/** * 发送短信 * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function index() { $start_time = strtotime('-1 day 16:00'); $end_time = 0; if (date('H') <= '11:10') { if (date('w') == 1 && (time() >= 1443628800 && time() < 1444492800)) { $start_time = strtotime('last Friday 16:00'); } $end_time = strtotime('today 11:01'); } else { $start_time = strtotime('today 11:01:01'); $end_time = strtotime('today 16:01'); } $this->load->model('Cash_order_model', 'cash_order'); $report = $this->cash_order->sum(array('money'), array('start_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $start_time), 'end_time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $end_time), 'status' => 'pending')); $report['money'] = !empty($report['money']) ? $report['money'] : 0; $content = date('m月d日 H:i', $start_time) . ' 至 ' . date('m月d日 H:i', $end_time) . " 提现统计:"; $content .= "¥{$report['money']}元"; $content .= '【图腾贷】'; $phone_arr = $this->phone; foreach ($phone_arr as $ph) { send_sms($ph, array('template' => 'cashreport_template', 'start_time' => date('m月d日H:i', $start_time), 'end_time' => date('m月d日H:i', $end_time), 'money' => $report['money'])); } $msg = '-----------------' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '提现统计-----------------'; $msg .= "\n{$content}"; //记录日志 log_message('error', $msg, 'cash_report'); return true; }
function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $dt_tm = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $log = "[{$dt_tm}] {$errstr} in {$errfile} at {$errline}\n"; file_put_contents("/var/www/test/update/log/errors.log", $log, FILE_APPEND); $err_return; switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: case E_ERROR: $err_return = "[{$dt_tm}]\nError: {$errstr} in file {$errfile} at {$errline}"; send_sms($err_return, $errfile, $errline); exit(1); break; case E_USER_WARNING: case E_WARNING: $err_return = "[{$dt_tm}]\nWarning: {$errstr} in file {$errfile} at {$errline}"; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: case E_NOTICE: $err_return = "[{$dt_tm}]\nNotice: {$errstr} on line {$errline} at {$errfile}\n"; break; default: $err_return = "[{$dt_tm}]\n{$errstr} in {$errfile} at {$errline}"; break; } send_sms($err_return, $errfile, $errline); return true; }
/** * 发送手机短信 * @param unknown $mobile 手机号 * @param unknown $content 短信内容 */ public function send($mobile, $content) { $plugin = str_replace('\\', '', str_replace('/', '', str_replace('.', '', C('sms.plugin')))); if (!empty($plugin)) { define('PLUGIN_ROOT', BASE_DATA_PATH . DS . 'api/smsapi'); require_once PLUGIN_ROOT . DS . $plugin . DS . 'Send.php'; return send_sms($content, $mobile); } return $this->_sendEmay($mobile, $content); }
public function send_sms() { if (!IS_SAE && !C('SAE_AKEY')) { exit('在本地执行发送短信函数,需要配置SAE_AKEY和SAE_SKEY<br />'); } $ret = send_sms(18611052787, '发送一条短信'); if (!$ret) { $this->show('短信发送失败,请在trace信息中看失败原因'); } else { $this->show('短信发送成功'); } }
/** *短信验证处理 * *Return $msg,ok为正常处理,pass为次数超出 ,having 为已经注册了,time 为时间限定条件,三分钟内不发 */ public function phonecodesend() { $phone = I('param.phone', 'null'); $code = strtolower(randCode()); //随机验证码 $condition['telephone'] = $phone; $usercheck = M('user', 'yijiayi.')->where($condition)->find(); //用户是否存在 $sessionValue = array('phone' => $phone, 'time' => time(), 'value' => $code, 'number' => '1'); //缓存数据设置 $checktruecode = session('getsession'); $codeTime = date("d", $checktruecode['time']); $nowTime = date("d", time()); /** *判定是否存在session 空,发 *判定session时间有效性 */ $tpl_value = '【一家依】您的验证码是' . $code; //发送信息的母板 if (empty($usercheck)) { if (empty($checktruecode)) { //session 为空 echo 'need to setting session'; $_SESSION['getsession'] = $sessionValue; send_sms('cf34160f4719430181a3d387f9dda3c8', $tpl_value, $phone); //发送信息 $res_code = "ok"; //操作成功标注 } else { if ($codeTime != $nowTime) { //当天没发送记录 send_sms('cf34160f4719430181a3d387f9dda3c8', $tpl_value, $phone); $_SESSION['getsession'] = $sessionValue; $res_code = "ok"; } else { if ($checktruecode['number'] <= '5') { //当天没发送记录>5 $setNumber = $checktruecode['number'] + "1"; $_SESSION['getsession'] = array('phone' => $phone, 'time' => time(), 'value' => $code, 'number' => $setNumber); send_sms('cf34160f4719430181a3d387f9dda3c8', $tpl_value, $phone); $type = "ok"; } else { $type = "pass"; } $res_code = $type; } } } else { $res_code = "having"; } $res_data['msg'] = $res_code; $this->ajaxReturn($res_data); }
function notifications($type, $recipients, $subject, $message) { if ($type == "both") { send_sms($recipients, $subject, $message); send_email($recipients, $subject, $message); } else { if ($type == "sms") { send_sms($recipients, $subject, $message); } else { if ($type == "email") { send_email($recipients, $subject, $message); } } } }
public function sendsms() { $end = session('smstime') + 90 - time(); if ($end > 1) { $this->error('距离上一次发送还有' . $end . '秒'); } else { $phone = session('user.phone'); $code = rand(10000, 99999); session('smscode', $code, 90); session('smstime', time()); if (is_sms()) { $sms_message = '验证码:' . $code; send_sms($phone, $sms_message); $this->success('短信已发送至手机!'); } else { $this->success($code); } } }
function send_notice($username, $subject, $body) { global $DT, $msg, $eml, $sms, $wec; if (!$username || !$subject || !$body) { return; } if (isset($msg)) { send_message($username, $subject, $body); } if (isset($wec)) { send_weixin($username, $subject); } if (isset($eml) || isset($sms)) { $user = userinfo($username); if (isset($eml)) { send_mail($user['email'], $subject, $body); } if (isset($sms)) { send_sms($user['mobile'], $subject . $DT['sms_sign']); } } }
public function send($message, $tonumbers) { if (!is_array($tonumbers)) { $tonumbers = array($tonumbers); } $sender = $this->getParameter(self::SENDER_PARAM); $message = iconv('UTF-8', 'CP1251', htmlspecialchars($message)); $results = array(); foreach ($tonumbers as $to) { $result = array(); if (!empty($to)) { $result = send_sms($to, $message, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sender, "fmt=1", $this->_username, $this->_password); $sms_id = $result[0]; $result['to'] = $to; if (!empty($sms_id)) { $result['id'] = $sms_id . ":::" . $to; $status = get_status($sms_id, $to, 0, $this->_username, $this->_password); $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_PROCESSING; if (count($status) > 2) { $result['statusmessage'] = $this->_msg_status[$status[0]]; } else { $result['statusmessage'] = $this->_msg_status[substr($status[1], 1)]; } } else { $result['error'] = true; $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_ERROR; $result['statusmessage'] = $this->_msg_error[substr($result[1], 1)]; } } else { $result['to'] = 'Incorrect phone'; $result['error'] = true; $result['status'] = self::MSG_STATUS_ERROR; $result['statusmessage'] = 'Ошибочный номер телефона'; } $results[] = $result; } return $results; }
