Ejemplo n.º 1
                     echo "-【<font color='red'>章节“" . $title . "”连续3次都采集不到内容,等待重试</font>】<br>";
                 $treid2 = 'b';
                 break 2;
             } else {
                 $eorid = 0;
         } else {
             $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__co_htmls` set isdown=0,isexport=0,result='' where aid='{$exid}' ");
             echo "-【<font color='red'>章节“" . $title . "”内容是空的,重新采集</font>】<br>";
 $title = addslashes($title);
 $title1 = str_replace($replacearray, '', reveser_c($title));
 if ($only) {
     $testrow = $dsql->GetOne("Select a.id,b.body From `#@__archives` a left join `#@__addonarticle` b on(b.aid=a.id) where REVERSE(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(a.title,' ',''),'!',''),'!',''),',',''),'?',''),'(',''),')',''),'?',''),'(',''),')',''),'。',''),':',''),':',''),'.',''),'[',''),']',''),'【',''),'】','')) like '{$title1}%' and a.typeid='{$typeid}'");
     if (is_array($testrow)) {
         $taid = $testrow['id'];
         $tbody = $testrow['body'];
         if ($tbody != "") {
             $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__co_htmls` set isexport=1 where aid='{$exid}' ");
             echo " 【<font color='red'>重复2 {$title}</font>】<br>";
         } else {
             $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__addonarticle` set body='{$body}' where aid='{$taid}' ");
             $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("update `#@__co_htmls` set isexport=1 where aid='{$exid}' ");
             echo " 【<font color='green'>已更新 {$title}</font>】<br>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 $dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery("Update `#@__co_note` set cotime='" . time() . "' where nid='{$nid}'; ");
 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../include/dedecollection.spider.php";
 if ($nidcon == '0' and $channelid == 1 and $booksum2 > 1 and ${$cotype} > 0) {
     preg_match_all('/typeid=>([0-9]+)]/', $listconfig2, $tidarr);
     $co_stopnonupdate = intval($co_stopnonupdate) >= 0 ? intval($co_stopnonupdate) : 20;
     $curtime = time() - $co_stopnonupdate * 86400;
     for ($a = 0; $a < count($tidarr[1]); $a++) {
         $endrow = $dsql->GetOne("SELECT a.id,a.typename,FROM_UNIXTIME(a.lastupdate) AS lastt FROM dede_arctype a WHERE a.id=" . $tidarr[1][$a] . " and a.lastupdate<{$curtime}");
         if (is_array($endrow)) {
             echo "【<font color='red'>" . $endrow['typename'] . "[" . $endrow['id'] . "]->" . $endrow['lastt'] . "</font>】->";
             $tid2 = reveser_c('=>' . $tidarr[1][$a] . ']');
             $tidlen = strlen($tid2);
             $listconfig3 = reveser_c($listconfig2);
             $addco_note = reveser_c(substr($listconfig3, stripos($listconfig3, $tid2), stripos($listconfig3, '[', stripos($listconfig3, $tid2)) - stripos($listconfig3, $tid2) + 1));
             $row = $dsql->GetOne("Select * From `#@__co_note` where nid='{$nid}' and booksum>1");
             if ($row) {
                 foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
                     ${$k} = addslashes($v);
                 $newbooksum = $booksum - 1;
                 $replacetname = "+" . $endrow['typename'];
                 $newnotename = str_replace($replacetname, '', $notename);
                 $newlistconfig = str_replace($replacetname, '', str_replace($addco_note, '', $listconfig));
                 $updatesql = "update `#@__co_note` set notename='{$newnotename}',listconfig='{$newlistconfig}',booksum={$newbooksum} where nid={$nid}";
                 if ($dsql->ExecuteNoneQuery($updatesql)) {
                     $renid = str_replace('-2', '-1', $renid);
                     if (strstr($notename, '+')) {
                         $nidtype = "+";