public function init(array $argv = array(), $verbosity = 0) { $this->_verbosity = $verbosity; /* First element is the php script name. Store it for debugging. */ $this->_php_exec = array_shift($argv); /* Second element is just the executable we called to run ZF commands. Store it for printing errors/usage. */ $this->_native_exec = array_shift($argv); $opts = $this->getOptions()->addArguments($argv); $opts->parse(); // Shortcut to verbosity option so that we can display more earlier if (isset($opts->verbosity)) { $this->_verbosity = $opts->verbosity; } // Shortcut to help option so that no arguments have to be specified if (isset($opts->help)) { $this->printHelp(); return null; } try { $actionName = array_shift($argv); $context = Zend_Build_Manifest::getInstance()->getContext(self::MF_ACTION_TYPE, $actionName); $config = $this->_parseParams($context, $argv); $action = new $context->class(); $action . setConfig($config); $action . configure(); } catch (Zend_Console_Exception $e) { throw $e->prependUsage($this->getUsage()); } return $this; }
public function __call($func, $argv) { if (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'get') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $key = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (isset($argv[0])) { $environment = $argv[0]; } else { $environment = APPLICATION_ENV; } return getConfig($key, $environment); } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'set') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $key = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); $value = Arrays::first($argv); if (isset($argv[1])) { $environment = $argv[1]; } else { $environment = 'all'; } setConfig($key, $value, $environment); return $this; } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'has') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $key = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (isset($argv[0])) { $environment = $argv[0]; } else { $environment = APPLICATION_ENV; } return null !== getConfig($key, $environment); } }
function updatesyncredit($syncredit) { require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('uc_syncredit', $syncredit); updatecache_c(); return new ApiResponse(1); }
function goAction($act, $category_id, $course_id, $courses, $exercises) { if (!$act || $act == null) { $act = "default"; } switch ($act) { case 'default': showPage(); break; case 'getCategory': showCategories(); break; case 'getCategoryJson': showCategoryTree(); break; case 'getCourses': showCourses($category_id); break; case 'getTracks': showTracks($category_id, $course_id); break; case 'getScores': showScores($category_id, $course_id); break; case 'getSummary': showSummary($category_id, $courses, $exercises); break; case 'getExcel': showExcel($category_id, $courses, $exercises); break; case 'getCfgs': showConfig($category_id, $course_id); break; case 'saveCfgs': $count = $_GET['count']; $configs = $_GET['config']; setConfig($category_id, $course_id, $count, $configs); break; case 'createCfgs': $quiz_count = @$_GET['count']; if (!isset($quiz_count) || $quiz_count == null || $quiz_count <= 0) { drawConfigPanel($category_id, $course_id); } else { drawConfigPanel($category_id, $course_id, $quiz_count); } break; case 'removeCfgs': removeConfig($category_id, $course_id); break; case 'getStudents': showStudentConfigs(); break; case 'saveStudents': $students = $_GET['s']; saveStudentConfigs($students); break; } }
function setConfig($key, $value) { if (!$key) { return true; } require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('db_' . $key, $value); updatecache_c(); }
/** * 插入站长中心id * @param int $siteId 站长中心id * @return bool */ function insertWebmasterKey($siteId) { if ($siteId <= 0) { return new ApiResponse(false); } require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('db_siteappkey', $siteId); updatecache_c(); return new ApiResponse(true); }
public function test_matchPWD() { setConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE", "logiks"); $salt = strtr(base64_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM)), '+', '.'); $algo_actual = getPWDHash('test', $salt); $first = matchPWD($algo_actual, 'test', $salt); $this->assertEquals(true, $first); $first = matchPWD($algo_actual, 'testing', $salt); $this->assertEquals(false, $first); }
function appsUpdateCache($apps) { if ($apps && is_array($apps)) { require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('db_apps_list', $apps); updatecache_c(); return new ApiResponse(true); } else { return new ApiResponse(false); } }
