$txtEmailDownload = $user_email_row['email'];
            $subjectDownload = "Digital Product Order placed at " . SITE_NAME;
            $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
            $headers .= "From: " . SITE_EMAIL . "<" . SITE_EMAIL . ">" . "\r\n";
            /*-------Email Template reading function call------------*/
            $mailcontent_digital_product = readEmailTemplate('digital_product');
            $product_download_details .= "\n\n*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*\r\n";
            $product_download_details .= "<font color='#FF0000'>Note: If you do not have pop-ups enabled on your browser, the product download many not work properly.So please enable pop-ups before downloading !!</font>";
            $mailcontent_digital_product = str_replace('[product_details]', $product_download_details, $mailcontent_digital_product);
            $mailcontent_digital_product = nl2br($mailcontent_digital_product);
            $mail_send_details = "<html><head><link href='" . SITE_URL . "/style/template1-admin.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head><body><center><div align='left' id='layout'><div align='left' class='header'><div align='left' class='logo'><img src=" . $logofolder . "/" . $logoimage . " width='125' height='39'/></div></div><div>" . $mailcontent_digital_product . "</div></div><div align='left' class='clear_float'><img src=" . $imagefolder . "/clear.gif width=1 height=1/></div></div></div></center></body></html>";
            //$mailsent = mail($txtEmailDownload,$subjectDownload,$mail_send_details,$headers);
        /*-----------------Digital Product Mail Sending Ends----------------*/
        // Send Giftcertificate Mails
        if ($gift_coupon_flag == 1) {
            sendgiftCertificateMail_Buyer($orderid, $CustomArray[0]);
        } else {
            sendBuyerEmail($orderid, $CustomArray[0]);
            sendSellerEmail($orderid, $CustomArray[0]);
            sendAdminEmail($orderid, $CustomArray[0]);
        //Send Mail To Buyer
    // end if paypal check
//end ipn check if
$_SESSION["sess_addresses_collected"] = false;
$_SESSION["sess_stock_adjusted"] = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2

// include files
include "../../includes/session.php";
include "../../includes/functions.php";
include "../../lang/" . getLang('');
// captcha
$showCaptcha = getCaptchaText();
// send email
if ($_POST) {
    $result = sendAdminEmail('1', $_POST['id'], $_POST['report']);

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">


	border: 0px;

	font-weight: bold;
 // Send Giftcertificate Mails
 if ($gift_coupon_flag == 1) {
     sendgiftCertificateMail_Buyer($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"], $usertype);
     sendgiftCertificateMail_Seller($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
     sendgiftCertificateMail_Admin($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
 //Send Digital Certificate Mails
 if ($product_download_flag == 1) {
     sendDigitalCertificateMail_Buyer($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"], $usertype);
     sendDigitalCertificateMail_Seller($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
     sendDigitalCertificateMail_Admin($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
 if ($product_download_flag != 1 && $gift_coupon_flag != 1) {
     sendBuyerEmail($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"], $usertype);
     sendSellerEmail($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
     sendAdminEmail($orderid, $_SESSION["sess_userid"]);
 adjustStock($_SESSION["sess_userid"], "-");
 $_SESSION["sess_addresses_collected"] = false;
 $_SESSION["sess_stock_adjusted"] = false;
 $_SESSION["sess_addresses_collected"] = false;
 $_SESSION["sess_stock_adjusted"] = false;
 $_SESSION['couponCode_det'] = '';
 if (isset($_SESSION['guest_login']) && $_SESSION['guest_login'] != '') {
     $_SESSION['guest_login'] = '';
     $_SESSION["sess_userid"] = '';
 $_SESSION["sess_guest_username"] = '';
Ejemplo n.º 4
function wiki($wiki, $article)
    global $dataSource;
    global $_CONFIG;
    global $_EXTRAS;
    $out = '';
    //if ($_CONFIG['oneWiki']){
    $base = $_CONFIG['base'];
    $url = $_CONFIG['base'] . "/{$article}";
    //} else {
    //	$base = $_CONFIG['base']."/".$wiki;
    //	$url = $_CONFIG['base']."/$wiki/$article";
    $content = array($wiki, $article, "", "aqWiki (Admin)", date("r"));
    if (!isset($_GET['action'])) {
        $_GET['action'] = false;
    switch ($_GET['action']) {
        case "viewrev":
            if (!$_GET['id']) {
                panic("View Revision", "Parameters incorrect");
            $id = $_GET['id'];
            $pages = $dataSource->getPage($article);
            debug("Found " . count($pages) . " pages");
            $row = $pages[$id];
