Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Test for an export path
 public function test_version1invalidexportpath()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     // Check if test is being run as root.
     if (posix_getuid() === 0) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('This test will always fail when run as root.');
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/fileplugins/log/log.class.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     set_config('export_path', 'invalidexportpath', 'dhexport_version1');
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . '/invalidexportpath';
     // Create a folder and make it executable only.
     // Cleanup the folder first if it already exists.
     if (file_exists($filepath)) {
         // Remove any files.
         if (!empty($filepath)) {
             foreach (glob("{$filepath}/*") as $logfile) {
     mkdir($filepath, 0100);
     // Set up the export file path.
     $filename = 'rliptestexport.csv';
     set_config('export_file', $filename, 'dhexport_version1');
     // Set up data for one course and one enroled user.
     // Create a scheduled job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1', 'period' => '5m', 'label' => 'bogus', 'type' => 'dhexport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Change the next runtime to a known value in the past.
     $task = new stdClass();
     $task->id = $taskid;
     $task->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', $task);
     $job = new stdClass();
     $job->id = $DB->get_field(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, 'id', array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1'));
     $job->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, $job);
     // Lower bound on starttime.
     $starttime = time();
     // Run the export.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     // Database error log validation.
     $dataroot = rtrim($CFG->dataroot, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $select = "{$DB->sql_compare_text('statusmessage')} = :message";
     $msgparam = "Export file rliptestexport.csv cannot be processed because the folder: {$dataroot}/invalidexportpath/ is not";
     $msgparam .= " accessible. Please fix the export path.";
     $params = array('message' => $msgparam);
     $exists = $DB->record_exists_select(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, $select, $params);
     // Cleanup the folder.
     if (file_exists($filepath)) {
         // Remove any files.
         if (!empty($filepath)) {
             foreach (glob("{$filepath}/*") as $logfile) {
     $this->assertEquals($exists, true);
     // Fs logger error log validation.
     $dataroot = rtrim($CFG->dataroot, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $expectederror = "Export file rliptestexport.csv cannot be processed because the folder: {$dataroot}/invalidexportpath/ is";
     $expectederror .= " not accessible. Please fix the export path.\n";
     // Validate that a log file was created.
     $plugintype = 'export';
     $plugin = 'dhexport_version1';
     $format = get_string('logfile_timestamp', 'local_datahub');
     // Get most recent record.
     $records = $DB->get_records(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, null, 'starttime DESC');
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $logfile = $record->logpath;
     $testfilename = $logfile;
     $filename = self::get_current_logfile($testfilename);
     // Fetch log line.
     $pointer = fopen($filename, 'r');
     $line = fgets($pointer);
     if ($line == false) {
         // No line found.
         $this->assertEquals(0, 1);
     // Data validation.
     $prefixlength = strlen('[MMM/DD/YYYY:hh:mm:ss -zzzz] ');
     $actualerror = substr($line, $prefixlength);
     $this->assertEquals($expectederror, $actualerror);
  * Validate that scheduled import is prevented if existing incomplete run exists.
 public function test_importpreventmultipleimports()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/eliscore/lib/tasklib.php';
     $filepath = '/local_datahub_phpunit/';
     $filename = 'userfile2.csv';
     set_config('schedule_files_path', $filepath, 'dhimport_version1elis');
     set_config('user_schedule_file', $filename, 'dhimport_version1elis');
     // Set up the test directory.
     $testdir = $CFG->dataroot . $filepath;
     mkdir($testdir, 0777, true);
     copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/fixtures/{$filename}", $testdir . $filename);
     // Create the job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1elis', 'period' => '5m', 'type' => 'dhimport');
     $taskid1 = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Run the import with a time in the past so it stops immediately.
     $taskname1 = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid1));
     $result1 = run_ipjob($taskname1, -1);
     // Validate the first import run was started.
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result1);
     // Validate the state was saved.
