Ejemplo n.º 1
     // Logging
     Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_DOCS, LOG_INSERT, array('id' => $id, 'filepath' => $file_path, 'filename' => $fileName, 'comment' => $_POST['file_comment'], 'title' => $_POST['file_title']));
     Session::Messages($langDownloadEnd, 'alert-success');
 } elseif (isset($_POST['file_content'])) {
     $q = false;
     if (isset($_POST['editPath'])) {
         $fileInfo = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM document\n                    WHERE {$group_sql} AND path = ?s", $_POST['editPath']);
         if ($fileInfo->editable) {
             $file_path = $fileInfo->path;
             $q = Database::get()->query("UPDATE document\n                            SET date_modified = NOW(), title = ?s\n                            WHERE {$group_sql} AND path = ?s", $_POST['file_title'], $_POST['editPath']);
             $id = $fileInfo->id;
             $fileName = $fileInfo->filename;
     } else {
         $safe_fileName = safe_filename(get_file_extension($fileName));
         $file_path = $uploadPath . '/' . $safe_fileName;
         $file_date = date("Y\\-m\\-d G\\:i\\:s");
         $file_format = get_file_extension($fileName);
         $file_creator = "{$_SESSION['givenname']} {$_SESSION['surname']}";
         $q = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO document SET\n                            course_id = ?d,\n                            subsystem = ?d,\n                            subsystem_id = ?d,\n                            path = ?s,\n                            extra_path = '',\n                            filename = ?s,\n                            visible = 1,\n                            comment = '',\n                            category = 0,\n                            title = ?s,\n                            creator = ?s,\n                            date = ?s,\n                            date_modified = ?s,\n                            subject = '',\n                            description = '',\n                            author = ?s,\n                            format = ?s,\n                            language = ?s,\n                            copyrighted = 0,\n                            editable = 1", $course_id, $subsystem, $subsystem_id, $file_path, $fileName, $_POST['file_title'], $file_creator, $file_date, $file_date, $file_creator, $file_format, $language);
     if ($q) {
         if (!isset($id)) {
             $id = $q->lastInsertID;
             $log_action = LOG_INSERT;
         } else {
             $log_action = LOG_MODIFY;
         Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_DOCS, $log_action, array('id' => $id, 'filepath' => $file_path, 'filename' => $fileName, 'title' => $_POST['file_title']));
         $action_message .= "<div class='alert alert-success'>{$langDownloadEnd}</div><br />";
Ejemplo n.º 2
            ftruncate($fchat, 0);
            fwrite($fchat, $timeNow . " ---- " . $langWashFrom . " ---- " . $nick . " -------- !@#$ systemMsgClear\n");
            flock($fchat, LOCK_UN);

// store
    if (isset($_GET['store']) && $is_editor) {
        require_once 'modules/document/doc_init.php';
        if (!isset($_GET['token']) || !validate_csrf_token($_GET['token'])) csrf_token_error();       
        $saveIn = "chat." . date("Y-m-j-his") . ".txt";
        $chat_filename = '/' . safe_filename('txt');
        //Concat temp & chat file removing system messages and html tags
        $exportFileChat = $coursePath . $course_code . '/chat_export.txt';
        $fp = fopen($exportFileChat, 'a+');        
        $tmp_file = @file_get_contents($tmpArchiveFile);
        $chat_file = @file_get_contents($fileChatName);        
        $con_file = preg_replace(array('/^(.*?)!@#\$ systemMsg.*\n/m','/!@#\$.*/'), '', strip_tags($tmp_file.$chat_file));

        fwrite($fp, $con_file);
        if (copy($exportFileChat, $basedir . $chat_filename)) {            
            Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO document SET
                                course_id = ?d,
                                subsystem = ?d,
Ejemplo n.º 3
function submit_work($uid, $group_id, $id, $file) {

    global $groupPath, $langUploadError, $langUploadSuccess,
    $langBack, $m, $tool_content, $workPath,
    $group_sql, $webDir, $course_code, $is_editor;