            $content[2] = '<div class="info"><b>Note:</b> This is a <i>specific revision</i> of this page, and may be outdated, The current version is ((here|' . $article . ')). You can see the differences between this and the current revision <a href="' . $url . '?action=diff&amp;from=' . $id . '">here</a></div>';
            if (in_array($_EXTRAS['me'], $_EXTRAS['admins'])) {
                $content[2] .= '<div class="adminFunctions">Admin Actions: 
				<a href="' . $url . '?action=revert&id=' . $id . '">Revert back to this version</a>
            $content[2] .= $row['content'];
            #."\n\n [ \"Edit This Page\":$url?action=edit | \"View Source\":$url?action=src ]";
            $content[3] = $row['creator'];
            $content[4] = date("r", $row['created']);
            $limit = 3;
            $current = 0;
            $_EXTRAS['versions'] = '';
            foreach ($pages as $row) {
                $line = date("r", $row['created']) . " - \"" . $row['creator'] . "\":{$base}/~" . $row['creator'];
                if ($row['comment']) {
                    $line .= " : " . $row['comment'];
                if ($row['revision'] == $id) {
                    $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# " . $line . " [ Current ]\n";
                } else {
                    $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# " . $line . " [ <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=viewrev&amp;id=" . $row['revision'] . "\" title=\"View this revision\">View</a> |" . " <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=diff&amp;from=" . $id . "&amp;to=" . $row['revision'] . "\"\" title=\"View differences between this and the current revision\">Diff</a> ]\n";
                if ($id < $row['revision']) {
                    // Nothing happens
                } elseif ($current >= $limit && $_GET['action'] != "allrev") {
                    if ($id == $row['revision']) {
                        $limit += 6;
                    } else {
                        $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# \"Show rest of revisions\":" . $url . "?action=allrev\n";
            $content[2] .= $out;
        case "diff":
            $content[2] = "These are the differences between two versions of (({$article})). Lines styled <span class=\"added\">" . "like this</span> have been added to the entry, lines <span class=\"removed\">like this</span> have been removed.\n\n";
            $from = isset($_GET['from']) ? $_GET['from'] : false;
            $to = isset($_GET['to']) ? $_GET['to'] : false;
            $_EXTRAS['textarea'] = $dataSource->diff($article, $from, $to);
            $content[2] .= "[[TEXTAREA]]";
        case "newUser":
            /*mysql> describe users;
            		| Field         | Type             | Collation         |
            		| id            | int(10) unsigned | binary            |
            		| username      | varchar(64)      | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| real_name     | tinytext         | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| email         | tinytext         | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| birthday      | date             | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| password      | tinytext         | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| location      | int(11)          | binary            |
            		| last_access   | timestamp        | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| date_creation | timestamp        | latin1_swedish_ci |
            		| access_level  | int(11)          | binary            |
            		10 rows in set (0.05 sec)
            $form = '<form class="shiny" method=post action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '"><h2>New User</h2>' . "\n\n" . '|Username|<input type="text" name="username" value="' . $_POST['username'] . '">|(Must not be blank)|' . "\n" . '|Display Name|<input type="text" name="name" value="' . $_POST['name'] . '">|(Must not be blank)<br>|' . "\n" . '|e-Mail|<input type="text" name="email" value="' . $_POST['email'] . '">|(Must not be blank)<br>|' . "\n" . '|Password|<input type="password" name="password">|(Must not be blank)<br>|' . "\n" . '|Repeat Password |<input type="password" name="password2">| (Must match above) |' . "\n\n";
            if (isset($_CONFIG['recaptcha_public_key'])) {
                require_once 'recaptchalib.php';
                $public_key = $_CONFIG['recaptcha_public_key'];
                $form .= '<aqWikiNoProcess>' . recaptcha_get_html($public_key) . "</aqWikiNoProcess>\n\n";
            $form .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Create User">' . "\n\n" . '</form>';
            if ($_POST['submit']) {
                $errors = array();
                if ($_POST['username'] == "") {
                    $errors[] = "Username cannot be blank";
                } elseif (strstr($_POST['username'], ",")) {