function create_dbconfig_table() { $dir = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); require_once $dir . '/config.php'; $table = 'config'; $params = array(array('id', 'int(11)', 'NOT NULL', 'AUTO_INCREMENT'), array('name', 'varchar(255)', 'DEFAULT NULL'), array('value', 'varchar(255)', 'DEFAULT NULL'), array('PRIMARY KEY (id)'), array('UNIQUE KEY name (name)')); $newTable = $DB->createTable($table, $params); if ($newTable) { setConfig('toto', 'titi'); return true; } }
function _saveBindInfo($options) { require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; global ${$this->_config_key}; $bindInfo = ${$this->_config_key} ? ${$this->_config_key} : array(); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $bindInfo[$key] = $value; } ${$this->_config_key} = $bindInfo; setConfig($this->_config_key, $bindInfo); updatecache_c(); return true; }
function matchPWD($pwdHash, $pwd, $salt = null) { if (strlen(getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE")) <= 0 || !getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE")) { setConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE", "logiks"); } $newHash = getPWDHash($pwd, $salt); // printArray([$newHash,$pwd,$salt,$pwdHash]); if (is_array($newHash)) { $newHash = $newHash['hash']; } //println($pwdHash);println(getPWDHash($pwd, $salt));exit($pwd); // println(($pwdHash===$newHash));exit("XXX $pwdHash $newHash ".getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE")); return $pwdHash === $newHash; }
function checkBan() { // We need the database and the current time. global $DB; global $TIMEMARK; // Get the ban time, the maximum attempts etc.. $maxAllowedPerIP = getConfig("banAttempts"); $banTime = getConfig("banTime") * 60; $timeFrame = 1800; $targetTimeStamp = $TIMEMARK - $timeFrame; // Enforce minimal settings. if ($maxAllowedPerIP < 5) { setConfig("banAttempts", "5"); $maxAllowedPerIP = 5; } if ($banTime < 60) { setConfig("banTime", "1"); $banTime = 60; } // Wash the username and IP. $username = strtolower(sanitize($_POST[username])); $ip = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]; // Load counts from database. $attemptsIP = $DB->getCol("SELECT COUNT(incident) FROM failed_logins WHERE ip='" . $ip . "' AND failed_logins.time > " . $targetTimeStamp); $attemptsUsername = $DB->getCol("SELECT COUNT(incident) FROM failed_logins WHERE username='******' AND failed_logins.time > " . $targetTimeStamp); // Deny access if limits reached. if ($attemptsIP[0] > $maxAllowedPerIP || $attemptsUsername[0] > $maxAllowedPerIP) { // Get the time of the latest attempt. $latestAttempt = $DB->getCol("SELECT time FROM failed_logins WHERE ip='" . $ip . "' OR username='******' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1"); // Lets check if that is still in the baaaaad area. if ($latestAttempt[0] + $banTime > $TIMEMARK) { // Still banned. $remain = numberToString($latestAttempt[0] + $banTime - $TIMEMARK); makeNotice("You have reached the maximum number of login attempts. You are temporarily banned for " . number_format($banTime / 60, 0) . " minutes. Time left on ban: " . $remain, "error", "Banned"); } } // If we get here, all is good. }
function alertMusic($state) { //虾米音乐网编辑器开启/关闭 require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('db_xiami_music_open', $state); updatecache_c(); return new ApiResponse(true); }
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=ipban&job=ipstates"; if ($action != 'submit' && $action != 'ipIndex') { ifcheck($db_ipstates, 'ipstates'); include PrintEot('ipstates'); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "submit") { S::gp(array('ipstates'), 'P'); setConfig('db_ipstates', $ipstates); updatecache_c(); $navConfigService = L::loadClass('navconfig', 'site'); $navConfigService->controlShowByKey('sort_ipstate', $ipstates); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == "ipIndex") { $ipTable = L::loadClass('IPTable', 'utility'); $ipTable->createIpIndex(); adminmsg('operate_success'); }
} } $config['groups'] = is_array($groups) ? ',' . implode(',', $groups) . ',' : ''; $updatecache = false; $config['groups_creditset'] = array(); if (is_array($creditset) && !empty($creditset)) { foreach ($creditset as $key => $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $creditset[$key][$k] = $v === '' ? in_array($key, array('Post', 'Reply', 'Delete', 'Deleterp')) ? '' : 0 : round($v, $k == 'rvrc' ? 1 : 0); } } $config['groups_creditset'] = $creditset; } $config['groups_creditlog'] = is_array($creditlog) && !empty($creditlog) ? $creditlog : array(); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { setConfig("o_{$key}", $value, null, true); } updatecache_conf('o', true); adminmsg('operate_success', $j_url); } } elseif ($action == 'setting') { !is_array($config = $_POST['config']) && ($config = array()); foreach ($config as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $isint = false; if ($_POST['step'] == 'basic') { if ($key == 'name' || $key == 'moneytype') { $config[$key] = S::escapeChar($value); } elseif ($key == 'rate') { $config[$key] = (double) $value; } else {
