function import() { global $error, $importLog, $tempDBName, $sourceDBName, $targetDBName, $sourceDBID, $importRtyID, $importedRecTypes; $importedRecTypes = array(); $error = false; $importLog = array(); if (!$tempDBName || $tempDBName === "" || !$targetDBName || $targetDBName === "" || !$sourceDBID || !is_numeric($sourceDBID) || !$importRtyID || !is_numeric($importRtyID)) { makeLogEntry("importParameters", -1, "One or more required import parameters not supplied or incorrect form ( " . "importingDBName={name of target DB} sourceDBID={reg number of source DB or 0} " . "importRtyID={numeric ID of record type} tempDBName={temp db name where source DB type data are held}"); $error = true; } $startedTransaction = false; if (!$error) { mysql_query("start transaction"); $startedTransaction = true; // Get recordtype data that has to be imported $res = mysql_query("select * from " . $tempDBName . ".defRecTypes where rty_ID = " . $importRtyID); if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) { $error = true; makeLogEntry("Record type", $importRtyID, " was not found in local, temporary copy of, source database ({$sourceDBName})"); } else { $importRty = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); } // check if rectype already imported, if so return the local id. if (!$error && $importRty) { $origRtyName = $importRty["rty_Name"]; $replacementName = @$_GET["replaceRecTypeName"]; if ($replacementName && $replacementName != "") { $importRty["rty_Name"] = $replacementName; $importRty["rty_Plural"] = ""; //TODO need better way of determining the plural } if ($importRty["rty_OriginatingDBID"] == 0 || $importRty["rty_OriginatingDBID"] == "") { $importRty["rty_OriginatingDBID"] = $sourceDBID; $importRty["rty_IDInOriginatingDB"] = $importRtyID; $importRty["rty_NameInOriginatingDB"] = $origRtyName; } //lookup rty in target DB $resRtyExist = mysql_query("select rty_ID from " . $targetDBName . ".defRecTypes " . "where rty_OriginatingDBID = " . $importRty["rty_OriginatingDBID"] . " AND rty_IDInOriginatingDB = " . $importRty["rty_IDInOriginatingDB"]); // Rectype is not in target DB so import it $localRtyID = null; if (mysql_num_rows($resRtyExist) > 0) { $localRtyID = mysql_fetch_array($resRtyExist, MYSQL_NUM); $localRtyID = $localRtyID[0]; makeLogEntry("Record type", $importRtyID, " ALREADY EXISTS in {$targetDBName} as ID = {$localRtyID}"); } $localRtyID = importRectype($importRty, $localRtyID); if ($localRtyID) { array_push($importedRecTypes, $importRty["rty_ID"]); } } } // successful import if (!$error) { if ($startedTransaction) { mysql_query("commit"); } $mask = $importRty["rty_TitleMask"]; // note we use special global array $fields_correspondence - for proper conversion of remote id to concept code $res = updateTitleMask($localRtyID, $mask); if (!is_numeric($res)) { makeLogEntry("Error convertion title mask", $localRtyID, $res); } $statusMsg = ""; if (sizeof($importLog) > 0) { foreach ($importLog as $logLine) { echo $logLine[0] . (intval($logLine[1]) < 0 ? "" : " #" . $logLine[1] . " ") . $logLine[2] . "<br />"; } } echo "Successfully imported record type '" . $importRty["rty_Name"] . "' from " . $sourceDBName . "<br />"; echo "<br />"; echo "IMPORTED:" . implode(",", $importedRecTypes); sendReportEmail($importRty, $localRtyID); return $localRtyID; // duplicate record found } else { if (substr(mysql_error(), 0, 9) == "Duplicate") { if ($startedTransaction) { mysql_query("rollback"); } echo "prompt"; //general error condition } else { if (isset($startedTransaction) && $startedTransaction) { mysql_query("rollback"); } if (mysql_error()) { $statusMsg = "MySQL error: " . mysql_error() . "<br />"; } else { $statusMsg = "Error:<br />"; } if (sizeof($importLog) > 0) { foreach ($importLog as $logLine) { $statusMsg .= $logLine[0] . (intval($logLine[1]) < 0 ? "" : " #" . $logLine[1] . " ") . $logLine[2] . "<br />"; } $statusMsg .= "Changes rolled back, nothing was imported"; } // TODO: Delete all information that has already been imported (retrieve from $importLog) echo $statusMsg; } } }
