update('pagers', $g, "post_id = '{$urledit}' "); } if (!empty($_POST['medidas'])) { $h['post_id'] = $postedit['id']; $h['measure'] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['medidas'])); update('measures', $h, "post_id = '{$urledit}' "); } if (!empty($_POST['papel_tipo'])) { $i['post_id'] = $postedit['id']; $i['paper_type'] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['papel_tipo'])); update('papers', $i, "post_id = '{$urledit}' "); } $f['data'] = formDate($f['date']); unset($f['date']); if ($postedit['titulo'] != $f['titulo']) { $f['url'] = setUri($f['titulo']); $readPostUri = read('posts', "WHERE url LIKE '%{$f['url']}%' AND id != '{$urledit}'"); if ($readPostUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '-' . count($readPostUri); $readPostUri = read('posts', "WHERE url = '{$f['url']}' AND id != '{$urledit}'"); if ($readPostUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '_' . time(); } } } else { $f['url'] = $postedit['url']; } if (!empty($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name'])) { $pasta = '../uploads/'; $ano = date('Y'); $mes = date('m');
//define ('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', FULL PATH TO DIRECTORY WHERE CAKE CORE IS INSTALLED DO NOT ADD A TRAILING DIRECTORY SEPARATOR'; define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', ROOT); } if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS); define('APP_PATH', null); define('CORE_PATH', null); } else { define('APP_PATH', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS); define('CORE_PATH', CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS); } require CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'basics.php'; require APP_PATH . 'config' . DS . 'core.php'; require CORE_PATH . 'cake' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'paths.php'; $bootstrap = true; $uri = setUri(); /** * As mod_rewrite (or .htaccess files) is not working, we need to take care * of what would normally be rewritten, i.e. the static files in app/webroot/ */ if ($uri === '/' || $uri === '/index.php') { $_GET['url'] = '/'; require APP_DIR . DS . WEBROOT_DIR . DS . 'index.php'; } else { $elements = explode('/index.php', $uri); if (!empty($elements[1])) { $path = $elements[1]; } else { $path = '/'; } $_GET['url'] = $path;
echo '<span class="alert alert-error" style="float:left;">Desculpe, Você não tem permissão para gerenciar as categorias!</span>'; } else { ?> <section class="span8"> <a href="index2.php?exe=posts/categorias" title="Voltar" class="pull-right btn-primary">Voltar</a> <?php if (isset($_POST['sendForm'])) { $f['nome'] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nome']))); $f['date'] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['data']))); $f['tipo'] = 'dropmenu'; if (in_array('', $f)) { echo '<span class="alert alert-info" style="float:left;">Preencha todos os Campos!</span>'; } else { $f['data'] = formDate($f['date']); unset($f['date']); $f['url'] = setUri($f['nome']); $readCatUri = read('cat', "WHERE url LIKE '%{$f['url']}%'"); if ($readCatUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '-' . count($readCatUri); $readCatUri = read('cat', "WHERE url = '{$f['url']}'"); if ($readCatUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '_' . time(); } } create('cat', $f); $_SESSION['return'] = '<span class="alert alert-success">Categoria criada com sucesso!</span>'; header('Location: index2.php?exe=posts/categorias-create'); } } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['return'])) { echo $_SESSION['return']; unset($_SESSION['return']);
} } ?> <section class="span8"> <a href="index2.php?exe=posts/categorias" title="Voltar" class="pull-right btn-primary">Voltar</a> <?php if (isset($_POST['sendForm'])) { $f['nome'] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nome']))); $f['date'] = htmlspecialchars(stripcslashes(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['data']))); if (in_array('', $f)) { echo '<span class="alert alert-info">Preencha todos os Campos!</span>'; } else { $f['id_pai'] = $urlpai; $f['data'] = formDate($f['date']); unset($f['date']); $f['url'] = $prefix . '-' . setUri($f['nome']); $readCatUri = read('cat', "WHERE url LIKE '%{$f['url']}%'"); if ($readCatUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '-' . count($readCatUri); $readCatUri = read('cat', "WHERE url = '{$f['url']}'"); if ($readCatUri) { $f['url'] = $f['url'] . '_' . time(); } } create('cat', $f); $_SESSION['return'] = '<span class="alert alert-success">Categoria atualizada com sucesso!</span>'; header('Location: index2.php?exe=posts/categorias-subcreate&idpai=' . $urlpai . '&uri=' . $prefix); } } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['return'])) { echo $_SESSION['return']; unset($_SESSION['return']);