    $ext = get_file_extension($file);
    $local_name = greek_to_latin('Group ' . $group_id . (empty($ext) ? '' : '.' . $ext));
    $original_filename = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT filename FROM document WHERE $group_sql AND path = ?s", $file)->filename;
    $source = $groupPath . $file;
    $destination = work_secret($id) . "/$local_name";

    delete_submissions_by_uid($uid, $group_id, $id, $destination);

    if (is_dir($source)) {
        $original_filename = $original_filename . '.zip';
        $zip_filename = $webDir . 'courses/temp/' . safe_filename('zip');
        zip_documents_directory($zip_filename, $file, $is_editor);
        $source = $zip_filename;
    if (copy($source, "$workPath/$destination")) {
        Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO assignment_submit (uid, assignment_id, submission_date,
                                submission_ip, file_path, file_name, comments, group_id, grade_comments)
                                VALUES (?d, ?d, NOW(), '$_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]', ?s, ?s, ?s, ?d, ''", $uid, $id, $destination, $original_filename, $_POST['comments'], $group_id);

        $tool_content .="<div class='alert alert-success'>$langUploadSuccess
			<br>$m[the_file] \"$original_filename\" $m[was_submitted]<br>
			<a href='index.php?course=$course_code'>$langBack</a></div><br>";
    } else {
        $tool_content .="<div class='alert alert-danger'>$langUploadError<br>
		<a href='index.php?course=$course_code'>$langBack</a></div><br>";
 } else {
     # andmebaasis topelt malli nime olemasolu kontroll
     $sql = $site->db->prepare("SELECT count(*) from templ_tyyp where nimi = ?", $site->fdat["nimi"]);
     $sth = new SQL($sql);
     $on_olemas = $sth->fetchsingle();
     if ($on_olemas) {
         # malli nimi juba olemas, veateade
         $error = $site->sys_sona(array(sona => "Faili nimi juba kinni", tyyp => "editor"));
     if (!$error) {
         # safe failinime tegemine
         $filename = trim(preg_replace("/[^\\w\\.]/", "_", $site->fdat[nimi])) . ".html";
         $filename = safe_filename($filename);
         $site->debug->msg("Template file safe name = {$filename}");
         # topelt kontroll: ega pole f��siliselt sellist faili olemas
         # kui on, pane number l�ppu
         $filename_original = $filename;
         $i = 1;
         while (file_exists($templ_path . $filename)) {
             # Keerle tsyklis kuni leiad vaba failinime
             if (preg_match("/^(.*)\\.(.*?)\$/", $filename_original, $matches)) {
                 $filename = $matches[1] . ++$i . "." . $matches[2];
     # if !error
Ejemplo n.º 5
function make_path($path, $path_components)
    global $basedir, $givenname, $surname, $path_already_exists, $course_id, $group_sql, $subsystem, $subsystem_id;
    $path_already_exists = true;
    $depth = 1 + substr_count($path, '/');
    foreach ($path_components as $component) {
        $q = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT path, visible, format,\n                                      (LENGTH(path) - LENGTH(REPLACE(path, '/', ''))) AS depth\n                                      FROM document\n                                      WHERE {$group_sql} AND\n                                            filename = ?s AND\n                                            path LIKE ?s HAVING depth = {$depth}", $component, $path . '%');
        if ($q) {
            // Path component already exists in database
            $path = $q->path;
        } else {
            // Path component must be created
            $path .= '/' . safe_filename();
            mkdir($basedir . $path, 0775);
            $id = Database::get()->query("INSERT INTO document SET\n                                          course_id = ?d,\n\t\t\t\t\t  subsystem = ?d,\n                                          subsystem_id = ?d,\n                                          path = ?s,\n                                          filename = ?s,\n                                          visible = 1,\n                                          creator = ?s,\n                                          date = NOW(),\n                                          date_modified = NOW(),\n                                          format = '.dir'", $course_id, $subsystem, $subsystem_id, $path, $component, $givenname . $surname)->lastInsertID;
            Log::record($course_id, MODULE_ID_DOCS, LOG_INSERT, array('id' => $id, 'path' => $path, 'filename' => $component));
            $path_already_exists = false;
    return $path;
Ejemplo n.º 6

require_once 'include/lib/hierarchy.class.php';
require_once 'archive_functions.php';
require_once 'restore_functions.php';

