Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Constructor.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request Request object for this controller.
  *  Can be null for testing, but expect that features that use the request
  *  parameters will not work.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response $response Response object for this controller.
 public function __construct($request = null, $response = null)
     parent::__construct($request, $response);
     $location = $this->response->location();
     if (empty($location)) {
     $this->response->header('Content-Language', language('code'));
     $this->response->header('X-Generator', sprintf('QuickAppsCMS %s (http://quickappscms.org)', quickapps('version')));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Prepares the default language to use by the script.
  * ### Detection Methods
  * This method applies the following detection methods when looking for
  * language to use:
  * - GET parameter: If `locale` GET parameter is present in current request, and
  *   if it's a valid language code, then will be used as current language and
  *   also will be persisted on `locale` session for further use.
  * - URL: If current URL is prefixed with a valid language code and
  *   `url_locale_prefix` option is enabled, URL's language code will be used.
  * - Locale session: If `locale` session exists it will be used.
  * - User session: If user is logged in and has selected a valid preferred
  *   language it will be used.
  * - Default: Site's language will be used otherwise.
  * ### Locale Prefix
  * If `url_locale_prefix` option is enabled, and current request's URL is not
  * language prefixed, user will be redirected to a locale-prefixed version of
  * the requested URL (using the language code selected as explained above).
  * For example:
  *     /article/demo-article.html
  * Might redirects to:
  *     /en_US/article/demo-article.html
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event containing the request, response and
  *  additional parameters
  * @return void
  * @throws \Cake\Network\Exception\InternalErrorException When no valid request
  *  object could be found
 public function beforeDispatch(Event $event)
     $request = Router::getRequest();
     if (empty($request)) {
         throw new InternalErrorException(__d('cms', 'No request object could be found.'));
     $locales = array_keys(quickapps('languages'));
     $localesPattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $locales)) . ')';
     $rawUrl = str_replace_once($request->base, '', env('REQUEST_URI'));
     $normalizedURL = str_replace('//', '/', "/{$rawUrl}");
     if (!empty($request->query['locale']) && in_array($request->query['locale'], $locales)) {
         $request->session()->write('locale', $request->query['locale']);
     } elseif (option('url_locale_prefix') && preg_match("/\\/{$localesPattern}\\//", $normalizedURL, $matches)) {
     } elseif ($request->session()->check('locale') && in_array($request->session()->read('locale'), $locales)) {
     } elseif ($request->is('userLoggedIn') && in_array(user()->locale, $locales)) {
     } elseif (in_array(option('default_language'), $locales)) {
     } else {
     if (option('url_locale_prefix') && !$request->is('home') && !preg_match("/\\/{$localesPattern}\\//", $normalizedURL)) {
         $url = Router::url('/' . I18n::locale() . $normalizedURL, true);
         header("Location: {$url}");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $package Package name as string. e.g. `vendor-name/package-name`
  * @param string $path Full path to package's root directory
  * @param string $version Package version number
 public function __construct($package, $path, $version = null)
     $this->_packageName = $package;
     list($this->_vendor, $this->_name) = packageSplit($this->_packageName);
     $this->_version = $version;
     $this->_path = $path;
     if (strtolower($this->_packageName) === 'cakephp/cakephp') {
         $this->_version = Configure::version();
     } elseif (strtolower($this->_packageName) === 'quickapps/cms') {
         $this->_version = quickapps('version');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Gets a list of languages suitable for select boxes.
  * @param bool $full Set to true to return the entire list of languages
  *  (from catalog). Set to false (by default) to get a list of installed languages
  * @param bool $sort Sort languages alphabetically if set to true (by default).
  * @return void
 public static function languagesList($full = false, $sort = true)
     $languages = [];
     if ($full) {
         foreach (static::$_catalog as $code => $info) {
             $languages[$code] = $info['language'];
     } else {
         foreach (quickapps('languages') as $code => $data) {
             $languages[$code] = $data['name'];
     if ($sort) {
     return $languages;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Constructor.
  * We tweak Field UI here, as contents are polymorphic we need to dynamically
  * change `$_manageTable` property according to `content_type`.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Request $request Request object for this controller. Can
  *  be null for testing, but expect that features that use the request
  *  parameters will not work.
  * @param \Cake\Network\Response $response Response object for this controller.
 public function __construct($request = null, $response = null)
     parent::__construct($request, $response);
     $validTypes = quickapps('content_types');
     if (!isset($request->query['type']) || !in_array($request->query['type'], $validTypes)) {
         $this->redirect(['plugin' => 'System', 'controller' => 'dashboard', 'prefix' => 'admin']);
     } else {
         // allows to manage polymorphic entities
         $this->_bundle = $request->query['type'];
         // Make $_GET['type'] persistent
         Router::addUrlFilter(function ($params, $request) {
             if (isset($request->query['type'])) {
                 $params['type'] = $request->query['type'];
             return $params;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Checks whether a plugins is installed on the system regardless of its status.
