public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 10
     echo anchor("pengumuman", "Pengumuman");
     echo " / Buat Pengumuman</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("pengumuman");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     echo form_open_multipart("pengumuman/add", array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Judul <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"judul\" class=\"span12\" value=\"";
     // line 19
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("judul"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 20
     echo form_error("judul");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tgl. Tampil <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"tgl_tampil\" class=\"span4\" value=\"";
     // line 26
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tgl_tampil"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" id=\"tgl-tampil\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 27
     echo form_error("tgl_tampil");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Konten <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"konten\" id=\"konten\" style=\"height:400px;width:100%;\">";
     // line 33
     echo set_value("konten");
     echo "</textarea>\n                    ";
     // line 34
     echo form_error("konten");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tampil Disiswa</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"tampil_siswa\" value=\"1\" ";
     // line 40
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("tampil_siswa", "1", true), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Ya</label>\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"tampil_siswa\" value=\"0\" ";
     // line 41
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("tampil_siswa", "0"), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Tidak</label>\n                    <br>";
     // line 42
     echo form_error("tampil_siswa");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tampil Dipengajar</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"tampil_pengajar\" value=\"1\" ";
     // line 48
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("tampil_pengajar", "1", true), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Ya</label>\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"tampil_pengajar\" value=\"0\" ";
     // line 49
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("tampil_pengajar", "0"), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Tidak</label>\n                    <br>";
     // line 50
     echo form_error("tampil_pengajar");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n                    <a href=\"";
     // line 56
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("pengumuman"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn btn-default\">Kembali</a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 59
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>Pengaturan</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 13
     echo get_flashdata("pengaturan");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 15
     echo form_open_multipart("welcome/pengaturan", array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Nama sekolah <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama-sekolah\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
     // line 19
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama-sekolah", get_pengaturan("nama-sekolah", "value")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 20
     echo form_error("nama-sekolah");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Alamat sekolah <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"alamat\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
     // line 26
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("alamat", get_pengaturan("alamat", "value")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 27
     echo form_error("alamat");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Telpon</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"telp\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 33
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("telp", get_pengaturan("telp", "value")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 34
     echo form_error("telp");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Registrasi siswa</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\">\n                        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"registrasi-siswa\" value=\"1\" ";
     // line 41
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("registrasi-siswa", "1", get_pengaturan("registrasi-siswa", "value") == "1" ? true : ""), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Tampilkan\n                    </label>\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\">\n                        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"registrasi-siswa\" value=\"0\" ";
     // line 44
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("registrasi-siswa", "0", get_pengaturan("registrasi-siswa", "value") == "0" ? true : ""), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Sembuyikan\n                    </label>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Registrasi pengajar</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\">\n                        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"registrasi-pengajar\" value=\"1\" ";
     // line 52
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("registrasi-pengajar", "1", get_pengaturan("registrasi-pengajar", "value") == "1" ? true : ""), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Tampilkan\n                    </label>\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\">\n                        <input type=\"radio\" name=\"registrasi-pengajar\" value=\"0\" ";
     // line 55
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("registrasi-pengajar", "0", get_pengaturan("registrasi-pengajar", "value") == "0" ? true : ""), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Sembuyikan\n                    </label>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Info Registrasi</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"info-registrasi\" class=\"tinymce\" style=\"width:100%; height:300px;\">";
     // line 62
     echo set_value("info-registrasi", get_pengaturan("info-registrasi", "value"));
     echo "</textarea>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Peraturan E-learning</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"peraturan-elearning\" class=\"tinymce\" style=\"width:100%; height:300px;\">";
     // line 68
     echo set_value("peraturan-elearning", get_pengaturan("peraturan-elearning", "value"));
     echo "</textarea>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Email server</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"email-server\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 74
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("email-server", get_pengaturan("email-server", "value")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 75
     echo form_error("email-server");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 83
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 3
function generate_radio($field, $data)
    $c0 = set_radio('inp_' . $field . '_prsn', 0, 0 == $data[$field . '_prsn']);
    $c1 = set_radio('inp_' . $field . '_prsn', 1, 1 == $data[$field . '_prsn']);
    $c3 = set_radio('inp_' . $field . '_prsn', 3, 3 == $data[$field . '_prsn']);
    $c5 = set_radio('inp_' . $field . '_prsn', 5, 5 == $data[$field . '_prsn']);
    $rad = '<span class="col-lg-6"><input type="radio" name="inp_' . $field . '_prsn" value="0" ' . $c0 . '/> 0-25%</span>
