Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function create_identity($p)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     // prefs are set in create_user()
     if ($this->prefs) {
         if ($this->prefs['full_name']) {
             $p['record']['name'] = $this->prefs['full_name'];
         if (($this->identities_level == 0 || $this->identities_level == 2) && $this->prefs['email_address']) {
             $p['record']['email'] = $this->prefs['email_address'];
         if ($this->prefs['___signature___']) {
             $p['record']['signature'] = $this->prefs['___signature___'];
         if ($this->prefs['reply_to']) {
             $p['record']['reply-to'] = $this->prefs['reply_to'];
         if (($this->identities_level == 0 || $this->identities_level == 1) && isset($this->prefs['identities']) && $this->prefs['identities'] > 1) {
             for ($i = 1; $i < $this->prefs['identities']; $i++) {
                 $ident_data = array('name' => '', 'email' => '');
                 // required data
                 if ($this->prefs['full_name' . $i]) {
                     $ident_data['name'] = $this->prefs['full_name' . $i];
                 if ($this->identities_level == 0 && $this->prefs['email_address' . $i]) {
                     $ident_data['email'] = $this->prefs['email_address' . $i];
                 } else {
                     $ident_data['email'] = $p['record']['email'];
                 if ($this->prefs['reply_to' . $i]) {
                     $ident_data['reply-to'] = $this->prefs['reply_to' . $i];
                 if ($this->prefs['___sig' . $i . '___']) {
                     $ident_data['signature'] = $this->prefs['___sig' . $i . '___'];
                 // insert identity
                 $identid = $rcmail->user->insert_identity($ident_data);
         // copy address book
         $contacts = $rcmail->get_address_book(null, true);
         if ($contacts && count($this->abook)) {
             foreach ($this->abook as $rec) {
                 // #1487096 handle multi-address and/or too long items
                 $rec['email'] = array_shift(explode(';', $rec['email']));
                 if (check_email(rcube_idn_to_ascii($rec['email']))) {
                     $rec['email'] = rcube_idn_to_utf8($rec['email']);
                     $contacts->insert($rec, true);
         // mark identity as complete for following hooks
         $p['complete'] = true;
     return $p;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function lookup_user_name($args)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     if ($this->init_ldap($args['host'])) {
         $results = $this->ldap->search('*', $args['user'], true);
         if (count($results->records) == 1) {
             $user_name = is_array($results->records[0]['name']) ? $results->records[0]['name'][0] : $results->records[0]['name'];
             $user_email = is_array($results->records[0]['email']) ? $results->records[0]['email'][0] : $results->records[0]['email'];
             $args['user_name'] = $user_name;
             if (!$args['user_email'] && strpos($user_email, '@')) {
                 $args['user_email'] = rcube_idn_to_ascii($user_email);
     return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function lookup_user_name($args)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     if ($this->init_ldap($args['host'])) {
         $results = $this->ldap->search('*', $args['user'], TRUE);
         if (count($results->records) == 1) {
             $args['user_name'] = $results->records[0]['name'];
             if (!$args['user_email'] && strpos($results->records[0]['email'], '@')) {
                 $args['user_email'] = rcube_idn_to_ascii($results->records[0]['email']);
             if (($alias_col = $rcmail->config->get('new_user_identity_alias')) && $results->records[0][$alias_col]) {
                 $args['alias'] = $results->records[0][$alias_col];
     return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * User > Email
 function user2email($p)
     $r = $this->findinvirtual('/\\s' . preg_quote($p['user'], '/') . '\\s*$/');
     $result = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($r); $i++) {
         $arr = preg_split('/\\s+/', $r[$i]);
         if (count($arr) > 0 && strpos($arr[0], '@')) {
             $result[] = rcube_idn_to_ascii(trim(str_replace('\\@', '@', $arr[0])));
             if ($p['first']) {
                 $p['email'] = $result[0];
     $p['email'] = empty($result) ? NULL : $result;
     return $p;
  * This function cleanup_addr() has been used a large part of function
  * rcmail_email_input_format() in program/steps/mail/sendmail.inc of
  * Roundcube core at version 0.9.
