Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getPluginContent($param)
     // erst prüfen, ob bei der Initialisierung ein Fehler aufgetreten ist
     if ($this->error == null) {
         return $this->getContent(replaceFileMarker($param));
     } else {
         return $this->error;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function getContent($value)
     global $CatPage, $specialchars;
     if ($value == "plugin_first") {
         if (getRequestValue('action', 'get') and getRequestValue('action', 'get') == "sitemap") {
             if (!defined("ACTION_CONTENT")) {
                 define("ACTION_CONTENT", false);
             global $pagecontent;
             $pagecontent = "{MenuSubsMobile|sitemap_content}";
     global $syntax;
     $syntax->insert_in_head('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->PLUGIN_SELF_URL . 'menusubsmobile.js"></script>');
     if ($this->settings->get("menusubs_2") != "no_menusubs_2" and $CatPage->exists_CatPage(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false)) {
         global $specialchars;
         $this->menu2 = $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false);
     if ($value === false) {
         return $this->getMenuCat();
     if ($value === "main") {
         return $this->getMenuCat(true);
     if ($value === "detail") {
         if (strpos(CAT_REQUEST, "%2F") > 1) {
             $tmp_cat = explode("%2F", CAT_REQUEST);
             return $this->getMenuPage($tmp_cat[0], false, false, true);
         } else {
             return $this->getMenuPage(CAT_REQUEST, false, false, true);
     if ($this->menu2 and $value === "menusubs_2") {
         return $this->getMenuPage($this->menu2, false, true);
     if ($value === "sitemap_content") {
         return $this->getSitemapCat();
     if ($value === "breadcrumb") {
         $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = "»";
         if ($this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter")) {
             $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = $this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter");
         return $this->getBreadcrumb();
     return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function getContent($value)
     global $CatPage;
     if ($value == "plugin_first" and getRequestValue('action', 'get') and getRequestValue('action', 'get') == "sitemap") {
         if (!defined("ACTION_CONTENT")) {
             define("ACTION_CONTENT", false);
         global $pagecontent;
         $pagecontent = "{MenuSubs|sitemap_content}";
     if ($this->settings->get("menusubs_2") != "no_menusubs_2" and $CatPage->exists_CatPage(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false)) {
         global $specialchars;
         $this->menu2 = $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars(replaceFileMarker($this->settings->get("menusubs_2"), false), false);
     if ($value === false) {
         return $this->getMenuCat();
     if ($value === "main") {
         return $this->getMenuCat(true);
     if ($value === "detail") {
         if (strpos(CAT_REQUEST, "%2F") > 1) {
             $tmp_cat = explode("%2F", CAT_REQUEST);
             return $this->getMenuPage($tmp_cat[0]);
         } else {
             return $this->getMenuPage(CAT_REQUEST);
     if ($this->menu2 and $value === "menusubs_2") {
         return $this->getMenuPage($this->menu2, false, true);
     if ($value === "sitemap_content") {
         return $this->getSitemapCat();
     if ($value === "breadcrumb") {
         $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = "»";
         if ($this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter")) {
             $this->breadcrumb_delimiter = $this->settings->get("breadcrumb_delimiter");
         return $this->getBreadcrumb();
     return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function syntax_bild($desciption, $value, $syntax = "bild")
     // Bild aus dem Dateiverzeichnis oder externes Bild
     global $specialchars;
     global $language;
     // Bildunterschrift merken, wenn vorhanden
     $subtitle = "";
     if (!empty($desciption)) {
         $subtitle = $desciption;
     if (strip_tags($subtitle) == $subtitle) {
         $subtitle = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($subtitle, true, true);
     $imgsrc = false;
     $value = $specialchars->getHtmlEntityDecode($value);
     // Bei externen Bildern: $value NICHT nach ":" aufsplitten!
     if (preg_match($this->LINK_REGEX, $value)) {
         $imgsrc = $value;
     } else {
         global $CatPage;
         global $CMS_CONF;
         list($cat, $datei) = $CatPage->split_CatPage_fromSyntax($value, true);
         if (!$CatPage->exists_File($cat, $datei)) {
             $cat_text = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($cat, true, true);
             $datei_text = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($datei, true, true);
             return $this->createDeadlink($datei_text, $language->getLanguageValue("tooltip_image_error_2", $datei_text, $cat_text));
         $imgsrc = $CatPage->get_srcFile($cat, $datei);
     // Nun aber das Bild ersetzen!
     if ($imgsrc) {
         $alt = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars(replaceFileMarker($value, false), true, true);
         $cssclass = "";
         if ($syntax == "bild") {
             $cssclass = "contentimage";
         if ($syntax == "bildlinks") {
             $cssclass = "leftcontentimage";
         } elseif ($syntax == "bildrechts") {
             $cssclass = "rightcontentimage";
         // ohne Untertitel
         if ($subtitle == "") {
             // normales Bild: ohne <span> rundrum
             if ($syntax == "bild") {
                 return '<img src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="' . $language->getLanguageHtml("alttext_image_1", $alt) . '" class="' . $cssclass . '" />';
             } else {
                 return '<span class="' . $cssclass . '"><img src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="' . $language->getLanguageHtml("alttext_image_1", $alt) . '" class="' . $cssclass . '" /></span>';
         } else {
             return '<span class="' . $cssclass . '"><img src="' . $imgsrc . '" alt="' . $language->getLanguageHtml("alttext_image_1", $alt) . '" class="' . $cssclass . '" /><br /><span class="imagesubtitle">' . $subtitle . '</span></span>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function split_CatPage_fromSyntax($syntax_catpage, $file = false)
     $syntax_catpage = str_replace('-html_amp~', '&', $syntax_catpage);
     $syntax_catpage = replaceFileMarker($syntax_catpage, false);
     $syntax_catpage = $this->get_AsKeyName($syntax_catpage, true);
     $syntax_catpage = str_replace(":", "%3A", $syntax_catpage);
     $valuearray = explode("%3A", $syntax_catpage);
     # wenn cat:page/file oder in cat : enthalten ist
     if (count($valuearray) > 0) {
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($valuearray) + 1; $i++) {
             $cat = implode("%3A", array_slice($valuearray, 0, $i));
             $page = implode("%3A", array_slice($valuearray, $i));
             if ($file === true) {
                 if ($this->exists_File($cat, $page)) {
                     return array($cat, $page);
             } else {
                 if ($this->exists_CatPage($cat, $page)) {
                     return array($cat, $page);
                 } elseif (strlen($page) == 0 and $this->exists_CatPage($cat, false)) {
                     return array($cat, false);
     # cat wurde nicht gefunden dann ist cat die CAT_REQUEST
     if (defined('CAT_REQUEST')) {
         if ($file === false and $this->exists_CatPage(CAT_REQUEST, $syntax_catpage)) {
             return array(CAT_REQUEST, $syntax_catpage);
         } elseif ($file === true and $this->exists_File(CAT_REQUEST, $syntax_catpage)) {
             return array(CAT_REQUEST, $syntax_catpage);
     return array(false, false);