Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Determines if a given reason user has a given privilege
 * Note: This function is *fast*. There's no need to carefully store and pass around its results -- just call it again.
 * Privileges:
 * - add
 *   - The privilege to create new (pending) entities.
 * - edit_pending
 *   - The privilege to edit pending entities
 * - delete_pending
 *   - The privilege to delete pending entities (e.g. mark them as "deleted")
 * - edit
 *   - The privilege to edit live entities
 * - delete
 *   - The privilege to delete live entities (e.g. mark them as "deleted")
 * - publish
 *   - The privilege to publish entities (e.g. change their state from pending to live)
 * - borrow
 *   - The privilege to borrow entities from other sites
 * - expunge
 *   - The privilege to expunge deleted entities from the Reason database (That, is remove them forever)
 * - duplicate
 *   - The privilege to duplicate entities (By default, limited to admins as of 3/08, as this is a experimental feature of Reason)
 * - edit_html
 *   - The privilege to switch between WYSIWYG view and HTML view in the HTML editor
 * - switch_theme
 *   - The privilege to change the site's theme (if the site's theme is not locked by an administrator)
 * - pose_as_other_user
 *   - The privilege to interact with the Reason edministrative interface as if they were someone else. NOTE: This is a *very* powerful privilege, as it amounts to superuser rights!
 * - assign_any_page_type
 *   - The privilege to choose from all Reason page types, rather than a select few
 * - edit_head_items
 *   - The privilege to insert arbitrary HTML into the page head (css, scripts, meta tags, etc.)
 * - edit_unique_names
 *   - The privilege to give Reason entities unique names. This is necessary for creating sites and types.
 * edit_fragile_slugs
 *   - The privilege to modify a slug that may cause broken links if changed (e.g. publication feed URL slugs)
 * edit_home_page_nav_link
 *   - The privilege to insert a custom link to site home pages in the navigation (instead of the standard "Sitename Home")
 * - edit_form_advanced_options
 *   - The privilege to edit advanced options in the thor form content manager
 * - manage_allowable_relationships
 *   - The privilege to modify, create, and delete the set of relationships can be made between Reason entities. NOTE: This is very powerful, and should only be given to highly trustworthy individuals
 * - view_sensitive_data
 *   - The privilege to view any data in Reason (like a fulltext search of the entire Reason db)
 * - manage_integration_settings
 *   - The privilege to modify or override foreign keys and other values in Reason that pertain to integration with external data sources
 * - edit_raw_ldap_filters
 *   - The privilege to write full LDAP filters/queries (e.g. in the construction of dynamic groups)
 * - upload_full_size_image
 *   - The privilege to keep images from being resized upon upload, thereby retaining their original dimensions
 * - upgrade
 *   - The privilege to run Reason's upgrade scripts
 * - db_maintenance
 *   - The privilege to run standard database cleanup and sanity-checking scripts
 * - update_urls
 *   - The privilege to run Reason's .htaccess regeneration script
 * - bypass_locks
 *   - The privilege edit any locked field or relationship
 * - manage_locks
 *   - The privilege edit any locked field or relationship
 * - customize_all_themes
 *   - The privilege to customize any site's theme
 * @param integer $user_id The Reason entity id of the user
 * @param string $privilege
 * @return boolean true if the user has the privilege, false if not
function reason_user_has_privs($user_id, $privilege)
    $user_id = (int) $user_id;
    if (empty($user_id)) {
        return false;
    static $privs_cache = array();
    if (empty($cache[$user_id])) {
        $roles = reason_user_roles($user_id);
    } elseif (isset($privs_cache[$user_id][$privilege])) {
        return $privs_cache[$user_id][$privilege];
    $privs = reason_get_privs_table();
    foreach ($roles as $role) {
        if (isset($privs[$role]) && in_array($privilege, $privs[$role])) {
            $privs_cache[$user_id][$privilege] = true;
            return true;
    $privs_cache[$user_id][$privilege] = false;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Can a given user edit at least one field or relationship 
  * of this entity?
  * @param mixed $user user entity or null for currently logged-in user
  * @param string $fields_or_rels limit question to just fields or just relationships -- 'all', 'fields', or 'relationships'
  * @return boolean
 public function user_can_edit($user = null, $fields_or_rels = 'all')
     static $cache = array('all' => array(), 'fields' => array(), 'relationships' => array());
     if (!isset($cache[$fields_or_rels])) {
         trigger_error('2nd parameter of user_can_edit must be one of: "' . implode('", "', array_keys($cache)) . '". Given "' . $fields_or_rels . '"; setting to "all".');
         $fields_or_rels = 'all';
     if (null === $user) {
         $user = $this->_get_current_user();
     if (empty($user)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()][$user->id()])) {
         return $cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()][$user->id()];
     if (!isset($cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()])) {
         $cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()] = array();
     if ($this->_one_of_roles_could_edit(reason_user_roles($user->id()), $fields_or_rels)) {
         $owner = $this->_entity->get_owner();
         if (user_can_edit_site($user->id(), $owner->id())) {
             return $cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()][$user->id()] = true;
     return $cache[$fields_or_rels][$this->_entity->id()][$user->id()] = false;