Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Generates HTML for like button / icon
  * @param string $type type of output to generate. It's passed to QodeLike::likePost method
  * @return string generated HTML
  * @see QodeLike::likePost()
 public function generateLikeHTML($type = '')
     global $post;
     $output = $this->likePost($post->ID, 'get', $type);
     $class = 'qode-like';
     $title = __('Like this', 'qode');
     if (isset($_COOKIE['qode-like_' . $post->ID])) {
         $class = 'qode-like liked';
         $title = __('You already like this!', 'qode');
     return '<a ' . qode_get_inline_attr($type, 'data-type') . ' href="#" class="' . esc_attr($class) . '" id="qode-like-' . esc_attr($post->ID) . '" title="' . esc_attr($title) . '">' . $output . '</a>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function icon_text($atts, $content = null)
     global $qodeIconCollections;
     $default_atts = array("icon_size" => "", "use_custom_icon_size" => "", "custom_icon_size" => "", "custom_icon_size_inner" => "", "custom_icon_margin" => "", "icon_animation" => "", "icon_animation_delay" => "", "image" => "", "icon_type" => "", "icon_position" => "", "icon_border_color" => "", "icon_margin" => "", "icon_color" => "", "icon_hover_color" => "", "icon_background_color" => "", "icon_hover_background_color" => "", "box_type" => "", "box_border_color" => "", "box_background_color" => "", "title" => "", "title_tag" => "h5", "title_color" => "", "title_font_weight" => "", "text" => "", "text_color" => "", "link" => "", "link_text" => "", "link_color" => "", "link_icon" => "", "target" => "");
     $default_atts = array_merge($default_atts, $qodeIconCollections->getShortcodeParams());
     extract(shortcode_atts($default_atts, $atts));
     $headings_array = array('h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6');
     //get correct heading value. If provided heading isn't valid get the default one
     $title_tag = in_array($title_tag, $headings_array) ? $title_tag : $args['title_tag'];
     //init icon styles
     $style = '';
     $icon_stack_classes = '';
     //init icon stack styles
     $icon_margin_style = '';
     $icon_stack_square_style = '';
     $icon_stack_base_style = '';
     $icon_stack_style = '';
     $img_styles = '';
     $animation_delay_style = '';
     $icon_text_holder_styles = '';
     //generate inline icon styles
     if ($use_custom_icon_size == "yes") {
         if ($custom_icon_size != "") {
             //remove px if user has entered it
             $custom_icon_size = strstr($custom_icon_size, 'px', true) ? strstr($custom_icon_size, 'px', true) : $custom_icon_size;
             $icon_stack_style .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_icon_size . 'px;';
         if ($custom_icon_margin != "") {
             //remove px if user has entered it
             $custom_icon_margin = strstr($custom_icon_margin, 'px', true) ? strstr($custom_icon_margin, 'px', true) : $custom_icon_margin;
             $custom_icon_margin = $custom_icon_size + $custom_icon_margin;
             if ($icon_position !== 'right') {
                 $icon_text_holder_styles .= 'padding-left:' . $custom_icon_margin . 'px;';
             } else {
                 $icon_text_holder_styles .= 'padding-right:' . $custom_icon_margin . 'px;';
         if ($custom_icon_size_inner != '' && in_array($icon_type, array('circle', 'square'))) {
             $style .= 'font-size: ' . $custom_icon_size_inner . 'px;';
     if ($icon_color != "") {
         $style .= 'color: ' . $icon_color . ';';
     //generate icon stack styles
     if ($icon_background_color != "") {
         $icon_stack_base_style .= 'background-color: ' . $icon_background_color . ';';
         $icon_stack_square_style .= 'background-color: ' . $icon_background_color . ';';
     if ($icon_border_color != "") {
         $icon_stack_style .= 'border-color: ' . $icon_border_color . ';';
     if ($icon_margin != "" && ($icon_position == "" || $icon_position == "top")) {
         $icon_margin_style .= "margin: " . $icon_margin . ";";
         $img_styles .= "margin: " . $icon_margin . ";";
     if ($icon_animation_delay != "") {
         $animation_delay_style .= 'transition-delay: ' . $icon_animation_delay . 'ms; -webkit-transition-delay: ' . $icon_animation_delay . 'ms; -moz-transition-delay: ' . $icon_animation_delay . 'ms; -o-transition-delay: ' . $icon_animation_delay . 'ms;';
     $box_size = '';