} elseif ($act == 'set_teaallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_teaallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_teanotallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_teanotallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_couallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_couallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_counotallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_counotallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_applycou') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_applycou']); send_sms($_GET['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_downapp') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_downapp']); send_sms($_GET['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_hunallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_hunallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_hunnotallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_hunnotallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_hunjobsallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_hunjobsallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); } elseif ($act == 'set_hunjobsnotallow') { $templates = label_replace($SMStemplates['set_hunjobsnotallow']); send_sms($userinfo['mobile'], $templates); }
send_mobile_sms_user($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $USER_ID_STR, $SMS_CONTENT, 1); } } include_once "inc/itask/itask.php"; mobile_push_notification(userid2uid($USER_ID_STR), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看公告通知") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "notify"); $WX_OPTIONS = array("module" => "notify", "module_action" => "notify.read", "user" => $USER_ID_STR, "content" => $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查看公告通知") . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 20), "params" => array("NOTIFY_ID" => $NOTIFY_ID)); wxqy_sms($WX_OPTIONS); } if ($PUBLISH == "2") { $SMS_CONTENT = _("请审批公告通知!") . "\n" . _("标题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT, 0, 100); if (compare_date($BEGIN_DATE1, $CUR_DATE) == 1) { $SEND_TIME = $BEGIN_DATE1; } $REMIND_URL = "1:notify/auditing/unaudited.php"; if ($SMS_REMIND == "on" && $AUDITER != "" && $AUDITER != $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID']) { send_sms($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $AUDITER, 1, $SMS_CONTENT, $REMIND_URL); } if ($SMS2_REMIND == "on") { $SMS_CONTENT = sprintf(_("请审批OA公告,来自%s"), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . ":" . $SUBJECT); if ($SUMMARY) { $SMS_CONTENT .= _("内容简介:") . $SUMMARY; } if ($AUDITER != "" && $AUDITER != $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID']) { send_mobile_sms_user($SEND_TIME, $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $AUDITER, $SMS_CONTENT, 1); } } } if ($OP == "0" && ($PUBLISH == "0" || $PUBLISH == "5")) { if ($OP1 == 1) { header("location: modify.php?NOTIFY_ID=" . $NOTIFY_ID . "&FROM={$FROM}"); } else {
$sql2 = "VALUES ('" . $_POST['name'] . "','" . $_POST['dept'] . "','" . $_POST['phone'] . "','" . $_POST['qq'] . "','" . $_POST['task'] . "','" . $_POST['startdate'] . "','" . $_POST['enddate']; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (preg_match('/content/', $key)) { $sql1 .= ',' . $key; $sql2 .= "','" . $value; } } $sql1 .= ',tid) '; $sql2 .= "','" . $tid . "')"; $sql = $sql1 . $sql2; $conn = new mysqli($mysqlServer, $mysqlUser, $mysqlPass, $mysqlDbName); if ($conn->connect_error) { header('Location: applyResult.php?info=2'); exit; } if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { $smsContent = '【三翼工作室】' . $adminName . '您好,系统收到了新的申请' . $tid . ':' . $_POST['task'] . '。请登陆管理系统进行审核![设计部]'; $sendResultJson = send_sms($apiKey, $sendUrl, $adminPhone, $smsContent); $sendResult = json_decode($sendResultJson); if ($sendResult->code == '0') { header('Location: applyResult.php?info=1&tid=' . $tid); exit; } else { header('Location: applyResult.php?info=3&tid=' . $tid . '&reason=' . $sendResult->msg); exit; } } else { header('Location: applyResult.php?info=2&tid=' . $tid); exit; } $conn->close();
function send_message($mode, $id, $message, $msgid, $oplata = 0) { #echo "send_message:\n"; global $LMS, $DB, $tmpl, $debug_email, $test, $divisor, $force; $customer = $LMS->GetCustomer($id); if ($mode == 'e-mail') { $emails = $customer['emails']; #print_r($emails); if (is_array($emails)) { foreach ($emails as $email) { $body = parse_data($id, $tmpl['message'], $customer); $name = $customer['lastname'] . ' ' . $customer['name']; $email = $debug_email ? $debug_email : $email['email']; if (!$test) { $result = send_email($msgid, $customer['id'], $email, $name, $tmpl['name'], $body); } $message .= " {$result}\n"; } } else { if ($test) { $message .= " Brak e-maila!\n"; } else { $message = ''; } } } elseif ($mode == 'sms') { $data = parse_data($id, $tmpl['message'], $customer); #echo $data."\n"; $sms = 0; if (!is_array($customer['contacts'])) { if ($test) { return $message . " Brak nr telefonów!\n"; } } foreach ($customer['contacts'] as $contact) { if ($contact['type'] == 1) { $sms = 1; if (!$test) { $result = send_sms($msgid, $customer['id'], $contact['phone'], $data); } $message .= ' ' . $contact['phone']; if ($oplata) { if (!$test) { $add = array('value' => -ConfigHelper::getConfig('finances.sms_cost'), 'userid' => 0, 'customerid' => $customer['id'], 'comment' => 'Opłata za monitorowanie płatności - SMS'); if ($LMS->AddBalance($add)) { $message .= ' [K]'; } } } } } if (!$sms) { if ($test) { $message .= " Brak nr komórkowych!\n"; } else { $message = ''; } } else { $message .= "\n"; } } else { $warning = 0; $access = 1; $nodes = $LMS->GetCustomerNodes($customer['id']); $groups = $LMS->CustomergroupGetForCustomer($customer['id']); if (count($groups)) { foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group['name'] == 'SILENT') { #return(''); #opcja: return "S " . $message . "\n"; } } } if (count($nodes)) { foreach ($nodes as $node) { $access *= $node['access']; if ($node['warning']) { $warning = 1; } } } if (!$access) { #return(''); #opcja: $message = "! " . $message . "\n"; } elseif ($warning and !$force) { #return(''); #opcja: $message = "* " . $message . "\n"; } else { if (!$test) { $DB->Execute("UPDATE customers SET message='" . $tmpl['message'] . "' WHERE id=" . $customer['id']); $LMS->NodeSetWarnU($customer['id'], 1); } if ($force) { if ($warning) { $message = "F " . $message . "\n"; } else { $message = " " . $message . "\n"; } } else { $message = " " . $message . "\n"; } } } return $message; }
