if ($f_cancel) { echo "<script language=\"javascript\">window.close(this)</script>"; exit; } if ($f_rem) { if ($data['imgs']) { $pics = explode("#",$data['imgs']); for ($x = 0; $x < 6; $x++) { if ($pics[$x] != "---") { unlink($img_ref.$id."_".$x."_sm.jpg"); unlink($img_ref.$id."_".$x."_lg.jpg"); } } } remove_data("referenz","id=".$id); update_data("referenz","pos=pos-1","pos>".$data['pos']); mysql_close; echo "<script language=\"javascript\">window.opener.location.href='list.php'</script>"; echo "<script language=\"javascript\">window.close(this)</script>"; } echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>Eintrag löschen</title>\n"; echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"../style.css\">\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body onload=\"self.focus()\">\n"; echo "<div align=\"center\">\n"; echo "<center>\n"; echo "<form name=\"rem_form\" method=\"POST\">\n";
/*Setting*/ $group = array("", array(1), array(1), array(1)); //group[0]都是"",array(0)代表所有人 //========================== if (strcmp($_POST['key'], $key) != 0) { echo "key err"; return; } if (strcmp($_POST['cmd'], "read") == 0) { echo read(); } if (strcmp($_POST['cmd'], "add") == 0) { echo add_data(); } if (strcmp($_POST['cmd'], "del") == 0) { echo remove_data(); } if (strcmp($_POST['cmd'], "edit") == 0) { echo edit_data(); } /*if(strcmp($_POST['cmd'],"res")==0) reset_data(); if(strcmp($_POST['cmd'],"show")==0) echo show_data();*/ function is_in_group($uid, $gid) { global $group; $scan = array($gid); //the queue of gid that must be scanned for ($idx = 0; $idx < count($scan); ++$idx) { $arr = $group[$scan[$idx]];