// END - 2009/05/29 - Michael //put url together $fqurl = $report_url . "?x=" . $x . "&dir=" . $dir . "&ses=" . $ses . "&form_ses=" . $form_ses . "&r=" . $r . "&thisauth=4887aa210c4f420080724070105&emailer=1"; //create file on server $pfile = getReportFile($fqurl, $ext); // BEGIN - 2009/05/29 - Michael // Check if there was an error getting the report file. // sendResponse terminates the script. if (!$pfile) { sendResponse("report_error"); } // END - Michael //send email // BEGIN - 2009/05/29 // Check if there was an error sending the email. if (!sendReportEmail($to, $from, $message, $html = true, $subject, $wordWrap = 120, $pfile, $filename . $ext, $receipt)) { sendResponse("email_error"); } // END - 2009/05/29 - Michael //debug email //sendReportEmail('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', $fqurl, $html = true, 'debug', $wordWrap = 120, $pfile, $filename.$ext); //delete file @unlink($pfile); // 2009/05/29 - Michael sendResponse($form_ses); //set cookie function sendReportEmail($to, $from = "*****@*****.**", $content = "nuBuilder Email", $html = false, $subject = "", $wordWrap = 120, $filesource, $filename, $receipt = "false") { $mail = new PHPMailer(); // BEGIN - 2009/06/09 - Michael switch ($GLOBALS["NUMailMethod"]) {
function reporteCsv($arrIdCli, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv) { global $db, $db2; //$usuario=getValueTable("Nombre","USUARIO","Id_usuario",$mscIdUsuario); //$pais = getValueTable("pais","INFO","id_info",1); //$cliente=getValueTable("cliente","D_CLIENTE","id_cliente",$idCliente); foreach ($arrIdCli as $idCliente) { // -------------------------------------------------------- // ACTUALZA COBRANZA // -------------------------------------------------------- $sql = "select c.id_calculo as ID_CALCULO, "; $sql .= "c.st_tipo_calculo as TIPO_CAL,"; $sql .= "c.diaLib_usr as DL_APL_USR, "; $sql .= "c.libre_dias as DL,"; $sql .= "c.fecha_vacio as FV,"; $sql .= "c.id_bl_conte as ID_BL_CONTE "; $sql .= "from D_CALCULO c, BL_CONTE bc, EXPO e, BARCO b, D_CLIENTE cc "; $sql .= "where "; $sql .= "c.id_bl_conte=bc.id_bl_conte and "; $sql .= "c.id_cliente='{$idCliente}' and "; $sql .= "bc.Id_bl=e.Id_expo and "; $sql .= "e.Id_barco=b.Id_barco and "; $sql .= "c.id_cliente=cc.id_cliente and "; $sql .= "c.dias_demora >= 15 and "; $sql .= "c.libre_f1 BETWEEN '{$fecha1}' and '{$fecha2}' "; // Morosos // $sql.="and c.pago_pendiente_iva > 0 "; //$sql.="order by c.id_cliente "; $db->query($sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $idCalculo = $db->f(ID_CALCULO); $tipoCal = $db->f(TIPO_CAL); //echo "tipo(1): $tipoCal / $idCalculo / $idCliente<br>"; if ($tipoCal == "P") { $usrAplicoDiasLib = $db->f(DL_APL_USR); if ($usrAplicoDiasLib > 0) { $libDias = $db->f(DL); if (!empty($tipoCal)) { $hoy = date("Y-m-d"); $fvDb = $db->f(FV); if ($fvDb != $hoy) { calcularDemora($idCalculo, $fv, $tipoCal, $libDias); } } } else { $fvDb = $db->f(FV); if ($fvDb != $fv) { calcularDemora($idCalculo, $fv, $tipoCal); } } } // Actualizar pagos realizados y pendientes // ---------------------------------------- $idBlConte = $db->f(ID_BL_CONTE); $idBl = getValueTable("id_bl", "BL_CONTE", "id_bl_conte", $idBlConte); $idConte = getValueTable("id_contenedor", "BL_CONTE", "id_bl_conte", $idBlConte); $pagosRealizados = getMontoPagado($idBl, $idConte); $pagosRealizadosTl = getMontoPagadoTl($idBl, $idConte); // ------------------------------------------------------- // IMPORTANTE: