do'] == "editauthor") { showauthor($_GET['id'], false); } if ($_GET['do'] == "newauthor") { showauthor(0, true); } if ($_GET['do'] == "delauthor") { if ($_GET['id'] != $_SESSION['authorid']) { deleteauthor($_GET['id']); } else { echo "<p class=\"msg\">You cannot delete yourself!</p>"; } showcatsandauthors(); } if ($_GET['do'] == "saveauthor") { if (savepostedauthordata($_GET['id'])) { showcatsandauthors(); } else { showauthor($_GET['id'], false); } } if ($_GET['do'] == "savecats") { savepostedcats(); showcatsandauthors(); } }
echo "<h1>Organisation</h1>\n"; include 'inc/navigation.php'; include 'inc/functions_organisation.php'; //check the rights if (!allowed(3, "")) { die("<p class=\"msg\">Administrators do some wild party in here. You are not invited :-(</p>"); } //what do we get from url? go to appropiate function(s)! if (!isset($_GET['do'])) { showcatsandauthors(); } else { if ($_GET['do'] == "editauthor") { showauthor($_GET['id'], false); } if ($_GET['do'] == "newauthor") { showauthor(0, true); } if ($_GET['do'] == "delauthor") { if ($_GET['id'] != $_SESSION['authorid']) { deleteauthor($_GET['id']); } else { echo "<p class=\"msg\">You cannot delete yourself!</p>"; } showcatsandauthors(); } if ($_GET['do'] == "saveauthor") { savepostedauthordata($_GET['id']); showcatsandauthors(); } if ($_GET['do'] == "savecats") { savepostedcats();