            <span class="col-lg-6"><input type="radio" name="inp_' . $field . '_prsn" value="1" ' . $c1 . '/> 26-50%</span> 
            <span class="col-lg-6"><input type="radio" name="inp_' . $field . '_prsn" value="3" ' . $c3 . '/> 51-75%</span>
            <span class="col-lg-6"><input type="radio" name="inp_' . $field . '_prsn" value="5" ' . $c5 . '/> 76-100%</span>';
    return $rad;
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<h4>Alasan laporan</h4>\n";
     // line 5
     echo get_flashdata("laporkan");
     echo "\n\n<p>Mengapa anda melaporkan komentar tersebut?</p>\n\n";
     // line 9
     echo form_open("materi/detail/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["materi"]) ? $context["materi"] : null, "id") . "/laporkan/" . $this->getAttribute(isset($context["komentar"]) ? $context["komentar"] : null, "id"));
     echo "\n";
     // line 10
     echo form_error("alasan");
     echo "\n<label class=\"radio\">\n  <input type=\"radio\" ";
     // line 12
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("alasan", "SARA"), "html", null, true);
     echo " class=\"hide-lain\" name=\"alasan\" value=\"SARA\"> SARA\n</label>\n<label class=\"radio\">\n  <input type=\"radio\" ";
     // line 15
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("alasan", "Pornografi"), "html", null, true);
     echo " class=\"hide-lain\" name=\"alasan\" value=\"Pornografi\"> Pornografi\n</label>\n<label class=\"radio\">\n  <input type=\"radio\" ";
     // line 18
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("alasan", "Profokasi/Intimidasi"), "html", null, true);
     echo " class=\"hide-lain\" name=\"alasan\" value=\"Profokasi/Intimidasi\"> Profokasi/Intimidasi\n</label>\n<label class=\"radio\">\n  <input type=\"radio\" ";
     // line 21
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("alasan", "tulis"), "html", null, true);
     echo " class=\"show-lain\" name=\"alasan\" value=\"tulis\"> Tulis alasan\n</label>\n<div class=\"form-lain ";
     // line 23
     echo twig_test_empty(get_post_data("alasan")) || get_post_data("alasan") != "tulis" ? "hide" : "";
     echo "\">\n    <textarea class=\"span12\" name=\"alasan_lain\" placeholder=\"Tulis alasan anda\">";
     // line 24
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("alasan_lain"), "html", null, true);
     echo "</textarea>\n    ";
     // line 25
     echo form_error("alasan_lain");
     echo "\n</div>\n<p><button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Submit</button></p>\n";
     // line 28
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n";
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<strong>Edit Profil</strong>\n";
     // line 5
     echo get_flashdata("edit");
     echo "\n\n";
     // line 7
     echo form_open("admin/siswa/edit_profile/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null) . "/" . (isset($context["siswa_id"]) ? $context["siswa_id"] : null));
     echo "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"siswa_id\" value=\"";
     // line 8
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["siswa_id"]) ? $context["siswa_id"] : null, "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n<table class=\"table table-striped\">\n    <tbody>\n        <tr>\n            <th width=\"30%\">NIS <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"text\" id=\"nis\" name=\"nis\" style=\"width:40%;\" value=\"";
     // line 14
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nis", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "nis")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                <br>";
     // line 15
     echo form_error("nis");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Nama <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" style=\"width:90%;\" value=\"";
     // line 21
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "nama")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                <br>";
     // line 22
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Jenis Kelamin <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Laki-laki\" ";
     // line 28
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Laki-laki", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "jenis_kelamin") == "Laki-laki" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Laki-laki</label>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Perempuan\" ";
     // line 29
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Perempuan", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "jenis_kelamin") == "Perempuan" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Perempuan</label>\n                <br>";
     // line 30
     echo form_error("jenis_kelamin");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Tahun Masuk <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"text\" name=\"tahun_masuk\" maxlength=\"4\" style=\"width:15%;\" value=\"";
     // line 36
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tahun_masuk", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tahun_masuk")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                <br>";
     // line 37
     echo form_error("tahun_masuk");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Tempat Lahir</th>\n            <td>\n                <input type=\"text\" name=\"tempat_lahir\" value=\"";
     // line 43
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tempat_lahir", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tempat_lahir")), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                <br>";
     // line 44
     echo form_error("tempat_lahir");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Tanggal Lahir</th>\n            <td>\n                ";
     // line 50
     $context["tgl"] = !twig_test_empty($this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir")) ? twig_date_format_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir"), "d") : "";
     // line 51
     echo "                ";
     $context["bln"] = !twig_test_empty($this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir")) ? twig_date_format_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir"), "m") : "";
     // line 52
     echo "                ";
     $context["thn"] = !twig_test_empty($this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir")) ? twig_date_format_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "tgl_lahir"), "Y") : "";
     // line 53
     echo "                <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 20%;float:left;margin-right:5px;\" name=\"tgl_lahir\">\n                    <option value=\"\">--Tgl--</option>\n                    ";
     // line 55
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 31));
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
         // line 56
         echo "                        <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("tgl_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, (isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null) == (isset($context["tgl"]) ? $context["tgl"] : null) ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                    ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 58
     echo "                </select>\n                <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 35%;float:left;margin-right:5px;\" name=\"bln_lahir\">\n                    <option value=\"\">--Bulan--</option>\n                    ";
     // line 61
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 12));
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
         // line 62
         echo "                        <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("bln_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, (isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null) == (isset($context["bln"]) ? $context["bln"] : null) ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, get_indo_bulan(isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                    ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 64
