Ejemplo n.º 1

include './functions.php';
include './htmlHelpers.php';
renderHtmlStart("Home", "");

// welkoms text (WelkomsTtekst asshole)
$uitvoerDatabase = query("SELECT Welkomstekst FROM welkomstekst WHERE ID = 1", NULL);
foreach ($uitvoerDatabase as $value1) {
    foreach ($value1 as $value2) {
        echo "<h4 id='welkomstekst'>{$value2}</h4>";
// slider
<script src="slider.js"></script>
<div class="slider2">
    <a href="#" class="control_next"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></a>
    <a href="#" class="control_prev"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a>

    <div id="slider">
// schilderijen voor slider ophalen uit database
$categorieen = query("SELECT CategorieID FROM schilderij WHERE OpWebsite = 1 GROUP BY CategorieID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 3 LIMIT 0,5", null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
include './htmlHelpers.php';
//include './admin/functions.php';
include './functions.php';
renderHtmlStart("Contact", "");

/* error messages */
$contact_voornaam_error = "";
$contact_achternaam_error = "";
$contact_email_error = "";
$contact_onderwerp_error = "";
$contact_bericht_error = "";
$controle = true;
/*  voorafingestelde values forms  */
$mail = "";
$contact_voornaam = "";
$contact_achternaam = "";
$contact_email = "";
$contact_onderwerp = "";
$contact_bericht = "";

if (isset($_POST["contact-submit"]) && $_POST["contact-submit"] == "Verzenden") {
    $contact_voornaam = $_POST["contact-voornaam"];
    $contact_achternaam = $_POST["contact-achternaam"];
    $contact_email = $_POST["contact-email"];
    $contact_onderwerp = $_POST["contact-onderwerp"];
Ejemplo n.º 3

include './htmlHelpers.php';
include './functions.php';
renderHtmlStart("Gallerij", "<script src='/content/gallerij.js'></script>");

<div class="gallerij">
    <div id="gallerijcategorie">
$selectedcat = 0;
if (isset($_GET['categorie'])) {
    $selectedcat = $_GET['categorie'];
    echo '<a href="gallerij.php">Alles</a> | ';
} else {
    echo '<span class="selected">Alles</span> | ';
$categorieen = query("SELECT * FROM categorie", null);
$i = 1;
foreach ($categorieen as $cat) {
    if ($selectedcat == $cat["CategorieID"]) {
        echo '<span class="selected">' . $cat["Categorie_naam"] . '</a>';
    } else {
        echo '<a href="gallerij.php?categorie=' . $cat["CategorieID"] . '">' . $cat["Categorie_naam"] . '</a>';
    if ($i < count($categorieen)) {
        echo " | ";
Ejemplo n.º 4

include './htmlHelpers.php';
include './functions.php';
renderHtmlStart("Zoeken", "");
$where = " WHERE OpWebsite = 1 ";
$params = array();
$zoek = "";
//checken of het knopje is ingedrukt
if (isset($_GET['button'])) {
    //checken of categorie is ingevuld
    if (isset($_GET["categorie"])) {
        if ($_GET["categorie"] != "Alles") {
            $where .= " AND CategorieID = ? ";
            $params[] = $_GET["categorie"];
    //checken of materiaal is ingevuld
    if (isset($_GET["materiaal"])) {
        if ($_GET["materiaal"] != "Alles") {
            $where .= " AND MateriaalID = ? ";
            $params[] = $_GET["materiaal"];
    // zoek op tekst
    if ($_GET['zoek'] != "") {
        $zoek = $_GET['zoek'];
        $where .= " AND (Titel LIKE ? OR Beschrijving LIKE ?) ";
        $params[] = "%{$zoek}%";
        $params[] = "%{$zoek}%";
Ejemplo n.º 5

require 'functions.php';
require '../htmlHelpers.php';
renderHtmlStart("inlog", '<link href="../content/admin.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">');
if (isLoggedIn()) {
    header("location: main.php");
} else {
    include 'inlog.php';
Ejemplo n.º 6

include './htmlHelpers.php';
include './functions.php';
renderHtmlStart("Schilderij", "");
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit"
        async defer>

$params = array($_GET["id"]);
// eerst schilderij ophalen
$schilderijlijst = query("SELECT S.titel, S.jaar, S.hoogte, S.breedte, S.beschrijving, \n            C.Categorie_naam, SC.Subcategorie_naam, M.Materiaal_soort, S.img, S.prijs, S.lijst, \n            S.passepartout, S.isStaand\n FROM schilderij S \n  JOIN categorie C ON C.CategorieID = S.CategorieID \n  LEFT JOIN subcategorie SC ON SC.SubcategorieID = S.SubcategorieID \n  JOIN materiaal M ON M.MateriaalID = S.MateriaalID\n  \n  WHERE S.Schilderij_ID = ? AND S.OpWebsite = 1", $params);
if (count($schilderijlijst) != 1) {
    header("location: gallerij.php");
$schilderij = $schilderijlijst[0];
$naam = "";
$commentaar = "";
$email = "";
$correct = true;
if (isset($_POST["naam"]) && isset($_POST["commentaar"]) && checkCaptcha($_POST["g-recaptcha-response"])) {
    $commentaar = uppercase($_POST["commentaar"]);
    $naam = trim($_POST["naam"]);
    if ($naam == "") {
        $naamleeg = "Naam is verplicht";
        $correct = false;
    if ($commentaar == "") {