if ($_SESSION['mobile_time'] && $DT_TIME - $_SESSION['mobile_time'] < 180) { exit('ko'); } if ($_SESSION['mobile_send'] > 4) { exit('max'); } if (max_sms($mobile)) { exit('max'); } $mobilecode = random(6, '0123456789'); $_SESSION['mobile'] = $mobile; $_SESSION['mobile_code'] = md5($mobile . '|' . $mobilecode); $_SESSION['mobile_time'] = $DT_TIME; $_SESSION['mobile_send'] = $_SESSION['mobile_send'] + 1; $content = lang('sms->sms_code', array($mobilecode, $MOD['auth_days'] * 10)) . $DT['sms_sign']; send_sms($mobile, $content); exit('ok'); } exit('ko'); break; case 'verify': isset($code) or $code = ''; preg_match("/^[0-9]{6}\$/", $code) or exit('ko'); isset($password) or $password = ''; strlen($password) >= $MOD['minpassword'] && strlen($password) <= $MOD['maxpassword'] or exit('ko'); isset($_SESSION['f_uid']) && isset($_SESSION['f_key']) or exit('ko'); $userid = intval($_SESSION['f_uid']); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT email,mobile,vmobile,groupid FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE userid='{$userid}'"); $t or exit('ko'); if ($t['groupid'] == 2 || $t['groupid'] == 4) { exit('ko');
if ($TOK == "" || find_id($strSEND, $TOK)) { $TOK = strtok(","); } else { $strSEND .= $TOK . ","; if ($BODY_ID == "" || $BODY_ID == 0) { message(_("错误"), _("邮件发送错误,请重新发送!")); exit; } if ($SEND_FLAG == 1) { $query = "insert into EMAIL(TO_ID,READ_FLAG,DELETE_FLAG,BODY_ID,RECEIPT) values ('" . $TOK . "','0','0','{$BODY_ID}','{$RECEIPT}')"; exequery(TD::conn(), $query); $ROW_ID = mysql_insert_id(); if ($SMS_REMIND == "1") { $REMIND_URL = "email/inbox/read_email/read_email.php?BOX_ID=0&BTN_CLOSE=1&FROM=1&EMAIL_ID=" . $ROW_ID; $SMS_CONTENT = _("请查收我的邮件!") . "\n" . _("主题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT1, 0, 100); send_sms("", $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_ID'], $TOK, 2, $SMS_CONTENT, $REMIND_URL); } $WX_NEED_USER_ID_ARR[] = $TOK; include_once "inc/itask/itask.php"; mobile_push_notification(userid2uid($TOK), $_SESSION['LOGIN_USER_NAME'] . _(":") . _("请查收我的邮件!") . _("主题:") . csubstr($SUBJECT1, 0, 20), "email"); } $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY = email_fw_webmail_box($TOK); if ($EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[1] != "" && $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[0] != "" && $SEND_FLAG == 1) { $WEBMAIL_CONTENT_FW = mysql_escape_string($CONTENT); $FROM_WEBMAIL1 = $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[0]; $TO_EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX = $EMAIL_FW_WEBMAIL_BOX_ARRAY[1]; if ($ATTACHMENT_ID != "" && $ATTACHMENT_NAME != "") { $ATTACHMENT_ID = copy_attach($ATTACHMENT_ID, $ATTACHMENT_NAME, "", "", TRUE); if ($ATTACHMENT_ID != "") { $ATTACHMENT_ID .= ","; }
if (!isset($ECK[$k])) { continue; } $content .= $ECK[$k] . ' ---------- ' . (in_array($k, $pass) ? '<span style="color:green;">已通过</span>' : '<span style="color:red;">未通过</span>') . '<br/>'; } if ($reason) { $content .= '操作原因:' . nl2br($reason) . '<br/>'; } if ($msg) { send_message($username, $title, $content); } if ($eml) { send_mail($U['email'], $title, $content); } if ($sms) { send_sms($U['mobile'], '您的会员资料修改审核结果已通过站内信发送,请注意查阅'); } if ($wec) { send_weixin($username, '您的会员资料修改审核结果已通过站内信发送,请注意查阅'); } if ($sql1) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET " . substr($sql1, 1) . " WHERE userid={$userid}"); } if ($sql2) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}company SET " . substr($sql2, 1) . " WHERE userid={$userid}"); } if ($sql3) { $db->query("UPDATE {$content_table} SET " . substr($sql3, 1) . " WHERE userid={$userid}"); } $db->query("DELETE FROM {$DT_PRE}member_check WHERE username='******'"); dmsg('操作成功', '?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&file=' . $file . '&action=member');
public function order() { if (IS_POST) { $Order = D('Order'); $order_id = 'NS' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $uid = is_login(); if ($uid) { $result = $Order->input($order_id, $uid, 1); } else { $mobile = I('mobile', '', 'trim'); /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $res = $User->checkMobile($mobile); if ($res == 1) { $password = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $uid = $User->register('', $password, '', $mobile); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 send_sms($mobile, '您的密码:' . $password); $result = $Order->input($order_id, $uid, 1); } } else { $user_info = $User->getinfo($mobile, 3); $result = $Order->input($order_id, $user_info[0], 1); } } if ($result) { $this->redirect('checkOrder', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } else { $this->error('订单提交失败'); } } else { $line_id = I('line_id', 0, 'intval'); $tc_id = I('type_id', 0, 'intval'); $date = I('date', 0, 'strtotime'); if (empty($line_id) || empty($tc_id) || empty($date)) { $this->error('无效参数'); } // 线路信息 $line_info = M('Line')->find($line_id); // 套餐信息 $map = array('line_id' => $line_id, 'end_time' => array('egt', strtotime('+' . $line_info['earlier_date'] . 'day'))); $line_tc = M('LineTc')->where($map)->select(); if (empty($line_tc)) { $this->error('没有报价方案'); } $tc_info = array(); foreach ($line_tc as $key => $value) { if ($value['tc_id'] == $tc_id) { $tc_info = $value; break; } } $ext_time = strtotime('+' . $line_info['earlier_date'] . 'day'); $tc_str = explode(',', $tc_info['date_price_data']); foreach ($tc_str as $value) { list($k, $val) = explode('|', $value); $k = strtotime($k); if ($k <= $ext_time) { continue; } if ($k == $date) { $tc_info['price_info'] = explode('-', $val); $tc_info['price_info'][] = date('Y-m-d', $k); break; } } if (empty($tc_info['price_info'])) { $this->error('没有价格'); } $this->assign('line_info', $line_info); $this->assign('line_tc', $line_tc); $this->assign('tc_info', $tc_info); $this->display(); } }
