Ejemplo n.º 1
if (isset($_GET["stop-web"])) {
if (isset($_GET["restart-web"])) {
if (isset($_GET["restart-wifidog"])) {
if (isset($_GET["remove-session"])) {
if (isset($_GET["ArticaHotSpotInterface"])) {
if (isset($_GET["force-restart-progress"])) {
if (isset($_GET["reconfigure-progress"])) {
while (list($num, $line) = each($_GET)) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
function process_login($method_name, $params, $userID)
    $config =& get_config();
    $userService = $config['user_service'];
    log_message('debug', "Processing new login request");
    $req = $params[0];
    $fullname = $req["first"] . ' ' . $req["last"];
    // Sanity check the request, make sure it's somewhat valid
    if (empty($userID)) {
        if (!isset($req["first"], $req["last"], $req["passwd"]) || empty($req["first"]) || empty($req["last"]) || empty($req["passwd"])) {
            return array('reason' => 'key', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Login request must contain a first name, last name, and password and they cannot be blank");
        // Authorize the first/last/password and resolve it to a user account UUID
        log_message('debug', "Doing password-based authorization for user {$fullname}");
        $userID = authorize_identity($fullname, $req['passwd']);
        if (empty($userID)) {
            return array('reason' => 'key', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Sorry! We couldn't log you in.\nPlease check to make sure you entered the right\n    * Account name\n    * Password\nAlso, please make sure your Caps Lock key is off.");
        log_message('debug', sprintf("Authorization success for %s", $userID));
    } else {
        log_message('debug', sprintf("Using pre-authenticated capability for %s", $userID));
    // Get information about the user account
    $user = get_user_by_id($userID);
    if (empty($user)) {
        return array('reason' => 'key', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Sorry! We couldn't log you in. User account information could not be retrieved. If this problem persists, please contact the grid operator.");
    $login_success = true;
    //ensure username has the same case as in the database
    $fullname = $user['Name'];
    if (!empty($user['UserFlags'])) {
        // get_user_by_id() fully decodes the structure, this is not needed
        //$userflags = json_decode($user['UserFlags'], TRUE);
        $userflags = $user['UserFlags'];
        if (!empty($userflags['Suspended']) && (bool) $userflags['Suspended'] === true) {
            $login_success = false;
            log_message('debug', "User " . $user['Name'] . " is banned.");
        } else {
            if ($user['AccessLevel'] < $config['access_level_minimum']) {
                if ($config['validation_required']) {
                    if (!empty($userflags['Validated'])) {
                        $login_success = $userflags['Validated'];
                    } else {
                        $login_success = false;
                    if (!$login_success) {
                        log_message('debug', "User " . $user['Name'] . " has not validated their email.");
    } else {
        if ($user['AccessLevel'] < $config['access_level_minimum'] && $config['validation_required']) {
            $login_success = false;
            log_message('debug', "User " . $user['Name'] . " has not validated their email.");
    if (!$login_success) {
        return array('reason' => 'key', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Sorry!  We couldn't log you in.  User account has been suspended or is not yet activated.  If this problem persists, please contact the grid operator.");
    $lastLocation = null;
    if (isset($user['LastLocation'])) {
        $lastLocation = SceneLocation::fromOSD($user['LastLocation']);
    $homeLocation = null;
    if (isset($user['HomeLocation'])) {
        $homeLocation = SceneLocation::fromOSD($user['HomeLocation']);
    log_message('debug', sprintf("User retrieval success for %s", $fullname));
    // Check for an existing session
    $existingSession = get_session($userID);
    if (!empty($existingSession)) {
        log_message('debug', sprintf("Existing session %s found for %s in scene %s", $existingSession["SessionID"], $fullname, $existingSession["SceneID"]));
        $sceneID = null;
        if (UUID::TryParse($existingSession["SceneID"], $sceneID)) {
            inform_scene_of_logout($sceneID, $userID);
        if (remove_session($userID)) {
            log_message('debug', "Removed existing session for {$fullname} ({$userID})");
        } else {
            log_message('warn', "Failed to remove session for {$fullname} ({$userID})");
            return array('reason' => 'presence', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "You are already logged in from another location. Please try again later.");
    } else {
        log_message('debug', "No existing session found for {$fullname} ({$userID})");
    // Create a login session
    $sessionID = null;
    $secureSessionID = null;
    $extradata = array('ClientIP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    if (!add_session($userID, $sessionID, $secureSessionID, $extradata)) {
        return array('reason' => 'presence', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Failed to create a login session. Please try again later.");
    log_message('debug', sprintf("Session creation success for %s (%s)", $fullname, $userID));
    // Find the starting scene for this user
    $scene = null;
    $startPosition = null;
    $startLookAt = null;
    if (!find_start_location($req['start'], $lastLocation, $homeLocation, $scene, $startPosition, $startLookAt) || !isset($scene->ExtraData['ExternalAddress'], $scene->ExtraData['ExternalPort'])) {
