function doAuth($info, $trusted = null, $fail_cancels = false) { if (!$info) { // There is no authentication information, so bail return authCancel(null); } $req_url = $info->identity; $user = getLoggedInUser(); setRequestInfo($info); if ($req_url != $user) { return login_render(array(), $req_url, $req_url); } $sites = getSessionSites(); $trust_root = $info->trust_root; $fail_cancels = $fail_cancels || isset($sites[$trust_root]); $trusted = isset($trusted) ? $trusted : isTrusted($req_url, $trust_root); if ($trusted) { setRequestInfo(); $server =& getServer(); $response =& $info->answer(true); $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } return array($new_headers, $webresponse->body); } elseif ($fail_cancels) { return authCancel($info); } else { return trust_render($info); } }
function doAuth($info, $trusted = null, $fail_cancels = false, $idpSelect = null) { if (!$info) { // There is no authentication information, so bail return authCancel(null); } if ($info->idSelect()) { if ($idpSelect) { $req_url = idURL($idpSelect); } else { $trusted = false; } } else { $req_url = $info->identity; } $user = getLoggedInUser(); setRequestInfo($info); if (!$info->idSelect() && $req_url != idURL($user)) { return login_render(array(), $req_url, $req_url); } $trust_root = $info->trust_root; if ($trusted) { setRequestInfo(); $server =& getServer(); $response =& $info->answer(true, null, $req_url); // Answer with some sample Simple Registration data. $sreg_data = array('fullname' => 'Example User', 'nickname' => 'example', 'dob' => '1970-01-01', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'gender' => 'F', 'postcode' => '12345', 'country' => 'ES', 'language' => 'eu', 'timezone' => 'America/New_York'); // Add the simple registration response values to the OpenID // response message. $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($info); $sreg_response = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::extractResponse($sreg_request, $sreg_data); $sreg_response->toMessage($response->fields); // Generate a response to send to the user agent. $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } return array($new_headers, $webresponse->body); } elseif ($fail_cancels) { return authCancel($info); } else { return trust_render($info); } }
/** * Log out the currently logged in user */ function action_logout() { setLoggedInUser(null); setRequestInfo(null); return authCancel(null); }
function doAuth($info, $trusted = null, $fail_cancels = false, $idpSelect = null) { if (!$info) { // There is no authentication information, so bail return authCancel(null); } $auth = getAuth(); $cert_webid_23 = str_replace('#', '%23', $auth['agent']['webid']); $cert_webid = str_replace('http://', '', $cert_webid_23); // $cert_webid = urlencode($auth['agent']['webid']); if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) { $host = ""; } else { $host = ""; } $normalized_webid = $host . $cert_webid; if ($info->idSelect()) { // if ($idpSelect) { // $req_url = idURL($idpSelect); if ($auth[isAuthenticated]) { $req_url = $normalized_webid; } else { $trusted = false; } // } else { // $trusted = false; // } } else { $req_url = $info->identity; if ($req_url != $normalized_webid) { //Get link header $link_webid = fetch_foaf_profile($req_url); if ($cert_webid == $link_webid) { $trusted = true; } else { $agent = get_agent(urldecode($link_webid)); /* print "<pre>"; print_r($agent); print "</pre>"; */ $link_webid = isset($agent['agent']['webid']) ? str_replace('#', '%23', $agent['agent']['webid']) : ''; if ($cert_webid_23 == $link_webid) { $trusted = true; } else { $trusted = false; } } } else { $trusted = true; } } $user = getLoggedInUser(); setRequestInfo($info); /* if ((!$info->idSelect()) && ($req_url != idURL($user))) { return login_render(array(), $req_url, $req_url); } */ $trust_root = $info->trust_root; if ($trusted) { setRequestInfo(); $server =& getServer(); $response =& $info->answer(true, null, $req_url); // Answer with some sample Simple Registration data. $agent = get_agent($auth['agent']['webid']); $sreg_data = array(); if ($fullname = $agent['agent']['name']) { $sreg_data = array_merge($sreg_data, array('fullname' => $fullname)); } if ($nickname = $agent['agent']['nick'][0]) { $sreg_data = array_merge($sreg_data, array('nickname' => $nickname)); } if ($mbox = $agent['agent']['mbox'][0]) { $mbox = str_replace('mailto:', '', $mbox); $sreg_data = array_merge($sreg_data, array('email' => $mbox)); } // Add the simple registration response values to the OpenID // response message. $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($info); $sreg_response = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::extractResponse($sreg_request, $sreg_data); $sreg_response->toMessage($response->fields); // Generate a response to send to the user agent. $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } return array($new_headers, $webresponse->body); } elseif ($fail_cancels) { return authCancel($info); } else { return trust_render($info); } }