                    $errors[] = "Username cannot contain commas";
                } elseif (isset($_EXTRAS['reservedUsers']) && in_array($_POST['username'], $_EXTRAS['reservedUsers'])) {
                    $errors[] = "Username invalid";
                } elseif (!$dataSource->unique("users", "username", $_POST['username'])) {
                    $errors[] = "Username must be unique";
                if ($_POST['email'] == "") {
                    $errors[] = "email cannot be blank";
                } elseif (!$dataSource->unique("users", "email", $_POST['email'])) {
                    $errors[] = "email must be unique";
                if ($_POST['name'] == "") {
                    $errors[] = "Display Name cannot be blank";
                } elseif (!$dataSource->unique("users", "real_name", $_POST['name'])) {
                    $errors[] = "Display Name must be unique";
                if ($_POST['password'] == "") {
                    $errors[] = "password cannot be blank";
                } elseif ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['password2']) {
                    $errors[] = "passwords must match";
                if (isset($_CONFIG['recaptcha_private_key'])) {
                    $privatekey = $_CONFIG['recaptcha_private_key'];
                    $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
                    if (!$resp->is_valid) {
                        $errors[] = "Captcha invalid";
                if (count($errors) == 0) {
                    $dataSource->newUser($_POST['username'], $_POST['name'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email']);
                    sendAdminEmail('New User Created', $_POST);
                    $out = "h2. New user created\n\n";
                    $out .= "Hi, " . $_POST['name'] . ", Welcome to this aqWiki install.\n\n";
                    $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
                    $out .= "You should now \"login\":" . $url['path'] . "?action=login";
                } else {
                    $out = "h2. Error in user creation\n\n";
                    foreach ($errors as $error) {
                        $out .= "* " . $error . "\n";
                    $out .= "\n\n" . $form;
            } else {
                $out = "h2. New user\n\n";
                $out .= $form;
            $content[2] = $out;
        case "edit":
            if ($_EXTRAS['reqEdit']) {
                doAuth($_EXTRAS['reqEdit'], "edit a page");
            if ($_EXTRAS['restrictNewPages']) {
                doAuth($_EXTRAS['restrictNewPages'], "create a new page");
            $form = true;
            $text = false;
            switch ($_POST['submit']) {
                case "Preview":
                    $out = $_POST['content'];
                    $text = stripslashes($_POST['content']);
                case "Spell Check":
                    $checker = new Spellchecker();
                    $text = strip_tags(textile($_POST['content']));
                    $num_errors = $checker->check($text);
                    if ($num_errors > 0) {
                        $out .= "h3. Spell Check\n\n";
                        #$out .= "Items <span class=\"spellCorrect\">like this</span> could be errors, hover over for suggestions. Items <span class=\"spellNoSuggest\">like this</span> arn't in the dictionary, and the spell checker has no idea.\n\n";
                        $errors = $checker->getErrors();
                        $oldtext = $text;
                        foreach ($errors as $word => $suggestions) {
                            /*$title = trim(implode(', ', $suggestions));
                            		if ($title == ""){
                            			$span = '<|-|'.$title.'|-|>'.$word.'</-|>';
                            		} else {
                            			$span = '<|||'.$title.'|||>'.$word.'</||>';
                            $suggs = implode(' ', $suggestions);
                            if ($suggs != " ") {
                                $errorlist .= "*" . $word . ":* " . $suggs . "\n\n";
                            } else {
                                $noidea[] = $word;
                            # $text = str_replace($word, $span, $text);
                            #$text = preg_replace("/(\W|^)$word(\W|\$)/i", "$1$span$2", $text);
                        						//if ($title == ""){
                        							$text = str_replace('<|-|', '<span class="spellNoSuggest"', $text);
                        							$text = str_replace('|-|>', '>', $text);
                        							$text = str_replace('</-|>', '</span>', $text);
                        						//} else {
                        							$text = str_replace('<|||', '<span class="spellCorrect" title="', $text);
                        							$text = str_replace('|||>', '">', $text);