     //generate icon text holder styles and classes
     //map value of the field to the actual class value
     switch ($icon_size) {
         case 'large':
             //smallest icon size
             $box_size = 'tiny';
         case 'fa-2x':
             $box_size = 'small';
         case 'fa-3x':
             $box_size = 'medium';
         case 'fa-4x':
             $box_size = 'large';
         case 'fa-5x':
             $box_size = 'very_large';
             $box_size = 'tiny';
     if ($image != "") {
         $icon_type = 'image';
     $box_icon_type = '';
     switch ($icon_type) {
         case 'normal':
             $box_icon_type = 'normal_icon';
         case 'square':
             $box_icon_type = 'square';
         case 'circle':
             $box_icon_type = 'circle';
         case 'image':
             if ($box_type == 'normal') {
                 $box_icon_type = 'custom_icon_image';
             } else {
                 $box_icon_type = 'image';
     /* Generate text styles */
     $title_style = "";
     if ($title_color != "") {
         $title_style .= "color: " . $title_color . ";";
     if ($title_font_weight !== "") {
         $title_style .= "font-weight: " . $title_font_weight . ";";
     $text_style = "";
     if ($text_color != "") {
         $text_style .= "color: " . $text_color;
     $link_style = "";
     if ($link_color != "") {
         $link_style .= "color: " . $link_color . ";";
     $html = "";
     $html_icon = "";
     if ($link_icon == 'yes' && $link !== '') {
         $html_icon .= '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '" class="q_icon_link">';
     //have to set default because of already created shortcodes
     $icon_pack = $icon_pack == '' ? 'font_awesome' : $icon_pack;
     if ($image == "") {
         //genererate icon html
         switch ($icon_type) {
             case 'circle':
                 $html_icon .= '<span ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_type, 'data-icon-type') . ' ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_hover_color, 'data-icon-hover-color') . ' ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_hover_background_color, 'data-icon-hover-bg-color') . ' class="qode_iwt_icon_holder fa-stack ' . $icon_size . ' ' . $icon_stack_classes . '" style="' . $icon_stack_style . $icon_stack_base_style . '">';
                 $html_icon .= $qodeIconCollections->getIconHTML(${$qodeIconCollections->getIconCollectionParamNameByKey($icon_pack)}, $icon_pack, array('icon_attributes' => array('style' => $style, 'class' => 'qode_iwt_icon_element')));
                 $html_icon .= '</span>';
             case 'square':
                 $html_icon .= '<span ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_type, 'data-icon-type') . '  ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_hover_color, 'data-icon-hover-color') . ' ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_hover_background_color, 'data-icon-hover-bg-color') . ' class="qode_iwt_icon_holder fa-stack ' . $icon_size . ' ' . $icon_stack_classes . '" style="' . $icon_stack_style . $icon_stack_square_style . '">';
                 $html_icon .= $qodeIconCollections->getIconHTML(${$qodeIconCollections->getIconCollectionParamNameByKey($icon_pack)}, $icon_pack, array('icon_attributes' => array('style' => $style, 'class' => 'qode_iwt_icon_element')));
                 $html_icon .= '</span>';
                 $html_icon .= '<span ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_type, 'data-icon-type') . '  ' . qode_get_inline_attr($icon_hover_color, 'data-icon-hover-color') . ' style="' . $icon_stack_style . '" class="qode_iwt_icon_holder q_font_awsome_icon ' . $icon_size . ' ' . $icon_stack_classes . '">';
                 $html_icon .= $qodeIconCollections->getIconHTML(${$qodeIconCollections->getIconCollectionParamNameByKey($icon_pack)}, $icon_pack, array('icon_attributes' => array('style' => $style, 'class' => 'qode_iwt_icon_element')));
                 $html_icon .= '</span>';
     } else {
         if (is_numeric($image)) {
             $image_src = wp_get_attachment_url($image);
         } else {
             $image_src = $image;
         $html_icon = '<img style="' . $img_styles . '" src="' . $image_src . '" alt="">';
     if ($link_icon == 'yes' && $link !== '') {
         $html_icon .= '</a>';
     //generate normal type of a box html
     if ($box_type == "normal") {
         //init icon text wrapper styles