function addConfigPower($powerData, $groupData) { setConfig('db_ratepower', serialize($powerData)); setConfig('db_rategroup', serialize($groupData)); updatecache_c(); }
} elseif ($action == 'statistics') { $adverClass = L::loadclass('adver', 'advertisement'); /*statistics*/ list($status, $types, $benchs) = $adverClass->statistics(); include_once PrintEot('setadvert'); exit; } elseif ($action == 'alter') { $adverClass = L::loadclass('adver', 'advertisement'); /*during*/ S::gp(array("step")); if ($step == 2) { S::gp(array('alterstatus', 'alterbefore', 'alterway')); $alterstatus = in_array($alterstatus, array(1, 0)) ? $alterstatus : 1; /*security*/ $alterway = in_array($alterway, array(1, 2)) ? $alterway : 1; $alterbefore = intval($alterbefore); $alters = array('alterstatus' => $alterstatus, 'alterbefore' => $alterbefore, 'alterway' => $alterway); setConfig('db_alterads', $alters); updatecache_c(); adminmsg("operate_success", "{$basename}&action={$action}"); } $alters = $db_alterads ? $db_alterads : $adverClass->getDefaultAlter(); /*alter*/ $c_alterstatus = $c_alterway = array('', ''); $alters['alterstatus'] == 1 ? $c_alterstatus[1] = 'checked' : ($c_alterstatus[0] = 'checked'); $alters['alterway'] == 1 ? $c_alterway[1] = 'checked' : ($c_alterway[0] = 'checked'); include_once PrintEot('setadvert'); exit; } else { adminmsg('operate_success'); }
function setScanCache() { global $db, $timestamp, $db_plist; # 获取回复表 if ($db_plist && is_array($db_plist)) { foreach ($db_plist as $key => $value) { if ($key > 0) { $postslist[] = 'pw_posts' . (int) $key; } else { $postslist[] = 'pw_posts'; } } } else { $postslist[] = 'pw_posts'; } if (file_exists(D_P . 'data/bbscache/wordsfb_progress.php')) { # 读取缓存 //* require_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/wordsfb_progress.php'); pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/wordsfb_progress.php'); $temp_threaddb = unserialize($threaddb); } else { $temp_threaddb = array(); } $forum = $catedb = $forumdb = $subdb1 = $subdb2 = $threaddb = array(); # 获取版块列表 $query = $db->query("SELECT fid,name,fup,type FROM pw_forums WHERE cms!='1' ORDER BY vieworder"); while ($forums = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $forums['name'] = Quot_cv(strip_tags($forums['name'])); if ($forums['type'] == 'category') { $catedb[] = $forums; } elseif ($forums['type'] == 'forum') { $forumdb[] = $forums; } elseif ($forums['type'] == 'sub') { $subdb1[] = $forums; } else { $subdb2[] = $forums; } } foreach ($catedb as $cate) { $threaddb[$cate['fid']] = array(); foreach ($forumdb as $key2 => $forumss) { if ($forumss['fup'] == $cate['fid']) { if (!array_key_exists($forumss['fid'], $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']])) { # 读取版块帖子总数和表进度 $forumss['count'] = 0; $forumss['progress'] = 0; $forumss['result'] = 0; $forumss['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = 0; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $forumss['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = 0; } $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']] = $forumss; } else { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]; unset($threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]['table_progress']); $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads']; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$forumss['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts]; } } unset($forumdb[$key2]); foreach ($subdb1 as $key3 => $sub1) { if ($sub1['fup'] == $forumss['fid']) { if (!array_key_exists($sub1['fid'], $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']])) { # 读取版块帖子总数和表进度 $sub1['count'] = 0; $sub1['progress'] = 0; $sub1['result'] = 0; $sub1['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = 0; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $sub1['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = 0; } $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']] = $sub1; } else { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]; unset($threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]['table_progress']); $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads']; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub1['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts]; } } unset($subdb1[$key3]); foreach ($subdb2 as $key4 => $sub2) { if ($sub2['fup'] == $sub1['fid']) { if (!array_key_exists($sub2['fid'], $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']])) { # 读取版块帖子总数和表进度 $sub2['count'] = 0; $sub2['progress'] = 0; $sub2['result'] = 0; $sub2['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = 0; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $sub2['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = 