* custom-looking forms, the ability to separate the creation of form * elements from their display, and being able to use QuickForm in * widget-based template systems. See the online documentation for more * info. * * @author Jason Rust <*****@*****.**> */ require_once "HTML/QuickForm.php"; require_once "HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/QuickHtml.php"; $form =& new HTML_QuickForm('tmp_form', 'POST'); // get our render $renderer =& new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_QuickHtml(); // create the elements createElements($form); // set their values setValues($form); // Do the magic of creating the form. NOTE: order is important here: this must // be called after creating the form elements, but before rendering them. $form->accept($renderer); // Because radio buttons have the same name we have to pass the value // as well as the name in order to get the correct one. $tmp_radio = ' Yes: ' . $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_radio', 'Y'); $tmp_radio .= ' No: ' . $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_radio', 'N'); $tmp_submit = $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_reset'); $tmp_submit .= $renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_submit'); // Make our form table using some of the widget functions. $data = ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="500"> <tr style="font-weight: bold;">' . createHeaderCell('QuickForm using QuickHtml Renderer', 'center', 2) . '</tr> <tr>' . createFormCell($renderer->elementToHtml('tmp_textarea'), 'center', 2) . '</tr> <tr>' . createHeaderCell('Text box (element is part of an array)', 'left') . createHeaderCell('Yes or no?', 'right') . '</tr>
$GLOBALS['pkstu_id'] = $studsList[0]->pkstu_id; $GLOBALS['fkstu_lug_id'] = $studsList[0]->fkstu_lug_id; $GLOBALS['stu_nombre'] = $studsList[0]->stu_nombre; $GLOBALS['stu_fecha_creacion'] = $studsList[0]->stu_fecha_creacion; } function setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked() { $GLOBALS['pkstu_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkstu_id']); $GLOBALS['fkstu_lug_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkstu_lug_id']); $GLOBALS['stu_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['stu_nombre']); $GLOBALS['stu_fecha_creacion'] = test_input($_POST['stu_fecha_creacion']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $studsList = json_decode($db->getStudById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($studsList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkstu_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateStud($pkstu_id, $fkstu_lug_id, $stu_nombre, $stu_fecha_creacion)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../studs.php">'; die; } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../studs.php">'; die; } ?> <!-- Main content -->
public function __invoke() { $this->createLabel(); $alert_text = []; $history = []; $currentTime = new \DateTime(); $today = $currentTime->format('m') + 1 + "/" + $currentTime . getDate() + "/" + $currentTime->format('Y'); $keywordIterator; $line_counter = 0; while ($keywordIterator->hasNext()) { $keyword = keywordIterator . next(); $line_counter++; $current_quality_score = $keyword->qualityScore; $keywordLabelsIterator = keyword . labels() . withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH 'QS: '") . get(); if ($keywordLabelsIterator->hasNext()) { $keyword_label = $keywordLabelsIterator . next(); $matches = new RegExp('QS: ([0-9]+)$') . exec($keyword_label . getName()); $old_quality_score = $matches[1]; } else { $old_quality_score = 0; } // For the history also note the change or whether this keyword is new if ($old_quality_score > 0) { $change = $current_quality_score - $old_quality_score; } else { $change = "NEW"; } $row = [$today, $keyword . getCampaign() . getName(), $keyword . getAdGroup() . getName(), $keyword . getText(), $current_quality_score, $change]; $history . push(row); // If there is a previously tracked quality score and it's different from the current one... if ($old_quality_score > 0 && $current_quality_score != $old_quality_score) { // Make a note of this to log it and possibly send it via email later $alert_text . push($current_quality_score + "\t" + $old_quality_score + "\t" + $change + "\t" + $keyword . getText()); // Remove the old label $keyword . removeLabel($keyword_label . getName()); } // Store the current QS for the next time by using a label $keyword . applyLabel("QS: " + $current_quality_score); } if ($line_counter == 0) { $this->logger->log("Couldn't find any keywords marked for quality score tracking. To mark keywords for tracking, apply the label '" + $label_name + "' to those keywords."); return; } $this->logger->log("Tracked " + $line_counter + " keyword quality scores. To select different keywords for tracking, apply the label '" + $label_name + "' to those keywords."); // Store history $history_sheet = spreadsheet . getSheetByName('QS history'); $history_sheet . getRange($history_sheet . getLastRow() + 1, 1, $history . length, 6) . setValues($history); // If there are notes for alerts then prepare a message to log and possibly send via email if ($alert_text . length) { $message = "The following quality score changes were discovered:\nNew\tOld\tChange\tKeyword\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($alert_text); $i++) { $message += $alert_text[i] + "\n"; } // Also include a link to the spreadsheet $message += "\n" + "The complete history is available at " + $spreadsheet . getUrl(); $this->logger->log($message); // If there is an email address send out a notification if ($email_address && $email_address != "YOUR_EMAIL_HERE") { $this->mailer->sendEmail($email_address, "Quality Score Tracker: Changes detected", $message); } } }
