Ejemplo n.º 1
function getVSIDsByGroup($group_id)
    $ret = array();
    $vsinfo = spotEntity('ipvs', $group_id);
    if (count($vsinfo['vips'])) {
        $ips = reduceSubarraysToColumn($vsinfo['vips'], 'vip');
        $qm = questionMarks(count($ips));
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT id FROM IPv4VS WHERE vip IN ({$qm}) ORDER BY vip", $ips);
        $ret = array_merge($ret, $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0));
    $bin_marks = array();
    foreach ($vsinfo['ports'] as $port) {
        if ($port['proto'] == 'MARK') {
            $bin_marks[] = pack('N', $port['vport']);
    if (count($bin_marks)) {
        $qm = questionMarks(count($bin_marks));
        $result = usePreparedSelectBlade("SELECT id FROM IPv4VS WHERE proto = 'MARK' AND vip IN ({$qm}) ORDER BY vip", $bin_marks);
        $ret = array_merge($ret, $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0));
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function findSparePorts($port_info, $filter)
    $qparams = array();
    $query = "\nSELECT\n\tp.id,\n\tp.name,\n\tp.reservation_comment,\n\tp.iif_id,\n\tp.type as oif_id,\n\tpii.iif_name,\n\tpoi.oif_name,\n\tp.object_id,\n\to.name as object_name\nFROM Port p\nINNER JOIN Object o ON o.id = p.object_id\nINNER JOIN PortInnerInterface pii ON p.iif_id = pii.id\nINNER JOIN PortOuterInterface poi ON poi.id = p.type\n";
    // porttype filter (non-strict match)
    $query .= "\nINNER JOIN (\n\tSELECT Port.id FROM Port\n\tINNER JOIN\n\t(\n\t\tSELECT DISTINCT\tpic2.iif_id\n\t\tFROM PortInterfaceCompat pic2\n\t\tINNER JOIN PortCompat pc ON pc.type2 = pic2.oif_id\n";
    if ($port_info['iif_id'] != 1) {
        $query .= " INNER JOIN PortInterfaceCompat pic ON pic.oif_id = pc.type1 WHERE pic.iif_id = ? AND ";
        $qparams[] = $port_info['iif_id'];
    } else {
        $query .= " WHERE pc.type1 = ? AND ";
        $qparams[] = $port_info['oif_id'];
    $query .= "\n\t\t\tpic2.iif_id <> 1\n\t) AS sub1 USING (iif_id)\n\tUNION\n\tSELECT Port.id\n\tFROM Port\n\tINNER JOIN PortCompat ON type1 = type\n\tWHERE\n\t\tiif_id = 1 and type2 = ?\n) AS sub2 ON sub2.id = p.id\n";
    $qparams[] = $port_info['oif_id'];
    // self and linked ports filter
    $query .= " WHERE p.id <> ? " . "AND p.id NOT IN (SELECT porta FROM Link) " . "AND p.id NOT IN (SELECT portb FROM Link) ";
    $qparams[] = $port_info['id'];
    // rack filter
    if (!empty($filter['racks'])) {
        // objects directly mounted in the racks
        $query .= sprintf('AND p.object_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM RackSpace WHERE rack_id IN (%s) ', questionMarks(count($filter['racks'])));
        // children of objects directly mounted in the racks
        $query .= sprintf("UNION SELECT child_entity_id FROM EntityLink WHERE parent_entity_type='object' AND child_entity_type = 'object' AND parent_entity_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM RackSpace WHERE rack_id IN (%s)) ", questionMarks(count($filter['racks'])));
        // zero-U objects mounted to the racks
        $query .= sprintf("UNION SELECT child_entity_id FROM EntityLink WHERE parent_entity_type='rack' AND child_entity_type='object' AND parent_entity_id IN (%s)) ", questionMarks(count($filter['racks'])));
        $qparams = array_merge($qparams, $filter['racks']);
        $qparams = array_merge($qparams, $filter['racks']);
        $qparams = array_merge($qparams, $filter['racks']);
    // objectname filter
    if (!empty($filter['objects'])) {
        $query .= 'AND o.name like ? ';
        $qparams[] = '%' . $filter['objects'] . '%';
    // asset_no filter
    if (!empty($filter['asset_no'])) {
        $query .= 'AND o.asset_no like ? ';
        $qparams[] = '%' . $filter['asset_no'] . '%';
    // portname filter
    if (!empty($filter['ports'])) {
        $query .= 'AND p.name LIKE ? ';
        $qparams[] = '%' . $filter['ports'] . '%';
    // ordering
    $query .= ' ORDER BY o.name';
    $ret = array();
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($query, $qparams);
    $rows_by_pn = array();
    $prev_object_id = NULL;
    // fetch port rows from the DB
    while (TRUE) {
        $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        if (isset($prev_object_id) and (!$row or $row['object_id'] != $prev_object_id)) {
