/** * Handles the current node in the xml reading loop. * @param DOMNode $node The current xml node * @param GetItemRecommendationResult $resultObj The object which will be returned to the end-user * @return boolean True if the node was handled */ protected function handleXmlReaderCurrentNode(DOMNode $node, $resultObj) { if (parent::handleXmlReaderCurrentNode($node, $resultObj)) { return true; } switch ($node->nodeName) { case "item": $resultObj->setItemId($node->textContent); return true; case "bundles": //bundles list foreach ($node->childNodes as $itemNode) { if ($itemNode->nodeName == "item") { $item = new BundleRecommendation(); readItem($itemNode, $item); $resultObj->addRecommendedBundles($item); } } return true; } return false; }
<button type="submit" name="rent" class="form-control btn btn-info">Rent</button> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form> </div> <?php include_once 'Que.php'; if (isset($_POST['upSearch'])) { $sTxt = $_POST['upSearchTxt']; if (strlen($sTxt) < 1) { $upError[] = "enter rentperiod"; } else { readItem($sTxt, "AND status='available'"); } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function selectedUpdate(val){ record = val.split(","); document.getElementById("itemNo").value=record[0]; document.getElementById("title").value=record[2]; // document.getElementById("upGenre").value=record[2]; // document.getElementById("upDescription").value=record[3]; // document.getElementById("upPrice").value=record[4]; // document.getElementById("upRentalPeriod").value=record[5]; // document.getElementById("upStatus").value=record[6]; // document.getElementById("upType").value=\''.$tbl.'\'; // alert("wewewew");
if (empty($total_weight)) { $total_weight = 'null'; } if (empty($memo)) { $memo = 'null'; } else { $memo = mynl2br($memo); } $tab = array(); $tab = file($filename); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tab); $i++) { @(list($id1, $id_item, $category, $subcategory, $title1, $filename1, $digital, $folder, $currency, $weight, $price, $quantity, $option1, $option2, $tax1, $ship, $discount1, $discount2, $ip_name, $id_cart) = explode('|', $tab[$i])); $_SESSION['digital'] = $digital; @($cat = $subcategory == 'none' ? $category : $subcategory); $ItemFile = 'categories/' . $cat . '/' . $id_item . '.dat'; $it = readItem($ItemFile); if ($it[5] >= $quantity) { $qty = $it[5] - $quantity; } else { $qty = 0; } $dtqty = $it[0] . '||' . $it[1] . '||' . $it[2] . '||' . $it[3] . '||' . $it[4] . '||' . $qty . '||' . $it[6] . '||' . $it[7] . '||' . $it[8] . '||' . $it[9] . '||' . $it[10] . '||' . $it[11] . '||' . $it[12] . '||' . $it[13] . '||' . $it[14] . '||' . $it[15] . '||' . $it[16] . '||' . $it[17] . '||' . $it[18] . '||' . $it[19] . '||' . $it[20]; if (!preg_match("#^0{2}#", "{$it['5']}")) { $fp = fopen($ItemFile, "w"); fwrite($fp, $dtqty); fclose($fp); } $opt1 = $option1 == "null" ? '' : ' - ' . $option1; $opt2 = $option2 == "null" ? '' : ' - ' . $option2; if ($weight == "null") { $ShoppingCart .= $quantity . " - " . $title1 . $opt1 . $opt2 . " - " . @number_format($price, 2, '.', ',') . " " . $symbole . "\n";
/** * Constructor for CGallery. * * */ public function __construct() { /** * Display error message. * * @param string $message the error message to display. */ function errorMessage($message) { header("Status: 404 Not Found"); die('gallery.php says 404 - ' . htmlentities($message)); } /** * Read directory and return all items in a ul/li list. * * @param string $path to the current gallery directory. * @param array $validImages to define extensions on what are considered to be valid images. * @return string html with ul/li to display the gallery. */ function readAllItemsInDir($path, $validImages = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif')) { $files = glob($path . '/*'); $gallery = "<ul class='gallery'>\n"; $len = strlen(GALLERY_PATH); foreach ($files as $file) { $parts = pathinfo($file); $href = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($file, $len + 1)); // Is this an image or a directory if (is_file($file) && in_array($parts['extension'], $validImages)) { $item = "<img src='img.php?src=" . GALLERY_BASEURL . $href . "&width=128&height=128&crop-to-fit' alt=''/>"; $caption = basename($file); } elseif (is_dir($file)) { $item = "<img src='http://dbwebb.se/kod-exempel/skapa-ett-galleri-av-dina-bilder-med-php/img/folder.png' alt=''/>"; $caption = basename($file) . '/'; } else { continue; } // Avoid to long captions breaking layout $fullCaption = $caption; if (strlen($caption) > 18) { $caption = substr($caption, 0, 10) . '…' . substr($caption, -5); } $gallery .= "<li><a href='?path={$href}' title='{$fullCaption}'><figure class='figure overview'>{$item}<figcaption>{$caption}</figcaption></figure></a></li>\n"; } $gallery .