function checkTransaction($params, $order, $act) { $order->order_total = $this->fixOrderTotal($order); if ($params['user_id'] != $_POST['user_id']) { return array(0, 'Error user_id. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($order->order_total != $_POST['amount']) { return array(0, 'Error amount. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($order->currency_code_iso != $_POST['currency_id']) { return array(0, 'Error currency_id. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($params['notify_password']) { $params['project_password'] = $params['notify_password']; } $data = array('transaction' => $_POST['transaction'], 'user_id' => $_POST['user_id'], 'project_id' => $_POST['project_id'], 'sender_holder' => $_POST['sender_holder'], 'sender_account_number' => $_POST['sender_account_number'], 'sender_bank_code' => $_POST['sender_bank_code'], 'sender_bank_name' => $_POST['sender_bank_name'], 'sender_bank_bic' => $_POST['sender_bank_bic'], 'sender_iban' => $_POST['sender_iban'], 'sender_country_id' => $_POST['sender_country_id'], 'recipient_holder' => $_POST['recipient_holder'], 'recipient_account_number' => $_POST['recipient_account_number'], 'recipient_bank_code' => $_POST['recipient_bank_code'], 'recipient_bank_name' => $_POST['recipient_bank_name'], 'recipient_bank_bic' => $_POST['recipient_bank_bic'], 'recipient_iban' => $_POST['recipient_iban'], 'recipient_country_id' => $_POST['recipient_country_id'], 'international_transaction' => $_POST['international_transaction'], 'amount' => $_POST['amount'], 'currency_id' => $_POST['currency_id'], 'reason_1' => $_POST['reason_1'], 'reason_2' => $_POST['reason_2'], 'security_criteria' => $_POST['security_criteria'], 'user_variable_0' => $_POST['user_variable_0'], 'user_variable_1' => $_POST['user_variable_1'], 'user_variable_2' => $_POST['user_variable_2'], 'user_variable_3' => $_POST['user_variable_3'], 'user_variable_4' => $_POST['user_variable_4'], 'user_variable_5' => $_POST['user_variable_5'], 'created' => $_POST['created'], 'project_password' => $params['project_password']); $data_implode = implode('|', $data); $hash = sha1($data_implode); $return = 0; if ($_POST['security_criteria']) { if ($_POST['hash'] == $hash) { $return = 1; } else { saveToLog("paymentdata.log", "Error hash. " . $hash); } } return array($return, ""); }
function checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act) { $jshopConfig =& JSFactory::getConfig(); if ($order->order_total != $_POST['amount']) { return array(0, 'Error amount. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if (strtolower($pmconfigs['email_received']) != strtolower($_POST['pay_to_email'])) { return array(0, 'Error pay_to_email. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($order->currency_code_iso != $_POST['currency']) { return array(0, 'Error currency. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } $status = trim(stripslashes($_POST['status'])); $merchant_id = $pmconfigs['merchant_id']; $transaction_id = trim(stripslashes($_POST['transaction_id'])); $mb_amount = trim(stripslashes($_POST['mb_amount'])); $mb_currency = trim(stripslashes($_POST['mb_currency'])); $secretword = $pmconfigs['secretword']; if ($secretword == "") { $string = $merchant_id . $transaction_id . $mb_amount . $mb_currency . $status; } else { $string = $merchant_id . $transaction_id . strtoupper(md5($secretword)) . $mb_amount . $mb_currency . $status; } $check_md5 = strtoupper(md5($string)); if ($check_md5 != $_POST['md5sig']) { return array(0, 'Error md5sig ' . $_POST['md5sig'] . '. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($status == 2) { return array(1, ''); } elseif ($status == 0) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status pending. Order ID " . $order->order_id . "."); return array(2, "Status pending"); } elseif ($status == -1) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status cancelled. Order ID " . $order->order_id . "."); return array(3, "Status cancelled"); } elseif ($status == -2) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status failed. Order ID " . $order->order_id . "."); return array(3, "Status failed"); } elseif ($status == -3) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status Chargeback. Order ID " . $order->order_id . "."); return array(3, "Status Chargeback"); } else { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status " . $status . ". Order ID " . $order->order_id . "."); return array(0, "Status " . $status); } }
function checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act) { $jshopConfig =& JSFactory::getConfig(); $item_name = sprintf(_JSHOP_PAYMENT_NUMBER, $order->order_number); $pymentparamsdata = $order->getPaymentParamsData(); $lang =& JSFactory::getLang(); $field_country_name = $lang->get("name"); $_country =& JTable::getInstance('country', 'jshop'); $_country->load($order->country); $country = $_country->{$field_country_name}; if ($pmconfigs['testserver']) { $post_url = ""; } else { $post_url = ""; } $post_values = array("x_login" => $pmconfigs['login'], "x_tran_key" => $pmconfigs['tran_key'], "x_version" => "3.1", "x_delim_data" => "TRUE", "x_delim_char" => "|", "x_relay_response" => "FALSE", "x_type" => "AUTH_CAPTURE", "x_method" => "CC", "x_card_num" => $pymentparamsdata['card_number'], "x_exp_date" => $pymentparamsdata['month'] . $pymentparamsdata['year'], "x_amount" => $order->order_total, "x_description" => $item_name, "x_first_name" => $order->f_name, "x_last_name" => $order->l_name, "x_address" => $order->street, "x_state" => $order->state, "x_zip" => $order->zip, "x_city" => $order->city, "x_country" => $country, "x_invoice_num" => $order->order_number); if ($pmconfigs['testmode']) { $post_values['x_test_request'] = "TRUE"; } $post_string = ""; foreach ($post_values as $key => $value) { $post_string .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } $post_string = rtrim($post_string, "& "); $request = curl_init($post_url); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_string); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $post_response = curl_exec($request); curl_close($request); if ($jshopConfig->savelog && $jshopConfig->savelogpaymentdata) { saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $post_response); } $response_array = explode($post_values["x_delim_char"], $post_response); if ($response_array[0] == 1) { return array(1, ''); } else { saveToLog("payment.log", "Error. Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". " . $response_array[3]); return array(3, $response_array[3]); } }
function checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act) { $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/lang/' . __CLASS__ . '/' . $lang->getTag() . '.php'; $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); if ($this->payment_status > 0 && $this->err === false) { $status = constant('_JSHOP_PAGSEGURO_STATUS_' . $this->payment_status); $num = _JSHOP_ORDER_NUMBER . ': ' . $order->order_id; if ($this->payment_status == 3 || $this->payment_status == 4) { return array(1, $status, $transaction, $transactiondata); } elseif ($this->payment_status < 3) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status pending. ({$num}, Reason: {$status})"); return array(2, "{$status} ({$num})", $transaction, $transactiondata); } else { return array(3, "{$status} ({$num})", $transaction, $transactiondata); } } else { return array(0, "Error: {$err}", $transaction, $transactiondata); } }
function resize() { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig =& JSFactory::getConfig(); require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/image.lib.php'; JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jshoppingadmin'); $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance(); $filelist = glob($jshopConfig->image_product_path . '/' . 'full_*'); foreach ($filelist as $key => $value) { $url = $value; $url_parts = pathinfo($url); //filenames $name_full = $url_parts['basename']; $name_image = substr($url_parts['basename'], 5); $name_thumb = "thumb_" . $name_image; //file path $path_image = $jshopConfig->image_product_path . '/' . $name_image; $path_thumb = $jshopConfig->image_product_path . '/' . $name_thumb; $path_full = $jshopConfig->image_product_path . '/' . $name_full; //resize thumb $product_width_image = $jshopConfig->image_product_width; $product_height_image = $jshopConfig->image_product_height; if (!ImageLib::resizeImageMagic($path_full, $product_width_image, $product_height_image, $jshopConfig->image_cut, $jshopConfig->image_fill, $path_thumb, $jshopConfig->image_quality, $jshopConfig->image_fill_color)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_CREATE_THUMBAIL . " " . $name_thumb); saveToLog("error.log", "Resize Product Image - Error create thumbail " . $name_thumb); $error = 1; } //resize image $product_full_width_image = $jshopConfig->image_product_full_width; $product_full_height_image = $jshopConfig->image_product_full_height; if (!ImageLib::resizeImageMagic($path_full, $product_full_width_image, $product_full_height_image, $jshopConfig->image_cut, $jshopConfig->image_fill, $path_image, $jshopConfig->image_quality, $jshopConfig->image_fill_color)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_CREATE_THUMBAIL . " " . $name_image); saveToLog("error.log", "Resize Product Image - Error create image " . $name_image); $error = 1; } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveProductImage', array($product_id, $name_image)); } if (!JRequest::getInt("noredirect")) { $mainframe->redirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=resize&task=view", _JSHOP_COMPLETED); } }
public function doRegAdv($adv_user, $user, $return_to_task = 'step2') { $session = JFactory::getSession(); //сохраняем указанный метод оплаты в сессию $payment_method = JRequest::getVar('payment_method', ''); //class payment method if ($payment_method != '') { $session->set("payment_method", $payment_method); } $order_add_info = JRequest::getVar('order_add_info', ''); if ($order_add_info != '') { $session->set("order_add_info", $order_add_info); } //проверяем, есть ли такой мейл в базе и редиректим на логин если нужно if ($this->checkThisEmail($adv_user->email) == false) { $this->checkUserLogin($return_to_task); } require_once JPATH_ROOT . "/components/com_jshopping/lib/functions.php"; //echo'<pre>';print_r($_POST);echo'</pre>';die; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users'); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_users'); //$post = JRequest::get('post'); // if ($user->guest) { // $redirecturl = base64_encode("index.php?option=com_hostorder"); // $joomlaLoginUrl = 'index.php?option=com_user&view=login&return='; // $finalUrl = $joomlaLoginUrl.$redirecturl; // // global $mainframe; // $mainframe->redirect($finalUrl); //echo'<pre>';print_r($adv_user);echo'</pre>';die; $usergroup = JSFactory::getTable('usergroup', 'jshop'); $default_usergroup = $usergroup->getDefaultUsergroup(); $post = array(); $post['email'] = $adv_user->email; $post['phone'] = $adv_user->phone; $post['username'] = $post['email']; $post['f_name'] = $adv_user->f_name; $post['l_name'] = $adv_user->l_name; $post['u_name'] = $adv_user->email; $post['country'] = JRequest::getVar('country', 20); $post['lang'] = $jshopConfig->getLang(); $post["password"] = substr(md5('up' . time()), 0, 8); $row = JSFactory::getTable('userShop', 'jshop'); $row->bind($post); $row->user_id = 0; $row->usergroup_id = $default_usergroup; $row->password = $post['password']; $row->password2 = $post['password']; //echo'<pre>';print_r($row);echo'</pre>';die; $row->check("register"); $adv_user->bind($post); $user = new JUser(); $data = array(); $data['groups'][] = $params->get('new_usertype', 2); $data['email'] = $post['email']; $data['password'] = $post['password']; $data['password2'] = $post['password']; $data['name'] = $post['f_name'] . ' ' . $post['l_name']; $data['username'] = $post["u_name"]; $useractivation = $params->get('useractivation'); $sendpassword = $params->get('sendpassword', 1); $user->bind($data); if (!