Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Call this function only after we have successfully logged in.
 * Updates user status etc.
function handle_post_login()
    global $messages;
    if (!isset($messages)) {
        // we might be in auto-login, create a temporary message field anyway
        $messages = array();
    $user = get_user(user_id());
    // display warning if account was disabled
    if ($user['is_disabled']) {
        $messages[] = t("Your account was disabled :ago due to inactivity; your account is now re-enabled, and account data will be updated again soon.", array(':ago' => recent_format($user['disabled_at'])));
        $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_disabled=0,logins_after_disabled=logins_after_disabled+1 WHERE id=?");
    // keep track of users that logged in after receiving a warning
    if ($user['is_disable_warned']) {
        $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_disable_warned=0,logins_after_disable_warned=logins_after_disable_warned+1 WHERE id=?");
    // update locale
    if ($user['locale']) {
    // update login time
    $query = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET last_login=NOW(),is_disabled=0 WHERE id=?");
    // if we don't have an IP set, update it now
    if (!$user["user_ip"]) {
        $q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET user_ip=? WHERE id=?");
        $q->execute(array(user_ip(), $user['id']));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Implements failing tables; if an account type fails multiple times,
  * then send the user an email and disable the account.
  * @see OpenclerkJobQueuer#getStandardJobs()
 function failed(\Exception $runtime_exception, Connection $db, Logger $logger)
     // is this a standard job?
     $standard = $this->findStandardJob();
     if ($standard) {
         $logger->info("Using standard job " . print_r($standard, true));
         if (!$standard['failure']) {
             $logger->info("Not a failure standard job");
     } else {
     $failing_table = $standard['table'];
     $job = $this->job;
     // find the relevant account_data for this standard job
     $account_data = false;
     foreach (account_data_grouped() as $label => $group) {
         foreach ($group as $exchange => $data) {
             if (isset($data['job_type']) && $job['job_type'] == $data['job_type']) {
                 $account_data = $data;
                 $account_data['exchange'] = $exchange;
     if (!$account_data) {
         $logger->warn("Could not find any account data for job type '" . $job['job_type'] . "'");
     $logger->info("Using account data " . print_r($account_data, true));
     // don't count CloudFlare as a failure
     if ($runtime_exception instanceof CloudFlareException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Openclerk\Apis\CloudFlareException) {
         $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a CloudFlareException");
     } else {
         if ($runtime_exception instanceof IncapsulaException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Openclerk\Apis\IncapsulaException) {
             $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a IncapsulaException");
         } else {
             if ($runtime_exception instanceof BlockchainException || $runtime_exception instanceof \Core\BlockchainException) {
                 $logger->info("Not increasing failure count: was a BlockchainException");
             } else {
                 $q = $db->prepare("UPDATE {$failing_table} SET failures=failures+1,first_failure=IF(ISNULL(first_failure), NOW(), first_failure) WHERE id=?");
                 $logger->info("Increasing account failure count");
     $user = get_user($job['user_id']);
     if (!$user) {
         $logger->info("Warning: No user " . $job['user_id'] . " found");
     } else {
         // failed too many times?
         $q = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$failing_table} WHERE id=? LIMIT 1");
         $account = $q->fetch();
         $logger->info("Current account failure count: " . number_format($account['failures']));
         if ($account['failures'] >= get_premium_value($user, 'max_failures')) {
             // disable it and send an email
             $q = $db->prepare("UPDATE {$failing_table} SET is_disabled=1 WHERE id=?");
             crypto_log(print_r($account_data, true));
             if ($user['email'] && !$account['is_disabled']) {
                 $email_type = $job['job_type'] == "notification" ? "failure_notification" : "failure";
                 send_user_email($user, $email_type, array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "exchange" => get_exchange_name($account_data['exchange']), "label" => $account_data['label'], "labels" => $account_data['labels'], "failures" => number_format($account['failures']), "message" => $runtime_exception->getMessage(), "length" => recent_format(strtotime($account['first_failure']), "", ""), "title" => isset($account['title']) && $account['title'] ? "\"" . $account['title'] . "\"" : "untitled", "url" => absolute_url(url_for("wizard_accounts"))));
                 $logger->info("Sent failure e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . ".");
Ejemplo n.º 3
function recent_format_html($date, $suffix = false, $future_suffix = false)
    return '<span title="' . ($date ? htmlspecialchars(iso_date($date)) : ht("Never")) . '">' . recent_format($date, $suffix, $future_suffix) . '</span>';
Ejemplo n.º 4