public function yiichat_post($chat_id, $identity, $message, $postdata, $data) { $this->_chat_id = $chat_id; $this->_identity = $identity; $this->_data = $data; $message_filtered = trim($this->acceptMessage($message)); if ($message_filtered != "") { $obj = array("order" => $chat_id, "sender" => $identity, "date" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "message" => $message_filtered); $order = Zakaz::model()->findByPk($chat_id); if ($postdata['index'] == 0) { if ($postdata['recipient'] == 'Author') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['executor']; if ($obj['recipient'] == 0) { $obj['recipient'] = -1; } } elseif ($postdata['recipient'] == 'Customer') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['user_id']; /*} elseif (isset($postdata['recipient'])){ $obj['recipient'] = $postdata['recipient'];*/ } else { $obj['recipient'] = 0; } $newid = $this->getDb()->createCommand()->insert($this->getTableName(), $obj); } else { if ($postdata['recipient'] == 'no') { $obj['recipient'] = 0; $newid = $this->getDb()->createCommand()->update($this->getTableName(), $obj, 'id=:id', array('id' => $postdata['index'])); } else { if ($postdata['recipient'] == 'redir') { $sender = ProjectMessages::model()->findByPk($postdata['index'])->senderObject->AuthAssignment['itemname']; $obj['sender'] = ProjectMessages::model()->findByPk($postdata['index'])->attributes['sender']; $obj['moderated'] = 1; if ($sender == 'Customer') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['executor']; } if ($sender == 'Author') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['user']; } $newid = $this->getDb()->createCommand()->insert($this->getTableName(), $obj); } else { if ($postdata['recipient'] == 'Customer') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['user_id']; } if ($postdata['recipient'] == 'Author') { $obj['recipient'] = $order->attributes['executor']; } if (is_numeric($postdata['recipient'])) { $obj['recipient'] = $postdata['recipient']; } $newid = $this->getDb()->createCommand()->insert($this->getTableName(), $obj); } } } // now retrieve the post $obj['recipient'] = User::model()->findByPk($obj['recipient']); $obj['recipient']->superuser = $obj['recipient']->getRelated('AuthAssignment'); $obj['sender'] = User::model()->findByPk($obj['sender']); $obj['sender']->superuser = $obj['sender']->getRelated('AuthAssignment'); $title = Catalog::model()->findByPk($order->specials)->cat_name . '. ' . $order->attributes['title'] . '. ' . Yii::t('site', 'You have received a new message.'); $message = CHtml::link(Yii::t('site', 'Link to order page'), Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('/project/chat', array('orderId' => $chat_id))) . '<br />' . $obj['message']; $headers = 'From: no-reply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: no-reply@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;' . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail($obj['recipient']->attributes['email'], $title, $message, $headers); if ($postdata['flags']) { foreach ($postdata['flags'] as $v) { switch ($v) { case 'send_sms': include_once "smsc_api.php"; list($sms_id, $sms_cnt, $cost, $balance) = send_sms(str_replace(['+', '-'], '', $obj['recipient']->profile->attributes['mob_tel']), $obj['message']); break; case 'send_email': mail($obj['recipient']->attributes['email'], 'You receive new message in chat', $obj['message']); break; } } } $obj['time'] = date_format(date_create($obj['date']), 'd.m.Y H:i:s'); $obj['owner'] = substr($this->getIdentityName(), 0, 20); return $obj; } else { return array(); } }
public function order() { if (IS_POST) { if (!check_verify(I('verify'))) { $this->error('验证码输入错误'); } $Order = D('Order'); $order_id = 'NS' . date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $uid = is_login(); $site_id = I('site_id', 0, 'intval'); if ($uid) { $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); $mobile = get_userinfo($uid, 3); } else { $mobile = I('mobile', '', 'trim'); /* 调用注册接口注册用户 */ $User = new UserApi(); $res = $User->checkMobile($mobile); if ($res == 1) { $password = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $uid = $User->register('', $password, '', $mobile); if (0 < $uid) { //注册成功 send_sms($mobile, array('mobile' => $mobile, 'password' => $password), 'password'); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $uid, $site_id); } } else { $user_info = $User->getinfo($mobile, 3); $result = $Order->inputVisa($order_id, $user_info[0], $site_id); } } if ($result) { send_sms($mobile, array('orderid' => $order_id), 'onOrder'); $this->redirect('checkOrder', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } else { $this->error('订单提交失败'); } } else { $visa_id = I('visa_id', 0, 'intval'); if (empty($visa_id)) { $this->error('无效参数'); } // 线路信息 $map = array('visa_id' => $visa_id); $visa_info = M('Visa')->where($map)->find(); if (empty($visa_info)) { $this->error('不存在'); } $this->assign('visa_info', $visa_info); $this->display(); } }
$errorArray[$phone]['msg'] = $sendResult->msg; } } } $conn->close(); if ($status == 0) { echo '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><strong>恭喜!</strong>短信发送成功 <a href="sms.php" class="alert-link">点击返回</a></div>'; } else { foreach ($errorArray as $key => $value) { echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><strong>错误!</strong>' . $value['name'] . '[' . $key . ']的短信发送失败:' . $value['msg'] . ' <a href="sms.php" class="alert-link">点击返回</a></div>'; } } } else { $phone = $_GET['phone']; $content = $_GET['content']; $sendResultJson = send_sms($apiKey, $sendUrl, $phone, $content); $sendResult = json_decode($sendResultJson); if ($sendResult->code == '0') { echo '<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><strong>恭喜!</strong>短信发送成功 <a href="sms.php" class="alert-link">点击返回</a></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert"><strong>错误!</strong>短信发送失败:' . $sendResult->msg . ' <a href="sms.php" class="alert-link">点击返回</a></div>'; } } ?> </div> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?> </div> </body>