0; } $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']] = $sub2; } else { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]; unset($threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]['table_progress']); $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads'] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]['table_progress']['pw_threads']; foreach ($postslist as $pw_posts) { $threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts] = $temp_threaddb[$cate['fid']][$sub2['fid']]['table_progress'][$pw_posts]; } } unset($subdb2[$key4]); } } } } } } } $catedb = serialize($catedb); $threaddb = serialize($threaddb); # 写入文件 $filecontent = "<?php\r\n"; $filecontent .= "\$catedb=" . pw_var_export($catedb) . ";\r\n"; $filecontent .= "\$threaddb=" . pw_var_export($threaddb) . ";\r\n"; $filecontent .= "?>"; $cahce_file = D_P . 'data/bbscache/wordsfb_progress.php'; pwCache::setData($cahce_file, $filecontent); setConfig('db_wordsfb_cachetime', $timestamp); updatecache_c(); return array('catedb' => $catedb, 'threaddb' => $threaddb); }
<?php !function_exists('readover') && exit('Forbidden'); global $db_picpath, $db_attachname; $imgdt = $timestamp + $db_hour; $attachdt = $imgdt + $db_hour * 100; if (@rename($db_picpath, $imgdt) && @rename($db_attachname, $attachdt)) { require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig('db_picpath', $imgdt); setConfig('db_attachname', $attachdt); updatecache_c(); } pwCache::setData(D_P . "data/bbscache/set_cache.php", "<?php die;?>|{$timestamp}");
$ifpwcache_64 = $db_ifpwcache & 64 ? 'checked' : ''; $ifpwcache_128 = $db_ifpwcache & 128 ? 'checked' : ''; $ifpwcache_256 = $db_ifpwcache & 256 ? 'checked' : ''; $ifpwcache_512 = $db_ifpwcache & 512 ? 'checked' : ''; $ifpwcache_1024 = $db_ifpwcache & 1024 ? 'checked' : ''; !$db_cachenum && ($db_cachenum = 20); include PrintEot('pwcache'); exit; } } elseif ($action == 'blacklist') { if ($_POST['step']) { InitGP(array('tidblacklist', 'uidblacklist'), 'P'); $tidblacklist = checkNumStrList($tidblacklist); $uidblacklist = checkNumStrList($uidblacklist); setConfig('db_tidblacklist', $tidblacklist); setConfig('db_uidblacklist', $uidblacklist); if ($tidblacklist) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_elements WHERE type IN('hitsort','hitsortday','hitsortweek','replysort','replysortday','replysortweek', 'newsubject','newreply') AND id IN(" . S::sqlImplode(explode(',', $tidblacklist)) . ')'); } if ($uidblacklist) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_elements WHERE type='usersort' AND id IN(" . S::sqlImplode(explode(',', $uidblacklist)) . ')'); } updatecache_c(); adminmsg('operate_success', $basename . '&action=blacklist'); } else { include PrintEot('pwcache'); exit; } } elseif ($action == 'update') { $type = S::getGP('type', 'G'); if (!$type) {
<?php require_once R_P . 'lib/cloudwind/cloudwind.class.php'; $_service = CloudWind::getPlatformCheckServerService(); if ($_service->checkCloudWind() < 9) { ObHeader($admin_file . '?adminjob=yunbasic'); } CLOUDWIND_SECURITY_SERVICE::gp(array('action')); if (empty($action)) { if ($_POST['step'] == 2) { CLOUDWIND_SECURITY_SERVICE::gp(array('db_yundefend_shield', 'db_yundefend_shieldpost', 'db_yundefend_shielduser'), 'P', 2); setConfig('db_yundefend_shield', $db_yundefend_shield); setConfig('db_yundefend_shieldpost', $db_yundefend_shieldpost); setConfig('db_yundefend_shielduser', $db_yundefend_shielduser); updatecache_c(); Showmsg('云盾设置成功 '); } ifcheck($db_yundefend_shield, 'yundefend_shield'); ifcheck($db_yundefend_shieldpost, 'yundefend_shieldpost'); ${'yundefend_shielduser_' . intval($db_yundefend_shielduser)} = 'checked="checked"'; $dundescribe = $_service->getDunDescribe(); $current['config'] = 'current'; } elseif ($action == 'verify') { CLOUDWIND_SECURITY_SERVICE::gp(array('page')); $page = $page > 1 ? intval($page) : 1; $postVerifyService = CloudWind::getDefendPostVerifyService(); if ($_POST['step'] == 2) { CLOUDWIND_SECURITY_SERVICE::gp(array('ids')); foreach ($ids as $key => $operate) { list($tid, $pid) = explode("_", $key); $postVerifyService->verify($operate, $tid, $pid);
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=setads"; if ($action != 'submit') { ${'ads_' . $db_ads} = 'checked'; include PrintEot('setads'); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "submit") { S::gp(array('ads'), 'P'); setConfig('db_ads', $ads); updatecache_c(); adminmsg('operate_success'); }
function _updateChannelDomain() { include_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; $channelDAO = $this->_getChannelDAO(); $channelDomain = $channelDAO->getSecendDomains(); setConfig('db_channeldomain', $channelDomain); updatecache_c(); }