$GLOBALS['pkeje_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkeje_id']); $GLOBALS['fkeje_har_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkeje_har_id']); $GLOBALS['fkeje_pel_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkeje_pel_id']); $GLOBALS['fkeje_raz_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkeje_raz_id']); $GLOBALS['fkeje_mad_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkeje_mad_id']); $GLOBALS['fkeje_pad_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkeje_pad_id']); $GLOBALS['eje_fecha_nacimiento'] = test_input($_POST['eje_fecha_nacimiento']); $GLOBALS['eje_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['eje_nombre']); $GLOBALS['eje_precio'] = test_input($_POST['eje_precio']); $GLOBALS['eje_sexo'] = test_input($_POST['eje_sexo']); $GLOBALS['eje_tatuaje'] = test_input($_POST['eje_tatuaje']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $ejemplaresList = json_decode($db->getEjemplarById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($ejemplaresList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkeje_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateEjemplar($pkeje_id, $fkeje_har_id, $fkeje_pel_id, $fkeje_raz_id, $fkeje_mad_id, $fkeje_pad_id, $eje_fecha_nacimiento, $eje_nombre, $eje_precio, $eje_sexo, $eje_tatuaje)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../ejemplares.php">'; die; } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../ejemplares.php">'; die; } ?> <!-- Main content -->
{ $GLOBALS['pkent_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkent_id']); $GLOBALS['fkent_lug_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkent_lug_id']); $GLOBALS['ent_ci'] = test_input($_POST['ent_ci']); $GLOBALS['ent_primer_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['ent_primer_nombre']); $GLOBALS['ent_segundo_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['ent_segundo_nombre']); $GLOBALS['ent_primer_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['ent_primer_apellido']); $GLOBALS['ent_segundo_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['ent_segundo_apellido']); $GLOBALS['ent_fecha_nacimiento'] = test_input($_POST['ent_fecha_nacimiento']); $GLOBALS['tel_codigo'] = test_input($_POST['tel_codigo']); $GLOBALS['tel_numero'] = test_input($_POST['tel_numero']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $entrenadoresList = json_decode($db->getEntrenadorById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($entrenadoresList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkent_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateEntrenador($pkent_id, $fkent_lug_id, $ent_ci, $ent_primer_nombre, $ent_segundo_nombre, $ent_primer_apellido, $ent_segundo_apellido, $ent_fecha_nacimiento)); if ($answer->action != "error") { $answer = @json_decode($db->updateTelefono($pkent_id, $tel_codigo, $tel_numero)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../entrenadores.php">'; die; } } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../entrenadores.php">'; die; }
$GLOBALS['fkjin_lug_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkjin_lug_id']); $GLOBALS['jin_ci'] = test_input($_POST['jin_ci']); $GLOBALS['jin_primer_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['jin_primer_nombre']); $GLOBALS['jin_segundo_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['jin_segundo_nombre']); $GLOBALS['jin_primer_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['jin_primer_apellido']); $GLOBALS['jin_segundo_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['jin_segundo_apellido']); $GLOBALS['jin_fecha_nacimiento'] = test_input($_POST['jin_fecha_nacimiento']); $GLOBALS['jin_altura'] = test_input($_POST['jin_altura']); $GLOBALS['jin_experiencia'] = test_input($_POST['jin_experiencia']); $GLOBALS['tel_codigo'] = test_input($_POST['tel_codigo']); $GLOBALS['tel_numero'] = test_input($_POST['tel_numero']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $jinetesList = json_decode($db->getJineteById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($jinetesList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkjin_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateJinete($pkjin_id, $fkjin_lug_id, $jin_ci, $jin_primer_nombre, $jin_segundo_nombre, $jin_primer_apellido, $jin_segundo_apellido, $jin_fecha_nacimiento, $jin_altura, $jin_experiencia)); if ($answer->action != "error") { $answer = @json_decode($db->updateTelefono($pkjin_id, $tel_codigo, $tel_numero)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../jinetes.php">'; die; } } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../jinetes.php">'; die; }
