public function get($id) { return queryOne(' select * from ' . self::$TABELA_PESSOA . ' where id=?', array($id)); }
protected function onValidate() { if ($this->ac == "set") { if (issetval("status")) { $status = $_POST["status"]; if ($status == "RE" || $status == "CA") { $oldStatus = queryOne("SELECT status FROM Ordr WHERE id={$this->id}"); if ($oldStatus != "CR") { throw new MyException(E_FORBIDDEN, "forbidden to change status to {$status}"); } $this->onAfterActions[] = function () use($status) { $orderId = $this->id; $empId = $_SESSION["empId"]; $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO OrderLog (orderId, action, tm, empId) VALUES ({$orderId},'{$status}','%s', {$empId})", date(FMT_DT)); execOne($sql); }; } else { throw new MyException(E_FORBIDDEN, "forbidden to change status to {$_POST['status']}"); } } } }
/** @fn tableCRUD($ac, $tbl, $asAdmin?=false) 对象型接口的入口。 也可直接被调用,常与setParam一起使用, 提供一些定制的操作。 @param $asAdmin 默认根据用户身份自动选择"AC_"类; 如果为true, 则以超级管理员身份调用,即使用"AC0_"类。 设置$asAdmin=true好处是对于超级管理员权限来说,即使未定义"AC0_"类,默认也可以访问所有内容。 假如有Rating(订单评价)对象,不想通过对象型接口来查询,而是通过函数型接口来定制输出,接口设计为: queryRating(storeId, cond?) -> tbl(id, score, dscr, tm, orderDscr) 查询店铺storeId的订单评价。 应用逻辑: - 按时间tm倒排序 底层利用tableCRUD实现它,这样便于保留分页、参数cond/gres等特性: function api_queryRating() { $storeId = mparam("storeId"); // 定死输出内容。 setParam("res", "id, score, dscr, tm, orderDscr"); // 相当于AccessControl框架中调用 addCond,用Obj.query接口的内部参数cond2以保证用户还可以使用cond参数。 setParam("cond2", ["o.storeId=$storeId"]); // 定死排序条件 setParam("orderby", "tm DESC"); $ret = tableCRUD("query", "Rating", true); return $ret; } 注意: - 以上示例中的设计不可取,应使用标准对象接口来实现这个需求。 @see setParam */ function tableCRUD($ac1, $tbl, $asAdmin = false) { $accessCtl = AccessControl::create($tbl, $asAdmin); $accessCtl->before($ac1); $tbl = $accessCtl->getTable(); $ignoreAfter = false; if ($ac1 == "add") { $keys = ''; $values = ''; # var_dump($_POST); $id = $accessCtl->genId(); if ($id != 0) { $keys = "id"; $values = (string) $id; } foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $k = htmlEscape($k); if ($k === "id") { continue; } // ignore non-field param if (substr($k, 0, 2) === "p_") { continue; } if ($v === "") { continue; } # TODO: check meta if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $k)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad key {$k}"); } if ($keys !== '') { $keys .= ", "; $values .= ", "; } $keys .= $k; $values .= Q(htmlEscape($v)); } if (strlen($keys) == 0) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "no field found to be added"); } $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)", $tbl, $keys, $values); # var_dump($sql); $id = execOne($sql, true); $res = param("res"); if (isset($res)) { setParam("id", $id); $ret = tableCRUD("get", $tbl); } else { $ret = $id; } } elseif ($ac1 == "set") { $id = mparam("id", $_GET); $kv = ""; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $k = htmlEscape($k); if ($k === 'id') { continue; } // ignore non-field param if (substr($k, 0, 2) === "p_") { continue; } # TODO: check meta if (!preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $k)) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad key {$k}"); } if ($kv !== '') { $kv .= ", "; } // 空串或null置空;empty设置空字符串 if ($v === "" || $v === "null") { $kv .= "{$k}=null"; } else { if ($v === "empty") { $kv .= "{$k}=''"; } else { if (startsWith($k, "flag_") || startsWith($k, "prop_")) { $kv .