$toolName = $langCloneCourse;
$treeObj = new Hierarchy();
$_POST['restoreThis'] = null; // satisfy course_details_form()

if (isset($_POST['create_restored_course'])) {
    if (!isset($_POST['token']) || !validate_csrf_token($_POST['token'])) csrf_token_error();
    $currentCourseCode = $course_code;

    $restoreThis = $webDir . '/courses/tmpUnzipping/' .
        $uid . '/' . safe_filename();
    mkdir($restoreThis, 0755, true);
    archiveTables($course_id, $course_code, $restoreThis);
    recurse_copy($webDir . '/courses/' . $course_code,
        $restoreThis . '/html');

        'course_code' => true,
        'course_lang' => true,
        'course_title' => true,
        'course_desc' => true,
        'course_vis' => true,
        'course_prof' => true), 'all');

    create_restored_course($tool_content, $restoreThis, $course_code, $course_lang, $course_title, $course_desc, $course_vis, $course_prof);
    $course_code = $currentCourseCode; // revert course code to the correct value
Ejemplo n.º 7
function parse_links($courseId, $data, $extras = true)
    $chapter_contents = array();
    $chapter_contents[0] = array();
    $current_chapter = 0;
    $final_data = array('type' => 'folder', 'title' => safe_filename($courseId));
    $first_chapter = true;
    $offset = 0;
    foreach ($data as $item) {
        if ($item["__class"] == "chapter") {
            if ($first_chapter) {
                $final_data['contents'] = array();
                if (count($chapter_contents[0]) > 0) {
                    $final_data['contents'] = $chapter_contents[0];
                $offset = count($chapter_contents[0]);
                $first_chapter = false;
            } else {
                $final_data['contents'][$current_chapter + $offset - 1]['contents'] = $chapter_contents[$current_chapter];
            $chapter_contents[$current_chapter] = array();
            $chapter = array('type' => 'folder', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["index"]);
            array_push($final_data['contents'], $chapter);
        } else {
            if ($item["__class"] == "lecture") {
                if ($item["assetType"] == "Article") {
                    $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'text', 'extension' => 'html', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']["data"]["body"]);
                    array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                } else {
                    if ($item["assetType"] == "Presentation") {
                        if (!empty($item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                            $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => end(explode(".", strtolower($item['asset']['data']['name']))), 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download']);
                            array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                        } else {
                            $asset = array('type' => 'folder', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => array());
                            preg_match('/src="https:\\/\\/www.udemy.com\\/embed\\/presentation\\/(.*?)\\/" width/', $item['asset']['viewHTML'], $matches);
                            $asset['contents'] = get_links('presentation', $matches[1]);
                    } else {
                        if ($item["assetType"] == "VideoMashup") {
                            if (!empty($item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                                $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => 'mp4', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['Video']['0']);
                                array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                                $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => 'pdf', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download']);
                                array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                            } else {
                                $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => 'mp4', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"]);
                                preg_match('/src="(.*?)\\/" width/', $item['asset']['viewHTML'], $matches);
                                $asset['contents'] = get_links('videomashup', $matches[1]);
                                array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                        } else {
                            if ($item["assetType"] == "Video") {
                                if (!empty($item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                                    $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => end(explode(".", strtolower($item['asset']['data']['name']))), 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download']);
                                    array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                                } else {
                                    $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => 'mp4', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"]);