= "</ul>\n"; return $gallery; } /** * Read and return info on choosen item. * * @param string $path to the current gallery item. * @param array $validImages to define extensions on what are considered to be valid images. * @return string html to display the gallery item. */ function readItem($path, $validImages = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif')) { $parts = pathinfo($path); if (!(is_file($path) && in_array($parts['extension'], $validImages))) { return "<p>This is not a valid image for this gallery."; } // Get info on image $imgInfo = list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($path); $mime = $imgInfo['mime']; $gmdate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($path)); $filesize = round(filesize($path) / 1024); // Get constraints to display original image $displayWidth = $width > 800 ? "&width=800" : null; $displayHeight = $height > 600 ? "&height=600" : null; // Display details on image $len = strlen(GALLERY_PATH); $href = GALLERY_BASEURL . str_replace('\\', '/', substr($path, $len + 1)); $item = <<<EOD <p><img src='img.php?src={$href}{$displayWidth}{$displayHeight}' alt=''/></p> <p>Original image dimensions are {$width}x{$height} pixels. <a href='img.php?src={$href}'>View original image</a>.</p> <p>File size is {$filesize}KBytes.</p> <p>Image has mimetype: {$mime}.</p> <p>Image was last modified: {$gmdate} GMT.</p> EOD; return $item; } /** * Create a breadcrumb of the gallery query path. * * @param string $path to the current gallery directory. * @return string html with ul/li to display the thumbnail. */ function createBreadcrumb($path) { $parts = explode('/', trim(substr($path, strlen(GALLERY_PATH) + 1), '/')); $breadcrumb = "<ul class='breadcrumb'>\n<li><a href='?'>Hem</a> »</li>\n"; if (!empty($parts[0])) { $combine = null; foreach ($parts as $part) { $combine .= ($combine ? '/' : null) . $part; $breadcrumb .= "<li><a href='?path={$combine}'>{$part}</a> » </li>\n"; } } $breadcrumb .= "</ul>\n"; return $breadcrumb; } // // Get incoming parameters // $path = isset($_GET['path']) ? $_GET['path'] : null; $pathComplete = GALLERY_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path; $pathToGallery = realpath($pathComplete); $basePath = realpath(GALLERY_PATH); // // Validate incoming arguments // $pathToGallery !== false or errorMessage("The path to the gallery image seems to be a non existing path."); $basePath !== false or errorMessage("The basepath to the gallery, GALLERY_PATH, seems to be a non existing path."); is_dir(GALLERY_PATH) or errorMessage('The gallery dir "' . GALLERY_PATH . '" is not a valid directory.'); substr_compare($basePath, $pathToGallery, 0, strlen($basePath)) == 0 or errorMessage("Security constraint: Source gallery is not directly below the directory GALLERY_PATH.\n" . $basePath . "\n" . $pathToGallery); // // Read and present images in the current directory // if (is_dir($pathToGallery)) { $this->gallery = readAllItemsInDir($pathToGallery); } else { if (is_file($pathToGallery)) { $this->gallery = readItem($pathToGallery); } } // // Prepare content and store it all in variables in the Branax container. // $this->breadcrumb = createBreadcrumb($pathToGallery); }
?> </span><br> --> <button type="submit" name="update" class="form-control btn btn-info">Update</button> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form></div> <?php include_once 'Que.php'; if (isset($_POST['upSearch1'])) { $sTxt1 = $_POST['upSearchTxt1']; if (strlen($sTxt1) < 1) { $upError[] = "enter something"; } else { readItem($sTxt1); } } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function selectedUpdate(val){ records = val.split(","); document.getElementById("itNo").value=records[0]; document.getElementById("title1").value=records[1]; document.getElementById("stats1").value=records[2]; document.getElementById("type1").value=<?php echo "{$sType}"; ?> ; record = val.split(","); document.getElementById("upList").value=record[0];
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS'); break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported HTTP verb: ' . $method); } } else { // Item if (!array_key_exists($id, $data)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown item: ' . $id); } switch ($method) { case 'GET': echo readItem($data, $id); break; case 'DELETE': $data = deleteItem($data, $id); saveData($data); break; case 'PATCH': $payload = getPayload(); $data = updateItem($data, $id, $payload); saveData($data); echo readItem($data, $id); break; case 'OPTIONS': header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS'); break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unsupported HTTP verb: ' . $method); } }