         $icon_with_text_clasess = '';
         $icon_with_text_style = '';
         $icon_text_inner_style = '';
         $icon_with_text_clasess .= $box_size;
         $icon_with_text_clasess .= ' ' . $box_icon_type;
         if ($box_border_color != "") {
             $icon_text_inner_style .= 'border-color: ' . $box_border_color;
         if ($icon_position == "" || $icon_position == "top") {
             $icon_with_text_clasess .= " center";
         if ($icon_position == "left_from_title") {
             $icon_with_text_clasess .= " left_from_title";
         if ($icon_position == 'right') {
             $icon_with_text_clasess .= ' right';
         $html .= "<div class='q_icon_with_title " . $icon_with_text_clasess . "'>";
         if ($icon_position != "left_from_title") {
             //generate icon holder html part with icon
             $html .= '<div class="icon_holder ' . $icon_animation . '" style="' . $icon_margin_style . ' ' . $animation_delay_style . '">';
             $html .= $html_icon;
             $html .= '</div>';
             //close icon_holder
         //generate text html
         $html .= '<div class="icon_text_holder" style="' . $icon_text_holder_styles . '">';
         $html .= '<div class="icon_text_inner" style="' . $icon_text_inner_style . '">';
         if ($icon_position == "left_from_title") {
             $html .= '<div class="icon_title_holder">';
             //generate icon_title holder for icon from title
             //generate icon holder html part with icon
             $html .= '<div class="icon_holder ' . $icon_animation . '" style="' . $icon_margin_style . ' ' . $animation_delay_style . '">';
             $html .= $html_icon;
             $html .= '</div>';
             //close icon_holder
         $html .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="icon_title" style="' . $title_style . '">' . $title . '</' . $title_tag . '>';
         if ($icon_position == "left_from_title") {
             $html .= '</div>';
             //close icon_title holder for icon from title
         $html .= "<p style='" . $text_style . "'>" . $text . "</p>";
         if ($link != "") {
             if ($target == "") {
                 $target = "_self";
             if ($link_text == "") {
                 $link_text = "Read More";
             $html .= "<a class='icon_with_title_link' href='" . $link . "' target='" . $target . "' style='" . $link_style . "'>" . $link_text . "</a>";
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close icon_text_inner
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close icon_text_holder
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close icon_with_title
     } else {
         //init icon text wrapper styles
         $icon_with_text_clasess = '';
         $box_holder_styles = '';
         if ($box_border_color != "") {
             $box_holder_styles .= 'border-color: ' . $box_border_color . ';';
         if ($box_background_color != "") {
             $box_holder_styles .= 'background-color: ' . $box_background_color . ';';
         $icon_with_text_clasess .= $box_size;
         $icon_with_text_clasess .= ' ' . $box_icon_type;
         $html .= '<div class="q_box_holder with_icon" style="' . $box_holder_styles . '">';
         $html .= '<div class="box_holder_icon">';
         $html .= '<div class="box_holder_icon_inner ' . $icon_with_text_clasess . ' ' . $icon_animation . '" style="' . $animation_delay_style . '">';
         $html .= $html_icon;
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close box_holder_icon_inner
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close box_holder_icon
         //generate text html
         $html .= '<div class="box_holder_inner ' . $box_size . ' center">';
         $html .= '<' . $title_tag . ' class="icon_title" style="' . $title_style . '">' . $title . '</' . $title_tag . '>';
         $html .= '<span class="separator transparent" style="margin: 8px 0;"></span>';
         $html .= '<p style="' . $text_style . '">' . $text . '</p>';
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close box_holder_inner
         $html .= '</div>';
         //close box_holder
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Function that returns generated class attribute
  * @param $value string value of class attribute
  * @return string generated class attribute
  * @see qode_get_inline_attr()
 function qode_get_class_attribute($value)
     return qode_get_inline_attr($value, 'class');