     echo "                </select>\n                <input type=\"text\" name=\"thn_lahir\" style=\"width:15%;float:left;\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"";
     // line 65
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("thn_lahir", isset($context["thn"]) ? $context["thn"] : null), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" placeholder=\"Tahun\">\n                <br>";
     // line 66
     echo form_error("thn_lahir");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Agama</th>\n            <td>\n                <select name=\"agama\" style=\"width:30%;\">\n                    <option value=\"\">--pilih--</option>\n                    <option value=\"ISLAM\" ";
     // line 74
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "ISLAM", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "agama") == "ISLAM" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">ISLAM</option>\n                    <option value=\"KRISTEN\" ";
     // line 75
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "KRISTEN", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "agama") == "KRISTEN" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">KRISTEN</option>\n                    <option value=\"KATOLIK\" ";
     // line 76
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "KATOLIK", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "agama") == "KATOLIK" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">KATOLIK</option>\n                    <option value=\"HINDU\" ";
     // line 77
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "HINDU", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "agama") == "HINDU" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">HINDU</option>\n                    <option value=\"BUDHA\" ";
     // line 78
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "BUDHA", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "agama") == "BUDHA" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
     echo ">BUDHA</option>\n                </select>\n                <br>";
     // line 80
     echo form_error("agama");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        <tr>\n            <th>Alamat</th>\n            <td>\n                <textarea name=\"alamat\" style=\"width:90%;\">";
     // line 86
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("alamat", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "alamat")), "html", null, true);
     echo "</textarea>\n                <br>";
     // line 87
     echo form_error("alamat");
     echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        ";
     // line 90
     if ($this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "status_id") != 3) {
         // line 91
         echo "        <tr>\n            <th>Status <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></th>\n            <td>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"0\" ";
         // line 94
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("status_id", "0", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "status_id") == "0" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Pending</label>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"1\" ";
         // line 95
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("status_id", "1", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "status_id") == "1" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Aktif</label>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"2\" ";
         // line 96
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("status_id", "2", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "status_id") == "2" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Blocking</label>\n                <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"3\" ";
         // line 97
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("status_id", "3", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["siswa"]) ? $context["siswa"] : null, "status_id") == "3" ? true : false), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Alumni</label>\n                <br>";
         // line 98
         echo form_error("status_id");
         echo "\n            </td>\n        <tr>\n        ";
     } else {
         // line 102
         echo "            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"status_id\" value=\"3\">\n        ";
     // line 104
     echo "        <tr>\n            <td colspan=\"2\">\n                <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Update</button>\n            </td>\n        </tr>\n    </tbody>\n</table>\n";
     // line 111
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 6
				<input type="input" class="form-control" name="numero" value="<?php 
    echo set_value('numero', $numero);
"/><br />

			<div class="form-group">
				<label for="publicado">Publicado</label>
				<input type="radio"  name="publicado" value="1" <?php 
    echo set_radio('publicado', '1', $esta_publicado);
				<input type="radio"  name="publicado" value="0" <?php 
    echo set_radio('publicado', '0', $no_esta_publicado);
			<input type="hidden" name="imagen_original" value="<?php 
    echo set_value('imagen_original', $imagen_original);
			<div class="form-group">
				<label for="imagen">Imagen</label>
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-lg-4">
    if (!empty($imagen_original)) {
        echo img('assets/img/' . $imagen_original, FALSE, array('class' => 'img-thumbnail'));
Ejemplo n.º 7
							<div class="col-md-9">
									<?foreach($lists['data'] as $l):?>	
										<label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="main_list" value="<?=$l['id']?>" <?=set_radio('main_list',$l['id'],$l['id']==$this->config->item('mailchimp_main_list'))?>/><?=$l['name']?></label>
								<p class="help-block">This is the list users will be asked about on the registration page.</p>
					<div class="form-group">
						<div class="control-group">
							<label class="col-md-3 control-label">Active Lists</label>
							<div class="col-md-9">
									<?foreach($lists['data'] as $l):?>	
										<label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="active_lists[]" value="<?=$l['id']?>" <?=set_radio('active_lists[]',$l['id'],isset($active_lists[$l['id']]))?>/><?=$l['name']?></label>
								<p class="help-block">Users will be able to subscribe to and unsubscribe from these lists from their email settings page.</p>
					<div class="form-actions">
						<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes" class="btn btn <?php echo $themes['primary']; ?>" />
Ejemplo n.º 8
        <div class="control-group <?php 
echo form_error('tahunakademik_status') ? 'error' : '';
echo form_label('Status' . lang('bf_form_label_required'), 'tahunakademik_status', array('class' => "control-label"));
            <div class='controls'>
        <label class="radio">
            <input id="tahunakademik_status" name="tahunakademik_status" type="radio" class="" value="A" <?php 
echo set_radio('tahunakademik_status', 'A', TRUE);
            <label for="tahunakademik_status">Aktik</label>
            <input id="tahunakademik_status" name="tahunakademik_status" type="radio" class="" value="N" <?php 
echo set_radio('tahunakademik_status', 'N');
            <label for="tahunakademik_status">Tidak Aktif</label>
            <span class="help-inline"><?php 
echo form_error('tahunakademik_status');


Ejemplo n.º 9
function rbt_make_inputs($inputs, $default = array(), $clear_form = false)
    echo validation_errors('<div class="alert alert-error">', '</div>');
    //$data = $CI->input->post();