 function cleanup_addr($mailto)
     global $RCMAIL;
     // simplified email regexp, supporting quoted local part
     $email_regexp = '(\\S+|("[^"]+"))@\\S+';
     $delim = trim($RCMAIL->config->get('recipients_separator', ','));
     $regexp = array("/[,;{$delim}]\\s*[\r\n]+/", '/[\\r\\n]+/', "/[,;{$delim}]\\s*\$/m", '/;/', '/(\\S{1})(<' . $email_regexp . '>)/U');
     $replace = array($delim . ' ', ', ', '', $delim, '\\1 \\2');
     // replace new lines and strip ending ', ', make address input more valid
     $mailto = trim(preg_replace($regexp, $replace, $mailto));
     $result = array();
     $items = rcube_explode_quoted_string($delim, $mailto);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item = trim($item);
         // address in brackets without name (do nothing)
         if (preg_match('/^<' . $email_regexp . '>$/', $item)) {
             $item = rcube_idn_to_ascii(trim($item, '<>'));
             $result[] = $item;
             // address without brackets and without name (add brackets)
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^' . $email_regexp . '$/', $item)) {
                 $item = rcube_idn_to_ascii($item);
                 $result[] = $item;
                 // address with name (handle name)
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/<*' . $email_regexp . '>*$/', $item, $matches)) {
                     $address = $matches[0];
                     $name = trim(str_replace($address, '', $item));
                     if ($name[0] == '"' && $name[count($name) - 1] == '"') {
                         $name = substr($name, 1, -1);
                     $name = stripcslashes($name);
                     $address = rcube_idn_to_ascii(trim($address, '<>'));
                     $result[] = $address;
                     $item = $address;
                 } else {
                     if (trim($item)) {
     return implode(', ', $result);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * User > Email
 function user2email($p)
     $dbh = $this->app->get_dbh();
     $sql_result = $dbh->query(preg_replace('/%u/', $dbh->escape($p['user']), $this->config['email']));
     while ($sql_arr = $dbh->fetch_array($sql_result)) {
         if (strpos($sql_arr[0], '@')) {
             if ($p['extended'] && count($sql_arr) > 1) {
                 $result[] = array('email' => rcube_idn_to_ascii($sql_arr[0]), 'name' => $sql_arr[1], 'organization' => $sql_arr[2], 'reply-to' => rcube_idn_to_ascii($sql_arr[3]), 'bcc' => rcube_idn_to_ascii($sql_arr[4]), 'signature' => $sql_arr[5], 'html_signature' => (int) $sql_arr[6]);
             } else {
                 $result[] = $sql_arr[0];
             if ($p['first']) {
     $p['email'] = $result;
     return $p;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Handler for submitted form
  * Check fields and save to default identity if valid.
  * Afterwards the session flag is removed and we're done.
 function save_data()
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     $identity = $rcmail->user->get_identity();
     $identities_level = intval($rcmail->config->get('identities_level', 0));
     $save_data = array('name' => get_input_value('_name', RCUBE_INPUT_POST), 'email' => get_input_value('_email', RCUBE_INPUT_POST), 'organization' => get_input_value('_organization', RCUBE_INPUT_POST), 'signature' => get_input_value('_signature', RCUBE_INPUT_POST));
     // don't let the user alter the e-mail address if disabled by config
     if ($identities_level == 1 || $identities_level == 3) {
         $save_data['email'] = $identity['email'];
     } else {
         $save_data['email'] = rcube_idn_to_ascii($save_data['email']);
     // save data if not empty
     if (!empty($save_data['name']) && !empty($save_data['email'])) {
         $rcmail->user->update_identity($identity['identity_id'], $save_data);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function authenticate($args)
     // Load plugin's config file
     $host = rcmail::get_instance()->config->get('http_authentication_host');
     if (is_string($host) && trim($host) !== '') {
         $args['host'] = rcube_idn_to_ascii(rcube_parse_host($host));
     // Allow entering other user data in login form,
     // e.g. after log out (#1487953)
     if (!empty($args['user'])) {
         return $args;
     if (!empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
         $args['user'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
         $args['pass'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
     $args['cookiecheck'] = false;
     $args['valid'] = true;
     return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function save($curpass, $passwd)
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     if (!($sql = $rcmail->config->get('password_query'))) {
         $sql = 'SELECT update_passwd(%c, %u)';
     if ($dsn = $rcmail->config->get('password_db_dsn')) {
         // #1486067: enable new_link option
         if (is_array($dsn) && empty($dsn['new_link'])) {
             $dsn['new_link'] = true;
         } else {
             if (!is_array($dsn) && !preg_match('/\\?new_link=true/', $dsn)) {
                 $dsn .= '?new_link=true';
         $db = rcube_db::factory($dsn, '', false);