            // handle sorted object's portlist
            foreach (sortPortList($rows_by_pn) as $ports_subarray) {
                foreach ($ports_subarray as $port_row) {
                    $port_description = $port_row['object_name'] . ' --  ' . $port_row['name'];
                    if (count($ports_subarray) > 1) {
                        $if_type = $port_row['iif_id'] == 1 ? $port_row['oif_name'] : $port_row['iif_name'];
                        $port_description .= " ({$if_type})";
                    if (!empty($port_row['reservation_comment'])) {
                        $port_description .= '  --  ' . $port_row['reservation_comment'];
                    $ret[$port_row['id']] = $port_description;
            $rows_by_pn = array();
        $prev_object_id = $row['object_id'];
        if ($row) {
            $rows_by_pn[$row['name']][] = $row;
        } else {
    return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function usePreparedInsertBlade($tablename, $columns)
    global $dbxlink;
    $query = "INSERT INTO {$tablename} (" . implode(', ', array_keys($columns));
    $query .= ') VALUES (' . questionMarks(count($columns)) . ')';
    // Now the query should be as follows:
    // INSERT INTO table (c1, c2, c3) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    try {
        $prepared = $dbxlink->prepare($query);
        return $prepared->rowCount();
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        throw convertPDOException($e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function linkmgmt_findSparePorts($port_info, $filter, $linktype, $multilink = false, $objectsonly = false, $byname = false, $portcompat = true, $src_object_id = NULL)
    		$linktable ports that will be returned if not linked in this table
    		$linkinfotable display link for info only show backend links if you want front link a port
    		front: select ports no front connection and port compat, filter, ...
    if ($linktype == 'back') {
        $linktable = 'LinkBackend';
        $linkinfotable = 'Link';
    } else {
        $linktable = 'Link';
        $linkinfotable = 'LinkBackend';
    $qparams = array();
    $whereparams = array();
    // all ports with no link
    /* port:object -> linked port:object */
    $query = 'SELECT';
    $join = "";
    $where = " WHERE";
    $group = "";
    $order = " ORDER BY";
    if ($objectsonly) {
        $query .= " remotePort.object_id, CONCAT(IFNULL(remoteObject.name, CONCAT('[',remoteObjectDictionary.dict_value,']')), ' (', count(remotePort.id), ')') as name";
        $group .= " GROUP by remoteObject.id";
    } else {
        if ($byname) {
            if ($linktype == 'back') {
                $arrow = '=?=>';
            } else {
                $arrow = '-?->';
            $query .= ' CONCAT(localPort.id, "_", remotePort.id),
				 CONCAT(IFNULL(localObject.name, CONCAT("[",localObjectDictionary.dict_value,"]")), " : ", localPort.Name, " ' . $arrow . '", remotePort.name, " : ", IFNULL(remoteObject.name,CONCAT("[",remoteObjectDictionary.dict_value,"]")))';
        } else {
            if ($linktype == 'front') {
                $arrow = '==';
            } else {
                $arrow = '--';
            $query .= " remotePort.id, CONCAT(IFNULL(remoteObject.name, CONCAT('[',remoteObjectDictionary.dict_value,']')), ' : ', remotePort.name,\n\t\t\t\tIFNULL(CONCAT(' {$arrow} ', IFNULL(IFNULL(infolnk_a.cable,infolnk_b.cable),''), ' {$arrow}> ', InfoPort.name, ' : ', IFNULL(InfoObject.name,CONCAT('[',InfoObjectDictionary.dict_value,']'))),'') ) as Text";
    $query .= " FROM Port as remotePort";
    $join .= " LEFT JOIN Object as remoteObject on remotePort.object_id = remoteObject.id";
    $order .= " remoteObject.name";
    /* object type name */
    $join .= " LEFT JOIN Dictionary as remoteObjectDictionary on (remoteObjectDictionary.chapter_id = 1 AND remoteObject.objtype_id = remoteObjectDictionary.dict_key)";
    if ($byname) {
        /* by name */
        $join .= " JOIN Port as localPort on remotePort.name = localPort.name";
        $where .= " remotePort.object_id <> ? AND localPort.object_id = ?";
        $whereparams[] = $src_object_id;