$user->save()) { JError::raiseWarning('', $user->getError()); saveToLog('error.log', 'Error registration-' . $user->getError()); $mainframe->redirect(SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=register", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; } $row->user_id = $user->id; $row->number = $row->getNewUserNumber(); unset($row->password); unset($row->password2); if (!$db->insertObject($row->getTableName(), $row, $row->getKeyName())) { saveToLog('error.log', $db->getErrorMsg()); JError::raiseWarning('', "Error insert in table " . $row->getTableName()); $mainframe->redirect(SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=register", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; } //echo'<pre>';print_r($adv_user);echo'</pre>';die; $adv_user->store(); //echo'<pre>';print_r($adv_user);echo'</pre>';die; $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set("order_user_id", $user->id); $data = $user->getProperties(); $data['fromname'] = $config->get('fromname'); $data['mailfrom'] = $config->get('mailfrom'); $data['sitename'] = $config->get('sitename'); $data['siteurl'] = JUri::base(); $emailSubject = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', $data['name'], $data['sitename']); if ($sendpassword) { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_BODY', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username'], $data['password_clear']); } else { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_BODY_NOPW', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl']); } $mailer = JFactory::getMailer(); $mailer->setSender(array($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'])); $mailer->addRecipient($data['email']); $mailer->setSubject($emailSubject); $mailer->setBody($emailBody); $mailer->isHTML(false); $mailer->Send(); $options = array(); $options['remember'] = false; //$options['return'] = JURI::root(); $credentials = array(); $credentials['username'] = $post['email']; $credentials['password'] = $post['password']; //echo'<pre>';print_r($mainframe);echo'</pre>';die; $error = $mainframe->login($credentials, $options); //echo'<pre>';print_r($mainframe);echo'</pre>';die; }
function uploadImage($post) { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['category_image']); $upload->setAllowFile(array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->image_category_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { $name = $upload->getName(); if ($post['old_image'] && $name != $post['old_image']) { @unlink($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $post['old_image']); } @chmod($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name, 0777); if ($post['size_im_category'] < 3) { if ($post['size_im_category'] == 1) { $category_width_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_width; $category_height_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_height; } else { $category_width_image = JRequest::getInt('category_width_image'); $category_height_image = JRequest::getInt('category_height_image'); } $path_full = $jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name; $path_thumb = $jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name; if ($category_width_image || $category_height_image) { if (!ImageLib::resizeImageMagic($path_full, $category_width_image, $category_height_image, $jshopConfig->image_cut, $jshopConfig->image_fill, $path_thumb, $jshopConfig->image_quality, $jshopConfig->image_fill_color)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_CREATE_THUMBAIL); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveCategory - Error create thumbail"); } } @chmod($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name, 0777); } $category_image = $name; $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveCategoryImage', array(&$post, &$category_image, &$path_full, &$path_thumb)); } else { $category_image = ''; if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_IMAGE); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveCategory - Error upload image. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } return $category_image; }
function registersave() { JSession::checkToken() or jexit(JText::_('JINVALID_TOKEN')); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users'); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_users'); $post = JRequest::get('post'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); if ($params->get('allowUserRegistration') == 0) { JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('Access Forbidden')); return; } $usergroup = JSFactory::getTable('usergroup', 'jshop'); $default_usergroup = $usergroup->getDefaultUsergroup(); $post['username'] = $post['u_name']; $post['password2'] = $post['password_2']; if ($post['f_name'] == "") { $post['f_name'] = $post['email']; } $post['name'] = $post['f_name'] . ' ' . $post['l_name']; if ($post['birthday']) { $post['birthday'] = getJsDateDB($post['birthday'], $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format); } $post['lang'] = $jshopConfig->getLang(); $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeRegister', array(&$post, &$default_usergroup)); $row = JSFactory::getTable('userShop', 'jshop'); $row->bind($post); $row->usergroup_id = $default_usergroup; $row->password = $post['password']; $row->password2 = $post['password2']; if (!$row->check("register")) { $session = JFactory::getSession(); $registrationdata = JRequest::get('post'); $session->set('registrationdata', $registrationdata); JError::raiseWarning('', $row->getError()); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=register&lrd=1", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; } if ($post["u_name"] == "") { $post["u_name"] = $post['email']; $row->u_name = $post["u_name"]; } if ($post["password"] == "") { $post["password"] = substr(md5('up' . time()), 0, 8); } $user = new JUser(); $data = array(); $data['groups'][] = $params->get('new_usertype', 2); $data['email'] = $post['email']; $data['password'] = $post['password']; $data['password2'] = $post['password2']; $data['name'] = $post['f_name'] . ' ' . $post['l_name']; $data['username'] = $post["u_name"]; $useractivation = $params->get('useractivation'); $sendpassword = $params->get('sendpassword', 1); if ($useractivation == 1 || $useractivation == 2) { jimport('joomla.user.helper'); $data['activation'] = JApplication::getHash(JUserHelper::genRandomPassword()); $data['block'] = 1; } $user->bind($data); if (!$user->save()) { JError::raiseWarning('', $user->getError()); saveToLog('error.log', 'Error registration-' . $user->getError()); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=register", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; } $row->user_id = $user->id; $row->number = $row->getNewUserNumber(); unset($row->password); unset($row->password2); if (!$db->insertObject($row->getTableName(), $row, $row->getKeyName())) { saveToLog('error.log', $db->getErrorMsg()); JError::raiseWarning('', "Error insert in table " . $row->getTableName()); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=register", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; } $data = $user->getProperties(); $data['fromname'] = $config->get('fromname'); $data['mailfrom'] = $config->get('mailfrom'); $data['sitename'] = $config->get('sitename'); $data['siteurl'] = JUri::base(); if ($useractivation == 2) { $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $base = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port')); $data['activate'] = $base . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], false); $emailSubject = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', $data['name'], $data['sitename']); if ($sendpassword) { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_WITH_ADMIN_ACTIVATION_BODY', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'] . 'index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username'], $data['password_clear']); } else { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_WITH_ADMIN_ACTIVATION_BODY_NOPW', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'] . 'index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username']); } } else { if ($useractivation == 1) { $uri = JURI::getInstance(); $base = $uri->toString(array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port')); $data['activate'] = $base . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], false); $emailSubject = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', $data['name'], $data['sitename']); if ($sendpassword) { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_WITH_ACTIVATION_BODY', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'] . 'index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username'], $data['password_clear']); } else { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_WITH_ACTIVATION_BODY_NOPW', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'] . 'index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=activate&token=' . $data['activation'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username']); } } else { $emailSubject = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', $data['name'], $data['sitename']); if ($sendpassword) { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_BODY', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl'], $data['username'], $data['password_clear']); } else { $emailBody = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_BODY_NOPW', $data['name'], $data['sitename'], $data['siteurl']); } } } $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeRegisterSendMailClient', array(&$post, &$data, &$emailSubject, &$emailBody)); $mailer = JFactory::getMailer(); $mailer->setSender(array($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'])); $mailer->addRecipient($data['email']); $mailer->setSubject($emailSubject); $mailer->setBody($emailBody); $mailer->isHTML(false); $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeRegisterMailerSendMailClient', array(&$mailer, &$post, &$data, &$emailSubject, &$emailBody)); $mailer->Send(); if ($params->get('useractivation') < 2 && $params->get('mail_to_admin') == 1) { $emailSubject = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_ACCOUNT_DETAILS', $data['name'], $data['sitename']); $emailBodyAdmin = JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_EMAIL_REGISTERED_NOTIFICATION_TO_ADMIN_BODY', $data['name'], $data['username'], $data['siteurl']); $query = 'SELECT name, email, sendEmail FROM #__users WHERE sendEmail=1'; $db->setQuery($query); $rows = $db->loadObjectList(); $mode = false; foreach ($rows as $rowadm) { $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeRegisterSendMailAdmin', array(&$post, &$data, &$emailSubject, &$emailBodyAdmin, &$rowadm, &$mode)); $return = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $rowadm->email, $emailSubject, $emailBodyAdmin, $mode); } } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterRegister', array(&$user, &$row, &$post, &$useractivation)); if ($useractivation == 2) { $message = JText::_('COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_VERIFY'); } elseif ($useractivation == 1) { $message = JText::_('COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE'); } else { $message = JText::_('COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_SAVE_SUCCESS'); } $return = SEFLink("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=user&task=login", 1, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl); $this->setRedirect($return, $message); }
