Ejemplo n.º 1
    return "<select>{$opts}</select>";
$genTextInput = function ($txt) {
    return "<input type='text' value='{$txt}'>";
foreach (Translation::translations() as $t) {
    //Fields to represent:
    $tId = $t['TranslationId'];
    $name = $t['TranslationName'];
    $bm = $t['BrowserMatch'];
    $img = $t['ImagePath'];
    $rfcL = $t['RfcLanguage'];
    $act = $t['Active'];
    $sLnk = "<a href='?action=translation&tId={$tId}' class='btn btn-info'>Translate</a>";
    $dLnk = session_mayEdit() ? "<a href='query/translation.php?action=deleteTranslation&TranslationId={$tId}' class='btn btn-danger'>Delete</a>" : '';
    $name = $genTextInput($name);
    $bm = $genTextInput($bm);
    $rfcL = $genRfcLangOptions($rfcL);
    $chk = $act == 1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
    $act = "<input type='checkbox'{$chk}>";
    //Row output:
    echo "<tr data-tId='{$tId}'>" . "<td class='name'>{$name}</td>" . "<td class='match'>{$bm}</td>" . "<td><img src='../{$img}' class='btn flag'></td>" . "<td>{$rfcL}</td>" . "<td>{$act}</td>" . "<td>{$sLnk}<input type='button' value='Save' class='btn save'>{$dLnk}</td>" . "</tr>";
echo $thead;
   @param $req
   @param $desc description
 public static function updateDescription($req, $desc)
     //Removing leading/trailing whitespace:
     $desc = ltrim(rtrim($desc));
     //Saving description:
     $dbConnection = Config::getConnection();
     $req = $dbConnection->escape_string($req);
     $desc = $dbConnection->escape_string($desc);
     if (!session_mayEdit($dbConnection)) {
     $q = "UPDATE Page_StaticDescription " . "SET Description = '{$desc}' " . "WHERE Req = '{$req}'";
Ejemplo n.º 3

require_once 'common.php';
/*Login check and procedure*/
if (!session_validate($dbConnection)) {
    header('LOCATION: index.php');
if (!session_mayEdit($dbConnection)) {
    header('LOCATION: index.php');
$title = "Import of .csv files.";
$jsFiles = array('dbimport.js');
require_once 'head.php';
//<script type='application/javascript' src='js/main.js'></script>
$max = ini_get_all();
$max = $max['max_file_uploads'];
$max = __::min(array($max['global_value'], $max['local_value']));
require_once 'topmenu.php';
<form class="form-inline">
        View the data for a LanguageFamily:
        <select name="languagefamily" id="select_languagefamily"></select>
Ejemplo n.º 4
require_once 'topmenu.php';
    <form class="form-inline" name="updatePassword" method="post" action="index.php?action=updatePassword">
        <legend>Update password:</legend>
          <input name="new" type="password" placeholder="new password"/>
          <input name="confirm" type="password" placeholder="confirm password"/>
        <button type="submit" class="btn">Update</button>
if (session_mayEdit()) {
      <form id="addUser" class="form-horizontal">
        <legend>Add user:</legend>
        <div class="control-group">
          <label class="control-label" for="username">Username:</label>
          <div class="controls">
            <input name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username"/>
        <div class="control-group">
          <label class="control-label" for="password">Password:</label>
          <div class="controls">
            <input name="password" type="text" placeholder="visible password"/>
Ejemplo n.º 5

/* Setup and session verification */
require_once 'common.php';
session_validate() or Config::error('403 Forbidden');
session_mayEdit() or Config::error('403 Forbidden');
switch ($_GET['action']) {
      @return String html - options for LanguageFamilies to choose, with their Id's as attributes.
    case 'fetchLanguageFamilySelection':
        $q = 'SELECT CONCAT(StudyIx, FamilyIx, SubFamilyIx), StudyIx, FamilyIx, SubFamilyIx, Name FROM Studies';
        $set = $dbConnection->query($q);
        while ($r = $set->fetch_row()) {
            $id = $r[0];
            $six = $r[1];
            $fix = $r[2];
            $sfix = $r[3];
            $name = $r[4];
            echo "<option data-dbid='{$id}' data-studyix='{$six}' data-familyix='{$fix}' data-subfamilyix='{$sfix}'>{$name}</option>";
          @param studyix String     - Interpretation as int
          @param familyix String    - Interpretation as int
          @param subfamilyix String - Interpretation as int
          @param name String
          @return 'FAIL' | String html - new option for LanguageFamilies.
Ejemplo n.º 6
require_once '../query/cacheProvider.php';
if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli') {
    //Translating $argv to $_GET,$_POST:
    if (count($argv) > 1) {
        $action = $argv[1];
        switch ($action) {
            case 'import':
                if (count($argv) <= 2) {
                    die('Usage: php -f ' . $argv[0] . " import <file>\n");
                $file = file_get_contents($argv[2]);
} else {
    $allowed = session_validate() && session_mayEdit();
    if (!$allowed) {
        //Special case for action=export:
        if (array_key_exists('ch1', $_GET) && array_key_exists('ch2', $_GET)) {
            $db = Config::getConnection();
            $login = $dbConnection->escape_string($_GET['ch1']);
            $hash = $dbConnection->escape_string($_GET['ch2']);
            $q = "SELECT AccessEdit FROM Edit_Users" . " WHERE Login = '******' AND Hash = '{$hash}'";
            if ($r = $db->query($q)->fetch_row()) {
                $allowed = $r[0] == 1;
            unset($db, $login, $hash, $q, $r);
        if (!$allowed) {
            Config::error('403 Forbidden');
            die('403 Forbidden');
Ejemplo n.º 7