     $config = $DB->get_field(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, 'config', array('id' => 1));
     $this->assertRegExp('/s:5:"state";/', $config);
     // Create a duplicate job.
     $taskid2 = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Get the initial duplicate job lastruntime and nextruntime values.
     $initlastruntime = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'lastruntime', array('id' => $taskid2));
     $initnextruntime = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'nextruntime', array('id' => $taskid2));
     // Emulate the ELIS cron adjusting the job run times.
     $task = $DB->get_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', array('id' => $taskid2));
     $task->lastruntime = time();
     $nextruntime = cron_next_run_time($task->lastruntime, (array) $task);
     $task->nextruntime = $nextruntime;
     $DB->update_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', $task);
     // Attempt to do another import run.
     $taskname2 = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid2));
     $result2 = run_ipjob($taskname2);
     // Validate that the second import run attempt fails.
     $this->assertEquals(false, $result2);
     // Get the later lastruntime and nextruntime values.
     $lastruntime = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'lastruntime', array('id' => $taskid2));
     $nextruntime = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'nextruntime', array('id' => $taskid2));
     // Validate that the job run time values are back to initial values.
     $this->assertEquals($initlastruntime, $lastruntime);
     $this->assertEquals($initnextruntime, $nextruntime);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Validate that, if the setting for disabling the internal Moodle cron is
  * enabled, tasks do not run in the internal cron
 public function test_runipjobskipsjobsifdisabledincronenabled()
     global $DB;
     // Set up the export file name.
     set_config('export_file', 'export.csv', 'dhexport_version1');
     // Disable running in the standard cron.
     set_config('disableincron', '1', 'local_datahub');
     // Create the job (doesn't really matter which plugin).
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1', 'period' => '5m', 'type' => 'dhexport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Set up the job to run on the next "cron".
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {local_eliscore_sched_tasks}\n                          SET nextruntime = ?", array(0));
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {" . RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "}\n                      SET nextruntime = ?", array(0));
     // Run the export.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     // Validate that tasks are not run by checking that their next runtime values have not been changed..
     $exists = $DB->record_exists('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', array('nextruntime' => 0));
     $exists = $DB->record_exists(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, array('nextruntime' => 0));
  * Validate that, when the available runtime is exceeded, IP leaves the next
  * runtime for this plugin unchanged
 public function test_exportleavesnextruntimewhentimelimitexceeded()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     // Load data.
     // Set up configuration.
     set_config('export_path', '/datahub/dhexport_version1elis', 'dhexport_version1elis');
     set_config('export_file', 'export_version1elis.csv', 'dhexport_version1elis');
     set_config('nonincremental', 1, 'dhexport_version1elis');
     // Create the job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1elis', 'period' => '5m', 'type' => 'dhexport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Set next runtime values to a known state.
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {local_eliscore_sched_tasks} SET nextruntime = ?", array(1));
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {" . RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "} SET nextruntime = ?", array(1));
     // Run the job.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     run_ipjob($taskname, -1);
     // Validate that nextruntime values haven't changed.
     $exists = $DB->record_exists('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', array('nextruntime' => 1));
     $exists = $DB->record_exists(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, array('nextruntime' => 1));
  * Validate that database logging works as specified for scheduled export
  * tasks
 public function test_version1dbloggingsetsallfieldsduringscheduledrun()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     // Set up the export file path.
     $filename = $CFG->dataroot . '/rliptestexport.csv';
     set_config('export_file', $filename, 'dhexport_version1');
     // Set up data for one course and one enroled user.
     // Create a scheduled job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1', 'period' => '5m', 'label' => 'bogus', 'type' => 'dhexport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Change the next runtime to a known value in the past.
     $task = new stdClass();
     $task->id = $taskid;
     $task->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', $task);
     $job = new stdClass();
     $job->id = $DB->get_field(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, 'id', array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1'));
     $job->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, $job);
     // Lower bound on starttime.