function get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $searchtype, $results, $domain) { global $sph_messages, $results_per_page, $links_to_next, $show_query_scores, $mysql_table_prefix, $desc_length; if ($results != "") { $results_per_page = $results; } if ($searchtype == "phrase") { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); $query = "\"" . $query . "\""; } $starttime = getmicrotime(); // catch " if only one time entered if (substr_count($query, '"') == 1) { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); } $words = makeboollist($query); $ignorewords = $words['ignore']; $full_result['ignore_words'] = $words['ignore']; if ($start == 0) { $start = 1; } $result = search($words, $category, $start, $results_per_page, $searchtype, $domain); $query = stripslashes($query); $entitiesQuery = htmlspecialchars($query); $full_result['ent_query'] = $entitiesQuery; $endtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime; $rows = $result['results']; $time = round($endtime * 100) / 100; $full_result['time'] = $time; $did_you_mean = ""; if (isset($result['did_you_mean'])) { $did_you_mean_b = $entitiesQuery; $did_you_mean = $entitiesQuery; while (list($key, $val) = each($result['did_you_mean'])) { if ($key != $val) { $did_you_mean_b = str_replace($key, "<b>{$val}</b>", $did_you_mean_b); $did_you_mean = str_replace($key, "{$val}", $did_you_mean); } } } $full_result['did_you_mean'] = $did_you_mean; $full_result['did_you_mean_b'] = $did_you_mean_b; $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; if ($rows == 1) { $matchword = $sph_messages["match"]; } $num_of_results = count($result) - 2; $full_result['num_of_results'] = $num_of_results; if ($start < 2) { saveToLog(addslashes($query), $time, $rows); } $from = ($start - 1) * $results_per_page + 1; $to = min($start * $results_per_page, $rows); $full_result['from'] = $from; $full_result['to'] = $to; $full_result['total_results'] = $rows; if ($rows > 0) { $maxweight = $result['maxweight']; $i = 0; while ($i < $num_of_results && $i < $results_per_page) { $title = $result[$i]['title']; $url = $result[$i]['url']; $fulltxt = $result[$i]['fulltxt']; $page_size = $result[$i]['size']; $domain = $result[$i]['domain']; if ($page_size != "") { $page_size = number_format($page_size, 1) . "kb"; } $txtlen = strlen($fulltxt); if ($txtlen > $desc_length) { $places = array(); foreach ($words['hilight'] as $word) { $tmp = strtolower($fulltxt); $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); $sum = -strlen($word); while (!($found_in == '')) { $pos = $found_in + strlen($word); $sum += $pos; //FIX!! $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos); $places[] = $sum; $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); } } sort($places); $x = 0; $begin = 0; $end = 0; while (list($id, $place) = each($places)) { while ($places[$id + $x] - $place < $desc_length && $x + $id < count($places) && $place < strlen($fulltxt) - $desc_length) { $x++; $begin = $id; $end = $id + $x; } } $begin_pos = max(0, $places[$begin] - 30); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); if ($places[$begin] > 0) { $begin_pos = strpos($fulltxt, " "); } $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, 0, strrpos($fulltxt, " ")); $fulltxt = $fulltxt; } $weight = number_format($result[$i]['weight'] / $maxweight * 100, 2); if ($title == '') { $title = $sph_messages["Untitled"]; } $regs = array(); if (strlen($title) > 80) { $title = substr($title, 0, 76) . "..."; } foreach ($words['hilight'] as $change) { while (preg_match("/[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]/i", " " . $title . " ", $regs)) { $title = preg_replace("/" . $regs[1] . "/i", "<b>" . $regs[1] . "</b>", $title); } while (preg_match("/[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]/i", " " . $fulltxt . " ", $regs)) { $fulltxt = preg_replace("/" . $regs[1] . "/i", "<b>" . $regs[1] . "</b>", $fulltxt); } $url2 = $url; while (preg_match("/[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]/i", $url2, $regs)) { $url2 = preg_replace("/" . $regs[1] . "/i", "<b>" . $regs[1] . "</b>", $url2); } } $num = $from + $i; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['num'] = $num; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['weight'] = $weight; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url'] = $url; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['title'] = $title; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['fulltxt'] = $fulltxt; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url2'] = $url2; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['page_size'] = $page_size; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['domain_name'] = $domain; $i++; } } $pages = ceil($rows / $results_per_page); $full_result['pages'] = $pages; $prev = $start - 1; $full_result['prev'] = $prev; $next = $start + 1; $full_result['next'] = $next; $full_result['start'] = $start; $full_result['query'] = $entitiesQuery; if ($from <= $to) { $firstpage = $start - $links_to_next; if ($firstpage < 1) { $firstpage = 1; } $lastpage = $start + $links_to_next; if ($lastpage > $pages) { $lastpage = $pages; } for ($x = $firstpage; $x <= $lastpage; $x++) { $full_result['other_pages'][] = $x; } } return $full_result; }
function checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act) { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); if ($pmconfigs['testmode']) { $host = ""; } else { $host = ""; } $hostname = $host; if ($pmconfigs['use_ssl']) { $host = "ssl://" . $host; } $order->order_total = $this->fixOrderTotal($order); $email_received = $_POST['business']; if ($email_received == "") { $email_received = $_POST['receiver_email']; } if ($order->order_total != $_POST['mc_gross']) { return array(0, 'Error mc_gross. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if (strtolower($pmconfigs['email_received']) != strtolower($email_received)) { return array(0, 'Error email received. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } if ($order->currency_code_iso != $_POST['mc_currency']) { return array(0, 'Error currency. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); $req .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } $payment_status = trim(stripslashes($_POST['payment_status'])); $header = ''; $header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $header .= "Host: " . $hostname . "\r\n"; $header .= "Connection: close\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n"; $debug = ""; $port = 80; if ($pmconfigs['use_ssl']) { $port = 443; } $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { return array(0, 'Http error. Order number ' . $order->order_id); } else { @fputs($fp, $header . $req); while (!@feof($fp)) { $res = @fgets($fp, 1024); $res = trim($res); $debug .= $res . "\n"; if (strcmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { if ($payment_status == 'Completed') { return array(1, ''); } elseif ($payment_status == 'Pending') { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status pending. Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". Reason: " . $_POST['pending_reason']); return array(2, trim(stripslashes($_POST['pending_reason']))); } elseif ($payment_status == 'Failed') { return array(3, 'Status Failed. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } elseif ($payment_status == 'Refunded') { return array(3, "Status Refunded. Order ID " . $order->order_id); } else { return array(0, "Order number " . $order->order_id . "\nPaypal error\nPayment status - {$payment_status}."); } } else { if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { return array(0, 'Invalid response. Order ID ' . $order->order_id); } } } fclose($fp); if ($jshopConfig->savelog && $jshopConfig->savelogpaymentdata) { saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $debug); } return array(0, "Error response. Order ID " . $order->order_id); } }
public function saveToLogPaymentData() { $str = "url: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n"; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $str .= $k . "=" . $v . "\n"; } saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $str); }
function step7() { $checkout = JSFactory::getModel('checkout', 'jshop'); $wmiframe = JRequest::getInt("wmiframe"); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onLoadStep7', array()); $pm_method = JSFactory::getTable('paymentMethod', 'jshop'); $str = "url: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n"; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $str .= $k . "=" . $v . "\n"; } saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $str); $act = JRequest::getVar("act"); $payment_method = JRequest::getVar("js_paymentclass"); $pm_method->loadFromClass($payment_method); $paymentsysdata = $pm_method->getPaymentSystemData(); $payment_system = $paymentsysdata->paymentSystem; if ($paymentsysdata->paymentSystemVerySimple) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); } saveToLog("payment.log", "#001 - Error payment method file. PM " . $payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } if ($paymentsysdata->paymentSystemError) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); } saveToLog("payment.log", "#002 - Error payment. CLASS " . $payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pmconfigs = $pm_method->getConfigs(); $urlParamsPS = $payment_system->getUrlParams($pmconfigs); $order_id = $urlParamsPS['order_id']; $hash = $urlParamsPS['hash']; $checkHash = $urlParamsPS['checkHash']; $checkReturnParams = $urlParamsPS['checkReturnParams']; $session->set('jshop_send_end_form', 0); if ($act == "cancel") { $this->cancelPayOrder($order_id); return 0; } if ($act == "return" && !$checkReturnParams) { $checkout->setMaxStep(10); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 1; } $order = JSFactory::getTable('order', 'jshop'); $order->load($order_id); if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile($order->getLang()); $lang = JSFactory::getLang($order->getLang()); } if ($checkHash && $order->order_hash != $hash) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#003 - Error order hash. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_ORDER_HASH); return 0; } if (!$order->payment_method_id) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#004 - Error payment method id. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } if ($order->payment_method_id != $pm_method->payment_id) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#005 - Error payment method set url. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $res = $payment_system->checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act); $rescode = $res[0]; $restext = $res[1]; $transaction = $res[2]; $transactiondata = $res[3]; $status = $payment_system->getStatusFromResCode($rescode, $pmconfigs); $order->transaction = $transaction; $order->store(); $order->saveTransactionData($rescode, $status, $transactiondata); if ($restext != '') { saveToLog("payment.log", $restext); } if ($status && !$order->order_created) { $order->order_created = 1; $order->order_status = $status; $dispatcher->trigger('onStep7OrderCreated', array(&$order, &$res, &$checkout, &$pmconfigs)); $order->store(); if ($jshopConfig->send_order_email) { $checkout->sendOrderEmail($order->order_id); } if ($jshopConfig->order_stock_removed_only_paid_status) { $product_stock_removed = in_array($status, $jshopConfig->payment_status_enable_download_sale_file); } else { $product_stock_removed = 1; } if ($product_stock_removed) { $order->changeProductQTYinStock("-"); } $checkout->changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 0); } if ($status && $order->order_status != $status) { $checkout->changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 1); } $dispatcher->trigger('onStep7BefereNotify', array(&$order, &$checkout, &$pmconfigs)); if ($act == "notify") { $payment_system->nofityFinish($pmconfigs, $order, $rescode); die; } $payment_system->finish($pmconfigs, $order, $rescode, $act); if (in_array($rescode, array(0, 3, 4))) { JError::raiseWarning(500, $restext); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 0; } else { $checkout->setMaxStep(10); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 1; } }