  * @param string $plugin Plugin to check
  * @return bool True if exists, false otherwise
 public static function exists($plugin)
     $check = quickapps("plugins.{$plugin}");
     return !empty($check);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Displays a header for the shell
  * @return void
 protected function _welcome()
     if (!defined('QUICKAPPS_CORE')) {
         return parent::_welcome();
     $this->out(__d('cms', '<info>Welcome to QuickApps CMS v{0} Console</info>', quickapps('version')));
     $this->out(__d('cms', 'Site Title: {0}', option('site_title')));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Tries to get a QuickAppsCMS plugin.
  * @param string $package Full package name
  * @return bool|\CMS\Core\Package\PluginPackage
 protected static function _getPlugin($package)
     list(, $plugin) = packageSplit($package, true);
     if (Plugin::exists($plugin)) {
         return new PluginPackage(quickapps("plugins.{$plugin}.name"), quickapps("plugins.{$plugin}.path"));
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Strips language prefix from the given URL.
  * For instance, `/en_US/article/my-first-article.html` becomes
  * `/article/my-first-article.html`.
  * @param string $url The URL
  * @return string New URL
 function stripLanguagePrefix($url)
     static $localesPattern = null;
     if (!$localesPattern) {
         $locales = array_keys(quickapps('languages'));
         $localesPattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $locales)) . ')';
     $url = preg_replace('/(^|\\/)' . $localesPattern . '\\//', '/', $url);
     return $url;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Returns a regular expression that is used to verify if an URL starts
  * or not with a language prefix.
  * ## Example:
  * ```
  * (en\-us|fr|es|it)
  * ```
  * @return string
 protected function _localesPattern()
     $cacheKey = '_localesPattern';
     $cache = static::cache($cacheKey);
     if ($cache) {
         return $cache;
     $pattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', array_keys(quickapps('languages')))) . ')';
     return static::cache($cacheKey, $pattern);
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Implements the "locale" shortcode.
  *     {locale code /}
  *     {locale name /}
  *     {locale direction /}
  * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The event that was fired
  * @param array $atts An associative array of attributes, or an empty string if
  *  no attributes are given
  * @param string $content The enclosed content (if the shortcode is used in its
  *  enclosing form)
  * @param string $tag The shortcode tag
  * @return string
 public function shortcodeLocale(Event $event, array $atts, $content, $tag)
     $option = array_keys((array) $atts);
     $locale = I18n::locale();
     $languages = quickapps('languages');
     $out = '';
     if (!isset($languages[$locale])) {
         return $out;
     if (empty($option)) {
         $option = 'code';
     } else {
         $option = $option[0];
     if ($info = $languages[$locale]) {
         switch ($option) {
             case 'code':
                 $out = $info['code'];
             case 'name':
                 $out = $info['name'];
             case 'direction':
                 $out = $info['direction'];
     return $out;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Checks if page being rendered is the dashboard.
 *     $request->isDashboard();
Request::addDetector('dashboard', function ($request) {
    return !empty($request->params['plugin']) && strtolower($request->params['plugin']) === 'system' && !empty($request->params['controller']) && strtolower($request->params['controller']) === 'dashboard' && !empty($request->params['action']) && strtolower($request->params['action']) === 'index';
 * Checks if current URL is language prefixed.
 *     $request->isLocalized();
Request::addDetector('localized', function ($request) {
    $locales = array_keys(quickapps('languages'));
    $localesPattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $locales)) . ')';
    $url = str_starts_with($request->url, '/') ? str_replace_once('/', '', $request->url) : $request->url;
    return preg_match("/^{$localesPattern}\\//", $url);
 * Checks if visitor user is logged in.
 *     $request->isUserLoggedIn();
Request::addDetector('userLoggedIn', function ($request) {
    $sessionExists = $request->session()->check('Auth.User.id');
    $sessionContent = $request->session()->read('Auth.User.id');
    return $sessionExists && !empty($sessionContent);
Ejemplo n.º 13

 * Licensed under The GPL-3.0 License
 * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @since    2.0.0
 * @author   Christopher Castro <*****@*****.**>
 * @link     http://www.quickappscms.org
 * @license  http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL-3.0 License
use Cake\Routing\Router;
use CMS\View\ViewModeRegistry;
 * Register default view-modes
ViewModeRegistry::add(['default' => ['name' => __d('content', 'Default'), 'description' => __d('content', 'Default is used as a generic view mode if no other view mode has been defined for your content.')], 'teaser' => ['name' => __d('content', 'Teaser'), 'description' => __d('content', 'Teaser is a really short format that is typically used in main the main page, such as "last news", etc.')], 'search-result' => ['name' => __d('content', 'Search Result'), 'description' => __d('content', 'Search Result is a short format that is typically used in lists of multiple content items such as search results.')], 'rss' => ['name' => __d('content', 'RSS'), 'description' => __d('content', 'RSS is similar to "Search Result" but intended to be used when rendering content as part of a RSS feed list.')], 'full' => ['name' => __d('content', 'Full'), 'description' => __d('content', 'Full content is typically used when the content is displayed on its own page.')]]);
if (is_array(quickapps('content_types'))) {
    Router::connect('/:content_type_slug/:content_slug:extension', ['plugin' => 'Content', 'controller' => 'Serve', 'action' => 'details'], ['content_type_slug' => implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', quickapps('content_types'))), 'content_slug' => '.+', 'extension' => preg_quote(CONTENT_EXTENSION), 'pass' => ['content_type_slug', 'content_slug'], '_name' => 'content_details', 'routeClass' => 'Cake\\Routing\\Route\\InflectedRoute']);
Router::connect('/find/:criteria', ['plugin' => 'Content', 'controller' => 'Serve', 'action' => 'search'], ['pass' => ['criteria'], '_name' => 'content_search', 'routeClass' => 'Cake\\Routing\\Route\\InflectedRoute']);
Router::connect('/rss/:criteria', ['plugin' => 'Content', 'controller' => 'Serve', 'action' => 'rss'], ['pass' => ['criteria'], '_name' => 'content_search_rss', 'routeClass' => 'Cake\\Routing\\Route\\InflectedRoute']);
Router::connect('/', ['plugin' => 'Content', 'controller' => 'Serve', 'action' => 'home'], ['_name' => 'home', 'routeClass' => 'Cake\\Routing\\Route\\InflectedRoute']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Gets information for this plugin.