function setConfigSearchTypeExpand($searchAllowExpandType) { global $db_dopen, $db_groups_open; //搜索下拉框顺序 $searchTypeOrder = array('thread' => '帖子', 'cms' => '文章', 'diary' => '日志', 'user' => '用户', 'forum' => '版块', 'group' => '群组'); $searchAllowDefaultType = array(0 => 'thread', 1 => 'user', 2 => 'forum'); $searchAllowType = array_merge($searchAllowDefaultType, (array) $searchAllowExpandType); $result = array(); foreach ($searchTypeOrder as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $searchAllowType)) { continue; } $result[$key] = $val; } setConfig('db_search_type', $result); }
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'; if (empty($job)) { $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=hack&hackset=toolcenter"; if (!$_POST['step']) { ifcheck($db_toolifopen, 'toolifopen'); ifcheck($db_allowtrade, 'allowtrade'); include PrintHack('admin'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('toolifopen', 'allowtrade'), 'P'); setConfig('db_toolifopen', $toolifopen); setConfig('db_allowtrade', $allowtrade); updatecache_c(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } } elseif ($job == 'toolinfo') { $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=hack&hackset=toolcenter&job=toolinfo"; if (!$action) { $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_tools"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { !$rt['creditype'] && ($rt['creditype'] = 'currency'); $tooldb[] = $rt; } include PrintHack('admin'); exit; } elseif ($action == 'submit') { InitGP(array('tools'), 'P'); $toolids = array(0);
unset($db_hackdb[$id]); $sqlarray = file_exists(R_P . "hack/{$id}/sql.txt") ? FileArray($id) : array(); !empty($sqlarray) && SQLDrop($sqlarray); setConfig('db_hackdb', $db_hackdb); $navMenu = L::loadClass('navmenu'); $navMenu->settype('bbs_navinfo'); $navMenu->del('hack_' . $id); $navMenu->cache(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == 'add') { InitGP(array('hackdir', 'hackname', 'hackopen'), 'G'); !empty($db_hackdb[$hackdir]) && adminmsg('hackcenter_sign_exists'); $sqlarray = file_exists(R_P . "hack/{$hackdir}/sql.txt") ? FileArray($hackdir) : array(); !empty($sqlarray) && SQLCreate($sqlarray); $db_hackdb[$hackdir] = array($hackname, $hackdir, $hackopen); setConfig('db_hackdb', $db_hackdb); $navMenu = L::loadClass('navmenu'); $navMenu->settype('bbs_navinfo'); $navMenu->update('hack_' . $hackdir, array('title' => strip_tags($hackname), 'link' => 'hack.php?H_name=' . $hackdir)); if ($hackopen == 0) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_' . $hackdir, 0); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_' . $hackdir, 'hack'); } elseif ($hackopen == 1) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_' . $hackdir, 1); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_' . $hackdir, 'hack'); } elseif ($hackopen == 2) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_' . $hackdir, 1); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_' . $hackdir); } $navMenu->cache(); adminmsg('operate_success');
/** * * @param PW_WeiboSiteBindConfig $config */ function _saveBindConfig($bindConfig) { require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; setConfig($this->_config_key, $bindConfig->toArray()); updatecache_c(); }
function updatePurviewCache() { $purviews = $this->findAll('', 0, 0); $editadmin = array(); foreach ($purviews as $pruview) { foreach ($pruview['columns'] as $column) { $editadmin[$column][] = $pruview['username']; } } setConfig('cms_editadmin', $editadmin, null, true); updatecache_conf('cms', true); }
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=userpay"; if (!$_POST['action']) { include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/ol_config.php'; !$ol_paypalcode && ($ol_paypalcode = RandString('40')); ifcheck($ol_onlinepay, 'onlinepay'); include PrintEot('userpay'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('userpay'), 'P'); !$userpay['ol_paypalcode'] && ($userpay['ol_paypalcode'] = RandString('40')); foreach ($userpay as $key => $value) { setConfig($key, $value); } updatecache_ol(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } function RandString($len) { $rand = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM'; mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $code .= $rand[mt_rand(0, strlen($rand))]; } return $code; }
function matchPWD($hash, $pwd) { if (strlen(getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE")) <= 0 || !getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE")) { setConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE", "pwdhash"); } if (getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE") == "md5") { return $hash == md5($pwd); } elseif (getConfig("PWD_HASH_TYPE") == "sha1") { return $hash == sha1($pwd); } else { return PwdHash::check_password($hash, $pwd); } }