         $db->set_debug((bool) $rcmail->config->get('sql_debug'));
     } else {
         $db = $rcmail->get_dbh();
     if ($err = $db->is_error()) {
         return PASSWORD_ERROR;
     // crypted password
     if (strpos($sql, '%c') !== FALSE) {
         $salt = '';
         if (!($crypt_hash = $rcmail->config->get('password_crypt_hash'))) {
             if (CRYPT_MD5) {
                 $crypt_hash = 'md5';
             } else {
                 if (CRYPT_STD_DES) {
                     $crypt_hash = 'des';
         switch ($crypt_hash) {
             case 'md5':
                 $len = 8;
                 $salt_hashindicator = '$1$';
             case 'des':
                 $len = 2;
             case 'blowfish':
                 $len = 22;
                 $salt_hashindicator = '$2a$';
             case 'sha256':
                 $len = 16;
                 $salt_hashindicator = '$5$';
             case 'sha512':
                 $len = 16;
                 $salt_hashindicator = '$6$';
                 return PASSWORD_CRYPT_ERROR;
         //Restrict the character set used as salt (#1488136)
         $seedchars = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
             $salt .= $seedchars[rand(0, 63)];
         $sql = str_replace('%c', $db->quote(crypt($passwd, $salt_hashindicator ? $salt_hashindicator . $salt . '$' : $salt)), $sql);
     // dovecotpw
     if (strpos($sql, '%D') !== FALSE) {
         if (!($dovecotpw = $rcmail->config->get('password_dovecotpw'))) {
             $dovecotpw = 'dovecotpw';
         if (!($method = $rcmail->config->get('password_dovecotpw_method'))) {
             $method = 'CRAM-MD5';
         // use common temp dir
         $tmp_dir = $rcmail->config->get('temp_dir');
         $tmpfile = tempnam($tmp_dir, 'roundcube-');
         $pipe = popen("{$dovecotpw} -s '{$method}' > '{$tmpfile}'", "w");
         if (!$pipe) {
             return PASSWORD_CRYPT_ERROR;
         } else {
             fwrite($pipe, $passwd . "\n", 1 + strlen($passwd));
             fwrite($pipe, $passwd . "\n", 1 + strlen($passwd));
             $newpass = trim(file_get_contents($tmpfile), "\n");
             if (!preg_match('/^\\{' . $method . '\\}/', $newpass)) {
                 return PASSWORD_CRYPT_ERROR;
             if (!$rcmail->config->get('password_dovecotpw_with_method')) {
                 $newpass = trim(str_replace('{' . $method . '}', '', $newpass));
         $sql = str_replace('%D', $db->quote($newpass), $sql);
     // hashed passwords
     if (preg_match('/%[n|q]/', $sql)) {
         if (!extension_loaded('hash')) {
             raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Password plugin: 'hash' extension not loaded!"), true, false);
             return PASSWORD_ERROR;
         if (!($hash_algo = strtolower($rcmail->config->get('password_hash_algorithm')))) {
             $hash_algo = 'sha1';
         $hash_passwd = hash($hash_algo, $passwd);
         $hash_curpass = hash($hash_algo, $curpass);
         if ($rcmail->config->get('password_hash_base64')) {
             $hash_passwd = base64_encode(pack('H*', $hash_passwd));
             $hash_curpass = base64_encode(pack('H*', $hash_curpass));
         $sql = str_replace('%n', $db->quote($hash_passwd, 'text'), $sql);
         $sql = str_replace('%q', $db->quote($hash_curpass, 'text'), $sql);
     // Handle clear text passwords securely (#1487034)
     $sql_vars = array();
     if (preg_match_all('/%[p|o]/', $sql, $m)) {
         foreach ($m[0] as $var) {
             if ($var == '%p') {
                 $sql = preg_replace('/%p/', '?', $sql, 1);
                 $sql_vars[] = (string) $passwd;
             } else {
                 // %o
                 $sql = preg_replace('/%o/', '?', $sql, 1);
                 $sql_vars[] = (string) $curpass;
     $local_part = $rcmail->user->get_username('local');
     $domain_part = $rcmail->user->get_username('domain');
     $username = $_SESSION['username'];
     $host = $_SESSION['imap_host'];
     // convert domains to/from punnycode
     if ($rcmail->config->get('password_idn_ascii')) {
         $domain_part = rcube_idn_to_ascii($domain_part);
         $username = rcube_idn_to_ascii($username);
         $host = rcube_idn_to_ascii($host);
     } else {
         $domain_part = rcube_idn_to_utf8($domain_part);
         $username = rcube_idn_to_utf8($username);
         $host = rcube_idn_to_utf8($host);
     // at least we should always have the local part
     $sql = str_replace('%l', $db->quote($local_part, 'text'), $sql);
     $sql = str_replace('%d', $db->quote($domain_part, 'text'), $sql);
     $sql = str_replace('%u', $db->quote($username, 'text'), $sql);
     $sql = str_replace('%h', $db->quote($host, 'text'), $sql);
     $res = $db->query($sql, $sql_vars);
     if (!$db->is_error()) {
         if (strtolower(substr(trim($sql), 0, 6)) == 'select') {
             if ($result = $db->fetch_array($res)) {
                 return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
         } else {
             // This is the good case: 1 row updated
             if ($db->affected_rows($res) == 1) {
                 return PASSWORD_SUCCESS;
             // @TODO: Some queries don't affect any rows
             // Should we assume a success if there was no error?