function showEndForm($pmconfigs, $order) { $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig =& JSFactory::getConfig(); $item_name = sprintf(_JSHOP_PAYMENT_NUMBER, $order->order_number); $notify_url = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=notify&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal&no_lang=1"; $return = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=return&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal"; $cancel_return = JURI::root() . "index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step7&act=cancel&js_paymentclass=pm_ideal"; $params_data = $order->getPaymentParamsData(); $bank_id = $params_data['bank_id']; $amount = intval($order->order_total * 100); $iDEAL = new iDEAL_Payment($pmconfigs['partnerid']); if ($pmconfigs['testmode']) { $iDEAL->setTestMode(); } if ($iDEAL->createPayment($bank_id, $amount, $item_name, $return, $notify_url)) { $order1 =& JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop'); $order1->load($order->order_id); $order1->transaction = $iDEAL->getTransactionId(); $order1->store(); header("Location: " . $iDEAL->getBankURL()); exit; } else { saveToLog("payment.log", "Error: Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". CODE: " . $iDEAL->getErrorCode() . ". MSG: " . $iDEAL->getErrorMessage()); JError::raiseWarning("", $iDEAL->getErrorMessage()); $mainframe->redirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); exit; } }
function copyFiles($startdir, $subdir = "") { if ($subdir != "" && !file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . $subdir)) { @mkdir(JPATH_ROOT . $subdir, 0755); } $files = JFolder::files($startdir . $subdir, '', false, false, array(), array()); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($subdir == "" && ($file == "update.sql" || $file == "update.php" || $file == "checkupdate.php")) { continue; } if (@copy($startdir . $subdir . "/" . $file, JPATH_ROOT . $subdir . "/" . $file)) { //JError::raiseWarning( 500, "Copy file: ".$subdir."/".$file." OK"); } else { JError::raiseWarning("", "Copy file: " . $subdir . "/" . $file . " ERROR"); saveToLog("error.log", "Update - Copy file: " . $subdir . "/" . $file . " ERROR"); } } $folders = JFolder::folders($startdir . $subdir, ''); foreach ($folders as $folder) { $dir = $subdir . "/" . $folder; $this->copyFiles($startdir, $dir); } }
static function sendToLog($message) { saveToLog("payment.log", $message); }
function save() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/uploadfile.class.php'; $id = JRequest::getInt("id"); $productLabel = JTable::getInstance('productLabel', 'jshop'); $post = JRequest::get("post"); $lang = JSFactory::getLang(); $post['name'] = $post[$lang->get("name")]; JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jshoppingadmin'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveProductLabel', array(&$post)); $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['image']); $upload->setAllowFile(array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->image_labels_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { if ($post['old_image']) { @unlink($jshopConfig->image_labels_path . "/" . $post['old_image']); } $post['image'] = $upload->getName(); @chmod($jshopConfig->image_labels_path . "/" . $post['image'], 0777); } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_IMAGE); saveToLog("error.log", "Label - Error upload image. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } if (!$productLabel->bind($post)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_BIND); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=productlabels"); return 0; } if (!$productLabel->store()) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_SAVE_DATABASE); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=productlabels"); return 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveProductLabel', array(&$productLabel)); if ($this->getTask() == 'apply') { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=productlabels&task=edit&id=" . $productLabel->id); } else { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=productlabels"); } }
function get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $searchtype, $results, $domain) { global $sph_messages, $results_per_page, $links_to_next, $show_query_scores, $desc_length; if ($results != "") { $results_per_page = $results; } if ($searchtype == "phrase") { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); $query = "\"" . $query . "\""; } $starttime = getmicrotime(); // catch " if only one time entered $query = preg_replace("/"/", "\"", $query); if (substr_count($query, '"') == 1) { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); } $words = makeboollist($query); if (isset($words['ignore'])) { $ignorewords = $words['ignore']; } else { $ignorewords = ""; } $full_result['ignore_words'] = $ignorewords; if ($start == 0) { $start = 1; } $result = search($words, $category, $start, $results_per_page, $searchtype, $domain); $query = stripslashes($query); $entitiesQuery = htmlspecialchars($query); $full_result['ent_query'] = $entitiesQuery; $endtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime; if (isset($result['results'])) { $rows = $result['results']; } else { $rows = ""; } $time = round($endtime * 100) / 100; $full_result['time'] = $time; $did_you_mean = array(); $did_you_mean_b = array(); if (isset($result['did_you_mean']) && is_array($result['did_you_mean'])) { while (list($key, $alt) = each($result['did_you_mean'])) { $entities = html_to_latin1(utf8_decode($entitiesQuery)); if ($key != $alt) { $alt = html_to_latin1(utf8_decode($alt)); $alt = sanitize($alt); $entities = preg_replace("/"/", "\"", $entities); if ($alt[0] == "/") { /* this indicates that the search word is not found and there is no close alternative either */ $alt = substr($alt, 1); $did_you_mean_b[] = latin1_to_html(str_ireplace($key, "<strike>{$alt}</strike>", $entities)); $did_you_mean[] = str_ireplace($key, "", $entities); } else { $did_you_mean_b[] = latin1_to_html(str_ireplace($key, "<b>{$alt}</b>", $entities)); $did_you_mean[] = str_ireplace($key, utf8_encode($alt), $entities); } } } } $full_result['did_you_mean'] = $did_you_mean; $full_result['did_you_mean_b'] = $did_you_mean_b; $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; if ($rows == 1) { $matchword = $sph_messages["match"]; } $num_of_results = count($result) - 2; $full_result['num_of_results'] = $num_of_results; if ($start < 2) { saveToLog($query, $time, $rows); } $from = ($start - 1) * $results_per_page + 1; $to = min($start * $results_per_page, $rows); $full_result['from'] = $from; $full_result['to'] = $to; $full_result['total_results'] = $rows; if ($rows > 0) { $maxweight = $result['maxweight']; $i = 0; while ($i < $num_of_results && $i < $results_per_page) { if (!isset($result[$i]['url'])) { $i++; continue; } $url = $result[$i]['url']; $title = isset($result[$i]['title']) ? $result[$i]['title'] : ""; $summary = $result[$i]['summary']; $lang = $result[$i]['lang']; $fulltxt = $result[$i]['fulltxt']; $page_size = $result[$i]['size']; $domain = $result[$i]['domain']; if ($page_size != "") { $page_size = number_format($page_size, 1) . "kb"; } $txtlen = strlen($fulltxt); if ($txtlen > $desc_length) { $places = array(); foreach ($words['hilight'] as $word) { $word = latin1_to_html($word); $tmp = strtolower($fulltxt); $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); $sum = -strlen($word); while (!($found_in == '')) { $pos = $found_in + strlen($word); $sum += $pos; //FIX!! $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos); $places[] = $sum; $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); } } sort($places); $x = 0; $begin = 0; $end = 0; while (list($id, $place) = each($places)) { while (isset($places[$id + $x]) && $places[$id + $x] - $place < $desc_length && $x + $id < count($places) && $place < strlen($fulltxt) - $desc_length) { $x++; $begin = $id; $end = $id + $x; } } if (!isset($places[$begin])) { $places[$begin] = 0; } $begin_pos = max(0, $places[$begin] - 30); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); if ($places[$begin] > 0) { $begin_pos = strpos($fulltxt, " "); } $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, 0, strrpos($fulltxt, " ")); $fulltxt = $fulltxt; } $weight = number_format($result[$i]['weight'] / $maxweight * 100, 2); if ($title == '') { /* for an untitled document, use the filename without the path */ $pos = strrpos($url, "/"); if ($pos >= 0) { $pos++; } else { $pos = 0; } $title = substr($url, $pos); } $regs = array(); if (strlen($title) > 80) { $title = substr($title, 0, 76) . "..."; } foreach ($words['hilight'] as $change) { $change = latin1_to_html($change); $count = 0; while (preg_match("/[ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"](" . $change . ")[ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"]/i", " " . $title . " ", $regs) && ++$count < 20) { $title = preg_replace("/([ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"])" . $regs[1] . "([ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"])/i", "\$1<b>" . $regs[1] . "</b>\$2", $title); } $count = 0; while (preg_match("/[ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"](" . $change . ")[ .,\\(\\)\\'\"]/i", " " . $fulltxt . " ", $regs) && ++$count < 20) { $fulltxt = preg_replace("/([ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"])" . $regs[1] . "([ .,;\\(\\)\\'\"])/i", "\$1<b>" . $regs[1] . "</b>\$2", $fulltxt); } } $num = $from + $i; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['num'] = $num; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['weight'] = $weight; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url'] = $url; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['title'] = $title; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['summary'] = $summary; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['lang'] = $lang; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['fulltxt'] = $fulltxt; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['page_size'] = $page_size; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['domain_name'] = $domain; $i++; } } $pages = ceil($rows / $results_per_page); $full_result['pages'] = $pages; $prev = $start - 1; $full_result['prev'] = $prev; $next = $start + 1; $full_result['next'] = $next; $full_result['start'] = $start; $full_result['query'] = $entitiesQuery; if ($from <= $to) { $firstpage = $start - $links_to_next; if ($firstpage < 1) { $firstpage = 1; } $lastpage = $start + $links_to_next; if ($lastpage > $pages) { $lastpage = $pages; } for ($x = $firstpage; $x <= $lastpage; $x++) { $full_result['other_pages'][] = $x; } } return $full_result; }