  * When `$full` is set to true some additional keys will be repent in the
  * resulting array:
  * - `settings`: Plugin's settings info fetched from DB.
  * - `composer`: Composer JSON information, converted to an array.
  * - `permissions`: Permissions tree for this plugin, see `PluginPackage::permissions()`
  * ### Example:
  * Reading full information:
  * ```php
  * $plugin->info();
  * // returns an array as follow:
  * [
  *     'name' => 'User,
  *     'isTheme' => false,
  *     'hasHelp' => true,
  *     'hasSettings' => false,
  *     'eventListeners' => [ ... ],
  *     'status' => 1,
  *     'path' => '/path/to/plugin',
  *     'settings' => [ ... ], // only when $full = true
  *     'composer' => [ ... ], // only when $full = true
  *     'permissions' => [ ... ], // only when $full = true
  * ]
  * ```
  * Additionally the first argument, $key, can be used to get an specific value
  * using a dot syntax path:
  * ```php
  * $plugin->info('isTheme');
  * $plugin->info('settings.some_key');
  * ```
  * If the given path is not found NULL will be returned
  * @param string $key Optional path to read from the resulting array
  * @return mixed Plugin information as an array if no key is given, or the
  *  requested value if a valid $key was provided, or NULL if $key path is not
  *  found
 public function &info($key = null)
     $plugin = $this->name();
     if (empty($this->_info)) {
         $this->_info = (array) quickapps("plugins.{$plugin}");
     $parts = explode('.', $key);
     $getComposer = in_array('composer', $parts) || $key === null;
     $getSettings = in_array('settings', $parts) || $key === null;
     $getPermissions = in_array('permissions', $parts) || $key === null;
     if ($getComposer && !isset($this->_info['composer'])) {
         $this->_info['composer'] = $this->composer();
     if ($getSettings && !isset($this->_info['settings'])) {
         $this->_info['settings'] = (array) $this->settings();
     if ($getPermissions && !isset($this->_info['permissions'])) {
         $this->_info['permissions'] = (array) $this->permissions();
     if ($key === null) {
         return $this->_info;
     return $this->_getKey($parts);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Check if a current URL matches any pattern in a set of patterns.
  * @param string $patterns String containing a set of patterns separated by
  *  \n, \r or \r\n
  * @return bool TRUE if the path matches a pattern, FALSE otherwise
 protected function _urlMatch($patterns)
     if (empty($patterns)) {
         return false;
     $url = urldecode($this->_View->request->url);
     $path = str_starts_with($url, '/') ? str_replace_once('/', '', $url) : $url;
     if (option('url_locale_prefix')) {
         $patterns = explode("\n", $patterns);
         $locales = array_keys(quickapps('languages'));
         $localesPattern = '(' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $locales)) . ')';
         foreach ($patterns as &$p) {
             if (!preg_match("/^{$localesPattern}\\//", $p)) {
                 $p = I18n::locale() . '/' . $p;
                 $p = str_replace('//', '/', $p);
         $patterns = implode("\n", $patterns);
     // Convert path settings to a regular expression.
     // Therefore replace newlines with a logical or, /* with asterisks and  "/" with the front page.
     $toReplace = ['/(\\r\\n?|\\n)/', '/\\\\\\*/', '/(^|\\|)\\/($|\\|)/'];
     $replacements = ['|', '.*', '\\1' . preg_quote($this->_View->Url->build('/'), '/') . '\\2'];
     $patternsQuoted = preg_quote($patterns, '/');
     $patterns = '/^(' . preg_replace($toReplace, $replacements, $patternsQuoted) . ')$/';
     return (bool) preg_match($patterns, $path);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Gets a list of all active aspect classes.
  * @return array
 function aspects()
     return quickapps('aspects');