        $whereparams[] = $src_object_id;
        /* own port not linked */
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linktable} as localLink_a on localPort.id = localLink_a.porta";
        $where .= " AND localLink_a.porta is NULL";
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linktable} as localLink_b on localPort.id = localLink_b.portb";
        $where .= " AND localLink_b.portb is NULL";
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN Object as localObject on localObject.id = localPort.object_id";
        /* object type name */
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN Dictionary as localObjectDictionary on (localObject.objtype_id = localObjectDictionary.dict_key  AND localObjectDictionary.chapter_id = 1)";
    } else {
        /* exclude current port */
        $where .= " remotePort.id <> ?";
        $whereparams[] = $port_info['id'];
        $order .= " ,remotePort.name";
        /* add info to remoteport */
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linkinfotable} as infolnk_a on remotePort.id = infolnk_a.porta";
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linkinfotable} as infolnk_b on remotePort.id = infolnk_b.portb";
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN Port as InfoPort on InfoPort.id = IFNULL(infolnk_a.portb, infolnk_b.porta)";
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN Object as InfoObject on InfoObject.id = InfoPort.object_id";
        /* object type name */
        $join .= " LEFT JOIN Dictionary as InfoObjectDictionary on (InfoObject.objtype_id = InfoObjectDictionary.dict_key  AND InfoObjectDictionary.chapter_id = 1)";
    /* only ports which are not linked already */
    $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linktable} as lnk_a on remotePort.id = lnk_a.porta";
    $where .= " AND lnk_a.porta is NULL";
    $join .= " LEFT JOIN {$linktable} as lnk_b on remotePort.id = lnk_b.portb";
    $where .= " AND lnk_b.portb is NULL";
    if ($portcompat) {
        /* port compat */
        $join .= ' INNER JOIN PortInnerInterface pii ON remotePort.iif_id = pii.id
			INNER JOIN PortOuterInterface poi ON remotePort.type = poi.id';
        // porttype filter (non-strict match)
        $join .= ' INNER JOIN (
			SELECT Port.id FROM Port
				SELECT DISTINCT pic2.iif_id
					FROM PortInterfaceCompat pic2
					INNER JOIN PortCompat pc ON pc.type2 = pic2.oif_id';
        if ($port_info['iif_id'] != 1) {
            $join .= " INNER JOIN PortInterfaceCompat pic ON pic.oif_id = pc.type1 WHERE pic.iif_id = ?";
            $qparams[] = $port_info['iif_id'];
        } else {
            $join .= " WHERE pc.type1 = ?";
            $qparams[] = $port_info['oif_id'];
        $join .= " AND pic2.iif_id <> 1\n\t\t\t ) AS sub1 USING (iif_id)\n\t\t\tUNION\n\t\t\tSELECT Port.id\n\t\t\tFROM Port\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN PortCompat ON type1 = type\n\t\t\tWHERE iif_id = 1 and type2 = ?\n\t\t\t) AS sub2 ON sub2.id = remotePort.id";
        $qparams[] = $port_info['oif_id'];
    $qparams = array_merge($qparams, $whereparams);
    // rack filter
    if (!empty($filter['racks'])) {
        $where .= ' AND remotePort.object_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT object_id FROM RackSpace WHERE rack_id IN (' . questionMarks(count($filter['racks'])) . ')) ';
        $qparams = array_merge($qparams, $filter['racks']);
    // object_id filter
    if (!empty($filter['object_id'])) {
        $where .= ' AND remoteObject.id = ?';
        $qparams[] = $filter['object_id'];
    } else {
        // objectname filter
        if (!empty($filter['objects'])) {
            $where .= ' AND remoteObject.name like ? ';
            $qparams[] = '%' . $filter['objects'] . '%';
    // portname filter
    if (!empty($filter['ports'])) {
        $where .= ' AND remotePort.name LIKE ? ';
        $qparams[] = '%' . $filter['ports'] . '%';
    $query .= $join . $where . $group . $order;
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($query, $qparams);
    $row = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP | PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE | PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
    /* [id] => displaystring */
    return $row;