     $starttime = time();
     // Run the export.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     // Upper bound on endtime.
     $endtime = time();
     // Data validation.
     $select = "export = :export AND\n                   plugin = :plugin AND\n                   userid = :userid AND\n                   targetstarttime = :targetstarttime AND\n                   starttime >= :starttime AND\n                   endtime <= :endtime AND\n                   endtime >= starttime AND\n                   filesuccesses = :filesuccesses AND\n                   filefailures = :filefailures AND\n                   storedsuccesses = :storedsuccesses AND\n                   storedfailures = :storedfailures AND\n                   {$DB->sql_compare_text('statusmessage')} = :statusmessage AND\n                   dbops = :dbops AND\n                   unmetdependency = :unmetdependency";
     $datestr = date('M_j_Y_His', $starttime);
     $params = array('export' => 1, 'plugin' => 'dhexport_version1', 'userid' => $USER->id, 'targetstarttime' => 99, 'starttime' => $starttime, 'endtime' => $endtime, 'filesuccesses' => 0, 'filefailures' => 0, 'storedsuccesses' => 0, 'storedfailures' => 0, 'statusmessage' => 'Export file rliptestexport_' . $datestr . '.csv successfully created.', 'dbops' => -1, 'unmetdependency' => 0);
     $exists = $DB->record_exists_select(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, $select, $params);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function display_form()
     global $DB;
     $id = $this->optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $target = $this->get_new_page(array('action' => 'form', 'plugin' => $this->get_ip_plugin()));
     $params = array('plugin' => $this->get_ip_plugin(), 'type' => $this->type, 'name' => $this->name, 'id' => $id);
     if (!empty($id) && ($ipjob = $DB->get_record(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, array('id' => $id)))) {
         $data = unserialize($ipjob->config);
         $params = array_merge($params, $data);
     $form = $this->type == 'dhimport' ? new $this->import_form_class($target->url, $params) : new $this->export_form_class($target->url, $params);
     if ($form->is_cancelled()) {
     $data = $form->get_data();
     if ($data && rlip_schedule_add_job((array) $data) > 0) {
         $target = $this->get_new_page(array('plugin' => $this->get_ip_plugin()));
     } else {
  * Validate that, on subsequent runs, the export contains the header and only
  * the more recent data row
 public function test_exportcontainsalldatasincelastrun()
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     // Load data.
     // Set up configuration.
     set_config('export_path', '/datahub/dhexport_version1elis', 'dhexport_version1elis');
     set_config('export_file', 'export_version1elis.csv', 'dhexport_version1elis');
     set_config('nonincremental', 0, 'dhexport_version1elis');
     // Create the job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhexport_version1elis', 'period' => '5m', 'type' => 'dhexport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Mark the job as having been run after the first record was created.
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {local_eliscore_sched_tasks} SET lastruntime = ?", array(1000));
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {" . RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "} SET lastruntime = ?", array(1000));
     // Run the job.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     $starttime = time();
     // Path to export file.
     $datestr = date('M_j_Y_His', $starttime);
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . '/datahub/dhexport_version1elis/export_version1elis_' . $datestr . '.csv';
     // Validate that the file exists.
     $handle = fopen($filepath, 'r');
     $this->assertNotEquals(false, $handle);
     // Validate header.
     $header = fgetcsv($handle);
     $this->assertEquals($this->get_header(), $header);
     // Validate second row (i.e. earlier row skipped).
     $newrecord = fgetcsv($handle);
     $this->assertEquals($this->get_second_row(), $newrecord);
     // Validate end of file.
     $eof = fgetcsv($handle);
     $this->assertEquals(false, $eof);
  * Validate that a scheduled import log file exists with the proper name
 public function test_version1importlogscheduled()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib/rlip_importprovider_moodlefile.class.php';
     // Set the file path to the dataroot.
