 * Get the last update price.
 * Has a cache.
 * @param string $format DateTime format.
 * @return string Formatted date.
function last_price_date($format = 'd/m/Y H:i')
    static $lastdate = null;
    if ($lastdate === null) {
        $lastdate = query_value("SELECT MAX(price_date) AS lastdate FROM {$GLOBALS[T]('price')}", 'lastdate');
    $d = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $lastdate);
    return $d->format($format);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 if (is_command($text, '/start')) {
     // Exists?
     $exists = query_row(sprintf("SELECT 1 FROM {$T('spotter')} " . "WHERE spotter_chat_ID = %d", $update['message']['chat']['id']));
     // Insert if not exists
     $exists || insert_row('spotter', [new DBCol('spotter_chat_id', $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'd'), new DBCol('spotter_datetime', 'NOW()', '-')]);
     apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => "Benvenuto sul bot di <b>Spotted Unito</b>\n\n" . "Con questo bot, potrai inviare i tuoi appelli o confessioni anonimamente, a tutti coloro che seguono questo bot.\n" . "Per inviare uno spot, non ti resta altro che scrivere (indifferente se maiuscolo o minuscolo) <code>spotted messaggio</code>, dove al posto di <code>messaggio</code> dovrete scrivere" . " il testo desiderato. (Es. <code>spotted Un saluto a tutti!</code>)\n\nNB: attualmente non sono supportate le emoticon", 'parse_mode' => "HTML", 'disable_web_page_preview' => true]);
     apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => "Un messaggio di conferma apparirà successivamente. Da quel momento, il messaggio, appena " . "i moderatori avranno verificato che non contenga parole inappropriate (bestemmie, minacce, offese, ecc...), verrà pubblicato." . "\n\nIn caso di necessità, premere su /help , oppure inviare un messaggio con <code>/help messaggio</code>.", 'parse_mode' => "HTML", 'disable_web_page_preview' => true]);
 } elseif (stripos($text, 'spotted') === 0) {
     $spotted = ltrim(str_ireplace('spotted', '', $text));
     if (strlen($spotted) === 0) {
         apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => _("Il comando <code>spotted</code> è esatto. Tuttavia, per inviare uno spot, deve essere seguito da un messaggio.\n" . "Es. Spotted Chi da l'esame al posto mio domani?"), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
     } else {
         $spotted = str_truncate($spotted, 1000, '...');
         insert_row('spotted', [new DBCol('spotted_datetime', 'NOW()', '-'), new DBCol('spotted_message', $spotted, 's'), new DBCol('spotted_chat_id', $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'd'), new DBCol('spotted_approved', 0, '-')]);
         refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], $spotted, $first_name, $last_name, $username);
         $spotters = query_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$T('spotter')}", 'count');
         apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => sprintf(_("Il messaggio\n<code>" . $spotted . "</code>\ne' stato acquisito ed ora è in coda di moderazione per esser mandato a <b>%d</b> persone.\n"), $spotters), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
 } elseif (is_command($text, 'Pubblica')) {
     $spotted_ID = (int) trim(str_replace('Pubblica', '', $text));
     if ($spotted_ID) {
         query(sprintf("UPDATE {$T('spotted')} " . "SET " . "spotted_approved = 1 " . "WHERE " . "spotted_ID = %d", $spotted_ID));
         $spotters = query_results("SELECT spotter_ID FROM {$T('spotter')}", 'Spotter');
         $fifo_rows = [];
         foreach ($spotters as $spotter) {
             $fifo_rows[] = [$spotted_ID, $spotter->spotter_ID];
         insert_values('fifo', ['spotted_ID' => 'd', 'spotter_ID' => 'd'], $fifo_rows);
     refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], "Messaggio pubblicato");
 } elseif (is_command($text, 'Elimina')) {
		<h1 class="hide-on-small-only"><?php 
echo HTML::a(URL, SITE_NAME, SITE_DESCRIPTION, 'orange-text');
		<h5 class="hide-on-med-and-up"><?php 
echo HTML::a(URL, SITE_NAME, SITE_DESCRIPTION, 'orange-text');
_e("È necessario abilitare JavaScript. Tranquillo, viene utilizzato escusivamente software libero.");
printf(_("Confronta velocemente i prezzi fra %s stazioni di rifornimento."), HTML::tag('b', query_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$T('station')}", 'count'), HTML::property('class', 'station-counter')));
		<p class="last-update"><?php 
printf(_("Ultimo aggiornamento: %s."), "<time datetime=\"{$last_price_rfc3339}\">{$last_price_text}</time>");
		<div class="divider"></div>
		<div class="section">
			<a class="btn blue waves-effect waves-white" href="<?php 
echo URL;
/about.php" title="<?php 
_esc_attr(_("Maggiori informazioni"));
// And now a lot of example doing the same thing in multiple way.
 * First require your configuration file to start the framework. That's it!
 * Note: the page obviusly dies here if you have not configured you database access.
require 'load.php';
// You can use `query` for a pure standard `mysqli` result.