                                    preg_match('/src="(.*?)\\/" width/', $item['asset']['viewHTML'], $matches);
                                    $asset['contents'] = get_links('video', $matches[1]);
                                    array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                            } else {
                                if ($item["assetType"] == "E-Book") {
                                    if (!empty($item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                                        $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => end(explode(".", strtolower($item['asset']['data']['name']))), 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download']);
                                        array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                                    } else {
                                        $asset = array('type' => 'folder', 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => array());
                                        preg_match('/src="https:\\/\\/www.udemy.com\\/embed\\/e-book\\/(.*?)\\/" width/', $item['asset']['viewHTML'], $matches);
                                        $asset['contents'] = get_links('e-book', $matches[1]);
                                } else {
                                    if (!empty($item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                                        $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => end(explode(".", strtolower($item['asset']['data']['name']))), 'title' => safe_filename($item["title"]), 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"], 'contents' => $item['asset']['downloadUrl']['download']);
                                        array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $asset);
                if ($extras) {
                    if (count($item["extras"]) > 0) {
                        $actual_count = 0;
                        $extras_folder = array('type' => 'folder', 'title' => "Extras", 'index' => $item["lectureIndex"]);
                        $extras_content = array();
                        foreach ($item["extras"] as $key => $extra) {
                            if (!empty($extra['downloadUrl']['download'])) {
                                $asset = array('type' => 'file', 'data' => 'link', 'extension' => end(explode(".", strtolower($extra['data']['name']))), 'title' => safe_filename($extra["title"]), 'index' => $key + 1, 'lindex' => $extras_folder['index'], 'contents' => $extra['downloadUrl']['download']);
                                array_push($extras_content, $asset);
                        $extras_folder['contents'] = $extras_content;
                        if ($actual_count > 0) {
                            array_push($chapter_contents[$current_chapter], $extras_folder);
    $final_data['contents'][$current_chapter + $offset - 1]['contents'] = $chapter_contents[$current_chapter];
    return $final_data;
Ejemplo n.º 8
     if ($filesize + $dropbox_space > $diskQuotaDropbox) {
         $errormsg = $langNoSpace;
         $error = TRUE;
     } elseif (!is_uploaded_file($filetmpname)) {
         // check user found : no clean error msg
     // set title
     if (isset($_POST['message_title']) and $_POST['message_title'] != '') {
         $subject = $_POST['message_title'];
     } else {
         $subject = $langMessage;
     $format = get_file_extension($filename);
     $real_filename = $filename;
     $filename = safe_filename($format);
     $recipients = $_POST["recipients"];
     //After uploading the file, create the db entries
     if (!$error) {
         $filename_final = $dropbox_dir . '/' . $filename;
         move_uploaded_file($filetmpname, $filename_final) or die($langUploadError);
         @chmod($filename_final, 0644);
         $msg = new Msg($uid, $cid, $subject, $_POST['body'], $recipients, $filename, $real_filename, $filesize);
 if (isset($_POST['mailing']) and $_POST['mailing']) {
     // send mail to recipients of dropbox file
     if ($course_id != 0 || isset($_POST['course'])) {
         //message in course context
         $c = course_id_to_title($cid);
Ejemplo n.º 9
function theme_image_src($src)
    if (strlen($src) > 0) {
        if (starts_with($src, 'images/site/')) {
            $dirPaths = get_theme_img_search_site_dir_list();
        } else {
            $dirPaths = get_theme_img_search_dir_list();
        $src = safe_filename($src);
        $file_r = parse_file($src);
        $src = $file_r['name'];
        // temporary until we fix up the theme image calls to use the actual images that exist.
        $extension_r = array($file_r['extension'], 'png', 'jpg', 'gif');
        while (list(, $dir) = each($dirPaths)) {
            while (list(, $extension) = each($extension_r)) {
                $file = './' . $dir . '/' . $src . '.' . $extension;
                if (file_exists($file)) {
                    return $file;
    return FALSE;
    // no image found.
Ejemplo n.º 10
function encode_dropbox_documents($code, $id, $filename, $title) {

    global $webDir, $langEncDropboxError;