                        							$text = str_replace('</||>', '</span>', $text);
                    if ($noidea) {
                        $errorlist .= "*No idea about:* " . implode(' ', $noidea) . "\n\n";
                    #$out .= $text;
                    $out .= $errorlist . "\n";
                    $text = stripslashes($_POST['content']);
                case "Post":
                    $page = array_shift($dataSource->getPage($article));
                    if ($page['rev_created'] > $_POST['edittime']) {
                        $content[2] .= collision_detection($page, $_POST);
                        $text = $_POST['content'];
                        //$form = false;
                    } else {
                        $dataSource->post($article, $_POST['content'], $_POST['comment']);
                        $form = false;
                        header("location: {$url}");
            if ($text) {
                $_EXTRAS['textarea'] = $text;
            } elseif (!$dataSource->pageExists($article)) {
                $_POST['comment'] = "Start of a brand new world";
                $_EXTRAS['textarea'] = "";
            } else {
                $_EXTRAS['textarea'] = stripslashes($dataSource->getContent($article));
            preg_match_all("/\\[\\[LOCKED\\|(.*?)\\]\\]/", $_EXTRAS['textarea'], $matches);
            foreach ($matches[0] as $index => $match) {
                $users = $matches[1][$index];
                doAuth($users, "view this");
            if ($form) {
                $out .= "<form method=post action=\"" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\" class=\"shiny wikiedit\">";
                $out .= '<h2>Editing "' . $content[1] . '"</h2>';
                $out .= "<p>You should read the ((help)). If you are having problems with the formatting, post it and add a note explaining the problem to ((formattingProblems)) and I'll dive in and fix it. If you believe you've found a bug in the wiki software, post your problem to \"the bug tracker\":http://trac.aqxs.net/aqwiki/newticket and I'll dive in and fix that too.</p>\n";
                //$out .= "<label for=\"creator\">Author</label>\n";
                //$out .= $_EXTRAS['me']."<br>\n";
                $out .= "<label for=\"content\">Content of page \"" . $content[1] . "\"</label>\n";
                $out .= "<textarea name=\"content\" id=\"content\" rows=\"30\" cols=\"72\">[[TEXTAREA]]</textarea>\n<br>\n";
                $out .= "<label for=\"comment\">Comment</label>\n";
                $out .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" size=\"72\" value=\"" . $_POST['comment'] . "\"><br>\n";
                $out .= "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"edittime\" value=\"" . time() . "\">\n";
                $out .= "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Post\"> ";
                $out .= "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Preview\"> ";
                $out .= "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Spell Check\"> ";
                $out .= "<input class=\"submit\" type=\"reset\"  name=\"revert\" value=\"Revert to pre-editing\">\n";
                $out .= "</form>";
                $content[2] .= $out;
        case "allrev":
            if (!$dataSource->pageExists($article)) {
                $content[2] = 'Error: Page doesn\'t exist. What are you playing at?';
            $content[2] = '<form method="GET" action="' . $url . '" style="width: auto;">';
            $content[2] .= '<h2>Viewing all revisions for ((' . $article . "))</h2>\n\n";
            $content[2] .= 'Select the <input type="radio" /> boxes to compare two revisions' . "\n\n";
            $pages = $dataSource->getPage($article);
            $pages = array_reverse($pages);
            foreach ($pages as $row) {
                $line = '<input type="radio" name="from" value="' . $row['revision'] . '">';
                $line .= '<input type="radio" name="to" value="' . $row['revision'] . '">';
                $line .= date("Y-m-d H:i", $row['created']) . " - " . userlink($row['creator']);
                if ($row['comment']) {
                    $line .= " : " . $row['comment'];
                $content[2] .= "# " . $line . " [ <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=viewrev&amp;id=" . $row['revision'] . "\" title=\"View this revision\">View</a> |" . " <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=diff&amp;from=" . $row['revision'] . "\"\" title=\"View differences between this and the current revision\">Diff</a> ]\n";
            $content[2] .= '<input type="submit" value="Compare Revisions">
			<input type="hidden" value="diff" name="action">
        case "revert":
            if (!in_array($_EXTRAS['me'], $_EXTRAS['admins'])) {
                panic('AqWiki Reversion', 'You\'re not an admin, you can\'t do this shit');
            if (!$_GET['id']) {
                die("Parameters incorrect");