    $datepicker = FALSE;
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $input) {
        $default_value = '';
        if (array_key_exists($name, $default)) {
            $default_value = $default[$name];
        if ($input['type'] == 'text') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo '<br/>';
            if (!$clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . set_value($name, $default_value) . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
            if ($clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'datetime' or $input['type'] == 'date') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo '<br/>';
            if (!$clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="' . set_value($name, $default_value) . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . ' datepicker"/></p>';
            if ($clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="text" name="' . $name . '" value="" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . ' datepicker"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'password') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo '<br/>';
            if (!$clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="password" name="' . $name . '" value="' . set_value($name, $default_value) . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
            if ($clear_form) {
                echo '<input type="password" name="' . $name . '" value="" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'textarea') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo '<br/>';
            if (!$clear_form) {
                echo '<textarea name="' . $name . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '">' . set_value($name, $default_value) . '</textarea></p>';
            if ($clear_form) {
                echo '<textarea name="' . $name . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"></textarea></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'upload') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo '<br/>';
            if (!$clear_form) {
                //get file path
                $exp = explode('|', $input['rules']);
                foreach ($exp as $ex) {
                    if (strpos($ex, 'path') !== FALSE) {
                        $path = str_replace('upload_path:./', '', $ex);
                        $path = trim($path, '/') . '/' . $default_value;
                        $src = base_url($path);
                        $ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                        if ($default_value != NULL) {
                            if ($ext == 'png' or $ext == 'jpg' or $ext == 'gif') {
                                echo '<img class="upload_default ' . $name . '" src="' . $src . '"/><br/>';
                            } else {
                                echo '<div class="alert"><a href="' . $path . '">' . $default_value . '</a></div>';
            echo '<input type="file" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'hidden') {
            //echo '<p>'.$input['display'].'<br/>';
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $input['value'] . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'radio') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo ': ';
            foreach ($input['options'] as $disp => $value) {
                echo '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '" ' . set_radio($name, $value) . '> ' . ucfirst($disp) . ' &nbsp;';
            echo '</p>';
            //echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$input['value'].'"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'checkbox') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo ': ';
            foreach ($input['options'] as $disp => $value) {
                $checked = '';
                if ($default_value != "") {
                    if (array_search($value, $default_value) !== false) {
                        $checked = 'checked="checked"';
                echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $name . '[]" value="' . $value . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '" ' . $checked . '> ' . ucfirst($disp) . ' &nbsp;';
            echo '</p>';
            //echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$input['value'].'"/></p>';
        } elseif ($input['type'] == 'select') {
            echo '<p>' . $input['display'];
            if (strpos($input['rules'], 'required') !== false) {
                echo '<span title="required" style="color: #F00; font-weight: bold">*</span>';
            echo ': ';
            echo '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $input['id'] . '" class="' . $input['class'] . '">';
            foreach ($input['options'] as $disp => $value) {
                echo '<option value="' . $value . '"';
                if (!$clear_form && $value == $default_value) {
                    echo 'selected="selected"';
                echo '> ' . ucfirst($disp) . '</option>';
            echo '</select></p>';
            //echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$input['value'].'"/></p>';
        if ($input['id'] == 'datepicker' && $datepicker == FALSE) {
            $datepicker = TRUE;
    if ($datepicker) {
        echo '<style type="text/css">@import url(' . base_url('assets/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.css') . ')</style>';
        echo '<script src="' . base_url('assets/js/jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min.js') . '"></script>';
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">$("#datepicker").datepicker()</script>';
        //echo 'DatePicker On!';
    } else {
        //echo 'WTF!!';
Ejemplo n.º 10
						<fieldset id="curriculumTypefield" <?php 
echo disable_this("curriculumTypefield");
							<div class="create-curriculum-form-group form-group <?php 
echo has_error("curriculumType") ? "has-error" : "";
								<label for="inputCurriculumtype"  class="col-sm-4 control-label"> Curriculum Type </label>
								<div class="col-sm-7">
if ($curriculum_types && is_array($curriculum_types) && count($curriculum_types) > 0) {
    foreach ($curriculum_types as $typei => $typeinfo) {
        echo '
													<label class="radio-inline">
													 	<input type="radio" name="curriculumType" id="inputCurriculumtype' . ($typeinfo ? $typeinfo->getCurriculumtypeid() : 0) . '" value="' . ($typeinfo ? $typeinfo->getCurriculumtypeid() : 0) . '" ' . set_radio('curriculumType', $typeinfo ? $typeinfo->getCurriculumtypeid() : 0, FALSE) . '> ' . ($typeinfo ? $typeinfo->curriculum_type : "") . '
if (has_message("curriculumType")) {
    echo '<span class="help-block">' . get_message("curriculumType") . '</span>';
						<div class="create-curriculum-form-group form-group <?php 
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 8
     echo "<div class=\"row\">\n    <div class=\"module span8 offset2\">\n            <div class=\"module-head\">\n                <span class=\"pull-right\"><b>Step 4 : </b>User administrator</span>\n                <h3>Install e-learning</h3>\n            </div>\n\n            <div class=\"module-body\">\n\n                ";
     // line 17
     if ((isset($context["success"]) ? $context["success"] : null) == false) {
         // line 18
         echo "                <div class=\"well well-small\" style=\"box-shadow: none;\">\n                    Buat pengajar yang bertindak sebagai administrator.\n                </div>\n                ";
         // line 21
         echo form_open_multipart("setup/index/4", array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
         echo "\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">NIP</label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" id=\"nip\" name=\"nip\" class=\"span4\" value=\"";
         // line 25