$GLOBALS['ins_favorito'] = $inscripcionesList[0]->ins_favorito; } function setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked() { $GLOBALS['pkins_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkins_id']); $GLOBALS['fkins_car_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkins_car_id']); $GLOBALS['fkins_cor_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkins_cor_id']); $GLOBALS['ins_valor'] = test_input($_POST['ins_valor']); $GLOBALS['ins_gualdrapa'] = test_input($_POST['ins_gualdrapa']); $GLOBALS['ins_puesto_partida'] = test_input($_POST['ins_puesto_partida']); $GLOBALS['ins_favorito'] = test_input($_POST['ins_favorito']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $inscripcionesList = json_decode($db->getInscripcionById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($inscripcionesList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkins_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateInscripcion($pkins_id, $fkins_car_id, $fkins_cor_id, $ins_valor, $ins_gualdrapa, $ins_puesto_partida, $ins_favorito)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../inscripciones.php">'; die; } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../inscripciones.php">'; die; } ?> <!-- Main content -->
$GLOBALS['pkpro_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkpro_id']); $GLOBALS['fkpro_lug_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkpro_lug_id']); $GLOBALS['pro_ci'] = test_input($_POST['pro_ci']); $GLOBALS['pro_primer_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['pro_primer_nombre']); $GLOBALS['pro_segundo_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['pro_segundo_nombre']); $GLOBALS['pro_primer_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['pro_primer_apellido']); $GLOBALS['pro_segundo_apellido'] = test_input($_POST['pro_segundo_apellido']); $GLOBALS['pro_fecha_nacimiento'] = test_input($_POST['pro_fecha_nacimiento']); $GLOBALS['pro_correo'] = test_input($_POST['pro_correo']); $GLOBALS['tel_codigo'] = test_input($_POST['tel_codigo']); $GLOBALS['tel_numero'] = test_input($_POST['tel_numero']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $propietariosList = json_decode($db->getPropietarioById($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($propietariosList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkpro_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); $answer = @json_decode($db->updatePropietario($pkpro_id, $fkpro_lug_id, $pro_ci, $pro_primer_nombre, $pro_segundo_nombre, $pro_primer_apellido, $pro_segundo_apellido, $pro_fecha_nacimiento, $pro_correo)); if ($answer->action != "error") { $answer = @json_decode($db->updateTelefono($pkpro_id, $tel_codigo, $tel_numero)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../propietarios.php">'; die; } } } } else { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../propietarios.php">'; die; }
return; } $db = acquireDatabase(); $loader = new User($db); try { $res = $loader->loadId($_SESSION['uid']); if (sizeof($res) <= 0) { sendMessage(ERR, 'Couldn\'t find you user ID in the database. Please contact the administrator.'); return; } $obj = $res[0]; if ($obj->getState() == 'FILLDATA') { // We need to set at least the name if (!isset($_GET['name'])) { sendMessage(ERR, 'You need to set at least your name.'); return; } $obj->setName($_GET['name']); $obj->setState('FINAL'); } setValues($obj); if ($obj->save() !== FALSE) { $_SESSION['name'] = $obj->getName(); sendMessage(OK, 'User ' . $obj->getName() . ' updated successfully.'); } else { sendMessage(ERR, 'User ' . $obj->getName() . ' could not be updated due to an database error.'); } } catch (DbException $e) { sendMessage(ERR, $e->getMessage()); } $db->close();
$GLOBALS['usu_clave'] = $usuariosList[0]->usu_clave; $GLOBALS['usu_imagen'] = $usuariosList[0]->usu_imagen; } function setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked() { $GLOBALS['pkusu_id'] = test_input($_POST['pkusu_id']); $GLOBALS['fkusu_rol_id'] = test_input($_POST['fkusu_rol_id']); $GLOBALS['usu_nombre'] = test_input($_POST['usu_nombre']); $GLOBALS['usu_correo'] = test_input($_POST['usu_correo']); $GLOBALS['usu_clave'] = test_input($_POST['usu_clave']); $GLOBALS['usu_imagen'] = test_input($_POST['usu_imagen']); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST['update_id'])) { $usuariosList = json_decode($db->getUsuarioPorId($_POST['update_id'])); setValues($usuariosList); } elseif (!empty($_POST['pkusu_id'])) { setValuesWhenSubmitIsClicked(); var_dump($_POST['usu_clave']); $answer = @json_decode($db->updateUsuario($pkusu_id, $fkusu_rol_id, $usu_nombre, $usu_correo, $usu_clave, $usu_imagen)); if ($answer->action != "error") { echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=../usuarios.php">'; die; } } } ?> <!-- Main content --> <section class="content"> <div class="row">