$dt[$field_name] = implode(',', $ct); } else { $dt[$field_name] = $field_value; } $class_jc->updateField($catalog_id, $dt); } if (isset($_POST['me_action'])) { $class_pm->drawAttributesPostAction(); if ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SAVENAME') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $prodname = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['prodname']); $colors = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['colors']); $sda = array(); $sda['products_name'] = $prodname; $result = tep_db_perform('products_description', $sda, 'update', "products_id={$products_id} AND language_id=2"); saveColors($products_id, $colors); echo utf8_encode("UPDATED"); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SAVEBRAND') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $brand_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['brand_id']); $class_pb->updateProductBrand($products_id, $brand_id); echo utf8_encode("UPDATED"); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'LOADLENGTHS') { $products_id = tep_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_id']); $result = drawLengthsForm($products_id); echo utf8_encode($result); exit; } elseif ($_POST['me_action'] == 'SAVELENGTHS') { use_class('products_ean');
function copyFromProducts($products_id_to_copied, $products_id_to_applied, $options = '*', $elements_id_to_exclude = '', $skip_same_add_length_composition = false) { use_class('products_articles'); $class_pa = new products_articles(); $have_element_to_exclude = false; if ($elements_id_to_exclude != '' && !is_array($elements_id_to_exclude)) { $elements_id_to_exclude = explode(',', $elements_id_to_exclude); $have_element_to_exclude = true; } $product = $this->retrieveDetail($products_id_to_copied, 'p,pd,pnc,cat'); $product_to_applied = $this->retrieveDetail($products_id_to_copied, 'cat'); $categories_is_same = $product['categories_id'] == $product_to_applied['categories_id']; $articles = $class_pa->retrieveList($products_id_to_copied); $articles_to_applied = $class_pa->retrieveList($products_id_to_applied); $add_length = array(); $add_length_to_applied = array(); if (isset($articles) && is_array($articles) && count($articles) > 0) { foreach ($articles as $a) { $add_length[] = $a['length']; } } if (isset($articles_to_applied) && is_array($articles_to_applied) && count($articles_to_applied) > 0) { foreach ($articles_to_applied as $ata) { $add_length_to_applied[] = $ata['length']; } } if (!is_array($products_id_to_applied)) { $products_id_to_applied = explode(',', $products_id_to_applied); } if ($options != '*') { $options = explode(',', $options); } //START UPDATE PRODUCT DETAIL TO ALL PRODUCTS WHICH PRODUCT DETAIL IS NOT FILLED foreach ($products_id_to_applied as $pid) { if ($options == '*' || in_array('cp', $options)) { //APPLY COLOR PATTERN $cps = $this->loadColorPattern($products_id_to_copied); if (count($cps) > 0) { saveColors($pid, implode(',', $cps)); } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('b', $options)) { //APPLY BRAND use_class('products_brand'); $class_pb = new products_brand(); $class_pb->updateProductBrand($pid, $product['p']['products_brand_id']); } if (($options == '*' || in_array('l', $options)) && $categories_is_same) { //APPLY LENGTH $def_length = $product['pnc']['products_length']; $this->saveLength($pid, $def_length, $add_length); } if ($options == '*' || in_array('eu', $options)) { //TODO: CHECK HOW TO ALSO COPY ELEMENTS IF OTHER PRODUCTS STILL DOESN'T HAVE ANY //APPLY ELEMENT USED & QTY $el_used = $this->retrieveElementsUsage($products_id_to_copied); if (count($el_used) > 0) { $elids = array(); $elqtys = array(); foreach ($el_used as $elid => $el_data) { if ($have_element_to_exclude) { $check_key = array_search($elid, $elements_id_to_exclude); if ($check_key !== false) { continue; } } $elids[] = $elid; $elqtys[] = $el_data['quantity']; } $this->addElementToProducts($pid, $elids, $elqtys); } //APPLY OVERRIDE ELEMENTS (IF EXISTS) AND HAVE SAME ADDITIONAL LENGTH COMPOSITION if (count($add_length) > 0 && $categories_is_same) { $have_same_add_length_composition = true; if (count($add_length) == count($add_length_to_applied)) { foreach ($add_length as $al) { if (!in_array($al, $add_length_to_applied)) { $have_same_add_length_composition = false; break; } } } else { $have_same_add_length_composition = false; } if ($have_same_add_length_composition || $skip_same_add_length_composition) { foreach ($add_length as $length) { $dbq_o = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles WHERE products_id = {$products_id_to_copied} AND length = {$length}"); $dbq_c = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles WHERE products_id = {$pid} AND length = {$length}"); if (tep_db_num_rows($dbq_o) > 0 && tep_db_num_rows($dbq_c) > 0) { $r_o = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_o); $r_c = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_c); $products_articles_id = $r_c['products_articles_id']; $dbq_ovr = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_articles_use_elements WHERE products_articles_id = {$r_o['products_articles_id']}"); while ($r_ovr = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_ovr)) { $ovr_elid = $r_ovr['elements_id']; $dbq_pue_o = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_use_elements WHERE products_use_elements_id = {$r_ovr['products_use_elements_id']}"); $r_pue_o = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_pue_o); $dbq_pue_c = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_use_elements WHERE products_id = {$pid} AND elements_id = {$r_pue_o['elements_id']}"); $r_pue_c = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq_pue_c); $products_use_elements_id = $r_pue_c['products_use_elements_id']; $ovr_data = array(); if ($have_element_to_exclude) { $check_key = array_search($r_ovr['elements_id'], $elements_id_to_exclude); if ($check_key !== false) { continue; } } $ovr_data['elements_id'] = $r_ovr['elements_id']; $ovr_data['quantity'] = $r_ovr['quantity']; $ovr_data['products_articles_id'] = $products_articles_id; $ovr_data['products_use_elements_id'] = $products_use_elements_id; $class_pa->overrideElement($products_articles_id, $products_use_elements_id, $ovr_data); } } } } } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('mp', $options)) { //APPLY MANUAL PI $dbqmp = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_non_configurator pnc WHERE pnc.products_id={$products_id_to_copied}"); $mpi = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqmp); saveManualPI($pid, $mpi['products_instruction']); } if ($options == '*' || in_array('pl', $options)) { //APPLY PRODUCTS LINKING use_class('products_linking'); $class_pl = new products_linking(); $dbqpl = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM products_linking WHERE products_id={$products_id_to_copied}"); while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbqpl)) { $links_id = $r['links_id']; $type = $r['type']; $class_pl->add($pid, $type, $links_id, true); } } if ($options == '*' || in_array('ni', $options)) { //APPLY NAVID's use_class('jng_sp_catalog'); $class_jc = new jng_sp_catalog(); $dbq = tep_db_query("SELECT jng_sp_id, navigation, navigation2, navigation3 FROM jng_sp_catalog WHERE products_id={$products_id_to_copied} ORDER BY jng_sp_id"); while ($r = tep_db_fetch_array($dbq)) { $nav = $r['navigation']; $nav2 = $r['navigation2']; $nav3 = $r['navigation3']; $class_jc->addProduct($r['jng_sp_id'], $pid); $p_cat = $class_jc->retrieveCatalog($r['jng_sp_id'], "jc.products_id = '{$pid}'"); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation', $nav); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation2', $nav2); saveCatalog($p_cat[0]['jng_sp_catalog_id'], 'navigation3', $nav3); } } } }