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot . RLIP_DEFAULT_LOG_PATH;
     // File path and name.
     $filename = 'userscheduledimport.csv';
     // File WILL BE DELETED after import so must copy to moodledata area.
     // Note: file_path now relative to moodledata ($CFG->dataroot).
     $filepath = '/local_datahub_phpunit/';
     $testdir = $CFG->dataroot . $filepath;
     @mkdir($testdir, 0777, true);
     @copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/fixtures/{$filename}", $testdir . $filename);
     // Create a scheduled job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1', 'period' => '5m', 'label' => 'bogus', 'type' => 'dhimport', 'userid' => $USER->id);
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Lower bound on starttime.
     $starttime = time() - 100;
     // Change the next runtime to a day from now.
     $task = new stdClass();
     $task->id = $taskid;
     $task->nextruntime = $starttime + DAYSECS;
     // Tomorrow?
     $DB->update_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', $task);
     $job = new stdClass();
     $job->id = $DB->get_field(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, 'id', array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1'));
     $job->nextruntime = $starttime + DAYSECS;
     // Tomorrow?
     $DB->update_record(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, $job);
     // Set up config for plugin so the scheduler knows about our csv file.
     set_config('schedule_files_path', $filepath, 'dhimport_version1');
     set_config('user_schedule_file', $filename, 'dhimport_version1');
     // Run the import.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     // Get timestamp from summary log.
     $records = $DB->get_records(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, null, 'starttime DESC');
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $starttime = $record->starttime;
     $format = get_string('logfile_timestamp', 'local_datahub');
     $plugintype = 'import';
     $plugin = 'dhimport_version1';
     $manual = true;
     $entity = 'user';
     $testfilename = $plugintype . '_version1_scheduled_' . $entity . '_' . userdate($starttime, $format) . '.log';
     $testfilename = self::get_current_logfile($CFG->dataroot . '/datahub/log/' . $testfilename);
     $exists = file_exists($testfilename);
     // Cleanup test directory & import data file.
     @unlink($testdir . $filename);
  * Validate that SCHEDULED import obeys maxruntime
  * @dataProvider fileandlinecountprovider
  * @param string $filename The name of the file we are importing
  * @param string $entity The entity type, such as 'user'
  * @param int $numlines The total number of lines in the file
 public function test_scheduledimportobeysmaxruntime($filename, $entity, $numlines)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     $filepath = '/local_datahub_phpunit/';
     $filename = $filename;
     set_config('schedule_files_path', $filepath, 'dhimport_version1elis');
     set_config($entity . '_schedule_file', $filename, 'dhimport_version1elis');
     // Set up the test directory.
     $testdir = $CFG->dataroot . $filepath;
     @mkdir($testdir, 0777, true);
     @copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/fixtures/{$filename}", $testdir . $filename);
     // Create the job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1elis', 'period' => '5m', 'type' => 'dhimport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Set next runtime values to a known state.
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {local_eliscore_sched_tasks} SET nextruntime = ?", array(1));
     $DB->execute("UPDATE {" . RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "} SET nextruntime = ?", array(1));
     // Run the import.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     $mintime = time();
     run_ipjob($taskname, -1);
     $maxtime = time();
     // Clean-up data file & test dir.
     @unlink($testdir . $filename);
     // Validation.
     $params = array('export' => 0, 'plugin' => 'dhimport_version1elis', 'targetstarttime' => 1, 'filesuccesses' => 0, 'filefailures' => 0, 'storedsuccesses' => 0, 'storedfailures' => 0);
     $exists = $DB->record_exists(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, $params);
     $log = $DB->get_record(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, array('id' => 1));
     // Validate entity type.
     $this->assertEquals($entity, $log->entitytype);
     // Validate status message.
     $a = new stdClass();
     $a->filename = $filename;
     $a->recordsprocessed = 0;
     $a->totalrecords = $numlines;
     $expectedmessage = get_string('dblogimportexceedstimelimit', 'local_datahub', $a);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedmessage, $log->statusmessage);
     // Validate logged start time.