$results = query('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
while ($row = $results->fetch_object()) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_results` for an array of objects
$results = query_results('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
foreach ($results as $result) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_result` for an object with only the first row
$row = query_row('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_value` for only a single field from a single row:
$miao = query_value('SELECT NOW() AS miao', 'miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $miao);
 * Note that the last parameter of `query_results`, `query_row`, and `query_value`
 * can be a custom class name. To to something as this:
 * @see MyClass.php
require 'MyClass.php';
$row = query_row('SELECT NOW() AS miao', 'MyClass');
printf("The database says that now it's the year <b>%d</b> and the day is <b>%d</b>! " . "Time: %s. That is a clean PHP DateTime object retrieved with one line query!", $row->miao->format('Y'), $row->miao->format('d'), $row->miao->format('H:i'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
function zayav_spisok($v)
    $filter = zayavFilter($v);
    $filter = _filterJs('ZAYAV', $filter);
    define('ZAYAV_PAGE1', $filter['page'] == 1);
    $page = $filter['page'];
    $limit = $filter['limit'];
    $cond = "`ws_id`=" . WS_ID . " AND !`deleted`";
    $nomer = 0;
    if ($filter['find']) {
        $engRus = _engRusChar($filter['find']);
        $cond .= " AND (`find` LIKE '%" . $filter['find'] . "%'" . ($engRus ? " OR `find` LIKE '%" . $engRus . "%'" : '') . ")";
        $reg = '/(' . $filter['find'] . ')/i';
        if ($engRus) {
            $regEngRus = '/(' . $engRus . ')/i';
        if (ZAYAV_PAGE1 && _num($filter['find'])) {
            $nomer = intval($filter['find']);
    } else {
        if ($filter['client_id']) {
            $cond .= " AND `client_id`=" . $filter['client_id'];
        if ($filter['status']) {
            $cond .= " AND `status`=" . $filter['status'];
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `zayav` WHERE " . $cond;
    $all = query_value($sql);
    $zayav = array();
    if ($nomer) {
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `zayav` WHERE `ws_id`=" . WS_ID . " AND `nomer`=" . $nomer;
        if ($r = query_assoc($sql)) {
            $r['nomer_find'] = 1;
            $zayav[$r['id']] = $r;
    if (!$all) {
        return array('all' => 0, 'result' => 'Заявок не найдено' . $filter['clear'], 'spisok' => $filter['js'] . '<div class="_empty">Заявок не найдено</div>', 'filter' => $filter);
    $send = array('all' => $all, 'result' => 'Показан' . _end($all, 'а', 'о') . ' ' . $all . ' заяв' . _end($all, 'ка', 'ки', 'ок') . $filter['clear'], 'spisok' => $filter['js'], 'filter' => $filter);
    $sql = "SELECT\n\t            *,\n\t            '' `note`\n\t\t\tFROM `zayav`\n\t\t\tWHERE " . $cond . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY `" . ($filter['sort'] == 2 ? 'status_dtime' : 'dtime_add') . "` " . ($filter['desc'] ? 'ASC' : 'DESC') . "\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . _startLimit($filter);
    $q = query($sql);
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
        if ($nomer == $r['nomer']) {
        $zayav[$r['id']] = $r;
    if (!$filter['client_id']) {
        $zayav = _clientValToList($zayav);
    $sql = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\t`table_id`,\n\t\t\t\t`txt`\n\t\t\tFROM `vk_comment`\n\t\t\tWHERE `table_name`='zayav'\n\t\t\t  AND `table_id` IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($zayav)) . ")\n\t\t\t  AND `status`\n\t\t\tORDER BY `id` ASC";
    $q = query($sql);
    while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
        $zayav[$r['table_id']]['note'] = $r['txt'];
    foreach ($zayav as $id => $r) {
        $diff = round($r['accrual_sum'] - $r['income_sum'], 2);
        $send['spisok'] .= '<div class="zayav_unit" id="u' . $id . '"' . _zayavStatus($r['status'], 'bg') . '" val="' . $id . '">' . '<h2' . (isset($r['nomer_find']) ? ' class="finded"' : '') . '>#' . $r['nomer'] . '</h2>' . '<a class="name">' . $r['name'] . '</a>' . '<table class="utab">' . (!$filter['client_id'] ? '<tr><td class="label">Клиент:<td>' . $r['client_go'] : '') . '<tr><td class="label">Дата подачи:' . '<td>' . FullData($r['dtime_add'], 1) . ($r['status'] == 2 ? '<b class="date-ready' . _tooltip('Дата выполнения', -47) . FullData($r['status_dtime'], 1, 1) . '</b>' : '') . (round($r['accrual_sum'], 2) || round($r['income_sum'], 2) ? '<div class="balans' . ($diff ? ' diff' : '') . '">' . '<span class="acc' . _tooltip('Начислено', -39) . round($r['accrual_sum'], 2) . '</span>/' . '<span class="opl' . _tooltip($diff ? ($diff > 0 ? 'Недо' : 'Пере') . 'плата ' . abs($diff) . ' руб.' : 'Оплачено', -17, 'l') . round($r['income_sum'], 2) . '</span>' . '</div>' : '') . '</table>' . '<div class="note">' . @$r['note'] . '</div>' . '</div>';
    $send['spisok'] .= _next($filter + array('type' => 2, 'all' => $all));
    return $send;