     return PASSWORD_ERROR;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Loads configuration, initializes plugin (including sieve connection)
 function managesieve_start()
     // register UI objects
     $this->rc->output->add_handlers(array('filterslist' => array($this, 'filters_list'), 'filtersetslist' => array($this, 'filtersets_list'), 'filterframe' => array($this, 'filter_frame'), 'filterform' => array($this, 'filter_form'), 'filtersetform' => array($this, 'filterset_form')));
     // Add include path for internal classes
     $include_path = $this->home . '/lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR;
     $include_path .= ini_get('include_path');
     $host = rcube_parse_host($this->rc->config->get('managesieve_host', 'localhost'));
     $port = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_port', 2000);
     $host = rcube_idn_to_ascii($host);
     $plugin = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('managesieve_connect', array('user' => $_SESSION['username'], 'password' => $this->rc->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), 'host' => $host, 'port' => $port, 'auth_type' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_type'), 'usetls' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_usetls', false), 'disabled' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_disabled_extensions'), 'debug' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_debug', false), 'auth_cid' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_cid'), 'auth_pw' => $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_auth_pw')));
     // try to connect to managesieve server and to fetch the script
     $this->sieve = new rcube_sieve($plugin['user'], $plugin['password'], $plugin['host'], $plugin['port'], $plugin['auth_type'], $plugin['usetls'], $plugin['disabled'], $plugin['debug'], $plugin['auth_cid'], $plugin['auth_pw']);
     if (!($error = $this->sieve->error())) {
         // Get list of scripts
         $list = $this->list_scripts();
         if (!empty($_GET['_set']) || !empty($_POST['_set'])) {
             $script_name = get_input_value('_set', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC, true);
         } else {
             if (!empty($_SESSION['managesieve_current'])) {
                 $script_name = $_SESSION['managesieve_current'];
             } else {
                 // get (first) active script
                 if (!empty($this->active[0])) {
                     $script_name = $this->active[0];
                 } else {
                     if ($list) {
                         $script_name = $list[0];
                     } else {
                         // if script not exists build default script contents
                         $script_file = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_default');
                         $script_name = $this->rc->config->get('managesieve_script_name');
                         if (empty($script_name)) {
                             $script_name = 'roundcube';
                         if ($script_file && is_readable($script_file)) {
                             $content = file_get_contents($script_file);
                         // add script and set it active
                         if ($this->sieve->save_script($script_name, $content)) {
                             $this->list[] = $script_name;
         if ($script_name) {
         $error = $this->sieve->error();
     // finally set script objects
     if ($error) {
         switch ($error) {
             case SIEVE_ERROR_CONNECTION:
             case SIEVE_ERROR_LOGIN:
                 $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterconnerror', 'error');
                 $this->rc->output->show_message('managesieve.filterunknownerror', 'error');
         raise_error(array('code' => 403, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Unable to connect to managesieve on {$host}:{$port}"), true, false);
         // to disable 'Add filter' button set env variable
         $this->rc->output->set_env('filterconnerror', true);
         $this->script = array();
     } else {
         $this->exts = $this->sieve->get_extensions();
         $this->script = $this->sieve->script->as_array();
         $this->rc->output->set_env('currentset', $this->sieve->current);
         $_SESSION['managesieve_current'] = $this->sieve->current;
     return $error;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Return the mail domain configured for the given host
  * @param string  $host   IMAP host
  * @param boolean $encode If true, domain name will be converted to IDN ASCII
  * @return string Resolved SMTP host
 public function mail_domain($host, $encode = true)
     $domain = $host;
     if (is_array($this->prop['mail_domain'])) {
         if (isset($this->prop['mail_domain'][$host])) {
             $domain = $this->prop['mail_domain'][$host];
     } else {
         if (!empty($this->prop['mail_domain'])) {
             $domain = rcube_parse_host($this->prop['mail_domain']);
     if ($encode) {
         $domain = rcube_idn_to_ascii($domain);
     return $domain;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Helper function to build a Mail_mime object to send an iTip message
  * @param array   Event object to send
  * @param string  iTip method (REQUEST|REPLY|CANCEL)
  * @return object Mail_mime object with message data
 public function compose_itip_message($event, $method)
     $from = rcube_idn_to_ascii($this->sender['email']);
     $from_utf = rcube_idn_to_utf8($from);
     $sender = format_email_recipient($from, $this->sender['name']);
     // truncate list attendees down to the recipient of the iTip Reply.