        return array('reason' => 'presence', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Error connecting to the grid. No suitable region to connect to.");
    $lludpAddress = $scene->ExtraData['ExternalAddress'];
    $lludpPort = $scene->ExtraData['ExternalPort'];
    // Generate a circuit code
    $circuitCode = rand();
    // Prepare a login to the destination scene
    $seedCapability = NULL;
    $appearance = $user['LLPackedAppearance'];
    if (!create_opensim_presence($scene, $userID, $circuitCode, $fullname, $appearance, $sessionID, $secureSessionID, $startPosition, $seedCapability)) {
        return array('reason' => 'presence', 'login' => 'false', 'message' => "Failed to establish a presence in the destination region. Please try again later.");
    log_message('debug', sprintf("Presence creation success for %s (%s) in %s with seedcap %s", $fullname, $userID, $scene->Name, $seedCapability));
    // Build the response
    $response = array();
    $response['seconds_since_epoch'] = time();
    $response['login'] = '******';
    $response['agent_id'] = (string) $userID;
    list($response['first_name'], $response['last_name']) = explode(' ', $fullname);
    $response['message'] = $config['message_of_the_day'];
    $response['udp_blacklist'] = $config['udp_blacklist'];
    $response['circuit_code'] = $circuitCode;
    $response['sim_ip'] = $lludpAddress;
    $response['sim_port'] = (int) $lludpPort;
    $response['seed_capability'] = $seedCapability;
    $response['region_x'] = (string) $scene->MinPosition->X;
    $response['region_y'] = (string) $scene->MinPosition->Y;
    $response['region_size_x'] = (string) ($scene->MaxPosition->X - $scene->MinPosition->X);
    $response['region_size_y'] = (string) ($scene->MaxPosition->Y - $scene->MinPosition->Y);
    $response['look_at'] = sprintf("[r%s, r%s, r%s]", $startLookAt->X, $startLookAt->Y, $startLookAt->Z);
    // TODO: If a valid $homeLocation is set, we should be pulling region_handle / position / lookat out of it
    $response['home'] = sprintf("{'region_handle':[r%s, r%s], 'position':[r%s, r%s, r%s], 'look_at':[r%s, r%s, r%s]}", $scene->MinPosition->X, $scene->MinPosition->Y, $startPosition->X, $startPosition->Y, $startPosition->Z, $startLookAt->X, $startLookAt->Y, $startLookAt->Z);
    $response['session_id'] = (string) $sessionID;
    $response['secure_session_id'] = (string) $secureSessionID;
    $req['options'][] = 'initial-outfit';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($req['options']); $i++) {
        $option = str_replace('-', '_', $req['options'][$i]);
        if (file_exists(BASEPATH . "options/Class.{$option}.php")) {
            if (include_once BASEPATH . "options/Class.{$option}.php") {
                $instance = new $option($user);
                $response[$req["options"][$i]] = $instance->GetResults();
            } else {
                log_message('warn', "Unable to process login option: " . $option);
        } else {
            log_message('debug', "Option " . $option . " not implemented.");
    $response["start_location"] = $req["start"];
    $response["agent_access"] = 'A';
    $response["agent_region_access"] = 'A';
    $response["agent_access_max"] = 'A';
    $response["agent_flags"] = 0;
    $response["ao_transition"] = 0;
    $response["inventory_host"] = "";
    log_message('info', sprintf("Login User=%s %s Channel=%s Start=%s Viewer=%s id0=%s Mac=%s", $req["first"], $req["last"], $req["channel"], $req["start"], $req["version"], $req["id0"], $req["mac"]));
    return $response;
Ejemplo n.º 3
            $error_msg = $lang['Empty_message'];
    } elseif ($action == 'del') {
        if ($user->data['user_level'] == ADMIN && $user->data['session_logged_in']) {
            $shout_id = request_var('sh', 0);
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . AJAX_SHOUTBOX_TABLE . ' WHERE shout_id =' . $shout_id;
            $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
            if (!$result) {
                $error = AJAX_SHOUTBOX_ERROR;
                $error_msg = $lang['Shoutbox_unable'];
    } elseif ($action == 'leave') {
        if ($error_msg != '') {
            pseudo_die(AJAX_SHOUTBOX_ERROR, $error_msg);
    } else {
        pseudo_die(AJAX_SHOUTBOX_ERROR, "unknown action");
    // Send back the XHR response
    pseudo_die($error, $error_msg);
if (!$shoutbox_template_parse) {
    // Load templates
    $template->set_filenames(array('shoutbox' => 'ajax_shoutbox_body.tpl'));
$template->assign_vars(array('L_SHOUTBOX' => $lang['Ajax_Shoutbox'], 'L_USERNAME' => $lang['Username'], 'L_MESSAGE' => $lang['Message'], 'L_DELETE' => $lang['Delete'], 'L_CONFIRM' => $lang['Confirm_delete_pm'], 'L_SUMBIT' => $lang['Submit'], 'L_ARCHIVE' => $lang['Ajax_Archive'], 'L_UNABLE' => $lang['Shoutbox_unable'], 'L_TIMEOUT' => $lang['Shoutbox_timeout'], 'L_WIO' => $lang['Who_is_Chatting'], 'L_START_PRIVATE_CHAT' => $lang['Start_Private_Chat'], 'L_GUESTS' => $lang['Online_guests'], 'L_TOTAL' => $lang['Online_total'], 'L_USERS' => $lang['Online_registered'], 'L_TOP_SHOUTERS' => $lang['Top_Ten_Shouters'], 'L_SHOUTBOX_ONLINE_EXPLAIN' => $lang['Shoutbox_online_explain'], 'DELETE_IMG' => '<img src="' . $images['icon_delpost'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" />', 'L_SHOUTBOX_EMPTY' => $lang['Shoutbox_empty'], 'L_SHOUT_ROOMS' => $lang['Shout_rooms'], 'L_PUBLIC_ROOM' => $lang['Public_room'], 'L_PRIVATE_ROOM' => $lang['Private_room'], 'L_SHOUT_PREFIX' => 'shout_', 'L_USER_PREFIX' => 'user_', 'L_ROOM_PREFIX' => 'room_', 'U_ARCHIVE' => append_sid(CMS_PAGE_AJAX_CHAT . '?mode=archive')));
if ($config['shout_allow_guest'] > 0) {