/** * http://www.yunpian.com/ * 发送手机短信 * @param unknown $mobile 手机号 * @param unknown $content 短信内容 0 OK 调用成功,该值为null 无需处理 1 请求参数缺失 补充必须传入的参数 开发者 2 请求参数格式错误 按提示修改参数值的格式 开发者 3 账户余额不足 账户需要充值,请充值后重试 开发者 4 关键词屏蔽 关键词屏蔽,修改关键词后重试 开发者 5 未找到对应id的模板 模板id不存在或者已经删除 开发者 6 添加模板失败 模板有一定的规范,按失败提示修改 开发者 7 模板不可用 审核状态的模板和审核未通过的模板不可用 开发者 8 同一手机号30秒内重复提交相同的内容 请检查是否同一手机号在30秒内重复提交相同的内容 开发者 9 同一手机号5分钟内重复提交相同的内容超过3次 为避免重复发送骚扰用户,同一手机号5分钟内相同内容最多允许发3次 开发者 10 手机号黑名单过滤 手机号在黑名单列表中(你可以把不想发送的手机号添加到黑名单列表) 开发者 11 接口不支持GET方式调用 接口不支持GET方式调用,请按提示或者文档说明的方法调用,一般为POST 开发者 12 接口不支持POST方式调用 接口不支持POST方式调用,请按提示或者文档说明的方法调用,一般为GET 开发者 13 营销短信暂停发送 由于运营商管制,营销短信暂时不能发送 开发者 14 解码失败 请确认内容编码是否设置正确 开发者 15 签名不匹配 短信签名与预设的固定签名不匹配 开发者 16 签名格式不正确 短信内容不能包含多个签名【 】符号 开发者 17 24小时内同一手机号发送次数超过限制 请检查程序是否有异常或者系统是否被恶意攻击 开发者 -1 非法的apikey apikey不正确或没有授权 开发者 -2 API没有权限 用户没有对应的API权限 开发者 -3 IP没有权限 访问IP不在白名单之内,可在后台"账户设置->IP白名单设置"里添加该IP 开发者 -4 访问次数超限 调整访问频率或者申请更高的调用量 开发者 -5 访问频率超限 短期内访问过于频繁,请降低访问频率 开发者 -50 未知异常 系统出现未知的异常情况 技术支持 -51 系统繁忙 系统繁忙,请稍后重试 技术支持 -52 充值失败 充值时系统出错 技术支持 -53 提交短信失败 提交短信时系统出错 技术支持 -54 记录已存在 常见于插入键值已存在的记录 技术支持 -55 记录不存在 没有找到预期中的数据 技术支持 -57 用户开通过固定签名功能,但签名未设置 联系客服或技术支持设置固定签名 技术支持 */ private function mysend_yunpian($mobile, $content) { $yunpian = 'yunpian'; $plugin = str_replace('\\', '', str_replace('/', '', str_replace('.', '', $yunpian))); if (!empty($plugin)) { define('PLUGIN_ROOT', BASE_DATA_PATH . DS . 'api/smsapi'); require_once PLUGIN_ROOT . DS . $plugin . DS . 'Send.php'; return send_sms($content, $mobile); } else { return false; } }
$DT['sms'] or message($L['send_sms_close']); if ($submit) { is_mobile($mobile) or message($L['send_mobile_bad']); if (!is_password($username, $password)) { message($L['member_login_password_bad']); } $r = $db->get_one("SELECT userid FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE mobile='{$mobile}' AND vmobile=1 AND userid<>{$_userid}"); if ($r) { message($L['send_mobile_exist']); } if (max_sms($mobile)) { message($L['sms_msg_max']); } $auth = random(6, '0123456789'); $content = lang('sms->sms_code', array($auth, $MOD['auth_days'] * 10)) . $DT['sms_sign']; $sms_code = send_sms($mobile, $content); if (1 || strpos($sms_code, $DT['sms_ok']) !== false) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET auth='{$auth}',authvalue='{$mobile}',authtime='{$DT_TIME}' WHERE username='******'"); userclean($username); dheader('?code=1&action=' . $action . '&mobile=' . $mobile); } else { message($L['send_mobile_fail']); } } isset($mobile) && is_mobile($mobile) or $mobile = ''; $head_title = $L['send_passport_title']; include template('send', $module); } break; case 'passport': $_username == $_passport or dheader('edit.php');
function alert_empr_resa($id_resa = 0, $id_empr_concerne = 0, $print_mode = 0) { global $dbh; global $msg, $charset; global $PMBuserid, $PMBuseremailbcc; global $pdflettreresa_priorite_email; global $pdflettreresa_before_list, $pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur, $pdflettreresa_after_list, $pdflettreresa_fdp; global $biblio_name, $biblio_email; global $biblio_adr1, $biblio_adr2, $biblio_cp, $biblio_town, $biblio_phone; global $bouton_impr_conf, $pdflettreresa_priorite_email_manuel; global $pmb_transferts_actif, $transferts_choix_lieu_opac; global $empr_sms_activation; global $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo; global $use_opac_url_base; $use_opac_url_base = 1; // si c'est une impression à partir du bouton, on prend le paramètre ad hoc if ($bouton_impr_conf) { $pdflettreresa_priorite_email = $pdflettreresa_priorite_email_manuel; } if ($pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 3) { return; } $query = "select distinct "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, "; $query .= "date_format(resa_date_fin, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date_fin, "; $query .= "date_format(resa_date_debut, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date_debut, "; $query .= "empr_prenom, empr_nom, empr_cb, empr_mail, empr_tel1, empr_sms, id_resa, "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.niveau_biblio,''), ifnull(notices_s.niveau_biblio,''))) as niveau_biblio, "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.notice_id,''), ifnull(notices_s.notice_id,''))) as id_notice "; $query .= "from (((resa LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON resa_idnotice = notices_m.notice_id ) LEFT JOIN bulletins ON resa_idbulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), empr "; $query .= "where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") and resa_idempr=id_empr"; if ($id_empr_concerne) { $query .= " and id_empr={$id_empr_concerne} "; } $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $charset . "\n"; $var = "pdflettreresa_fdp"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_fdp=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le texte après la liste des ouvrages en résa $var = "pdflettreresa_after_list"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_after_list=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le texte avant la liste des ouvrges en réservation $var = "pdflettreresa_before_list"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_before_list=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le "Madame, Monsieur," ou tout autre truc du genre "Cher adhérent," $var = "pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); $tab_resa = array(); while ($empr = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $id_empr = $empr->id_empr; $rqt_maj = "update resa set resa_confirmee=1 where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") AND resa_cb is not null and resa_cb!=''"; if ($id_empr_concerne) { $rqt_maj .= " and resa_idempr={$id_empr_concerne} "; } mysql_query($rqt_maj, $dbh); if (($pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 1 || $pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 2) && $empr->empr_mail) { $to = $empr->empr_prenom . " " . $empr->empr_nom . " <" . $empr->empr_mail . ">"; $output_final = "<html><body>"; $texte_madame_monsieur = str_replace("!!empr_name!!", $empr->empr_nom, $pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur); $texte_madame_monsieur = str_replace("!!empr_first_name!!", $empr->empr_prenom, $texte_madame_monsieur); $output_final .