Ejemplo n.º 1
        $HeroName = "";
        $heroid = "";
        $desc = "";
        $stats = "";
        $skills = "";
        $type = 0;
    if (isset($_POST["edit_hero"])) {
        $HeroName = EscapeStr($_POST["hero_name"]);
        $heroid = EscapeStr($_POST["heroid"]);
        $desc = my_nl2br(trim($_POST["desc"]));
        $desc = str_replace(array("Š", "š"), array("Š", "š"), $desc);
        $type = (int) $_POST["type"];
        $stats = my_nl2br(removeDoubleSpaces(trim($_POST["stats"])));
        $stats = str_replace(array("Š", "š"), array("Š", "š"), $stats);
        $skills = my_nl2br(removeDoubleSpaces(trim($_POST["skills"])));
        $skills = str_replace(array("Š", "š"), array("Š", "š"), $skills);
        if ($heroid != "" and strlen($HeroName) >= 2) {
            if (isset($_GET["edit"])) {
                $update = $db->update(OSDB_HEROES, array("description" => $HeroName, "summary" => $desc, "stats" => $stats, "skills" => $skills, "type" => $type), "heroid = '" . $edit . "' ");
                OS_AddLog($_SESSION["username"], "[os_heroes] EDITED HERO ( {$edit}, {$HeroName} )");
            } else {
                $hid = str_replace(".gif", "", $heroid);
                $check = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . OSDB_HEROES . " WHERE heroid = '" . $hid . "' ");
                $result = $check->execute();
                if ($check->rowCount() >= 1) {
<h2>Hero already exists</h2><?php 
                } else {
                    $db->insert(OSDB_HEROES, array("heroid" => $hid, "original" => $hid, "description" => $HeroName, "summary" => $desc, "stats" => $stats, "skills" => $skills, "type" => $type));
Ejemplo n.º 2
$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM  " . OSDB_NEWS . " WHERE news_id>=1 AND status=1 {$sql} ORDER BY news_id DESC \n\t LIMIT {$offset}, {$rowsperpage}");
if (isset($_GET["post_id"]) and is_numeric($_GET["post_id"])) {
    $sth->bindValue(':news_id', (int) $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$result = $sth->execute();
$c = 0;
$NewsData = array();
if ($numrows <= 0 and isset($_GET["post_id"])) {
    header('location: ' . OS_HOME . '?404');
while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
    if (isset($_GET["post_id"]) and is_numeric($_GET["post_id"])) {
        $HomeTitle = $row["news_title"];
        $HomeDesc = limit_words(convEnt($row["news_content"]), 15);
        $HomeDesc = removeDoubleSpaces($HomeDesc);
        $HomeKeywords = AutoKeywords($row["news_title"]) . ',' . $HomeKeywords;
        $CommentsAllowed = $row["allow_comments"];
        if (!isset($updateViews)) {
            $updateViews = $db->query("UPDATE " . OSDB_NEWS . " SET views = views+1 WHERE news_id = '" . $row["news_id"] . "' LIMIT 1");
    $NewsData[$c]["id"] = (int) $row["news_id"];
    $id = (int) $row["news_id"];
    $NewsData[$c]["title"] = $row["news_title"];
    if (!isset($_GET["post_id"]) and isset($NewsWordLimit) and $NewsWordLimit >= 2) {
        $NewsData[$c]["text"] = limit_words(convEnt($row["news_content"]), $NewsWordLimit);
        $NewsData[$c]["read_more"] = '<a class="read_more" href="' . $website . '?post_id=' . $id . '">' . $lang["read_more"] . '</a>';
    } else {
        $NewsData[$c]["text"] = convEnt($row["news_content"]);
        $NewsData[$c]["read_more"] = '';