function updateFamilyProfile(Family $familyProfile)
    error_log("in updateFamilyProfile will do the actual insert to the database");
    $activityType = "Edit";
    //retrieves the sw, and gets id, firstname and lastname
    $currentUser = getUserProfileID();
    $swID = "";
    $swFirstName = "";
    $swLastName = "";
    $rmhStaffProfileId = "";
    $rmhStaffFirstName = "";
    $rmhStaffLastName = "";
    $dateSWSubmit = 'NULL';
    $dateRMHApproved = 'NULL';
    // if the person doing the edit is a social worker, add their name and id to the reservation
    // activity record
    if (getUserAccessLevel() == 1) {
        $rmhStaffProfileId = 'NULL';
        $sw = retrieve_UserProfile_SW($currentUser);
        $swObject = current($sw);
        // there is only one record in the returned array, so get it
        // consider changing this code
        $swID = $swObject->get_swProfileId();
        //   $swFirstName = $swObject->get_swFirstName();
        //   $swLastName=$swObject->get_swLastName();
        $status = "Unconfirmed";
        $dateSWSubmit = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    } else {
        if (getUserAccessLevel() == 2) {
            $rmhStaff = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHApprover_OBJ($currentUser);
            $rmhStaffProfileId = $rmhStaff->get_rmhStaffProfileId();
            //    $rmhStaffFirstName = $rmhStaff->get_rmhStaffFirstName();
            //  $rmhStaffLastName = $rmhStaff->get_rmhStaffLastName();
            $status = "Confirmed";
            $dateRMHApproved = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    // only if this is an RMH staff approval
    // insert_FamilyProfile($familyProfile);
    error_log('in updateFamilyProfile, familyProfileId is ' . $familyProfile->get_familyProfileId());
    // only insert an activity record - will insert change into FamilyProfile table only if
    // approved
    $currentProfileActivity = new ProfileActivity(0, 0, $familyProfile->get_familyProfileId(), $swID, $rmhStaffProfileId, $dateSWSubmit, $dateRMHApproved, $activityType, $status, $familyProfile->get_parentfname(), $familyProfile->get_parentlname(), $familyProfile->get_parentemail(), $familyProfile->get_parentphone1(), $familyProfile->get_parentphone2(), $familyProfile->get_parentaddress(), $familyProfile->get_parentcity(), $familyProfile->get_parentstate(), $familyProfile->get_parentzip(), $familyProfile->get_parentcountry(), $familyProfile->get_patientfname(), $familyProfile->get_patientlname(), $familyProfile->get_patientrelation(), $familyProfile->get_patientdob(), $familyProfile->get_patientformpdf(), $familyProfile->get_patientnotes(), $familyProfile->get_patientnotes());
    $retval = insert_ProfileActivity($currentProfileActivity);
    return $retval;
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/database/dbFamilyProfile.php';
include_once ROOT_DIR . '/mail/functions.php';
$errors = array();
//error variable that stores any error occured
//gets the family profileID from the URL
if (isset($_GET['family'])) {
    $familyID = sanitize($_GET['family']);
    $Profile = familyProfileVar($familyID);
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['form_token']) && validateTokenField($_POST)) {
        //default types and status of the profileactivity object
        $activityType = "Edit";
        $profileActitivityStatus = "Unconfirmed";
        //retrieves the sw, and gets id, firstname and lastname
        $currentUser = getUserProfileID();
        $sw = retrieve_UserProfile_SW($currentUser);
        $swObject = current($sw);
        $sw_id = $swObject->get_swProfileId();
        $sw_fname = $swObject->get_swFirstName();
        $sw_lname = $swObject->get_swLastName();
        $dateSubmit = date("Y-m-d");
        //comparing old family profile record with new data
        //if nothing is changed, then $change remains false and the request would not be inserted
        $change = false;
        if (isset($_POST['familyProfileID'])) {
            $familyID = sanitize($_POST['familyProfileID']);
            $Profile = familyProfileVar($familyID);
        if ($_POST['text_parentfname'] != $Profile['parentfname']) {
            $parentfname = sanitize($_POST['text_parentfname']);
function cancelReservation(Reservation $informationroom)
    error_log("will do the actual insert to the database");
    //retrieves the sw, and gets id, firstname and lastname
    $currentUser = getUserProfileID();
    // if the person doing the edit is a social worker, add their name and id to the reservation
    // activity record
    if (getUserAccessLevel() == 1) {
        $sw = retrieve_UserProfile_SW($currentUser);
        $swObject = current($sw);
        // there is only one record in the returned array, so get it
        // consider changing this code
        $informationroom->set_swDateStatusSubmitted(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    } else {
        if (getUserAccessLevel() == 2) {
            $rmhStaff = retrieve_UserProfile_RMHApprover_OBJ($currentUser);
            $informationroom->set_rmhDateStatusSubmitted(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    // insert a new activity record with a Cancel status
    // because we keep track of all changes, never update
    // the current activity record. instead, insert a new one
    // with the same request id but new activity id
    $retval = insert_RoomReservationActivity($informationroom);
    return $retval;
function vardumping($SWID)
    $SW = retrieve_UserProfile_SW($SWID);