= flag_getExpForSet($k, $v); } else { $kv .= "{$k}=" . Q(htmlEscape($v)); } } } } if (strlen($kv) == 0) { addLog("no field found to be set"); } else { $sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE id=%d", $tbl, $kv, $id); $cnt = execOne($sql); } $ret = "OK"; } elseif ($ac1 === "get" || $ac1 === "query") { $forGet = $ac1 === "get"; $wantArray = param("wantArray/b"); $sqlConf = $accessCtl->sqlConf; $enablePaging = true; if ($forGet || $wantArray) { $enablePaging = false; } if ($forGet) { $id = mparam("id"); array_unshift($sqlConf["cond"], "{$id}"); } else { $pagesz = param("_pagesz/i"); $pagekey = param("_pagekey/i"); // support jquery-easyui if (!isset($pagesz) && !isset($pagekey)) { $pagesz = param("rows/i"); $pagekey = param("page/i"); if (isset($pagekey)) { $enableTotalCnt = true; $enablePartialQuery = false; } } if ($pagesz == 0) { $pagesz = 20; } $maxPageSz = min($accessCtl->getMaxPageSz(), PAGE_SZ_LIMIT); if ($pagesz < 0 || $pagesz > $maxPageSz) { $pagesz = $maxPageSz; } if (isset($sqlConf["gres"])) { $enablePartialQuery = false; } } $orderSql = $sqlConf["orderby"]; // setup cond for partialQuery if ($enablePaging) { if ($orderSql == null) { $orderSql = $accessCtl->getDefaultSort(); } if (!isset($enableTotalCnt)) { $enableTotalCnt = false; if ($pagekey === 0) { $enableTotalCnt = true; } } // 如果未指定orderby或只用了id(以后可放宽到唯一性字段), 则可以用partialQuery机制(性能更好更精准), _pagekey表示该字段的最后值;否则_pagekey表示下一页页码。 if (!isset($enablePartialQuery)) { $enablePartialQuery = false; if (preg_match('/^(t0\\.)?id\\b/', $orderSql)) { $enablePartialQuery = true; if ($pagekey) { if (preg_match('/\\bid DESC/i', $orderSql)) { $partialQueryCond = "<{$pagekey}"; } else { $partialQueryCond = ">{$pagekey}"; } // setup res for partialQuery if ($partialQueryCond) { // if (isset($sqlConf["res"][0]) && !preg_match('/\bid\b/',$sqlConf["res"][0])) { // array_unshift($sqlConf["res"], ""); // } array_unshift($sqlConf["cond"], $partialQueryCond); } } } } if (!$pagekey) { $pagekey = 1; } } if (!isset($sqlConf["res"][0])) { $sqlConf["res"][0] = "t0.*"; } else { if ($sqlConf["res"][0] === "") { array_shift($sqlConf["res"]); } } $resSql = join(",", $sqlConf["res"]); if ($resSql == "") { $resSql = ""; } if (@$sqlConf["distinct"]) { $resSql = "DISTINCT {$resSql}"; } $tblSql = "{$tbl} t0"; if (count($sqlConf["join"]) > 0) { $tblSql .= "\n" . join("\n", $sqlConf["join"]); } $condSql = ""; foreach ($sqlConf["cond"] as $cond) { if ($cond == null) { continue; } if (strlen($condSql) > 0) { $condSql .= " AND "; } if (stripos($cond, " and ") !== false || stripos($cond, " or ") !== false) { $condSql .= "({$cond})"; } else { $condSql .= $cond; } } /* foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) { # skip sys param which generally starts with "_" if (substr($k, 0, 1) === "_") continue; # TODO: check meta if (! preg_match('/^\w+$/', $k)) throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "bad key $k"); if ($condSql !== '') { $condSql .= " AND "; } $condSql .= KVtoCond($k, $v); } */ $sql = "SELECT {$resSql} FROM {$tblSql}"; if ($condSql) { flag_handleCond($condSql); $sql .= "\nWHERE {$condSql}"; } if (isset($sqlConf["union"])) { $sql .= "\nUNION\n" . $sqlConf["union"]; } if ($sqlConf["gres"]) { $sql .= "\nGROUP BY {$sqlConf['gres']}"; } if ($orderSql) { $sql .= "\nORDER BY " . $orderSql; } if ($enablePaging) { if ($enableTotalCnt) { $cntSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tblSql}"; if ($condSql) { $cntSql .