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nip"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 26
         echo form_error("nip");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Nama <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
         // line 32
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 33
         echo form_error("nama");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Jenis Kelamin <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Laki-laki\" ";
         // line 39
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Laki-laki"), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Laki-laki</label>\n                            <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Perempuan\" ";
         // line 40
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Perempuan"), "html", null, true);
         echo "> Perempuan</label>\n                            <br>";
         // line 41
         echo form_error("jenis_kelamin");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Tempat Lahir</label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"tempat_lahir\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
         // line 47
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tempat_lahir"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 48
         echo form_error("tempat_lahir");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Tanggal Lahir</label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 10%;\" name=\"tgl_lahir\">\n                                <option value=\"\">Tgl</option>\n                                ";
         // line 56
         $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
         $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 31));
         foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
             // line 57
             echo "                                    <option value=\"";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
             echo "\" ";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("tgl_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
             echo ">";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
             echo "</option>\n                                ";
         $_parent = $context['_parent'];
         unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
         $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
         // line 59
         echo "                            </select>\n                            <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 17%;\" name=\"bln_lahir\">\n                                <option value=\"\">Bulan</option>\n                                ";
         // line 62
         $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
         $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 12));
         foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
             // line 63
             echo "                                    <option value=\"";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
             echo "\" ";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("bln_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
             echo ">";
             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, get_indo_bulan(isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
             echo "</option>\n                                ";
         $_parent = $context['_parent'];
         unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
         $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
         // line 65
         echo "                            </select>\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"thn_lahir\" class=\"span2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"";
         // line 66
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("thn_lahir"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" placeholder=\"Tahun\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 67
         echo form_error("thn_lahir");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Alamat</label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" name=\"alamat\" class=\"span10\" value=\"";
         // line 73
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("alamat"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 74
         echo form_error("alamat");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Username <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"text\" id=\"username\" name=\"username\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
         // line 80
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("username"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" placeholder=\"alamat email\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 81
         echo form_error("username");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Password <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
         // line 87
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("password"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 88
         echo form_error("password");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <label class=\"control-label\">Ulangi Password <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <input type=\"password\" name=\"password2\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
         // line 94
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("password2"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">\n                            <br>";
         // line 95
         echo form_error("password2");
         echo "\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                    <div class=\"control-group\">\n                        <div class=\"controls\">\n                            <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Register</button>\n                        </div>\n                    </div>\n                ";
         // line 103
         echo form_close();
         echo "\n\n                ";
     } else {
         // line 106
         echo "\n                    <div class=\"well well-small\" style=\"box-shadow: none;\">\n                        Instalasi e-learning berhasil, <a href=\"";
         // line 108
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("login"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\">login administrator</a>.\n                    </div>\n\n                ";
     // line 112
     echo "            </div>\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
echo form_label('Debet/Kredit', 'detail_d', array('class' => 'control-label'));
                                                <div class="btn btn-xs btn-primary btn-block">
echo form_radio('tipe_detail', 'D', set_radio('tipe_detail', 'D'), 'id="detail_d" style="" class="tipe_detail" ');
echo form_label('Debet', 'detail_d', array('class' => 'control-label', 'style' => 'margin:5px 10px')) . "<br>";
                                                <div class=" btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-block">
echo form_radio('tipe_detail', 'K', set_radio('tipe_detail', 'K'), 'id="detail_k" style="" class="tipe_detail" ');
echo form_label('Kredit', 'detail_k', array('class' => 'control-label ', 'style' => 'margin:5px 10px'));
                                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3">
                                        <div class="form-group ">
echo form_label('Nominal', 'nilai', array('class' => 'control-label'));
Ejemplo n.º 13

  <h4>Type de contenu :</h4>
  <div class="center">
echo form_error('Type');
    <label><input type="radio" name="Type" <?php 
echo set_radio('Type', 'Resume');
 value="Resume"/>Résumé de cours</label>
    <label><input type="radio" name="Type" <?php 
