function reset_user() { $_SESSION['generated'] = microtime(TRUE); $_SESSION['SALT'] = SALT; $_SESSION['user'] = array('site_state' => 0, 'user_group' => 'anonymous', 'view' => 'login', 'template' => 'default', 'color_scheme' => 'default', 'media' => 'screen'); $_SESSION['accesstime'] = microtime(TRUE); setcookie('SESSION_TOKEN', session_token(), $_SESSION['generated'] + SESSION_VALID, '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], FALSE, TRUE); // this cookie stores session token. Session id is stored under a cookie with the name defined in settings.ini }
} // end switch ( $_POST['action'] ) } } /* * 7.0 Output view */ echo $presentation; session_write_close(); /* * 8.0 Serialize view if allowed to */ try { if ($presentation->cache_allowed) { /* if new view was created, then use 'INSERT' query. Use 'UPDATE' if viwe was unserialized (view record already exists) */ $params = array(0 => array(':session_id', $session_id, PDO::PARAM_STR), 1 => array(':session_token', session_token(), PDO::PARAM_STR), 2 => array(':data', serialize($presentation), PDO::PARAM_STR), 3 => array(':ttl', CACHE_TIME, PDO::PARAM_INT)); if ($view_regen) { // delete former cached view(s) from session_cache $query[3]->bindParam(':session_id', $session_id, PDO::PARAM_STR); $query[3]->execute(); /* insert view into session_cache table */ bind_params($params, $query[5]); if (!$query[5]->execute()) { error_log(sprintf($warnings['18'], $_SESSION['user']['view'], $session_id)); } } else { /* update view in the session_cache table */ $params[] = array(':id', $result[2]['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT); // this is done bc session_token is not primary key, id is and UPDATE statement needs to update by primary key bind_params($params, $query[4]); if (!$query[4]->execute()) {