= "\nWHERE {$condSql}"; } $totalCnt = queryOne($cntSql); } if ($enablePartialQuery) { $sql .= "\nLIMIT " . $pagesz; } else { $sql .= "\nLIMIT " . ($pagekey - 1) * $pagesz . "," . $pagesz; } } else { if ($pagesz) { $sql .= "\nLIMIT " . $pagesz; } } if ($forGet) { $ret = queryOne($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($ret === false) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "not found `{$tbl}.id`=`{$id}`"); } handleSubObj($sqlConf["subobj"], $id, $ret); } else { $ret = queryAll($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($ret === false) { $ret = []; } if ($wantArray) { foreach ($ret as &$mainObj) { $id1 = $mainObj["id"]; handleSubObj($sqlConf["subobj"], $id1, $mainObj); } } else { // Note: colCnt may be changed in after(). $fixedColCnt = count($ret) == 0 ? 0 : count($ret[0]); $accessCtl->after($ret); $ignoreAfter = true; if ($enablePaging && $pagesz == count($ret)) { // 还有下一页数据, 添加nextkey if ($enablePartialQuery) { $nextkey = $ret[count($ret) - 1]["id"]; } else { $nextkey = $pagekey + 1; } } $ret = objarr2table($ret, $fixedColCnt); if (isset($nextkey)) { $ret["nextkey"] = $nextkey; } if (isset($totalCnt)) { $ret["total"] = $totalCnt; } handleFormat($ret, $tbl); } } } elseif ($ac1 == "del") { $id = mparam("id"); $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id=%d", $tbl, $id); $cnt = execOne($sql); if ($cnt != 1) { throw new MyException(E_PARAM, "not found id={$id}"); } $ret = "OK"; } if (!$ignoreAfter) { $accessCtl->after($ret); } return $ret; }
function api_att() { // overwritten the default header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=99999999"); //header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Pragma: "); // session_start() set this one to "no-cache" #checkAuth(AUTH_USER | AUTH_EMP); #$uid = $_SESSION["uid"]; $id = param("id"); $thumbId = param("thumbId"); if ((is_null($id) || $id <= 0) && (is_null($thumbId) || $thumbId <= 0)) { header(HTTP_NOT_FOUND); exit; } // setup cache via etag. $etag = null; if (is_null($thumbId)) { $etag = "att-{$id}"; } else { $etag = "att-t{$thumbId}"; } @($etag1 = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']); if ($etag1 == $etag) { header("Etag: {$etag}", true, 304); exit; } if ($id !== null) { $sql = "SELECT path FROM Attachment WHERE id={$id}"; } else { # a1: original, a2: thumb $sql = "SELECT a1.path FROM Attachment a1 INNER JOIN Attachment a2 ON WHERE{$thumbId}"; } $file = queryOne($sql); if ($file === false) { header(HTTP_NOT_FOUND); exit; } if (preg_match('/http:/', $file)) { header('Location: ' . $file); throw new DirectReturn(); } chdir($GLOBALS["BASE_DIR"]); if (!is_file($file)) { header(HTTP_NOT_FOUND); exit; } # 对指定mime的直接返回,否则使用重定向。 # TODO: 使用 apache x-sendfile module 解决性能和安全性问题。 $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); global $ALLOWED_MIME; //$mimeType = $ALLOWED_MIME[$ext] ?: 'application/octet-stream'; $mimeType = $ALLOWED_MIME[$ext]; if (@$mimeType) { header("Content-Type: {$mimeType}"); header("Etag: {$etag}"); #header("Expires: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 08:52:00 GMT"); #header("Content-length: " . filesize($file)); #header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file)); readfile($file); } else { $baseUrl = getBaseUrl(false); $url = $baseUrl . $file; header('Location: ' . $url); } throw new DirectReturn(); }