function get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $searchtype, $results, $domain) { global $sph_messages, $results_per_page, $all_wild, $show_meta_description, $title_length, $links_to_next, $wildsearch, $show_warning, $mark, $type, $show_query_scores, $index_host, $url_length, $query_hits, $mysql_table_prefix, $desc_length, $utf8, $case_sensitive; if ($results != "") { $results_per_page = $results; } if ($searchtype == "phrase") { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); $query = "\"" . $query . "\""; } if ($utf8 == 1 && $case_sensitive == 0 && $searchtype != "phrase") { $query = lower_case($query); } $starttime = getmicrotime(); // catch " if only one time entered if (substr_count($query, '"') == 1) { $query = str_replace('"', '', $query); } $words = makeboollist($query); $ignorewords = $words['ignore']; $full_result['ignore_words'] = $words['ignore']; if ($start == 0) { $start = 1; } $result = search($words, $category, $start, $results_per_page, $searchtype, $domain); $query = stripslashes($query); $entitiesQuery = htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\"", "", $query)); $full_result['ent_query'] = $entitiesQuery; $endtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime; $rows = $result['results']; $time = round($endtime * 100) / 100; $full_result['time'] = $time; $did_you_mean = ""; if (isset($result['did_you_mean'])) { $did_you_mean_b = $entitiesQuery; $did_you_mean = $entitiesQuery; while (list($key, $val) = each($result['did_you_mean'])) { if ($key != $val) { $did_you_mean_b = str_replace($key, "<b>{$val}</b>", $did_you_mean_b); $did_you_mean = str_replace($key, "{$val}", $did_you_mean); } } } $full_result['did_you_mean'] = $did_you_mean; $full_result['did_you_mean_b'] = $did_you_mean_b; $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; if ($rows == 1) { $matchword = $sph_messages["match"]; } $num_of_results = count($result) - 2; $full_result['num_of_results'] = $num_of_results; if ($start < 2) { saveToLog(addslashes($query), $time, $rows); } $from = ($start - 1) * $results_per_page + 1; $to = min($start * $results_per_page, $rows); $full_result['from'] = $from; $full_result['to'] = $to; $full_result['total_results'] = $rows; if ($rows > 0) { $maxweight = $result['maxweight']; $i = 0; while ($i < $num_of_results && $i < $results_per_page) { $title = $result[$i]['title']; $url = $result[$i]['url']; $fulltxt = $result[$i]['fulltxt']; $page_size = $result[$i]['size']; $domain = $result[$i]['domain']; if ($page_size != "") { $page_size = number_format($page_size, 1) . " kb"; } // If available, enable part of a word highlighting in result report if ($all_wild) { $words = makeboollist($all_wild); } $txtlen = strlen($fulltxt); //$refreshed = ereg_replace("[*!]", '',trim($query)); // works also for *wildcard search if ($show_meta_description === 1 || $txtlen > $desc_length) { $places = array(); $strictpos = strpos($query, '!'); if ($strictpos === 0) { // if !strict search enter here if ($case_sensitive == '1') { $recovered = str_replace('!', '', trim($query)); $tmp = $fulltxt; } else { $recovered = str_replace('!', '', trim(lower_case($query))); $tmp = lower_case($fulltxt); } $words['hilight'][0] = "{$recovered}"; // replace without ' ! ' $strict_length = strlen($recovered); $found_in = '1'; // pointer position start $pos_absolut = '0'; foreach ($words['hilight'] as $word) { while (!($found_in == '')) { $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); $tmp_front = substr($tmp, $found_in - 1); // one character before found match position $pos = $found_in + strlen($word); $pos_absolut = $pos_absolut + $found_in; $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos); // get rest of fulltxt // check weather found match is realy strict $found_before = preg_match("/[(a-z)-_*.\\/\\:&@\\w]/", substr($tmp_front, 0, 1)); $found_behind = preg_match("/[(a-z)-_*.,\\/\\:&@\\w]/", substr($tmp, 0, 1)); if ($found_before === 0 && $found_behind === 0) { $places[] = $pos_absolut; // remind absolut position of match $found_in = ''; } } } } else { // if not !strict search enter here (standard search) foreach ($words['hilight'] as $word) { if ($case_sensitive == '0') { $tmp = lower_case($fulltxt); $word = lower_case($word); } else { $tmp = $fulltxt; } $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); $sum = -strlen($word); while (!($found_in == '')) { $pos = $found_in + strlen($word); $sum += $pos; //FIX!! $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos); $places[] = $sum; $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); } } } sort($places); $x = 0; $begin = 0; $end = 0; while (list($id, $place) = each($places)) { while ($places[$id + $x] - $place < $desc_length && $x + $id < count($places) && $place < strlen($fulltxt) - $desc_length) { $x++; $begin = $id; $end = $id + $x; } } $begin_pos = max(0, $places[$begin] - 80); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); if ($places[$begin] > 0) { $begin_pos = strpos($fulltxt, " "); } $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, 0, strrpos($fulltxt, " ")); $fulltxt = $fulltxt; } if ($query_hits == '0') { // calculate percentage of weight $weight = number_format($result[$i]['weight'] / $maxweight * 100, 1); } else { $weight = number_format($result[$i]['weight']); } if ($title == '') { $title = $sph_messages["Untitled"]; } $regs = array(); if (strlen($title) > $title_length) { // if necessary shorten length of title in result page $length_tot = strpos($title, " ", $title_length); // find end of last word for shortened title if ($length_tot) { $title = substr($title, 0, $length_tot) . " ..."; } } $url2 = $url; if (strlen($url) > $url_length) { // if necessary shorten length of URL in result page $url2 = substr($url, 0, $url_length) . "..."; } if ($places[0] == '' && $query_hits == 1 && $type != 'tol') { // if nothing found in HTML text and query hits as result output $weight = '0'; } if ($places[0] == '' && $show_warning == '1' && $type != 'tol' || $show_warning == '1' && $weight == '0') { // if no HTML text to highlight $warnmessage = $sph_messages['showWarning']; $fulltxt = "<span class='warn'>{$warnmessage}</span>"; } if ($mark == 'markbold') { $highlight = "span class='mak_1'"; } if ($mark == 'markblue') { $highlight = "span class='mak_2'"; } if ($mark == 'markyellow') { $highlight = "span class='mak_3'"; } if ($mark == 'markgreen') { $highlight = "span class='mak_4'"; } foreach ($words['hilight'] as $change) { if (!($strictpos === 0)) { // no marking in title and url if strict search if ($case_sensitive == '1') { // if we have to search case sensetive, enter here while (@ereg("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", " " . $title . " ", $regs)) { $title = ereg_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $title); } if ($index_host == '1') { while (@ereg("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", $url2, $regs)) { $url2 = ereg_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $url2); } } } else { // mark upper and lower case match while (@eregi("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", " " . $title . " ", $regs)) { $title = eregi_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $title); } if ($index_host == '1') { while (@eregi("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", $url2, $regs)) { $url2 = eregi_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $url2); } } } } if ($strictpos === 0) { // if strict search mark only the real result with blanks before and behind $change = " {$change} "; } if ($case_sensitive == '1') { // mark fulltext case sensitive while (@ereg("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", " " . $fulltxt . " ", $regs)) { $fulltxt = ereg_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $fulltxt); } } else { // mark all in fulltext while (@eregi("[^\\>](" . $change . ")[^\\<]", " " . $fulltxt . " ", $regs)) { $fulltxt = eregi_replace($regs[1], "<{$highlight}>" . $regs[1] . "</span>", $fulltxt); } } } $places = array(); $num = $from + $i; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['num'] = $num; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['weight'] = $weight; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url'] = $url; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['title'] = $title; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['fulltxt'] = $fulltxt; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url2'] = $url2; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['page_size'] = $page_size; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['domain_name'] = $domain; $i++; } } $pages = ceil($rows / $results_per_page); $full_result['pages'] = $pages; $prev = $start - 1; $full_result['prev'] = $prev; $next = $start + 1; $full_result['next'] = $next; $full_result['start'] = $start; $full_result['query'] = $entitiesQuery; if ($from <= $to) { $firstpage = $start - $links_to_next; if ($firstpage < 1) { $firstpage = 1; } $lastpage = $start + $links_to_next; if ($lastpage > $pages) { $lastpage = $pages; } for ($x = $firstpage; $x <= $lastpage; $x++) { $full_result['other_pages'][] = $x; } } return $full_result; }
function checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act) { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); if ($pmconfigs['testmode']) { $host = ""; } else { $host = ""; } $post = JRequest::get('post'); $order->order_total = $this->fixOrderTotal($order); $email_received = $_POST['business']; if ($email_received == "") { $email_received = $_POST['receiver_email']; } $opending = 0; if ($order->order_total != $_POST['mc_gross'] || $order->currency_code_iso != $_POST['mc_currency']) { $opending = 1; } $payment_status = trim($post['payment_status']); $transaction = $post['txn_id']; $transactiondata = array('txn_id' => $post['txn_id'], 'payer_email' => $post['payer_email'], 'mc_gross' => $post['mc_gross'], 'mc_currency' => $post['mc_currency'], 'payment_status' => $post['payment_status']); if (strtolower($pmconfigs['email_received']) != strtolower($email_received)) { return array(0, 'Error email received. Order ID ' . $order->order_id, $transaction, $transactiondata); } $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate'; if (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) { $get_magic_quotes_exists = true; } foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($get_magic_quotes_exists == true && get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) { $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value)); } else { $value = urlencode($value); } $req .= "&{$key}={$value}"; } $ch = curl_init('https://' . $host . '/cgi-bin/webscr'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 4); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'PayPal-PHP-SDK'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Connection: Close')); if (!($res = curl_exec($ch))) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Paypal failed: " . curl_error($ch) . '(' . curl_errno($ch) . ')'); curl_close($ch); exit; } else { curl_close($ch); } saveToLog("paymentdata.log", "RES: {$res}"); if (strcmp($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { if ($payment_status == 'Completed') { if ($opending) { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status pending. Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". Error mc_gross or mc_currency."); return array(2, "Status pending. Order ID " . $order->order_id, $transaction, $transactiondata); } else { return array(1, '', $transaction, $transactiondata); } } elseif ($payment_status == 'Pending') { saveToLog("payment.log", "Status pending. Order ID " . $order->order_id . ". Reason: " . $_POST['pending_reason']); return array(2, trim(stripslashes($_POST['pending_reason'])), $transaction, $transactiondata); } else { return array(3, "Status {$payment_status}. Order ID " . $order->order_id, $transaction, $transactiondata); } } else { if (strcmp($res, "INVALID") == 0) { return array(0, 'Invalid response. Order ID ' . $order->order_id, $transaction, $transactiondata); } } }