= "{$texte_madame_monsieur} <br />" . $pdflettreresa_before_list; if ($empr->niveau_biblio == 'm' || $empr->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $affichage = new mono_display($empr->id_notice, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', true, '', ''); $output_final .= "<hr /><strong>" . $affichage->header . "</strong>"; } elseif ($empr->niveau_biblio == 's' || $empr->niveau_biblio == 'a') { $affichage_perio = new serial_display($empr->id_notice, 0); $output_final .= "<hr /><strong>" . $affichage_perio->header . "</strong>"; } $rqt_detail = "select resa_confirmee, resa_cb,location_libelle, expl_cote from resa\n\t\t\tleft join exemplaires on expl_cb=resa_cb\n\t\t\tleft join docs_location on idlocation=expl_location\n\t\t\twhere id_resa ={$id_resa} and resa_cb is not null and resa_cb!='' "; $res_detail = mysql_query($rqt_detail); $expl_detail = mysql_fetch_object($res_detail); $output_final .= "<br />"; $output_final .= strip_tags($msg[291] . " : " . $expl_detail->resa_cb . " {$msg['296']} : " . $expl_detail->expl_cote); $output_final .= "<br />"; $output_final .= $msg['fpdf_valide'] . " " . $empr->aff_resa_date_debut . " " . $msg['fpdf_valable'] . " " . $empr->aff_resa_date_fin; $lieu_retrait = ""; if ($pmb_transferts_actif && $transferts_choix_lieu_opac == 3) { $rqt = "select resa_confirmee, resa_cb,resa_loc_retrait from resa where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") and resa_cb is not null and resa_cb!='' "; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($resa_lue = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($resa_lue->resa_confirmee) { if ($resa_lue->resa_loc_retrait) { $loc_retait = $resa_lue->resa_loc_retrait; } else { $rqt = "select expl_location from exemplaires where expl_cb='" . $resa_lue->resa_cb . "' "; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res_expl = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $loc_retait = $res_expl->expl_location; } } $rqt = "select location_libelle from docs_location where idlocation=" . $loc_retait; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res_expl = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $lieu_retrait = str_replace("!!location!!", $res_expl->location_libelle, $msg["resa_lettre_lieu_retrait"]); } } } } else { $lieu_retrait = str_replace("!!location!!", $expl_detail->location_libelle, $msg["resa_lettre_lieu_retrait"]); } $output_final .= "<br />{$lieu_retrait}<br /><hr />{$pdflettreresa_after_list} <br />" . $pdflettreresa_fdp; $output_final .= "<br /><br />" . mail_bloc_adresse(); $output_final .= "</body></html> "; if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { $res_envoi = mailpmb($empr->empr_prenom . " " . $empr->empr_nom, $empr->empr_mail, $msg["mail_obj_resa_validee"] . " : " . $empr->empr_prenom . " " . mb_strtoupper($empr->empr_nom, $charset) . " (" . $empr->empr_cb . ")", $output_final, $biblio_name, $biblio_email, $headers, "", $PMBuseremailbcc, 1); } if (!$res_envoi || $pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 2) { if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { array_push($tab_resa, $empr->id_resa); } } } elseif ($pdflettreresa_priorite_email != 3) { if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { array_push($tab_resa, $empr->id_resa); } } if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa) && $empr->empr_tel1 && $empr->empr_sms && $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo) { $res_envoi_sms = send_sms(1, 0, $empr->empr_tel1, $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo); } } // end while $valeur_tab = implode(',', $tab_resa); if ($valeur_tab && !$print_mode) { print "<script type='text/javascript'>openPopUp('./pdf.php?pdfdoc=lettre_resa&id_resa={$valeur_tab}', 'lettre_confirm_resa" . $id_resa . "', 600, 500, -2, -2, 'toolbar=no, dependent=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes');</script>"; } }
function admin_notice() { global $DT, $MODULE, $db, $moduleid, $file, $itemid, $action, $reason, $msg, $eml, $sms, $wec; if (!is_array($itemid)) { return; } if (count($itemid) == 0) { return; } $S = array('delete' => '已经被删除', 'check' => '已经通过审核', 'reject' => '没有通过审核', 'onsale' => '已经上架', 'unsale' => '已经下架'); $N = array('honor' => '荣誉资质', 'news' => '公司新闻', 'page' => '公司单页', 'link' => '友情链接'); if (!isset($S[$action])) { return; } if ($moduleid > 4) { $table = get_table($moduleid); $name = $MODULE[$moduleid]['name']; if ($moduleid == 9) { if ($file == 'resume') { $table = $db->pre . $file; $name = '简历'; } else { $name = '招聘'; } } else { if ($moduleid == 16) { $name = '商品'; } } } else { if (isset($N[$file])) { $table = $db->pre . $file; $name = $N[$file]; } else { return; } } if ($reason == '操作原因') { $reason = ''; } $msg = isset($msg) ? 1 : 0; if (strlen($reason) > 2) { $msg = 1; } $eml = isset($eml) ? 1 : 0; if ($msg == 0 && $eml == 0) { return; } $sms = isset($sms) ? 1 : 0; $wec = isset($wec) ? 1 : 0; if ($msg == 0) { $sms = $wec = 0; } $result = $db->query("SELECT itemid,title,username,linkurl FROM {$table} WHERE itemid IN (" . implode(',', $itemid) . ")"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $username = $r['username']; if (!check_name($username)) { continue; } $title = $r['title']; $linkurl = strpos($r['linkurl'], '://') === false ? $MODULE[$moduleid]['linkurl'] . $r['linkurl'] : $r['linkurl']; $subject = '您发布的[' . $name . ']' . $title . '(ID:' . $r['itemid'] . ')' . $S[$action]; $body = '尊敬的会员:<br/>您发布的[' . $name . ']<a href="' . $linkurl . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>(ID:' . $r['itemid'] . ')' . $S[$action] . '!<br/>'; if ($reason) { $body .= '操作原因:<br/>' . $reason . '<br/>'; } $body .= '如果您对此操作有异议,请及时与网站联系。'; if ($msg) { send_message($username, $subject, $body); } if ($wec) { send_weixin($username, $subject); } if ($eml || $sms) { $user = userinfo($username); if ($eml) { send_mail($user['email'], $subject, $body); } if ($sms) { send_sms($user['mobile'], $subject . $DT['sms_sign']); } } } }
