mysql_query($sql); //END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } print "成功刪除勾選資料!"; exit; } elseif ($check == 'del') { for ($i = 0; $i < count($id); $i++) { $unit->id = $id[$i]; $unit->get_db_var(); $unit->del(); //刪除產品 if ($unit->pic != $pic_no_pic) { @unlink($unit->pic); } //移除圖片 remove_home_num($unit->id); //維持首頁勾選數量 //CLEAN RELATED DATA UP BEGIN----------------------------------------------------------------------- //刪除圖片資料 $sql = "select * from `{$pro_pic_table}` where `upid`='" . $id[$i] . "'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { @unlink($row['pic']); @unlink($row['s_pic']); } $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_pic_table}` where `upid`='" . $id[$i] . "'"; mysql_query($sql); //刪除檔案資料 $sql = "select * from `{$pro_download_table}` where `upid`='" . $id[$i] . "'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
function del_child($id) { global $pro_class_table; global $product_table; global $pic_no_pic; global $pro_pic_table; global $pro_size_table; global $pro_color_table; global $pro_stock_table; global $pro_size_relate_table; global $pro_color_relate_table; global $pro_download_table; $unit2 = new product(); $unit2->table = $product_table; $sql = "select id,pic,pic2 from `{$pro_class_table}` where upid='{$id}'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { if ($row['pic'] != $pic_no_pic) { @unlink($row['pic']); } //移除圖片 if ($row['pic2'] != $pic_no_pic) { @unlink($row['pic2']); } //移除圖片 del_child($row['id']); } } $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_class_table}` where id='{$id}'"; mysql_query($sql); $sql = "select id from `{$product_table}` where upid='{$id}'"; $res = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) { $unit2->id = $row['id']; $unit2->get_db_var(); $unit2->del(); //刪除產品 remove_home_num($unit2->id); //維持首頁勾選數量 if ($unit2->pic != $pic_no_pic) { @unlink($unit2->pic); } //移除圖片 //CLEAN RELATED DATA UP BEGIN----------------------------------------------------------------------- //刪除其它圖片資料 $sql2 = "select * from `{$pro_pic_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) { @unlink($row2['pic']); @unlink($row2['s_pic']); } $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_pic_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; mysql_query($sql); //刪除檔案資料 $sql2 = "select * from `{$pro_download_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) { @unlink($row2['file']); } $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_download_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; mysql_query($sql); //刪除庫存資料 $sql2 = "SELECT id from `{$pro_color_relate_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; $res2 = mysql_query($sql2); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($res2)) { $sql2 = "DELETE from `{$pro_stock_table}` where `upid`='" . $row2['id'] . "'"; mysql_query($sql2); } //刪除顏色資料 $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_color_relate_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; mysql_query($sql); //刪除大小資料 $sql = "DELETE from `{$pro_size_relate_table}` where `upid`='" . $unit2->id . "'"; mysql_query($sql); //END --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } }
<?php header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=UTF-8"); include "../../../session.php"; include "../../../system.php"; include "../../system.php"; $id = $_POST['id']; $act = $_POST['act']; $title = $_POST['title']; $sql = "UPDATE `{$product_table}` SET `{$title}`='{$act}' where id='{$id}'"; mysql_query($sql); if ($title == 'p_home' and $act == 1) { keep_home_num($id); } elseif ($title == 'p_home' and $act == 0) { remove_home_num($id); }