     // constraints for a METHOD:REPLY according to RFC 5546
     if ($method == 'REPLY') {
         $replying_attendee = null;
         $reply_attendees = array();
         foreach ($event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
             if ($attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') {
                 $reply_attendees[] = $attendee;
             } else {
                 if (strcasecmp($attedee['email'], $from) == 0 || strcasecmp($attendee['email'], $from_utf) == 0) {
                     $replying_attendee = $attendee;
         if ($replying_attendee) {
             $reply_attendees[] = $replying_attendee;
             $event['attendees'] = $reply_attendees;
     // compose multipart message using PEAR:Mail_Mime
     $message = new Mail_mime("\r\n");
     $message->setParam('text_encoding', 'quoted-printable');
     $message->setParam('head_encoding', 'quoted-printable');
     $message->setParam('head_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET);
     $message->setParam('text_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET . ";\r\n format=flowed");
     // compose common headers array
     $headers = array('From' => $sender, 'Date' => $this->rc->user_date(), 'Message-ID' => $this->rc->gen_message_id(), 'X-Sender' => $from);
     if ($agent = $this->rc->config->get('useragent')) {
         $headers['User-Agent'] = $agent;
     // attach ics file for this event
     $ical = $this->cal->get_ical();
     $ics = $ical->export(array($event), $method, false, $method == 'REQUEST' ? array($this->cal->driver, 'get_attachment_body') : false);
     $message->addAttachment($ics, 'text/calendar', 'event.ics', false, '8bit', '', RCMAIL_CHARSET . "; method=" . $method);
     return $message;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Handler for ACL update/create action
 private function action_save()
     $mbox = trim(get_input_value('_mbox', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC, true));
     // UTF7-IMAP
     $user = trim(get_input_value('_user', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
     $acl = trim(get_input_value('_acl', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
     $oldid = trim(get_input_value('_old', RCUBE_INPUT_GPC));
     $acl = array_intersect(str_split($acl), $this->rights_supported());
     $users = $oldid ? array($user) : explode(',', $user);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $user = trim($user);
         if (!empty($this->specials) && in_array($user, $this->specials)) {
             $username = $this->gettext($user);
         } else {
             if (!strpos($user, '@') && ($realm = $this->get_realm())) {
                 $user .= '@' . rcube_idn_to_ascii(preg_replace('/^@/', '', $realm));
             $username = $user;
         if (!$acl || !$user || !strlen($mbox)) {
         if ($user != $_SESSION['username'] && $username != $_SESSION['username']) {
             if ($this->rc->storage->set_acl($mbox, $user, $acl)) {
                 $ret = array('id' => html_identifier($user), 'username' => $username, 'acl' => implode($acl), 'old' => $oldid);
                 $this->rc->output->command('acl_update', $ret);
     if ($result) {
         $this->rc->output->show_message($oldid ? 'acl.updatesuccess' : 'acl.createsuccess', 'confirmation');
     } else {
         $this->rc->output->show_message($oldid ? 'acl.updateerror' : 'acl.createerror', 'error');
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * SMTP Connection and authentication
  * @param string Server host
  * @param string Server port
  * @param string User name
  * @param string Password
  * @return bool  Returns true on success, or false on error
 public function connect($host = null, $port = null, $user = null, $pass = null)
     $RCMAIL = rcmail::get_instance();
     // disconnect/destroy $this->conn
     // reset error/response var
     $this->error = $this->response = null;
     // let plugins alter smtp connection config
     $CONFIG = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('smtp_connect', array('smtp_server' => $host ? $host : $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_server'), 'smtp_port' => $port ? $port : $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_port', 25), 'smtp_user' => $user ? $user : $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_user'), 'smtp_pass' => $pass ? $pass : $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_pass'), 'smtp_auth_cid' => $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_auth_cid'), 'smtp_auth_pw' => $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_auth_pw'), 'smtp_auth_type' => $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_auth_type'), 'smtp_helo_host' => $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_helo_host'), 'smtp_timeout' => $RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_timeout'), 'smtp_auth_callbacks' => array()));
     $smtp_host = rcube_parse_host($CONFIG['smtp_server']);
     // when called from Installer it's possible to have empty $smtp_host here
     if (!$smtp_host) {
         $smtp_host = 'localhost';
     $smtp_port = is_numeric($CONFIG['smtp_port']) ? $CONFIG['smtp_port'] : 25;
     $smtp_host_url = parse_url($smtp_host);
     // overwrite port
     if (isset($smtp_host_url['host']) && isset($smtp_host_url['port'])) {
         $smtp_host = $smtp_host_url['host'];
         $smtp_port = $smtp_host_url['port'];