function confirmResaReader($id_resa = 0, $id_empr_concerne = 0, $f_loc = 0) { global $dbh; global $msg, $charset; global $PMBuserid, $PMBuseremailbcc; global $pdflettreresa_priorite_email; global $pdflettreresa_before_list, $pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur, $pdflettreresa_after_list, $pdflettreresa_fdp; global $biblio_name, $biblio_email; global $biblio_adr1, $biblio_adr2, $biblio_cp, $biblio_town, $biblio_phone; global $pmb_transferts_actif, $transferts_choix_lieu_opac; global $empr_sms_activation; global $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo; // global $deflt2docs_location; if (SESSrights & CIRCULATION_AUTH) { if ($pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 3) { return; } $this->infos_biblio(); // $this->infos_biblio($deflt2docs_location); $query = "select distinct "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.tit1,''),ifnull(notices_s.tit1,''),' ',ifnull(bulletin_numero,''), if (mention_date, concat(' (',mention_date,')') ,''))) as tit, "; $query .= "date_format(resa_date_fin, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date_fin, "; $query .= "date_format(resa_date_debut, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_resa_date_debut, "; $query .= "empr_prenom, empr_nom, empr_cb, empr_mail, empr_tel1, empr_sms, id_resa, "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.niveau_biblio,''), ifnull(notices_s.niveau_biblio,''))) as niveau_biblio, "; $query .= "trim(concat(ifnull(notices_m.notice_id,''), ifnull(notices_s.notice_id,''))) as id_notice "; $query .= "from (((resa LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_m ON resa_idnotice = notices_m.notice_id ) LEFT JOIN bulletins ON resa_idbulletin = bulletins.bulletin_id) LEFT JOIN notices AS notices_s ON bulletin_notice = notices_s.notice_id), empr "; $query .= "where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") and resa_idempr=id_empr "; $query .= "and resa_confirmee=0"; if ($id_empr_concerne) { $query .= " and id_empr={$id_empr_concerne} "; } if ($f_loc) { $query .= " and empr_location={$f_loc} "; } $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . $charset . "\n"; $var = "pdflettreresa_fdp"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_fdp=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le texte après la liste des ouvrages en résa $var = "pdflettreresa_after_list"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_after_list=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le texte avant la liste des ouvrges en réservation $var = "pdflettreresa_before_list"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_before_list=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); // le "Madame, Monsieur," ou tout autre truc du genre "Cher adhérent," $var = "pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur"; eval("\$pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur=\"" . ${$var} . "\";"); $tab_resa = array(); while ($empr = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $id_empr = $empr->id_empr; $rqt_maj = "update resa set resa_confirmee=1 where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") AND resa_cb is not null and resa_cb!=''"; if ($id_empr_concerne) { $rqt_maj .= " and resa_idempr={$id_empr_concerne} "; } mysql_query($rqt_maj, $dbh); if (($pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 1 || $pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 2) && $empr->empr_mail) { $to = $empr->empr_prenom . " " . $empr->empr_nom . " <" . $empr->empr_mail . ">"; $output_final = "<html><body>"; $pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur = str_replace("!!empr_first_name!!", $empr->empr_prenom, $pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur); $output_final .= "{$pdflettreresa_madame_monsieur} <br />" . $pdflettreresa_before_list; if ($empr->niveau_biblio == 'm' || $empr->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $affichage = new mono_display($empr->id_notice, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', true, '', ''); $output_final .= "<hr /><strong>" . $affichage->header . "</strong>"; } elseif ($empr->niveau_biblio == 's' || $empr->niveau_biblio == 'a') { $affichage_perio = new serial_display($empr->id_notice, 0); $output_final .= "<hr /><strong>" . $affichage_perio->header . "</strong>"; } $output_final .= "<br />"; $output_final .= $msg['fpdf_valide'] . " " . $empr->aff_resa_date_debut . " " . $msg['fpdf_valable'] . " " . $empr->aff_resa_date_fin; $lieu_retrait = ""; if ($pmb_transferts_actif && $transferts_choix_lieu_opac == 3) { $rqt = "select resa_confirmee, resa_cb,resa_loc_retrait from resa where id_resa in (" . $id_resa . ") and resa_cb is not null and resa_cb!='' "; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($resa_lue = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { if ($resa_lue->resa_confirmee) { if ($resa_lue->resa_loc_retrait) { $loc_retait = $resa_lue->resa_loc_retrait; } else { $rqt = "select expl_location from exemplaires where expl_cb='" . $resa_lue->resa_cb . "' "; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res_expl = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $loc_retait = $res_expl->expl_location; } } $rqt = "select location_libelle from docs_location where idlocation=" . $loc_retait; $res = mysql_query($rqt, $dbh); if ($res_expl = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $lieu_retrait = str_replace("!!location!!", $res_expl->location_libelle, $msg["resa_lettre_lieu_retrait"]); } } } } $output_final .= "<br />{$lieu_retrait}<br /><hr />{$pdflettreresa_after_list} <br />" . $pdflettreresa_fdp; $output_final .= "<br /><br />" . mail_bloc_adresse(); $output_final .= "</body></html> "; if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { $res_envoi = mailpmb($empr->empr_prenom . " " . $empr->empr_nom, $empr->empr_mail, $msg["mail_obj_resa_validee"] . " : " . $empr->empr_prenom . " " . mb_strtoupper($empr->empr_nom, $charset) . " (" . $empr->empr_cb . ")", $output_final, $biblio_name, $biblio_email, $headers, "", $PMBuseremailbcc, 1); } if (!$res_envoi || $pdflettreresa_priorite_email == 2) { if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { array_push($tab_resa, $empr->id_resa); } } } elseif ($pdflettreresa_priorite_email != 3) { if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa)) { array_push($tab_resa, $empr->id_resa); } } if (is_resa_confirme($empr->id_resa) && $empr_sms_activation && $empr->empr_tel1 && $empr->empr_sms && $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo) { $res_envoi_sms = send_sms(1, 0, $empr->empr_tel1, $empr_sms_msg_resa_dispo); } } // end while $valeur_tab = implode(',', $tab_resa); if ($valeur_tab) { return $valeur_tab; } else { return ""; } } else { return; } }