<?php require_once 'openid_server_include.php'; require_once 'lib/session.php'; require_once 'lib/actions.php'; if (elgg_get_viewtype() == 'xrds') { echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); exit(0); } $store = getOpenIDServerStore(); $server =& getServer(); $request = $server->decodeRequest(); setRequestInfo($request); $action = getAction(); if (!function_exists($action)) { $action = 'action_default'; } $resp = $action(); if (!empty($resp)) { writeResponse($resp); } else { echo elgg_view_page($title, $body); exit(0); }
require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/openid_server_include.php'; require_once 'lib/common.php'; require_once 'lib/session.php'; $iframe_template = <<<END <iframe width="%s" height="%s" src="%s" > </iframe>'); END; $openid_url = getLoggedinUser(); $store = getOpenIDServerStore(); $sites = $store->getAutoLoginSites(); $request = getRequestInfo(); if ($request) { $return_url = $request->return_to; setRequestInfo(null); } else { $return_url = $CONFIG->wwwroot; } // TODO: get this to work with posts $iframes = ''; foreach ($sites as $site) { $iframes .= sprintf($iframe_template, $site->width, $site->height, sprintf($site->auto_login, $openid_url)); } $body = elgg_view("openid_server/forms/autologin", array('iframes' => $iframes, 'return_to' => $return_url)); $CONFIG->events['login'] = array(); login(); header("Content-type:text/html"); print $body;
function action_authorize() { $server =& getServer(); $info = getRequestInfo(); if (!$info) { $info = $server->decodeRequest(); } // Throw away the info, we no longer need it. setRequestInfo(); $trusted = isset($_POST['save']); if ($trusted) { return send_geni_user($server, $info); } else { return send_cancel($info); } }
$user_path = substr($user, strpos($user, ":")); if ($info->message->isOpenID1() && $req_url_path != $user_path) { register_error(sprintf(elgg_echo("openid_server:loggedin_as_wrong_user"), $req_url, $user)); forward(); } else { $trust_root = $info->trust_root; $trusted = isset($trusted) ? $trusted : isTrusted($identity, $trust_root); if ($trusted) { setRequestInfo(); $server =& getServer(); if ($info->message->isOpenID1()) { $response =& $info->answer(true, null, $req_url); } else { $response =& $info->answer(true, null, getServerURL(), $identity); } addSregFields($response, $info, $identity); $webresponse =& $server->encodeResponse($response); $new_headers = array(); foreach ($webresponse->headers as $k => $v) { $new_headers[] = $k . ": " . $v; } writeResponse(array($new_headers, $webresponse->body)); exit(0); } elseif ($fail_cancels) { setRequestInfo(); forward($info->getCancelURL()); } else { writeResponse(trust_render($info)); } } }
function render_serve($method, &$request, &$template) { global $storage; $server =& getServer(); $http_request = $request; $request = Auth_OpenID::fixArgs($request); $request = $server->decodeRequest($request); if (!$request) { Server_redirect(getServerURL()); } if (is_a($request, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError')) { Server_handleResponse($request); } setRequestInfo($request, Server_requestSregData($http_request)); if (in_array($request->mode, array('checkid_immediate', 'checkid_setup'))) { $urls = array(); $account = Server_getAccount(); if ($account) { $urls = $storage->getUrlsForAccount($account); } if ($request->immediate && !$account) { $response =& $request->answer(false, getServerURL()); } else { if ($account && $storage->isTrusted($account, $request->trust_root) && in_array($request->identity, $urls)) { $response =& $request->answer(true); addSregData($account, $response); } else { if ($account != $storage->getAccountForUrl($request->identity)) { Server_clearAccount(); setRequestInfo($request, Server_requestSregData($http_request)); $http_request['action'] = 'trust'; Server_needAuth($http_request); } else { if ($storage->isTrusted($account, $request->trust_root)) { $response =& $request->answer(true); addSregData($account, $response); } else { Server_redirect(getServerURL(), 'trust'); } } } } } else { $response =& $server->handleRequest($request); } setRequestInfo(); Server_handleResponse($response); }