echo set_radio('Type', 'Complet');
 value="Complet"/>Cours complet</label><br/><br/>
  <fieldset class="noborder">
echo form_error('Cours');
    <legend><h4>Chemin du contenu(1Mo max):</h4></legend>
    <input type="file" name="Cours" />
echo form_error('code');
Ejemplo n.º 14
echo form_error('post_passwordcf', '<span>', '</span>');
				<td id="post-title"><label>User Email</label><br /><input type="text" name="post_email" value="<?php 
echo set_value('post_email');
" /> <?php 
echo form_error('post_email', '<span>', '</span>');
				<td><label>Thành viên đặc biệt</label><br />Có
				<input type="radio" name="post_featured" value=1 <?php 
echo set_radio('post_featured', '1');
/> Không
				<input type="radio" name="post_featured" value=0 <?php 
echo set_radio('post_featured', '0', TRUE);
				<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Gửi bài" /> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Làm mới" /></td>
Ejemplo n.º 15
    echo lang('text_approved');
} else {
									<label class="btn btn-default active" data-btn="btn-danger"><input type="radio" name="review_status" value="0" <?php 
    echo set_radio('review_status', '0', TRUE);
    echo lang('text_pending_review');
									<label class="btn btn-default" data-btn="btn-success"><input type="radio" name="review_status" value="1" <?php 
    echo set_radio('review_status', '1');
    echo lang('text_approved');
echo form_error('review_status', '<span class="text-danger">', '</span>');
 public function block_content($context, array $blocks = array())
     // line 4
     echo "<div class=\"module\">\n    <div class=\"module-head\">\n        <h3>";
     // line 6
     echo isset($context["module_title"]) ? $context["module_title"] : null;
     echo "</h3>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"module-body\">\n        ";
     // line 9
     echo get_flashdata("siswa");
     echo "\n\n        ";
     // line 11
     echo form_open_multipart("admin/siswa/add/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null), array("class" => "form-horizontal row-fluid"));
     echo "\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">NIS <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" id=\"nis\" name=\"nis\" class=\"span4\" value=\"";
     // line 15
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nis"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 16
     echo form_error("nis");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Nama <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"nama\" class=\"span8\" value=\"";
     // line 22
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("nama"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 23
     echo form_error("nama");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Jenis Kelamin <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Laki-laki\" ";
     // line 29
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Laki-laki"), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Laki-laki</label>\n                    <label class=\"radio inline\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"jenis_kelamin\" value=\"Perempuan\" ";
     // line 30
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_radio("jenis_kelamin", "Perempuan"), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Perempuan</label>\n                    <br>";
     // line 31
     echo form_error("jenis_kelamin");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tahun Masuk <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"tahun_masuk\" class=\"span2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"";
     // line 37
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tahun_masuk"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 38
     echo form_error("tahun_masuk");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Kelas <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <select class=\"span3\" name=\"kelas_id\">\n                        ";
     // line 45
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(isset($context["kelas"]) ? $context["kelas"] : null);
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["k"]) {
         // line 46
         echo "                            <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["k"]) ? $context["k"] : null, "id"), "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("kelas_id", $this->getAttribute(isset($context["k"]) ? $context["k"] : null, "id")), "html", null, true);
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, $this->getAttribute(isset($context["k"]) ? $context["k"] : null, "nama"), "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                        ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['k'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 48
     echo "                    </select>\n                    <br>";
     // line 49
     echo form_error("kelas_id");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tempat Lahir</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"tempat_lahir\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 55
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("tempat_lahir"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 56
     echo form_error("tempat_lahir");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Tanggal Lahir</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 10%;\" name=\"tgl_lahir\">\n                        <option value=\"\">Tgl</option>\n                        ";
     // line 64
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 31));
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
         // line 65
         echo "                            <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("tgl_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                        ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 67
     echo "                    </select>\n                    <select class=\"span2\" style=\"width: 17%;\" name=\"bln_lahir\">\n                        <option value=\"\">Bulan</option>\n                        ";
     // line 70
     $context['_parent'] = (array) $context;
     $context['_seq'] = twig_ensure_traversable(range(1, 12));
     foreach ($context['_seq'] as $context["_key"] => $context["i"]) {
         // line 71
         echo "                            <option value=\"";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null, "html", null, true);
         echo "\" ";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("bln_lahir", isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
         echo ">";
         echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, get_indo_bulan(isset($context["i"]) ? $context["i"] : null), "html", null, true);
         echo "</option>\n                        ";
     $_parent = $context['_parent'];
     unset($context['_seq'], $context['_iterated'], $context['_key'], $context['i'], $context['_parent'], $context['loop']);
     $context = array_intersect_key($context, $_parent) + $_parent;
     // line 73
     echo "                    </select>\n                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"thn_lahir\" class=\"span2\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"";
     // line 74
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("thn_lahir"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" placeholder=\"Tahun\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 75
     echo form_error("thn_lahir");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Agama</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <select name=\"agama\" class=\"span2\">\n                        <option value=\"\">--pilih--</option>\n                        <option value=\"ISLAM\" ";
     // line 83
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "ISLAM"), "html", null, true);