$content .= '<br/>' . $L['content_skype'] . ' ' . im_skype($skype) . ' ' . $skype; } if (is_date($date)) { $content .= '<hr size="1"/>' . lang($L['content_date'], array($date)); } $message = $L['content_product'] . '<a href="' . $linkurl . '"><strong>' . $item['title'] . '</strong></a><br/>' . $content; //send sms if ($DT['sms'] && $_sms && $item['username'] && isset($sendsms)) { $touser = userinfo($item['username']); if ($touser['mobile']) { $message = lang('sms->sms_price', array($item['tag'], $itemid, $truename, $telephone)); $message = strip_sms($message); $word = word_count($message); $sms_num = ceil($word / $DT['sms_len']); if ($sms_num <= $_sms) { $sms_code = send_sms($touser['mobile'], $message, $word); if (strpos($sms_code, $DT['sms_ok']) !== false) { $tmp = explode('/', $sms_code); if (is_numeric($tmp[1])) { $sms_num = $tmp[1]; } if ($sms_num) { sms_add($_username, -$sms_num); } if ($sms_num) { sms_record($_username, -$sms_num, $_username, $L['sms_price'], 'ID:' . $itemid); } } } } }
} if ($_POST['reopen'] == "1") { if ($result['status'] != "0") { $autostatus = "The ticket isn't closed."; } else { $autostatus = "The ticket has been re-opened."; $email_update_str = "The ticket has been re-opened."; squery("INSERT INTO karnaf_actions(tid,action,a_by_u,a_by_g,a_time,a_type,is_private) VALUES(%d,'The ticket has been re-opened.','%s','%s',%d,1,%d)", $id, $nick, $group, time() + 1, $is_private); squery("UPDATE karnaf_tickets SET status=1,lastupd_time=%d WHERE id=%d", time(), $id); } } $autoload = 4; } /* Send SMS */ if (isset($_POST['sms_account'])) { if (send_sms($_POST['sms_account'], $_POST['sms_to'], $_POST['sms_body'])) { squery("INSERT INTO karnaf_actions(tid,action,a_by_u,a_by_g,a_time,a_type,is_private) VALUES(%d,'%s','%s','%s',%d,1,%d)", $id, "Sent SMS to " . $_POST['sms_to'], $nick, $group, time(), $is_private); squery("UPDATE karnaf_tickets SET lastupd_time=%d WHERE id=%d", time(), $id); $autostatus = "The SMS has been sent."; if ($is_private != 1) { $email_update_str = "Sent SMS to " . $_POST['sms_to']; } } else { $autostatus = "Error! Could not send SMS!"; } $autoload = 9; } if (isset($email_update_str) && !empty($email_update_str)) { if ((!isset($is_private) || $is_private != "1") && (!isset($_POST['no_userupd']) || $_POST['no_userupd'] != "on")) { if ($result['memo_upd'] == "1") { send_memo($result['unick'], "Your ticket #" . $result['id'] . " has been updated. For more information visit: " . KARNAF_URL . "/view.php?id=" . $result['id'] . "&code=" . $result['randcode']);
} } if (array_key_exists('cid', $contact)) { $cid = $contact['cid']; if (in_array('mail', $channels) && array_key_exists('email', $contact)) { printf("[mail/events] %s (CID: %04d): %s" . PHP_EOL, $customers[$cid]['name'], $cid, $contact['email']); if (!$debug) { $msgid = create_message(MSG_MAIL, $subject, $message); send_mail($msgid, $cid, $contact['email'], $customers[$cid]['name'], $subject, $message); } } if (in_array('sms', $channels) && array_key_exists('phone', $contact)) { printf("[sms/events] %s (CID: %04d): %s" . PHP_EOL, $customers[$cid]['name'], $cid, $contact['phone']); if (!$debug) { $msgid = create_message(MSG_SMS, $subject, $message); send_sms($msgid, $cid, $contact['phone'], $message); } } } } } } } } // send message to customers which have awaiting www messages if (in_array('www', $channels) && (empty($types) || in_array('messages', $types))) { $nodes = $DB->GetAll("SELECT INET_NTOA(ipaddr) AS ip\n\t\t\tFROM vnodes n\n\t\tJOIN (SELECT DISTINCT customerid FROM messageitems\n\t\t\tJOIN messages m ON m.id = messageid\n\t\t\tWHERE type = ? AND status = ?\n\t\t) m ON m.customerid = n.ownerid\n\t\tORDER BY ipaddr", array(MSG_WWW, MSG_NEW)); if (!$debug) { if (!($fh = fopen($notifications['messages']['file'], 'w'))) { continue; }
foreach ($recipient_phones as $phone) { printf("[sms/warnings] %s (%04d): %s" . PHP_EOL, $row['name'], $row['id'], $recipient_phone); } } } if (!$debug) { if (in_array('mail', $channels) && !empty($recipient_mails)) { $msgid = create_message(MSG_MAIL, $subject, $message); foreach ($recipient_mails as $recipient_mail) { send_mail($msgid, $row['id'], $recipient_mail, $row['name'], $subject, $message); } } if (in_array('sms', $channels) && !empty($recipient_phones)) { $msgid = create_message(MSG_SMS, $subject, $message); foreach ($recipient_phones as $phone) { send_sms($msgid, $row['id'], $phone, $message); } } } } } } // send message to customers which have awaiting www messages if (in_array('www', $channels) && (empty($types) || in_array('messages', $types))) { $nodes = $DB->GetAll("SELECT INET_NTOA(ipaddr) AS ip\n\t\t\tFROM nodes n\n\t\tJOIN (SELECT DISTINCT customerid FROM messageitems\n\t\t\tJOIN messages m ON m.id = messageid\n\t\t\tWHERE type = ? AND status = ?\n\t\t) m ON m.customerid = n.ownerid\n\t\tORDER BY ipaddr", array(MSG_WWW, MSG_NEW)); if (!empty($nodes)) { if (!$debug) { if (!($fh = fopen($notifications['messages']['file'], 'w'))) { continue; } fwrite($fh, str_replace("\\n", PHP_EOL, $notifications['messages']['header']));
if ($del_patent_id > 0) { $sql = "delete from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " where order_id='{$del_patent_id}' "; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); } /* 代码增加_start By www.68ecshop.com */ //$split_order = split_order($new_order_id); $smarty->assign('split_order', $split_order); /* 如果需要,发短信 */ if (count($split_order['suborder_list']) > 0) { foreach ($split_order['suborder_list'] as $key => $val) { $supplier_ids[$key] = $val['order_sn']; } } //$supplier_ids = array_keys(); include_once 'send.php'; send_sms($supplier_ids, '您有一条新订单,订单号为:ordersn请注意查看。【shopname】', 1); $order['order_amount'] = $all_order_amount; //替换为总金额去支付 /* 取得支付信息,生成支付代码 */ if ($split_order['sub_order_count'] > 1) { $order['order_sn'] = $parent_order_id; /* 插入支付日志 */ $order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($order['order_sn'], $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); } else { /* 插入支付日志 */ //$order['log_id'] = insert_pay_log($order['order_id'], $order['order_amount'], PAY_ORDER); } if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) { $payment = payment_info($order['pay_id']); include_once 'includes/modules/payment/' . $payment['pay_code'] . '.php'; $pay_obj = new $payment['pay_code']();