<?php if (isset($_POST['sg'])) { if (!empty($_FILES['thumb']['tmp_name'])) { $pasta = "../upload/"; $ano = date('Y'); $mes = date('m'); if (!file_exists($pasta . $ano) && is_dir($pasta . $ano)) { mkdir($pasta . $ano, 0755); } if (!file_exists($pasta . $ano . '/' . $mes)) { mkdir($pasta . $ano . '/' . $mes, 0755); } $img = $_FILES['thumb']; $ext = substr($img['name'], -3); $thumb = $ano . '/' . $mes . '/' . setUri($img['name']); uploadImage($img['tmp_name'], setUri($img['name']), '600', $pasta . $ano . '/' . $mes . '/'); } $d = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $campos = array('post_id' => $postId, 'img' => $thumb, 'data' => $d); create("galeria", $campos); } ?> <?php // deleta imagem no bando e na pasta upload if (!empty($_GET['iddel'])) { $iddel = $_GET['iddel']; $img = $_GET['img']; $pasta = $pasta = "../upload/"; if (file_exists($pasta . $img)) { unlink($pasta . $img);
} } /** * Security DATA PRINT for API AUTH * * @category Pulse * @package Pulse * @author Ferdinand Martin * @since File available since Release 1.0.0 */ function printAuth() { return json_encode(array('PubicKey' => $_SESSION['rest.pu'])); } /** * Security ERROR PRINT for API AUTH * * @category Pulse * @package Pulse * @author Ferdinand Martin * @since File available since Release 1.0.0 */ function errorAuth() { return json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'code' => '401', 'message' => 'Authorization Required.', 'exception' => 'Missing public-key authorization header.')); } // @URIs External URL definition setUri('documentationUrl', 'http://doc.pulseframework.com'); setUri('communityUrl', 'http://doc.pulseframework.com'); setUri('tutosUrl', 'http://doc.pulseframework.com');
/** * Returns a base URL. * * @return string Base URL */ function baseUrl() { $htaccess = null; $base = $this->admin; $this->webroot = ''; if (defined('BASE_URL')) { $base = BASE_URL . $this->admin; } $docRoot = env('DOCUMENT_ROOT'); $scriptName = env('PHP_SELF'); $r = null; $appDirName = str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_quote(APP_DIR)); $webrootDirName = str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_quote(WEBROOT_DIR)); if (preg_match('/' . $appDirName . '\\' . DS . $webrootDirName . '/', $docRoot)) { $this->webroot = '/'; if (preg_match('/^(.*)\\/index\\.php$/', $scriptName, $r)) { if (!empty($r[1])) { return $base . $r[1]; } } } else { if (defined('BASE_URL')) { $webroot = setUri(); $htaccess = preg_replace('/(?:' . APP_DIR . '\\/(.*)|index\\.php(.*))/i', '', $webroot) . APP_DIR . '/' . $webrootDirName . '/'; } if (preg_match('/^(.*)\\/' . $appDirName . '\\/' . $webrootDirName . '\\/index\\.php$/', $scriptName, $regs)) { if (APP_DIR === 'app') { $appDir = null; } else { $appDir = '/' . APP_DIR; } !empty($htaccess) ? $this->webroot = $htaccess : ($this->webroot = $regs[1] . $appDir . '/'); return $base . $regs[1] . $appDir; } elseif (preg_match('/^(.*)\\/' . $webrootDirName . '([^\\/i]*)|index\\\\.php$/', $scriptName, $regs)) { !empty($htaccess) ? $this->webroot = $htaccess : ($this->webroot = $regs[0] . '/'); return $base . $regs[0]; } else { !empty($htaccess) ? $this->webroot = $htaccess : ($this->webroot = '/'); return $base; } } return $base; }
?> /tpl/images/logo.png" alt="Logo <?php echo SITENAME; ?> " title="<?php echo SITENAME; ?> - Entretenimento, games, internet e tecnologia" /> </a> </div><!-- /header-logo --> <div class="search"> <?php if (isset($_POST['search'])) { $pesquisa = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['s']); $pesquisa = setUri($pesquisa); header('Location: ' . BASE . '/pesquisa/' . $pesquisa); } ?> <form name="search" action="" method="post"> <label><input type="text" name="s" value="" /></label> <input type="submit" class="btn" value="" name="search" /> </form> </div><!-- /headr-search --> <ul class="hnav"> <li><a title="<?php echo SITENAME; ?> | Home" href="<?php setHome();
if (function_exists(getUser)) { if (!getUser($_SESSION['autUser']['id'], '1')) { echo '<span class="alert alert-error" style="float:left;">Desculpe, Você não tem permissão para gerenciar as cores!</span>'; } else { ?> <section class="span8"> <a href="index2.php?exe=system/cores" title="Artigos" class="pull-right label label-info">Listar Cores</a> <?php if (isset($_POST['sendForm'])) { $f['color_name'] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['color_name'])); $f['color_hexadecimal'] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['color_hexadecimal'])); $f['color_rgb'] = htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['color_rgb'])); if (in_array('', $f)) { echo '<span class="alert alert-info">Informe todos os Campos!</span>'; } else { $f['color_name_url'] = setUri($f['color_name']); $readPostUri = read('colors', "WHERE color_name_url LIKE '%{$f['color_name_url']}%'"); if ($readPostUri) { $f['color_name_url'] = $f['color_name_url'] . '-' . count($readPostUri); $readPostUrl = read('colors', "WHERE color_name_url = '{$f['color_name_url']}'"); if ($readPostUrl) { $f['color_name_url'] = $f['color_name_url'] . '_' . time(); } } create('colors', $f); $_SESSION['return'] = '<span class="alert alert-success">Categoria criada com sucesso!</span>'; header('Location: index2.php?exe=system/cores-create'); } } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['return'])) { echo $_SESSION['return']; unset($_SESSION['return']);