    $format = get_file_extension($title);
    $new_filename = safe_filename($format);
    $path_to_dropbox = $webDir . '/courses/' . $code . '/dropbox/';

    if (!file_exists($path_to_dropbox . $filename)) {
        $filename = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-7', $filename);

    if (rename($path_to_dropbox . $filename, $path_to_dropbox . $new_filename)) {
        Database::get()->query("UPDATE dropbox_file SET filename = '$new_filename'
	        	WHERE id = '$id'", $code);
    } else {
        Debug::message($langEncDropboxError, Debug::ERROR);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function produce_cache_filename()
     // Get the client IP address.
     if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
         $this->warnx("Proxy configuration error: X-Forwarded-For header not found");
     $client_ip = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
     if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f:.]+$/', $client_ip) === 0) {
         $this->warnx("Proxy error: invalid X-Forwarded-For header value: [{$client_ip}]");
     // Parse the URL and make sure it belongs to a YouTube video.
     $url = parse_url($this->original_url);
     if (!is_array($url) || !is_string($url['query'])) {
         $this->warnx("Invalid URL");
     parse_str($url['query'], $p);
     if (!is_array($p)) {
         $this->warnx("Invalid query string: [{$url['query']}]");
     foreach (array('sver', 'itag', 'id') as $n) {
         if (!is_string($p[$n]) || strlen($p[$n]) === 0) {
             $this->warnx("Query parameter [{$n}] not found or empty");
     if (isset($p['begin'])) {
         // The user is not downloading the whole video, but seeking within it.
         // TODO How to deal with this?
         //      Maybe nginx's FLV module could help.
         $this->warnx("Uncachable: begin is set: [{$p['begin']}]");
     } else {
         if ($p['sver'] != '3') {
             // Stream Version?
             // All requests seem to have this field set to the number 3.
             // If this ever changes, we should look at the new requests to make
             // sure that they are still compatible with this script.
             $this->warnx("Uncachable: sver is not 3: [{$p['sver']}]");
         } else {
             // All values in $p are provided by the user.
             // Do not use them directly in 'fopen()'.
             $this->cache_filename = cachedir($this) . '/' . 'id=' . safe_filename($p['id']) . '.itag=' . safe_filename($p['itag']);
             $this->log_filename = "{$this->cache_filename}." . time() . ".{$client_ip}.log";
             $this->temp_cache_filename = "{$this->cache_filename}." . uniqid(mt_rand() . '_', TRUE) . ".{$client_ip}.tmp";
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function get_original_url()
     if (!isset($_GET['url'])) {
         $this->logdie(2, __FUNCTION__, "Proxy URL rewriter error: url GET parameter not found.");
     $this->original_url = base64_decode($_GET['url'], TRUE);
     if (!is_string($this->original_url)) {
         $this->logdie(2, __FUNCTION__, "Proxy URL rewriter error: url GET parameter is invalidly base64 encoded.");
     $this->log(1, __FUNCTION__, "Accessed URL {$this->original_url}");
     // Get the client IP address.
     if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
         $this->log(2, __FUNCTION__, "Proxy configuration error: X-Forwarded-For header not found");
     // get forwarded server ip, can be multiple ones if there is multiple proxies
     $this->client_ip = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']);
     if (strpos($this->client_ip, ", ")) {
         $cips_exploded = explode(", ", $this->client_ip);
         $this->client_ip = $cips_exploded[count($cips_exploded) - 1];
         // get last ip in the array
     if (preg_match('/^[0-9a-f:.]+$/', $this->client_ip) === 0) {
         $this->log(2, __FUNCTION__, "Proxy error: invalid X-Forwarded-For header value: [{$this->client_ip}]");
     // Parse the URL and make sure it belongs to a YouTube video.
     $url = parse_url($this->original_url);
     if (!is_array($url) || !is_string($url['query'])) {
         $this->logdie(2, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid URL");
     parse_str($url['query'], $this->parsed_url);
     if (!is_array($this->parsed_url)) {
         $this->log(2, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid query string: [{$url['query']}]");
     foreach (array('sver', 'itag', 'id') as $n) {
         if (!is_string($this->parsed_url[$n]) || strlen($this->parsed_url[$n]) === 0) {
             $this->log(2, __FUNCTION__, "Query parameter [{$n}] not found or empty");
     $this->cache_request = 'id=' . safe_filename($this->parsed_url['id']) . '.itag=' . safe_filename($this->parsed_url['itag']);