 * An existing free user has not logged in within X days and we
 * now need to disable their account.
// get the relevant user info
$user = get_user($job['arg_id']);
if (!$user) {
    throw new JobException("Cannot find user ID " . $job['arg_id']);
// check that they're not a premium user etc - this should never happen
if ($user['is_premium']) {
    throw new JobException("Premium user was requested to be disabled - this should not happen");
// update user (before sending email)
$q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET is_disabled=1,disabled_at=NOW() WHERE id=? LIMIT 1");
// construct email
if ($user['email']) {
    $disables_at = strtotime(($user['last_login'] ? $user['last_login'] : $user['created_at']) . " +" . get_site_config('user_expiry_days') . " day");
    send_user_email($user, "disable", array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "days" => number_format(get_site_config('user_expiry_days')), "disables" => iso_date($disables_at), "disables_text" => recent_format($disables_at, false, ""), "url" => absolute_url(url_for("user#user_premium")), "login" => absolute_url(url_for("login")), "profile" => absolute_url(url_for("profile"))));
    crypto_log("Sent disabled account e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . ".");
} else {
    crypto_log("User had no valid e-mail address.");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    $external[$e['job_type']] = $e;
    if ($first_first == 0 || strtotime($e['job_first']) < strtotime($first_first)) {
        $first_first = $e['job_first'];
    $sample_size = $e['sample_size'];
    $last_updated = $e['created_at'];
echo ht("External API Status");

echo t(":site_name relies on the output of many external APIs.\n  This page lists the current status of each of these APIs, as collected over the last :time (:samples samples).", array(':time' => recent_format($first_first, "", ""), ':samples' => number_format($sample_size)));

<ul class="external_list">
$external_apis = get_external_apis();
function get_error_class($n)
    if ($n <= 0.1) {
        // 0%
        return "perfect";
    } else {
        if ($n <= 5) {
            return "good";
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 6

 * An existing premium user's account needs to expire.
 * May send out an e-mail.
// get the relevant user info
$user = get_user($job['arg_id']);
if (!$user) {
    throw new JobException("Cannot find user ID " . $job['arg_id']);
$was_premium = $user['is_premium'];
// update user (before sending email)
$q = db()->prepare("UPDATE user_properties SET updated_at=NOW(),is_premium=0 WHERE id=? LIMIT 1");
crypto_log("Disabled premium status on user " . $user['id'] . ".");
// construct email, but only if we haven't already sent an email out
if ($user['email'] && $was_premium) {
    send_user_email($user, "expire", array("name" => $user['name'] ? $user['name'] : $user['email'], "expires" => iso_date($user['premium_expires']), "expires_text" => recent_format($user['premium_expires'], false, ""), "prices" => get_text_premium_prices(), "prices_html" => get_html_premium_prices(), "url" => absolute_url(url_for("user#user_premium"))));
    crypto_log("Sent premium expired e-mail to " . htmlspecialchars($user['email']) . ".");
} else {
    crypto_log("User had no valid e-mail address.");
Ejemplo n.º 7

 * Outstanding premium payments job.
// get the relevant premium and address info
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT p.*,\n    a.address, a.currency\n  FROM outstanding_premiums AS p\n  JOIN addresses AS a ON p.address_id=a.id\n  WHERE p.id=?");
$address = $q->fetch();
if (!$address) {
    throw new JobException("Cannot find outstanding ID " . $job['arg_id'] . " with a relevant address");
$reminder = recent_format(strtotime("+" . get_site_config('outstanding_reminder_hours') . " hour"), false, "");
$cancelled = recent_format(strtotime("+" . get_site_config('outstanding_abandon_days') . " day"), false, "");
crypto_log("Reminders are sent every '{$reminder}'; cancelled after '{$cancelled}'.");
// get current user
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM user_properties WHERE id=?");
$user = $q->fetch();
if (!$user) {
    throw new JobException("Could not find user " . $address['user_id']);
// find the most recent balance
$q = db()->prepare("SELECT * FROM address_balances WHERE address_id=? AND is_recent=1");
$balance = $q->fetch();
if (!$balance) {
    // no balance yet
    crypto_log("No balance retrieved yet.");
} else {
    if ($address['balance'] == 0) {