     // re-write smtp host
     if (isset($smtp_host_url['host']) && isset($smtp_host_url['scheme'])) {
         $smtp_host = sprintf('%s://%s', $smtp_host_url['scheme'], $smtp_host_url['host']);
     // remove TLS prefix and set flag for use in Net_SMTP::auth()
     if (preg_match('#^tls://#i', $smtp_host)) {
         $smtp_host = preg_replace('#^tls://#i', '', $smtp_host);
         $use_tls = true;
     if (!empty($CONFIG['smtp_helo_host'])) {
         $helo_host = $CONFIG['smtp_helo_host'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
             $helo_host = preg_replace('/:\\d+$/', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
         } else {
             $helo_host = 'localhost';
     // IDNA Support
     $smtp_host = rcube_idn_to_ascii($smtp_host);
     $this->conn = new Net_SMTP($smtp_host, $smtp_port, $helo_host);
     if ($RCMAIL->config->get('smtp_debug')) {
         $this->conn->setDebug(true, array($this, 'debug_handler'));
     // register authentication methods
     if (!empty($CONFIG['smtp_auth_callbacks']) && method_exists($this->conn, 'setAuthMethod')) {
         foreach ($CONFIG['smtp_auth_callbacks'] as $callback) {
             $this->conn->setAuthMethod($callback['name'], $callback['function'], isset($callback['prepend']) ? $callback['prepend'] : true);
     // try to connect to server and exit on failure
     $result = $this->conn->connect($smtp_timeout);
     if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
         $this->response[] = "Connection failed: " . $result->getMessage();
         $this->error = array('label' => 'smtpconnerror', 'vars' => array('code' => $this->conn->_code));
         $this->conn = null;
         return false;
     // workaround for timeout bug in Net_SMTP 1.5.[0-1] (#1487843)
     if (method_exists($this->conn, 'setTimeout') && ($timeout = ini_get('default_socket_timeout'))) {
     $smtp_user = str_replace('%u', $_SESSION['username'], $CONFIG['smtp_user']);
     $smtp_pass = str_replace('%p', $RCMAIL->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), $CONFIG['smtp_pass']);
     $smtp_auth_type = empty($CONFIG['smtp_auth_type']) ? NULL : $CONFIG['smtp_auth_type'];
     if (!empty($CONFIG['smtp_auth_cid'])) {
         $smtp_authz = $smtp_user;
         $smtp_user = $CONFIG['smtp_auth_cid'];
         $smtp_pass = $CONFIG['smtp_auth_pw'];
     // attempt to authenticate to the SMTP server
     if ($smtp_user && $smtp_pass) {
         // IDNA Support
         if (strpos($smtp_user, '@')) {
             $smtp_user = rcube_idn_to_ascii($smtp_user);
         $result = $this->conn->auth($smtp_user, $smtp_pass, $smtp_auth_type, $use_tls, $smtp_authz);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             $this->error = array('label' => 'smtpautherror', 'vars' => array('code' => $this->conn->_code));
             $this->response[] .= 'Authentication failure: ' . $result->getMessage() . ' (Code: ' . $result->getCode() . ')';
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Perfom login to the IMAP server and to the webmail service.
  * This will also create a new user entry if auto_create_user is configured.
  * @param string IMAP user name
  * @param string IMAP password
  * @param string IMAP host
  * @return boolean True on success, False on failure
 function login($username, $pass, $host = NULL)
     $user = NULL;
     $config = $this->config->all();
     if (!$host) {
         $host = $config['default_host'];
     // Validate that selected host is in the list of configured hosts
     if (is_array($config['default_host'])) {
         $allowed = false;
         foreach ($config['default_host'] as $key => $host_allowed) {
             if (!is_numeric($key)) {
                 $host_allowed = $key;
             if ($host == $host_allowed) {
                 $allowed = true;
         if (!$allowed) {
             return false;
     } else {
         if (!empty($config['default_host']) && $host != rcube_parse_host($config['default_host'])) {
             return false;
     // parse $host URL
     $a_host = parse_url($host);
     if ($a_host['host']) {
         $host = $a_host['host'];
         $imap_ssl = isset($a_host['scheme']) && in_array($a_host['scheme'], array('ssl', 'imaps', 'tls')) ? $a_host['scheme'] : null;
         if (!empty($a_host['port'])) {
             $imap_port = $a_host['port'];
         } else {
             if ($imap_ssl && $imap_ssl != 'tls' && (!$config['default_port'] || $config['default_port'] == 143)) {
                 $imap_port = 993;
     $imap_port = $imap_port ? $imap_port : $config['default_port'];
     /* Modify username with domain if required
           Inspired by Marco <P0L0_notspam_binware.org>
     // Check if we need to add domain
     if (!empty($config['username_domain']) && strpos($username, '@') === false) {
         if (is_array($config['username_domain']) && isset($config['username_domain'][$host])) {
             $username .= '@' . rcube_parse_host($config['username_domain'][$host], $host);
         } else {
             if (is_string($config['username_domain'])) {
                 $username .= '@' . rcube_parse_host($config['username_domain'], $host);
     // Convert username to lowercase. If IMAP backend
     // is case-insensitive we need to store always the same username (#1487113)
     if ($config['login_lc']) {
         $username = mb_strtolower($username);