            $id = $_GET['id'];
            $pages = $dataSource->getPage($article);
            $oldVersion = $pages[$id];
            $dataSource->post($article, $oldVersion['content'], 'reverted back to version ' . $id);
            $form = false;
            $content[2] = 'Reverted ((' . $article . ')) back to version ' . $id;
            $_EXTRAS['versions'] = "";
            if (!$dataSource->pageExists($article)) {
                if ($_EXTRAS['restrictNewPages'] || $_EXTRAS['reqEdit']) {
                    if ($_EXTRAS['restrictNewPages'] == "register") {
                        $message = "any registered users";
                    } else {
                        $message = "only certain users";
                    if (!isset($_EXTRAS['newPageMessage'])) {
                        $npm = "This page doesn't exist yet. [[TYPES]] can create new pages. Do you want to do so?\n\n\"Go On Then\":[[EDITURL]]";
                    } else {
                        $npm = $_EXTRAS['newPageMessage'];
                    $content[2] = str_replace(array("[[TYPES]]", "[[EDITURL]]"), array($message, $url . "?action=edit"), $npm);
                } else {
                    $content[2] = "This page doesn't exist yet, Would you like to create it?\n\n\"Go On Then\":" . $url . "?action=edit";
            } else {
                $_EXTRAS['nearby'] = $dataSource->nearby($article);
                $pages = $dataSource->getPage($article);
                $row = array_shift($pages);
                if (strcmp($row['wiki'], $wiki) != 0) {
                    $base = $_CONFIG['base'] . "/" . $row['wiki'];
                    $url = $base . "/" . $article;
                    header("location: " . $url);
                $content[2] = $row['content'];
                $content[3] = $row['creator'];
                $content[4] = date("r", $row['created']);
                $line = date("r", $row['created']) . " - " . userlink($row['creator']);
                if ($row['comment']) {
                    $line .= " : " . $row['comment'];
                if ($_EXTRAS['current'] != $article) {
                    $pages = $dataSource->getPage($_EXTRAS['current']);
                    $row = array_shift($pages);
                $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# " . $line . " [ Current ]\n";
                $limit = 10;
                $current = 0;
                foreach ($pages as $row) {
                    $line = date("Y-m-d\tH:i", $row['created']) . " - " . userlink($row['creator']);
                    if ($row['comment']) {
                        $line .= " : " . $row['comment'];
                    $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# " . $line . " [ <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=viewrev&amp;id=" . $row['revision'] . "\" title=\"View this revision\">View</a> |" . " <a href=\"" . $url . "?action=diff&amp;from=" . $row['revision'] . "\"\" title=\"View differences between this and the current revision\">Diff</a> ]\n";
                    if ($_GET['action'] != "allrev" && $current > $limit) {
                        $_EXTRAS['versions'] .= "# \"Show list of revisions\":" . $url . "?action=allrev\n";
                #$content[2] .= $out;
    return $content;
            $rowPay = mysql_fetch_array($rs_select_pay);
            $paymentComplete_Status = $rowPay['payment_completed_status'];
            if ($paymentComplete_Status == 'N') {
                if ($gift_flag == 1) {
                    sendgiftCertificateMail_Buyer($orderid, $userid);
                    sendgiftCertificateMail_Seller($orderid, $userid);
                    sendgiftCertificateMail_Admin($orderid, $userid);
                } else {
                    if ($digital_flag == 1) {
                        sendDigitalCertificateMail_Buyer($orderid, $userid, $usertype);
                        sendDigitalCertificateMail_Seller($orderid, $userid);
                        sendDigitalCertificateMail_Admin($orderid, $userid);
                    } else {
                        sendBuyerEmail($orderid, $userid, $usertype);
                        sendSellerEmail($orderid, $userid);
                        sendAdminEmail($orderid, $userid);
                $sql_update_order_payment = "UPDATE " . $tableprefix . "orders SET payment_completed_status='Y' where order_id=" . $orderid . " ";
                $res_update = mysql_query($sql_update_order_payment) or die(mysql_error());
            adjustStock($userid, "-");
} else {
    //exit('DoDirectPayment failed: <br>' . print_r($httpParsedResponseAr, true));
    $errorArry = $httpParsedResponseAr;
    $errorMsg = "DoDirectPayment failed: <br>" . urldecode($httpParsedResponseAr['L_LONGMESSAGE0']);
$active_template = displayTemplate();
Ejemplo n.º 6
function closeSession($sendMail = true)
    logMessage("Close session");
    if ($sendMail) {