     echo ">ISLAM</option>\n                        <option value=\"KRISTEN\" ";
     // line 84
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "KRISTEN"), "html", null, true);
     echo ">KRISTEN</option>\n                        <option value=\"KATOLIK\" ";
     // line 85
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "KATOLIK"), "html", null, true);
     echo ">KATOLIK</option>\n                        <option value=\"HINDU\" ";
     // line 86
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "HINDU"), "html", null, true);
     echo ">HINDU</option>\n                        <option value=\"BUDHA\" ";
     // line 87
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_select("agama", "BUDHA"), "html", null, true);
     echo ">BUDHA</option>\n                    </select>\n                    <br>";
     // line 89
     echo form_error("agama");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Alamat</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <textarea name=\"alamat\" class=\"span8\">";
     // line 95
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("alamat"), "html", null, true);
     echo "</textarea>\n                    <br>";
     // line 96
     echo form_error("alamat");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Foto</label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"file\" name=\"userfile\">\n                    ";
     // line 103
     echo !twig_test_empty(isset($context["error_upload"]) ? $context["error_upload"] : null) ? isset($context["error_upload"]) ? $context["error_upload"] : null : "";
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Username <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"text\" id=\"username\" name=\"username\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 109
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("username"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" placeholder=\"\">\n\n                    <label class=\"checkbox inline\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"default_username\" id=\"default_username\" onclick=\"username_default()\" value=\"1\" ";
     // line 111
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_checkbox("default_username", "1"), "html", null, true);
     echo "> Gunakan default username</label>\n                    <br>";
     // line 112
     echo form_error("username");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Password <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 118
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("password"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 119
     echo form_error("password");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <label class=\"control-label\">Ulangi Password <span class=\"text-error\">*</span></label>\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <input type=\"password\" name=\"password2\" class=\"span5\" value=\"";
     // line 125
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, set_value("password2"), "html", null, true);
     echo "\">\n                    <br>";
     // line 126
     echo form_error("password2");
     echo "\n                </div>\n            </div>\n            <div class=\"control-group\">\n                <div class=\"controls\">\n                    <button type=\"submit\" class=\"btn btn-primary\">Simpan</button>\n                    <a href=\"";
     // line 132
     echo twig_escape_filter($this->env, site_url("admin/siswa/list/" . (isset($context["status_id"]) ? $context["status_id"] : null)), "html", null, true);
     echo "\" class=\"btn\">Batal</a>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n        ";
     // line 135
     echo form_close();
     echo "\n\n    </div>\n</div>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 17
	<div class="form-group">
		<label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="is_aktif">Status Perangkat Desa</label>
        <div class="col-md-9">
			<div class="radio">
			<input type="radio" name="is_aktif"  value="Y" <?php 
echo set_radio('is_aktif', 'Y', $hasil->is_aktif == 'Y');
			<div class="radio">
			<input type="radio" name="is_aktif"  value="N" <?php 
echo set_radio('is_aktif', 'N', $hasil->is_aktif == 'N');
 />Tidak Aktif
   	<div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-md-3 control-label" for="nik"> NIK</label>
        <div class="col-md-9">
        <span class="help-block">
         <input class="form-control input-md" type="text" name="nik" id="nik" value="<?php 
echo $nik;
" size="25" disabled/> 
Ejemplo n.º 18
            <div class="form-group">
                <label class="col-sm-5 control-label text-orange" for="account_phone"><?php 
echo lang('account_phone');
                <div class="col-sm-7">  
echo form_input(['class' => 'form-control', 'name' => 'phone', 'value' => assign_value('phone')]);

            <label class="checklist">
                <input type="checkbox" name="email_subscribe" value="1" <?php 
echo set_radio('email_subscribe', '1', TRUE);
/> <span class="text-orange"><?php 
echo lang('account_newsletter_subscribe');

            <div class="form-group">
                    <label class="col-sm-5 control-label text-orange" for="account_password"><?php 
echo lang('account_password');
                    <div class="col-sm-7"> 
                    <input type="password" name="password" autocomplete="off" class="form-control" />
Ejemplo n.º 19
            <input type="radio" name="payment" value="<?php 
        echo $code;
" <?php 
        echo set_radio('payment', $code, TRUE);
    } else {
            <input type="radio" name="payment" value="<?php 
        echo $code;
" <?php 
        echo set_radio('payment', $code);
echo $title;
 - <span><?php 
echo $description;
Ejemplo n.º 20

$sex[] = array('name' => 'sex', 'id' => '1', 'value' => '1', 'value_jp' => '男性', 'checked' => set_radio('sex', '1'), 'style' => 'margin:10px');
$sex[] = array('name' => 'sex', 'id' => '2', 'value' => '2', 'value_jp' => '女性', 'checked' => set_radio('sex', '2'), 'style' => 'margin:10px');
$year = array();
$default_select = "";
$year[""] = "---";
for ($i = 1930; $i <= date("Y"); $i++) {
    $year["{$i}"] = $i;
    set_select('year', $i);
    #if($i == 1976 and !$this->input->post('year'))
    #	$year[""] = "----";
$month = array();
$default_select = "";
$month[""] = "--";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
    $month["{$i}"] = $i;
    set_select('month', $i);
$day = array();
$default_select = "";
$day[""] = "--";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
    $day["{$i}"] = $i;
    set_select('day', $i);
$blood_list = array("A", "O", "B", "AB");
$blood = array();
Ejemplo n.º 21
> <?php 
echo lang('Administrator');
                  <label class="radio-inline">
                    <input type="radio" name="role" value="1" <?php 
echo set_radio('role', '1');
> <?php 
echo lang('Employee');
                  <label class="radio-inline">
                    <input type="radio" name="role" value="2" <?php 
echo set_radio('role', '2');
> <?php 
echo lang('Reseller');
echo form_error('role');

              <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="submit"><span class="icon-checkmark"></span> <?php 
echo lang('Submit');
" /></td>
//echo form_radio('gender', 'male', @$mchecked, 'id=male').form_label('Male', 'male');
//echo form_radio('gender', 'female', @$fchecked, 'id=female').form_label('Female','female');
        <td><input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" <?php 
echo set_radio('gender', 'male');
        <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" <?php 
echo set_radio('gender', 'female');
        <td><input type="submit" value="Save" name="register"/></td>
        <!--<td><input type="submit" value="Save"></td>-->
Ejemplo n.º 23
        <h3>Choose Plan
        <hr />