     // try to resolve email address from virtuser table
     if (strpos($username, '@') && ($virtuser = rcube_user::email2user($username))) {
         $username = $virtuser;
     // Here we need IDNA ASCII
     // Only rcube_contacts class is using domain names in Unicode
     $host = rcube_idn_to_ascii($host);
     if (strpos($username, '@')) {
         // lowercase domain name
         list($local, $domain) = explode('@', $username);
         $username = $local . '@' . mb_strtolower($domain);
         $username = rcube_idn_to_ascii($username);
     // user already registered -> overwrite username
     if ($user = rcube_user::query($username, $host)) {
         $username = $user->data['username'];
     if (!$this->imap) {
     // try IMAP login
     if (!($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl))) {
         // try with lowercase
         $username_lc = mb_strtolower($username);
         if ($username_lc != $username) {
             // try to find user record again -> overwrite username
             if (!$user && ($user = rcube_user::query($username_lc, $host))) {
                 $username_lc = $user->data['username'];
             if ($imap_login = $this->imap->connect($host, $username_lc, $pass, $imap_port, $imap_ssl)) {
                 $username = $username_lc;
     // exit if IMAP login failed
     if (!$imap_login) {
         return false;
     // user already registered -> update user's record
     if (is_object($user)) {
         // create default folders on first login
         if (!$user->data['last_login'] && $config['create_default_folders']) {
     } else {
         if ($config['auto_create_user']) {
             if ($created = rcube_user::create($username, $host)) {
                 $user = $created;
                 // create default folders on first login
                 if ($config['create_default_folders']) {
             } else {
                 raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Failed to create a user record. Maybe aborted by a plugin?"), true, false);
         } else {
             raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Acces denied for new user {$username}. 'auto_create_user' is disabled"), true, false);
     // login succeeded
     if (is_object($user) && $user->ID) {
         // set session vars
         $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->ID;
         $_SESSION['username'] = $user->data['username'];
         $_SESSION['imap_host'] = $host;
         $_SESSION['imap_port'] = $imap_port;
         $_SESSION['imap_ssl'] = $imap_ssl;
         $_SESSION['password'] = $this->encrypt($pass);
         $_SESSION['login_time'] = mktime();
         if (isset($_REQUEST['_timezone']) && $_REQUEST['_timezone'] != '_default_') {
             $_SESSION['timezone'] = floatval($_REQUEST['_timezone']);
         // force reloading complete list of subscribed mailboxes
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Check the given data before saving.
  * If input isn't valid, the message to display can be fetched using get_error()
  * @param array Assoziative array with data to save
  * @param boolean Attempt to fix/complete record automatically
  * @return boolean True if input is valid, False if not.
 public function validate(&$save_data, $autofix = false)
     // check validity of email addresses
     foreach ($this->get_col_values('email', $save_data, true) as $email) {
         if (strlen($email)) {
             if (!check_email(rcube_idn_to_ascii($email))) {
                 $this->set_error(self::ERROR_VALIDATE, rcube_label(array('name' => 'emailformaterror', 'vars' => array('email' => $email))));
                 return false;
     return true;
 private function _startup()
     $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
     if (!$this->sieve) {
         include 'lib/Net/Sieve.php';
         include 'include/rcube_sieve.php';
         include 'include/rcube_sieve_script.php';
         $rcmail = rcmail::get_instance();
         // try to connect to managesieve server and to fetch the script
         $this->sieve = new rcube_sieve($_SESSION['username'], $rcmail->decrypt($_SESSION['password']), rcube_idn_to_ascii(rcube_parse_host($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_host'))), $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_port'), $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_auth_type', NULL), $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_usetls'), $this->current_ruleset, $this->home, $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_use_elsif', true), $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_auth_cid', NULL), $rcmail->config->get('sieverules_auth_pw', NULL));
         if ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_debug', false)) {
         $this->sieve_error = $this->sieve->error();
         if ($this->sieve_error == SIEVE_ERROR_NOT_EXISTS) {
             // load default rule set
             if ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_default_file', false) && is_readable($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_default_file')) || sizeof($this->sieve->list) > 0) {
                 $this->action = 'plugin.sieverules.setup';
             } elseif ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_default_file', false) && !is_readable($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_default_file'))) {