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($mintime, $log->starttime);
     $this->assertLessThanOrEqual($maxtime, $log->starttime);
     // Validate logged end time.
     $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($mintime, $log->endtime);
     $this->assertLessThanOrEqual($maxtime, $log->endtime);
  * Validate that database logging works as specified for scheduled import
  * tasks
 public function test_version1dbloggingsetsallfieldsduringscheduledimportrun()
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib/rlip_importprovider_moodlefile.class.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/datahub/lib.php';
     // Set the file path to a fixed value.
     $filepath = $CFG->dataroot;
     // Store it at the system context.
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // File path and name.
     $filename = 'userscheduledimport.csv';
     // File WILL BE DELETED after import so must copy to moodledata area
     // Note: file_path now relative to moodledata ($CFG->dataroot).
     $filepath = '/local_datahub_phpunit/';
     $testdir = $CFG->dataroot . $filepath;
     @mkdir($testdir, 0777, true);
     @copy(dirname(__FILE__) . "/fixtures/{$filename}", $testdir . $filename);
     // Create a scheduled job.
     $data = array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1', 'period' => '5m', 'label' => 'bogus', 'type' => 'dhimport');
     $taskid = rlip_schedule_add_job($data);
     // Change the next runtime to a known value in the past.
     $task = new stdClass();
     $task->id = $taskid;
     $task->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', $task);
     $job = new stdClass();
     $job->id = $DB->get_field(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, 'id', array('plugin' => 'dhimport_version1'));
     $job->nextruntime = 99;
     $DB->update_record(RLIP_SCHEDULE_TABLE, $job);
     // Lower bound on starttime.
     $starttime = time();
     // Set up config for plugin so the scheduler knows about our csv file.
     set_config('schedule_files_path', $filepath, 'dhimport_version1');
     set_config('user_schedule_file', $filename, 'dhimport_version1');
     // Run the import.
     $taskname = $DB->get_field('local_eliscore_sched_tasks', 'taskname', array('id' => $taskid));
     $message = 'One or more lines from import file userscheduledimport.csv failed because they contain data errors. ';
     $message .= 'Please fix the import file and re-upload it.';
     // Upper bound on endtime.
     $endtime = time();
     // Condition for the logpath.
     $like = $DB->sql_like('logpath', ':logpath');
     // Data validation.
     $select = "export = :export AND\n                   plugin = :plugin AND\n                   userid = :userid AND\n                   targetstarttime = :targetstarttime AND\n                   starttime >= :starttime AND\n                   endtime <= :endtime AND\n                   endtime >= starttime AND\n                   filesuccesses = :filesuccesses AND\n                   filefailures = :filefailures AND\n                   storedsuccesses = :storedsuccesses AND\n                   storedfailures = :storedfailures AND\n                   {$DB->sql_compare_text('statusmessage')} = :statusmessage AND\n                   dbops = :dbops AND\n                   unmetdependency = :unmetdependency AND\n                   {$like} AND\n                   entitytype = :entitytype";
     $params = array('export' => 0, 'plugin' => 'dhimport_version1', 'userid' => $USER->id, 'targetstarttime' => 99, 'starttime' => $starttime, 'endtime' => $endtime, 'filesuccesses' => 2, 'filefailures' => 2, 'storedsuccesses' => 0, 'storedfailures' => 0, 'statusmessage' => $message, 'dbops' => -1, 'unmetdependency' => 0, 'logpath' => "{$CFG->dataroot}/%", 'entitytype' => 'user');
     $exists = $DB->record_exists_select(RLIP_LOG_TABLE, $select, $params);
     // Verify completed import deletes input csv file.
     $this->assertFalse(file_exists($testdir . $filename));
     // Clean-up data file & test dir.
     @unlink($testdir . $filename);