        <div class="plan-wrapper">
          <!-- // plan section -->
foreach ($plan_data as $key => $value) {
          <input type="radio" name="plan_type" id="plan_type<?php 
    echo $key;
" value="<?php 
    echo $value['id'];
" <?php 
    echo set_radio('plan_type', $value['id']);
          <label for="plan_type<?php 
    echo $key;
            <span class="title"><?php 
    echo ucwords($value['plan_type']);
    if ($value['id'] != 27) {
            <span class="price"><?php 
        echo "\$" . $value['plan_amount'];
            <textarea name="enumerated_file" id="enumerated_file" readonly><?php 
echo set_value('enumerated_file', $chart->enumerated_file);

    <div class="row">
        <div class="large-3 columns">
            <label for="stamina_file">Is this a stamina intensive file?</label>
            <input type="radio" name="stamina_file" id="stamina_no" value="0" <?php 
echo set_radio('stamina_file', '0', $chart->stamina_file == "0" ? true : false);
 /><label for="stamina_no">No</label>
            <input type="radio" name="stamina_file" id="stamina_yes" value="1" <?php 
echo set_radio('stamina_file', '1', $chart->stamina_file == "1" ? true : false);
 /><label for="stamina_yes">Yes</label>

        <div class="large-3 columns">
            <label for="file_type">File Type</label>
            <select name="file_type" id="file_type">
                <option value=""></option>
                <option value="speed" <?php 
echo set_select('file_type', 'speed', $chart->file_type == "speed" ? true : false);
                <option value="jack" <?php 
echo set_select('file_type', 'jack', $chart->file_type == "jack" ? true : false);
Ejemplo n.º 25
    echo $question_detail['question'];
    echo form_hidden('q_id', $question_detail['qid']);
    foreach ($options as $optionValues) {
                    <div class="control-group form-group">
        echo form_radio(array('name' => 'user_ans', 'value' => $optionValues['id'], 'checked' => set_radio('user_and', FALSE)));
        echo form_label('<span>' . $optionValues['option_name'] . '</span>');
    echo form_error('user_ans');
            <div class="button-set">
                <input class="submit btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Answer" />
Ejemplo n.º 26
    echo lang('text_yes');
} else {
									<label class="btn btn-danger active"><input type="radio" name="offer_collection" value="0" <?php 
    echo set_radio('offer_collection', '0', TRUE);
    echo lang('text_no');
									<label class="btn btn-success"><input type="radio" name="offer_collection" value="1" <?php 
    echo set_radio('offer_collection', '1');
    echo lang('text_yes');
echo form_error('offer_collection', '<span class="text-danger">', '</span>');
					<div class="form-group">
    public function getFrmPrivilegios($id_submenu = 0, $firs = true, $tipo = null, $showp = false)
        $txt = "";
        $bande = true;
        $res = $this->db->select("p.id_privilegio, p.nombre, p.id_padre, p.url_accion, p.url_icono, p.target_blank, \n\t\t\t\t(SELECT count(id_privilegio) FROM empleados_privilegios WHERE id_empleado = '" . $_SESSION['id_empleado'] . "' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND id_privilegio = p.id_privilegio) as tiene_p")->from('privilegios AS p')->where("p.id_padre = '" . $id_submenu . "'")->order_by('p.nombre', 'asc')->get();
        $txt .= $firs ? '<ul class="treeview">' : '<ul>';
        foreach ($res->result() as $data) {
            $res1 = $this->db->select('Count(p.id_privilegio) AS num')->from('privilegios AS p')->where("p.id_padre = '" . $data->id_privilegio . "'")->get();
            $data1 = $res1->row();
            if ($tipo != null && !is_array($tipo)) {
                $set_nombre = 'dprivilegios';
                $set_val = set_radio($set_nombre, $data->id_privilegio, $tipo == $data->id_privilegio ? true : false);
                $tipo_obj = 'radio';
            } else {
                $set_nombre = 'dprivilegios[]';
                if (is_array($tipo)) {
                    $set_val = set_checkbox($set_nombre, $data->id_privilegio, array_search($data->id_privilegio, $tipo) !== false ? true : false);
                } else {
                    $set_val = set_checkbox($set_nombre, $data->id_privilegio);
                $tipo_obj = 'checkbox';
            if ($bande == true && $firs == true && $showp == true) {
                $txt .= '<li><label>
				<input type="' . $tipo_obj . '" name="' . $set_nombre . '" value="0" ' . $set_val . '> Padre</label>
                $bande = false;
            if ($data1->num > 0) {
                $txt .= '<li><label>
					<input type="' . $tipo_obj . '" name="' . $set_nombre . '" value="' . $data->id_privilegio . '" ' . $set_val . '> ' . $data->nombre . '</label>
					' . $this->getFrmPrivilegios($data->id_privilegio, false, $tipo) . '
            } else {
                $txt .= '<li><label>
					<input type="' . $tipo_obj . '" name="' . $set_nombre . '" value="' . $data->id_privilegio . '" ' . $set_val . '> ' . $data->nombre . '</label>
        $txt .= '</ul>';
        return $txt;
Ejemplo n.º 28
if ($this->session->userdata) {
    $email = $this->session->userdata('email');
} else {
    $email = set_value('email');
							<input  name="pay_method" type="radio" value="1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Paypal
							<img src="" style="width:50px;">
							<div class="paypal_div">
								<input type="image" src="" style="width:200px;">
								<input <?php 
echo set_radio('pay_method', '2', TRUE);
 name="pay_method" type="radio" value="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Authorize.netsad
								<img src="" style="width:200px;">

							<div class="auth_div" style="display:;">
								<form name="auth-form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo base_url('login/do_payment');
								<h5>Personal Info</h5>
									 <div class="row">
					                    <div class="col-sm-6">
					                      <div class="form-group">
Ejemplo n.º 29
                        <span class="input-group-addon add-on"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
echo form_error('exp_date[]');
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <label for="exp_shift2" class="col-sm-12">SHIFT</label>
                    <div class="col-sm-12">
                        <label><input type="radio" name="exp_shift[1]" id="exp_shift" value="Full Time" <?php 
echo set_radio('exp_shift[1]', 'Full Time', FALSE);
> ពេញម៉ោង Full Time</label>
                        <label><input type="radio" name="exp_shift[1]" id="exp_shift" value="Parth Time" <?php 
echo set_radio('exp_shift[1]', 'Part Time', FALSE);
> មិនពេញម៉ោង Part Time</label>
echo form_error('exp_shift[]');
                <div class="col-md-4">
                    <label for="exp_position2" class="col-sm-12">Position</label>
                    <div class="col-sm-12">
                        <input type="text" class="form-control input-sm" id="exp_position2" placeholder="" name="exp_position[]" value="<?php 
// echo $data['exp_position[]'];
" />
Ejemplo n.º 30
        <tbody id="order_statuses">
$statuses = json_decode($order_statuses, true);
if (!is_array($statuses)) {
    $statuses = array();
foreach ($statuses as $os) {
                <td><input type="radio" value="<?php 
    echo htmlentities($os);
" name="order_status" <?php 
    echo set_radio('order_status', $os, $os == $order_status ? true : false);
    echo htmlentities($os);
                <td style="text-align:right;">
                    <button type="button" onclick="if(confirm('<?php 
    echo lang('confirm_delete_order_status');
')){ delete_status($(this).parent().siblings().first().html()); $(this).parent().parent().remove();}" class="btn btn-danger">
                        <i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i>