function media_only($query, $start, $media_only, $type, $category, $catid, $mark, $db, $prefix, $domain) { global $db_con, $mysql_table_prefix, $debug, $debug_user, $admin_dir, $include_dir, $case_sensitive; global $results_per_page, $image_dir, $sph_messages, $dbu_act, $template, $template_dir, $index_id3; global $use_cache, $mediacache_dir, $mcache_size, $max_cmresults, $max_results; global $dbu_act, $db1_slv, $db2_slv, $db3_slv, $db4_slv, $db5_slv, $elapsed; global $mytitle, $show_categories, $has_categories, $checked_cat, $tpl, $checked_all; global $adv, $advanced_search, $show_media, $description, $embedded; global $out, $xml_dir, $xml_name, $vowels, $noacc_el, $translit_el, $delim, $viking; global $cat_sel, $cat_sel0, $cat_sel0a, $cat_sel1, $cat_sel2, $cat_sel3, $cat_sel4, $cat_sel_all; //error_reporting (E_ALL); // for debug only $orig_query = $query; $starttime = getmicrotime(); $query = str_replace('*', '', $query); // kill wildcards, as media search already includes it if ($domain) { // prepare the mysql query for domain search $domain_qry = "AND link_addr like '%" . $domain . "%'"; } else { $domain_qry = ""; } if (!$category) { $category = '0'; } if ($debug_user == '1') { $slv1 = ''; $slv2 = ''; $slv3 = ''; $slv4 = ''; $slv5 = ''; if ($db1_slv == 1) { $slv1 = '1,'; } if ($db2_slv == 1) { $slv2 = '2,'; } if ($db3_slv == 1) { $slv3 = '3,'; } if ($db4_slv == 1) { $slv4 = '4,'; } if ($db5_slv == 1) { $slv5 = '5'; } echo " <small>Results from database " . $slv1 . " " . $slv2 . " " . $slv3 . " " . $slv4 . " " . $slv5 . "</small>\n <br />\n "; } // if cached results should be used $cache_query = str_replace('"', '', $query); if (!$domain && $use_cache == '1' && !preg_match("/!|\\/|\\*|\\~|#|%|<|>|\\(|\\)|{|}|\\[|\\]|\\^|\\\\/", $cache_query)) { $cache_ok = '1'; if (!is_dir($mediacache_dir)) { mkdir($mediacache_dir, 0777); //if not exist, try to create folder for media cache if (!is_dir($mediacache_dir)) { echo "<br />Unable to create folder for media cache<br />"; $cache_ok = ''; } } $no_cache = '1'; if (is_dir($mediacache_dir)) { $rd_handle = fopen("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $cache_query . "_" . $type . "_" . $category . "_" . $cat_sel0 . "_" . $cat_sel0a . "_" . $cat_sel1 . "_" . $cat_sel2 . "_" . $cat_sel3 . "_" . $cat_sel4 . ".txt", "r+b"); if ($rd_handle) { $cache_result = file_get_contents("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $cache_query . "_" . $type . "_" . $category . "_" . $cat_sel0 . "_" . $cat_sel0a . "_" . $cat_sel1 . "_" . $cat_sel2 . "_" . $cat_sel3 . "_" . $cat_sel4 . ".txt"); if ($cache_result) { $no_cache = ''; if ($debug_user == '1') { echo "<small>Results found in cache</small><br />"; } // update cache-file with new modified date and time file_put_contents("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $cache_query . "_" . $type . "_" . $category . "_" . $cat_sel0 . "_" . $cat_sel0a . "_" . $cat_sel1 . "_" . $cat_sel2 . "_" . $cat_sel3 . "_" . $cat_sel4 . ".txt", $cache_result); // make file content readable for result listing $media_results = unserialize($cache_result); } } fclose($rd_handle); } // get fresh results, because no cached result for this query available if ($no_cache == '1') { if ($debug_user == '1') { echo "<small>No results found in cache.<br />Get fresh result from database.</small><br />"; } $media_results = all_fresh($query, $domain_qry, $mysql_table_prefix, $catid, $prefix); $media_count = count($media_results); // if query did not match any media object if ($media_count < '1') { $msg = str_replace('%query', htmlentities(utf8_decode($query)), $sph_messages["noMediaMatch"]); // display no media results found include "" . $template_dir . "/html/200_no media found.html"; return ''; } } $media_results = array_slice($media_results, 0, $max_cmresults); // reduce to max allowed results per query if ($cache_ok == '1' && $no_cache == '1' && $media_results[0][2]) { // create new cache file for new query input $wr_handle = fopen("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $cache_query . "_" . $type . "_" . $category . "_" . $cat_sel0 . "_" . $cat_sel0a . "_" . $cat_sel1 . "_" . $cat_sel2 . "_" . $cat_sel3 . "_" . $cat_sel4 . ".txt", "r"); if (!$wr_handle) { // create new cache file for current query input $result_string = serialize($media_results); if ($debug_user == '1') { echo "<small>Create new result files and thumbnails for media cache.</small><br />"; } $new_handle = fopen("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $cache_query . "_" . $type . "_" . $category . "_" . $cat_sel0 . "_" . $cat_sel0a . "_" . $cat_sel1 . "_" . $cat_sel2 . "_" . $cat_sel3 . "_" . $cat_sel4 . ".txt", "wb"); if (!fwrite($new_handle, $result_string)) { echo "<br />Unable to write into media cache<br />"; } fclose($new_handle); } else { fclose($wr_handle); } // get total size and time of creation for each cache file $size = '0'; $all = array(); $all_keys = array(); $all_vals = array(); if ($handle = opendir($mediacache_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $size = $size + filesize("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $file . ""); $created = filemtime("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $file . ""); $all_vals[] = $file; $all_keys[] = $created; } } } $cache_size = $mcache_size * 1048576; // cache size in Byte if ($size > $cache_size) { $all = array_combine($all_keys, $all_vals); ksort($all); // find oldest cache file $del = current($all); @unlink("" . $mediacache_dir . "/" . $del . ""); // delete oldest cache file if ($debug_user == '1') { echo "<small>Cache overflow. Delete least significant file in cache ({$del})</small><br />"; } } closedir($handle); } } else { // get fresh results without cache $media_results = all_fresh($query, $domain_qry, $mysql_table_prefix, $catid, $prefix); } // limit amount of results in result listing shown for pure media search $media_results = array_slice($media_results, 0, $max_results, TRUE); // save info to query_log $endtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime; $media_count = count($media_results); $time = round($endtime, 3); $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $orig_query = str_replace("*", "", $orig_query); // remove wildcard character saveToLog(addslashes($orig_query), $time, $media_count, $client_ip, 1); // if activated, prepare the XML result file if ($out == 'xml' && $xml_name) { media_xml($media_results, $media_count, $orig_query, $time); } // single result option for if ($media_count == 1 && $viking) { require_once "wikinger.php"; $search = 1; $media_only = 1; $client_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $url = $media_results[0][2]; // URL of first result viking_option($url, $query, $search, $media_only, $category, $type, $db, $results_per_page, $prefix, $client_ip); } // if query did not match any media object if ($media_count < '1') { //$msg = str_replace ('%query', htmlentities(utf8_decode($query)), $sph_messages["noMediaMatch"]); $msg = str_replace('%query', $orig_query, $sph_messages["noMediaMatch"]); // display no media results found include "" . $template_dir . "/html/200_no media found.html"; return ''; } //Prepare results for listing $pages = ceil($media_count / $results_per_page); // Calculate count of required pages $class = "odrow"; if (empty($start)) { $start = '1'; } // As $start is not yet defined this is required for the first result page if ($start == '1') { $from = '0'; // Also for first page in order not to multipy with 0 } else { $from = ($start - 1) * $results_per_page; // First $num_row of actual page } $to = $media_count; // Last $num_row of actual page $rest = $media_count - $start; if ($media_count > $results_per_page) { // Display more then one page? $rest = $media_count - $from; $to = $from + $rest; // $to for last page if ($rest > $results_per_page) { $to = $from + $results_per_page; } // Calculate $num_row of actual page } // result listing starts here if ($media_count > '0') { $fromm = $from + 1; $result = $sph_messages['Results']; $result = str_replace('%from', $from, $result); $result = str_replace('%to', $to, $result); $result = str_replace('%all', $media_count, $result); $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; if ($media_count == 1) { $matchword = $sph_messages["match"]; } else { $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; } // should we show the elapsed time in header? if ($elapsed) { $result = str_replace('%matchword', $matchword, $result); $result = str_replace('%secs', $time, $result); } else { $result = ''; if ($media_count > 1) { $result = "" . $sph_messages['matches'] . " " . $from . " - " . $to . " " . $sph_messages['from'] . " " . $media_count . ""; } } // get name for valid catid $row = array(); $row['category'] = ''; if ($category != '-1') { $sql_query = "SELECT * from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "categories\n where category_id = '{$catid}'"; $reso = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } if ($reso->num_rows) { $row = $reso->fetch_array(MYSQL_ASSOC); } } // display header for media-only results include "" . $template_dir . "/html/110_media-only header.html"; // loop through all results for ($i = $from; $i < $to; $i++) { $this_media = $media_results[$i]; // prepare current object-link for media counter $media_crypt = str_replace("&", "-_-", $this_media[3]); // crypt the & character $media_click = "{$include_dir}/media_counter.php?url={$media_crypt}&query={$query}&db={$db}&prefix={$prefix}&client_ip={$client_ip}"; // redirect users click in order to update Most Popular Media // prepare current page-link for click counter $link_crypt = str_replace("&", "-_-", $this_media[2]); $link_click = "{$include_dir}/click_counter.php?url={$link_crypt}&query={$query}&db={$db}&prefix={$prefix}&client_ip={$client_ip}"; // redirect users click in order to update Most Popular Links $media_title = $this_media[5]; // media title $thumb_link = utf8_encode($this_media[4]); // link to thumbnail $i_1 = $i + 1; // so table output does not start with zero $title = array(); $sql_query = "SELECT title from " . $mysql_table_prefix . "links where link_id = " . $this_media[1] . ""; // if available get title of current page $result = $db_con->query($sql_query); if ($debug && $db_con->errno) { $err_row = __LINE__ - 2; printf("<p><span class='red'> MySQL failure: %s \n<br /></span></p>", $db_con->error); if (__FUNCTION__) { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} in function(): " . __FUNCTION__ . " <br /></span></p>"); } else { printf("<p><span class='red'> Found in script: " . __FILE__ . " row: {$err_row} <br /></span></p>"); } printf("<p><span class='red'> Script execution aborted. <br /></span>"); printf("<p><strong>Invalid query string, which caused the SQL error:</strong></p>"); echo "<p> {$sql_query} </p>"; exit; } if ($result->num_rows > '0') { $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $page_title = $row["title"]; // presents the page title $img_name = substr($this_media[3], strrpos($this_media[3], "/") + 1); } if ($class == "odrow") { $class = "evrow"; } else { $class = "odrow"; } // display media-only result listing include "" . $template_dir . "/html/120_media-only results.html"; } // display end of result listing and links to other result pages include "" . $template_dir . "/html/190_more media-results.html"; } return; }