require_once 'common.php';
/* Checking for edit rights: */
if (!session_mayEdit()) {
    Config::error('You are not allowed to access this feature.');
/* Ensuring an action is given: */
if (!isset($_GET['action'])) {
    Config::error('Missing get parameter:action!');
/* Dealing with the action: */
switch ($_GET['action']) {
    /* Parameters: username, password, mayTranslate, mayEdit */
    case 'create':
        $username = $dbConnection->escape_string($_POST['username']);
        $password = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
        $mayTranslate = $_POST['mayTranslate'] === '1' ? '1' : '0';
        $mayEdit = $_POST['mayEdit'] === '1' ? '1' : '0';
        if (!$password) {
            //Fallback for md5:
            $password = md5($_POST['password']);
        /* Checking that username is not taken: */
        $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Edit_Users WHERE Login = '******'";
        $r = $dbConnection->query($q)->fetch_row();
        if ($r[0] > 0) {
            Config::error("Login '{$username}' already taken.");
        /* Inserting new user: */
Ejemplo n.º 8
function showTable($tdata)
    $head = '<tr><th>Description:</th><th>Original:</th><th>Translation:' . '<input type="button" value="Save all" ' . 'class="btn btn-primary pull-right saveAll"></th></tr>';
    echo "<table class='display table table-bordered'>" . "<thead>{$head}</thead><tbody>";
    $isAdmin = session_mayEdit() ? ' data-isadmin="1"' : '';
    while (count($tdata) > 0) {
        $newTZ = array();
        foreach ($tdata as $key => $field) {
            if (count($field) === 0) {
            echo "<tr>";
            //Value to echo as row:
            $value = array_shift($field);
            $desc = $value['Description'];
            $req = array_key_exists('Req', $desc) ? $desc['Req'] : '';
            $desc = array_key_exists('Description', $desc) ? $desc['Description'] : '';
            $maxLen = 42;
            $short = preg_replace('/<[^<>]+>/', '', $desc);
            if (strlen($short) > $maxLen) {
                $short = substr($short, 0, $maxLen) . '…';
            //Encoding tooltip contents:
            $desc = preg_replace("/'/", '"', $desc);
            $desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);
            echo "<td class='description'{$isAdmin}' data-req='{$req}' data-html='true' data-container='body' data-title='{$desc}'>{$short}</td>";
            //Title in case of search:
            $title = '';
            if (array_key_exists('Match', $value)) {
                if ($value['Match'] !== $value['Original'] && $value['Match'] !== $value['Translation']) {
                    $title = ' title="' . $value['Match'] . '"';
            $orig = $value['Original'];
            if (array_key_exists('Study', $value)) {
                //Study in case of search
                $stud = $value['Study'];
                $orig = "{$stud}:<code>{$orig}</code>";
            } else {
                $orig = "<code>{$orig}</code>";
            echo '<td class="original"' . $title . '>' . $orig . '<a class="btn pull-right copy-over">' . '<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i></a></td>';
            $trans = $value['Translation'];
            $prov = $trans['TranslationProvider'];
            $tId = $trans['TranslationId'];
            $pay = $trans['Payload'];
            $trans = $trans['Translation'];
            echo "<td data-tId='{$tId}' data-provider='{$prov}' data-payload='{$pay}'>" . "<input type='text' value='{$trans}' class='translation'>" . '<a class="btn save"><i class="icon-hdd"></i>Save</a>' . '</td>';
            //Handling the exit condition:
            if (count($field) > 0) {
                $newTZ[$key] = $field;
            echo "</tr>";
        $tdata = $newTZ;
    echo "</tbody><tfoot>{$head}</tfoot></table>";