Esta funcion puede quitar mucho tiempo de proceso. // Pero es importante, ya que trae los pagos realizados por parte del cliente. // Asi que no se debe evitar. calcularPendientes($idCalculo, $pagosRealizados, $pagosRealizadosTl); // ------------------------------------------------------- $bl = getValueTable("Bl", "EXPO", "Id_expo", $idBl); $conte = getValueTable("Numero", "CONTENEDOR", "id_contenedor", $idConte); } } foreach ($arrIdCli as $idCliente) { $idEje = getValueTable("id_eje", "D_CLIENTE", "id_cliente", $idCliente); switch ($idEje) { case "80": // Catalina Alonso $arrCliCata[] = $idCliente; break; case "81": // Raymundo Perez $arrCliRay[] = $idCliente; break; case "155": // Miguel Ramirez $arrCliMike[] = $idCliente; break; case "171": // Evaristo Morales $arrCliEva[] = $idCliente; break; case "194": // Tona $arrCliTona[] = $idCliente; break; default: break; } } require_once '../include/pclzip.lib.php'; // ----------------------- // Reportes por Ejecutivos // ----------------------- if (is_array($arrCliCata)) { $cliCata = implode(",", $arrCliCata); reporteCsvP2($cliCata, 80, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv); // ZIP $archive = new PclZip('../files/'); $v_list = $archive->add('../files/demPosAba_80.csv', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'install', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, 'dev'); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } // EMAIL sendReportEmail(80); // ELIMINA - BASURA unlink("../files/"); unlink("../files/demPosAba_80.csv"); } if (is_array($arrCliRay)) { $cliRay = implode(",", $arrCliRay); reporteCsvP2($cliRay, 81, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv); // ZIP $archive = new PclZip('../files/'); $v_list = $archive->add('../files/demPosAba_81.csv', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'install', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, 'dev'); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } // EMAIL sendReportEmail(81); // ELIMINA - BASURA unlink("../files/"); unlink("../files/demPosAba_81.csv"); } if (is_array($arrCliMike)) { $cliMike = implode(",", $arrCliMike); reporteCsvP2($cliMike, 155, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv); // ZIP $archive = new PclZip('../files/'); $v_list = $archive->add('../files/demPosAba_155.csv', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'install', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, 'dev'); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } // EMAIL sendReportEmail(155); // ELIMINA - BASURA unlink("../files/"); unlink("../files/demPosAba_155.csv"); } if (is_array($arrCliEva)) { $cliEva = implode(",", $arrCliEva); reporteCsvP2($cliEva, 171, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv); // ZIP $archive = new PclZip('../files/'); $v_list = $archive->add('../files/demPosAba_171.csv', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'install', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, 'dev'); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } // EMAIL sendReportEmail(171); // ELIMINA - BASURA unlink("../files/"); unlink("../files/demPosAba_171.csv"); } if (is_array($arrCliTona)) { $cliTona = implode(",", $arrCliTona); reporteCsvP2($cliTona, 194, $fecha1, $fecha2, $fv); // ZIP $archive = new PclZip('../files/'); $v_list = $archive->add('../files/demPosAba_194.csv', PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, 'install', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, 'dev'); if ($v_list == 0) { die("Error : " . $archive->errorInfo(true)); } // EMAIL sendReportEmail(194); // ELIMINA - BASURA unlink("../files/"); unlink("../files/demPosAba_155.csv"); } }