function save() { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/uploadfile.class.php'; JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jshoppingadmin'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $value_id = JRequest::getInt("value_id"); $attr_id = JRequest::getInt("attr_id"); $post = JRequest::get("post"); $attributValue = JTable::getInstance('attributValue', 'jshop'); $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveAttributValue', array(&$post)); $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['image']); $upload->setAllowFile(array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->image_attributes_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { if ($post['old_image']) { @unlink($jshopConfig->image_attributes_path . "/" . $post['old_image']); } $post['image'] = $upload->getName(); @chmod($jshopConfig->image_attributes_path . "/" . $post['image'], 0777); } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_IMAGE); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveAttributeValue - Error upload image. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } if (!$value_id) { $query = "SELECT MAX(value_ordering) AS value_ordering FROM `#__jshopping_attr_values` where attr_id='" . $db->escape($attr_id) . "'"; $db->setQuery($query); $row = $db->loadObject(); $post['value_ordering'] = $row->value_ordering + 1; } if (!$attributValue->bind($post)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_BIND); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=attributesvalues&attr_id=" . $attr_id); return 0; } if (!$attributValue->store()) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_SAVE_DATABASE); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=attributesvalues&attr_id=" . $attr_id); return 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveAttributValue', array(&$attributValue)); if ($this->getTask() == 'apply') { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=attributesvalues&task=edit&attr_id=" . $attr_id . "&value_id=" . $attributValue->value_id); } else { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=attributesvalues&attr_id=" . $attr_id); } }
function step7(){ $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = &JSFactory::getConfig(); $session =& JFactory::getSession(); $pm_method = &JTable::getInstance('paymentMethod', 'jshop'); if ($jshopConfig->savelog && $jshopConfig->savelogpaymentdata){ $str = "url: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']."\n"; foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) $str .= $k."=".$v."\n"; saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $str); } $act = JRequest::getVar("act"); $payment_method = JRequest::getVar("js_paymentclass"); if (!file_exists($jshopConfig->path . 'payments/' . $payment_method."/".$payment_method. '.php')) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); saveToLog("payment.log", "#001 - Error payment method file. PM ".$payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } require_once ($jshopConfig->path . 'payments/' . $payment_method."/".$payment_method. '.php'); if (!class_exists($payment_method)) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); saveToLog("payment.log", "#002 - Error payment. CLASS ".$payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pmconfigs = $pm_method->getConfigsForClassName($payment_method); $payment_system = new $payment_method(); $urlParamsPS = $payment_system->getUrlParams($pmconfigs); $order_id = $urlParamsPS['order_id']; $hash = $urlParamsPS['hash']; $checkHash = $urlParamsPS['checkHash']; $checkReturnParams = $urlParamsPS['checkReturnParams']; $session->set('jshop_send_end_form', 0); if ($act == "cancel"){ $this->_cancelPayOrder($order_id); return 0; } if ($act == "return" && !$checkReturnParams){ $this->_setMaxStep(10); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 1; } $order = &JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop'); $order->load($order_id); if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')){ JSFactory::loadLanguageFile($order->getLang()); $lang = &JSFactory::getLang($order->getLang()); } if ($checkHash && $order->order_hash != $hash){ saveToLog("payment.log", "#003 - Error order hash. Order id ".$order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_ORDER_HASH); return 0; } if (!$order->payment_method_id){ saveToLog("payment.log", "#004 - Error payment method id. Order id ".$order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pm_method->load($order->payment_method_id); if ($payment_method != $pm_method->payment_class){ saveToLog("payment.log", "#005 - Error payment method set url. Order id ".$order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pmconfigs = $pm_method->getConfigs(); $res = $payment_system->checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act); $rescode = $res[0]; $restext = $res[1]; if ($rescode == 0 || $rescode == 3){ saveToLog("payment.log", $restext); } if ($rescode==0){ $status = 0; }elseif($rescode==1){ $status = $pmconfigs['transaction_end_status']; }elseif($rescode==2){ $status = $pmconfigs['transaction_pending_status']; }elseif($rescode==3){ $status = $pmconfigs['transaction_failed_status']; } if ($status && !$order->order_created){ $order->order_created = 1; $order->order_status = $status; $order->store(); $this->_sendOrderEmail($order->order_id); $order->changeProductQTYinStock("-"); $this->_changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 0); } if ($status && $order->order_status != $status){ $this->_changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 1); } if ($act == "notify"){ $payment_system->nofityFinish($pmconfigs, $order, $rescode); die(); } if ($rescode == 0 || $rescode == 3){ JError::raiseWarning(500, $restext); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5',0,1,$jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 0; }else{ $this->_setMaxStep(10); $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish',0,1,$jshopConfig->use_ssl)); return 1; } }
public function userSave() { if (!$this->user_joomla_id) { throw new Exception('Error jshopUserregister->user_joomla_id'); } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $this->user->user_id = $this->user_joomla_id; $this->user->number = $this->user->getNewUserNumber(); if (!$db->insertObject($this->user->getTableName(), $this->user, $this->user->getKeyName())) { $this->savePostData(); saveToLog('error.log', $db->getErrorMsg()); $this->setError("Error insert in table " . $this->user->getTableName()); return 0; } else { return 1; } }
function save() { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/image.lib.php'; require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/uploadfile.class.php'; $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $apply = JRequest::getVar("apply"); $_alias = JSFactory::getModel("alias"); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $man = JSFactory::getTable('manufacturer', 'jshop'); $man_id = JRequest::getInt("manufacturer_id"); $post = JRequest::get("post"); $_lang = JSFactory::getModel("languages"); $languages = $_lang->getAllLanguages(1); foreach ($languages as $lang) { $post['name_' . $lang->language] = trim($post['name_' . $lang->language]); if ($jshopConfig->create_alias_product_category_auto && $post['alias_' . $lang->language] == "") { $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = $post['name_' . $lang->language]; } $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = JApplication::stringURLSafe($post['alias_' . $lang->language]); if ($post['alias_' . $lang->language] != "" && !$_alias->checkExistAlias1Group($post['alias_' . $lang->language], $lang->language, 0, $man_id)) { $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = ""; JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXIST); } $post['description_' . $lang->language] = JRequest::getVar('description' . $lang->id, '', 'post', "string", 2); $post['short_description_' . $lang->language] = JRequest::getVar('short_description_' . $lang->language, '', 'post', "string", 2); } if (!$post['manufacturer_publish']) { $post['manufacturer_publish'] = 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveManufacturer', array(&$post)); if (!$man->bind($post)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_BIND); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=manufacturers"); return 0; } if (!$man_id) { $man->ordering = null; $man->ordering = $man->getNextOrder(); } $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['manufacturer_logo']); $upload->setAllowFile(array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->image_manufs_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { if ($post['old_image']) { @unlink($jshopConfig->image_manufs_path . "/" . $post['old_image']); } $name = $upload->getName(); @chmod($jshopConfig->image_manufs_path . "/" . $name, 0777); if ($post['size_im_category'] < 3) { if ($post['size_im_category'] == 1) { $category_width_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_width; $category_height_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_height; } else { $category_width_image = JRequest::getInt('category_width_image'); $category_height_image = JRequest::getInt('category_height_image'); } $path_full = $jshopConfig->image_manufs_path . "/" . $name; $path_thumb = $jshopConfig->image_manufs_path . "/" . $name; if (!ImageLib::resizeImageMagic($path_full, $category_width_image, $category_height_image, $jshopConfig->image_cut, $jshopConfig->image_fill, $path_thumb, $jshopConfig->image_quality, $jshopConfig->image_fill_color, $jshopConfig->image_interlace)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_CREATE_THUMBAIL); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveManufacturer - Error create thumbail"); } @chmod($jshopConfig->image_manufs_path . "/" . $name, 0777); unset($img); } $man->manufacturer_logo = $name; } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_IMAGE); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveManufacturer - Error upload image. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } if (!$man->store()) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_SAVE_DATABASE); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=manufacturers"); return 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveManufacturer', array(&$man)); if ($this->getTask() == 'apply') { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=manufacturers&task=edit&man_id=" . $man->manufacturer_id); } else { $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=manufacturers"); } }