                 raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "SieveRules plugin: Unable to open default rule file"), true, false);
             // that's not exactly an error
             $this->sieve_error = false;
         } elseif ($this->sieve_error) {
             switch ($this->sieve_error) {
                 case SIEVE_ERROR_CONNECTION:
                 case SIEVE_ERROR_LOGIN:
                     $this->api->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('filterconnerror'), 'error');
                     $this->api->output->command('display_message', $this->gettext('filterunknownerror'), 'error');
             $this->api->output->set_env('sieveruleserror', true);
         // finally set script objects
         if ($this->sieve_error) {
             $this->script = array();
         } else {
             $this->script = $this->sieve->script->as_array();
             // load example filters
             if ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_example_file', false) && is_readable($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_example_file'))) {
                 $this->examples = $this->sieve->script->parse_text(file_get_contents($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_example_file')));
             } elseif ($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_example_file', false) && !is_readable($rcmail->config->get('sieverules_example_file'))) {
                 raise_error(array('code' => 600, 'type' => 'php', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "SieveRules plugin: Unable to open example rule file"), true, false);
     } else {
         $this->script = $this->sieve->script->as_array();
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Establish a connection to the LDAP server
 function connect()
     global $RCMAIL;
     if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
         raise_error(array('code' => 100, 'type' => 'ldap', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "No ldap support in this installation of PHP"), true);
     if (is_resource($this->conn)) {
         return true;
     if (!is_array($this->prop['hosts'])) {
         $this->prop['hosts'] = array($this->prop['hosts']);
     if (empty($this->prop['ldap_version'])) {
         $this->prop['ldap_version'] = 3;
     foreach ($this->prop['hosts'] as $host) {
         $host = rcube_idn_to_ascii(rcube_parse_host($host));
         $this->_debug("C: Connect [{$host}" . ($this->prop['port'] ? ':' . $this->prop['port'] : '') . "]");
         if ($lc = @ldap_connect($host, $this->prop['port'])) {
             if ($this->prop['use_tls'] === true) {
                 if (!ldap_start_tls($lc)) {
             $this->_debug("S: OK");
             ldap_set_option($lc, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->prop['ldap_version']);
             $this->prop['host'] = $host;
             $this->conn = $lc;
         $this->_debug("S: NOT OK");
     if (is_resource($this->conn)) {
         $this->ready = true;
         // User specific access, generate the proper values to use.
         if ($this->prop['user_specific']) {
             // No password set, use the session password
             if (empty($this->prop['bind_pass'])) {
                 $this->prop['bind_pass'] = $RCMAIL->decrypt($_SESSION['password']);
             // Get the pieces needed for variable replacement.
             $fu = $RCMAIL->user->get_username();
             list($u, $d) = explode('@', $fu);
             $dc = 'dc=' . strtr($d, array('.' => ',dc='));
             // hierarchal domain string
             $replaces = array('%dc' => $dc, '%d' => $d, '%fu' => $fu, '%u' => $u);
             if ($this->prop['search_base_dn'] && $this->prop['search_filter']) {
                 // Search for the dn to use to authenticate
                 $this->prop['search_base_dn'] = strtr($this->prop['search_base_dn'], $replaces);
                 $this->prop['search_filter'] = strtr($this->prop['search_filter'], $replaces);
                 $this->_debug("S: searching with base {$this->prop['search_base_dn']} for {$this->prop['search_filter']}");
                 $res = ldap_search($this->conn, $this->prop['search_base_dn'], $this->prop['search_filter'], array('uid'));
                 if ($res && ($entry = ldap_first_entry($this->conn, $res))) {
                     $bind_dn = ldap_get_dn($this->conn, $entry);
                     $this->_debug("S: search returned dn: {$bind_dn}");
                     if ($bind_dn) {
                         $this->prop['bind_dn'] = $bind_dn;
                         $dn = ldap_explode_dn($bind_dn, 1);
                         $replaces['%dn'] = $dn[0];
             // Replace the bind_dn and base_dn variables.
             $this->prop['bind_dn'] = strtr($this->prop['bind_dn'], $replaces);
             $this->prop['base_dn'] = strtr($this->prop['base_dn'], $replaces);
         if (!empty($this->prop['bind_dn']) && !empty($this->prop['bind_pass'])) {
             $this->ready = $this->bind($this->prop['bind_dn'], $this->prop['bind_pass']);
     } else {
         raise_error(array('code' => 100, 'type' => 'ldap', 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'message' => "Could not connect to any LDAP server, last tried {$host}:{$this->prop[port]}"), true);
     // See if the directory is writeable.
     if ($this->prop['writable']) {
         $this->readonly = false;
     // end if