function checkVersionUpdate($version) { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $currentVersion = $jshopConfig->getVersion(); $groupVersion = intval($currentVersion); if (isset($version[$groupVersion])) { $min = $version[$groupVersion]['min']; $max = $version[$groupVersion]['max']; $min_cmp = version_compare($currentVersion, $min); $max_cmp = version_compare($currentVersion, $max); if ($min_cmp < 0) { JError::raiseWarning("", sprintf(_JSHOP_MIN_VERSION_ERROR, $min)); saveToLog("install.log", "Error: " . sprintf(_JSHOP_MIN_VERSION_ERROR, $min)); return 0; } if ($max_cmp > 0) { JError::raiseWarning("", sprintf(_JSHOP_MAX_VERSION_ERROR, $max)); saveToLog("install.log", "Error: " . sprintf(_JSHOP_MAX_VERSION_ERROR, $max)); return 0; } } return 1; }
function uploadFiles($product, $product_id, $post) { $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); if (!isset($post['product_demo_descr'])) { $post['product_demo_descr'] = ''; } if (!isset($post['product_file_descr'])) { $post['product_file_descr'] = ''; } if (!isset($post['product_file_sort'])) { $post['product_file_sort'] = ''; } for ($i = 0; $i < $jshopConfig->product_file_upload_count; $i++) { $file_demo = ""; $file_sale = ""; if ($jshopConfig->product_file_upload_via_ftp != 1) { $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['product_demo_file_' . $i]); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->demo_product_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { $file_demo = $upload->getName(); @chmod($jshopConfig->demo_product_path . "/" . $file_demo, 0777); } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE_DEMO); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveProduct - Error upload demo. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } unset($upload); $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['product_file_' . $i]); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->files_product_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { $file_sale = $upload->getName(); @chmod($jshopConfig->files_product_path . "/" . $file_sale, 0777); } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE_SALE); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveProduct - Error upload file sale. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } unset($upload); } if (!$file_demo && isset($post['product_demo_file_name_' . $i]) && $post['product_demo_file_name_' . $i]) { $file_demo = $post['product_demo_file_name_' . $i]; } if (!$file_sale && isset($post['product_file_name_' . $i]) && $post['product_file_name_' . $i]) { $file_sale = $post['product_file_name_' . $i]; } if ($file_demo != "" || $file_sale != "") { $this->addToProductFiles($product_id, $file_demo, $post['product_demo_descr_' . $i], $file_sale, $post['product_file_descr_' . $i], $post['product_file_sort_' . $i]); } } //Update description files $this->productUpdateDescriptionFiles($post['product_demo_descr'], $post['product_file_descr'], $post['product_file_sort']); }
function step7() { $checkout = JModelLegacy::getInstance('checkout', 'jshop'); $wmiframe = JRequest::getInt("wmiframe"); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $pm_method = JTable::getInstance('paymentMethod', 'jshop'); if ($jshopConfig->savelog && $jshopConfig->savelogpaymentdata) { $str = "url: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n"; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $str .= $k . "=" . $v . "\n"; } saveToLog("paymentdata.log", $str); } $act = JRequest::getVar("act"); $payment_method = JRequest::getVar("js_paymentclass"); $paymentsysdata = $pm_method->getPaymentSystemData($payment_method); $payment_system = $paymentsysdata->paymentSystem; if ($paymentsysdata->paymentSystemVerySimple) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); } saveToLog("payment.log", "#001 - Error payment method file. PM " . $payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } if ($paymentsysdata->paymentSystemError) { if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile(); } saveToLog("payment.log", "#002 - Error payment. CLASS " . $payment_method); JError::raiseWarning(500, _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pmconfigs = $pm_method->getConfigsForClassName($payment_method); $urlParamsPS = $payment_system->getUrlParams($pmconfigs); $order_id = $urlParamsPS['order_id']; $hash = $urlParamsPS['hash']; $checkHash = $urlParamsPS['checkHash']; $checkReturnParams = $urlParamsPS['checkReturnParams']; $session->set('jshop_send_end_form', 0); if ($act == "cancel") { $this->_cancelPayOrder($order_id); return 0; } if ($act == "return" && !$checkReturnParams) { $checkout->setMaxStep(10); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 1; } $order = JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop'); $order->load($order_id); if (JRequest::getInt('no_lang')) { JSFactory::loadLanguageFile($order->getLang()); $lang = JSFactory::getLang($order->getLang()); } if ($checkHash && $order->order_hash != $hash) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#003 - Error order hash. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_ORDER_HASH); return 0; } if (!$order->payment_method_id) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#004 - Error payment method id. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pm_method->load($order->payment_method_id); if ($payment_method != $pm_method->payment_class) { saveToLog("payment.log", "#005 - Error payment method set url. Order id " . $order_id); JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_PAYMENT); return 0; } $pmconfigs = $pm_method->getConfigs(); $res = $payment_system->checkTransaction($pmconfigs, $order, $act); $rescode = $res[0]; $restext = $res[1]; if ($rescode != 1) { saveToLog("payment.log", $restext); } $status = 0; $types_status = array(0 => 0, 1 => $pmconfigs['transaction_end_status'], 2 => $pmconfigs['transaction_pending_status'], 3 => $pmconfigs['transaction_failed_status'], 4 => $pmconfigs['transaction_cancel_status'], 5 => $pmconfigs['transaction_open_status'], 6 => $pmconfigs['transaction_shipping_status'], 7 => $pmconfigs['transaction_refunded_status'], 8 => $pmconfigs['transaction_confirm_status'], 9 => $pmconfigs['transaction_complete_status'], 10 => $pmconfigs['transaction_other_status'], 99 => 0); if (isset($types_status[$rescode])) { $status = $types_status[$rescode]; } if ($status && !$order->order_created) { $order->order_created = 1; $order->order_status = $status; $order->store(); if ($jshopConfig->send_order_email) { $checkout->sendOrderEmail($order->order_id); } $checkout->sendOrderEmail($order->order_id); $order->changeProductQTYinStock("-"); $checkout->changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 0); } if ($status && $order->order_status != $status) { $checkout->changeStatusOrder($order_id, $status, 1); } if ($act == "notify") { $payment_system->nofityFinish($pmconfigs, $order, $rescode); die; } $payment_system->finish($pmconfigs, $order, $rescode, $act); if (in_array($rescode, array(0, 3, 4))) { JError::raiseWarning(500, $restext); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=step5', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 0; } else { $checkout->setMaxStep(10); if (!$wmiframe) { $this->setRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } else { $this->iframeRedirect(SEFLink('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=checkout&task=finish', 0, 1, $jshopConfig->use_ssl)); } return 1; } }
function save() { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/image.lib.php'; require_once $jshopConfig->path . 'lib/uploadfile.class.php'; JPluginHelper::importPlugin('jshoppingadmin'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $_alias = $this->getModel("alias"); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $category = JTable::getInstance("category", "jshop"); if (!$_POST["category_id"]) { $_POST['category_add_date'] = getJsDate(); } if (!isset($_POST['category_publish'])) { $_POST['category_publish'] = 0; } $post = JRequest::get('post'); $_lang = $this->getModel("languages"); $languages = $_lang->getAllLanguages(1); if ($post['category_parent_id'] == $post['category_id']) { $post['category_parent_id'] = 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSaveCategory', array(&$post)); foreach ($languages as $lang) { $post['name_' . $lang->language] = trim($post['name_' . $lang->language]); if ($jshopConfig->create_alias_product_category_auto && $post['alias_' . $lang->language] == "") { $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = $post['name_' . $lang->language]; } $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = JApplication::stringURLSafe($post['alias_' . $lang->language]); if ($post['alias_' . $lang->language] != "" && !$_alias->checkExistAlias1Group($post['alias_' . $lang->language], $lang->language, $post['category_id'], 0)) { $post['alias_' . $lang->language] = ""; JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_ALIAS_ALREADY_EXIST); } $post['description_' . $lang->language] = JRequest::getVar('description' . $lang->id, '', 'post', "string", 2); $post['short_description_' . $lang->language] = JRequest::getVar('short_description_' . $lang->language, '', 'post', "string", 2); } if (!$category->bind($post)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_BIND); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=categories"); return 0; } $edit = $category->category_id; $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['category_image']); $upload->setAllowFile(array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png')); $upload->setDir($jshopConfig->image_category_path); $upload->setFileNameMd5(0); $upload->setFilterName(1); if ($upload->upload()) { $name = $upload->getName(); if ($post['old_image'] && $name != $post['old_image']) { @unlink($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $post['old_image']); } @chmod($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name, 0777); if ($post['size_im_category'] < 3) { if ($post['size_im_category'] == 1) { $category_width_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_width; $category_height_image = $jshopConfig->image_category_height; } else { $category_width_image = JRequest::getInt('category_width_image'); $category_height_image = JRequest::getInt('category_height_image'); } $path_full = $jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name; $path_thumb = $jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name; if (!ImageLib::resizeImageMagic($path_full, $category_width_image, $category_height_image, $jshopConfig->image_cut, $jshopConfig->image_fill, $path_thumb, $jshopConfig->image_quality, $jshopConfig->image_fill_color)) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_CREATE_THUMBAIL); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveCategory - Error create thumbail"); } @chmod($jshopConfig->image_category_path . "/" . $name, 0777); unset($img); } $category->category_image = $name; } else { if ($upload->getError() != 4) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_UPLOADING_IMAGE); saveToLog("error.log", "SaveCategory - Error upload image. code: " . $upload->getError()); } } $this->_reorderCategory($category); if (!$category->store()) { JError::raiseWarning("", _JSHOP_ERROR_SAVE_DATABASE); $this->setRedirect("index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=categories"); return 0; } $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSaveCategory', array(&$category)); $success = $edit ? _JSHOP_CATEGORY_SUCC_UPDATE : _JSHOP_CATEGORY_SUCC_ADDED; if ($this->getTask() == 'apply') { $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=categories&task=edit&category_id=' . $category->category_id, $success); } else { $this->setRedirect('index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=categories', $success); } }