function tt_do_post_request($data) { global $boardurl, $modSettings; $push_url = ''; if (!function_exists('updateSettings')) { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs.php'; } //Initial this key in modSettings if (!isset($modSettings['push_slug'])) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => 0)); } //Get push_slug from db $push_slug = isset($modSettings['push_slug']) ? $modSettings['push_slug'] : 0; $slug = base64_decode($push_slug); $slug = push_slug($slug, 'CHECK'); $check_res = unserialize($slug); //If it is valide(result = true) and it is not sticked, we try to send push if ($check_res['result'] && !$check_res['stick']) { //Slug is initialed or just be cleared if ($check_res['save']) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => base64_encode($slug))); } //Send push $push_resp = getPushContentFromRemoteServer($push_url, 0, $error, 'POST', $data); if (trim($push_resp) === 'Invalid push notification key') { $push_resp = 1; } if (!is_numeric($push_resp)) { //Sending push failed, try to update push_slug to db $slug = push_slug($slug, 'UPDATE'); $update_res = unserialize($slug); if ($update_res['result'] && $update_res['save']) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => base64_encode($slug))); } } } }
function tt_do_post_request($data) { global $boardurl, $modSettings; $push_url = ''; if (!function_exists('updateSettings')) { require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs.php'; } //Initial this key in modSettings if (!isset($modSettings['push_slug'])) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => 0)); } //Get push_slug from db $push_slug = isset($modSettings['push_slug']) ? $modSettings['push_slug'] : 0; $slug = base64_decode($push_slug); $slug = push_slug($slug, 'CHECK'); $check_res = unserialize($slug); //If it is valide(result = true) and it is not sticked, we try to send push if ($check_res['result'] && !$check_res['stick']) { //Slug is initialed or just be cleared if ($check_res['save']) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => base64_encode($slug))); } //add general information $data['url'] = $boardurl; if (isset($modSettings['tp_push_key']) && !empty($modSettings['tp_push_key'])) { $data['key'] = $modSettings['tp_push_key']; } $data['author_ip'] = getClientIp(); $data['author_ua'] = getClienUserAgent(); $data['author_type'] = getUserType(); $data['from_app'] = getIsFromApp(); //Send push if (!defined('IN_MOBIQUO')) { define('IN_MOBIQUO', true); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/classTTConnection.php'; $connection = new classTTConnection(); $push_resp = $connection->getContentFromSever($push_url, $data, 'POST'); if (trim($push_resp) === 'Invalid push notification key') { $push_resp = 1; } if (!is_numeric($push_resp)) { //Sending push failed, try to update push_slug to db $slug = push_slug($slug, 'UPDATE'); $update_res = unserialize($slug); if ($update_res['result'] && $update_res['save']) { updateSettings(array('push_slug' => base64_encode($slug))); } } } }
function tt_do_post_request($data, $is_test = false) { global $config, $phpbb_root_path, $cache; $push_url = ''; if (!isset($config['tapatalk_push_slug'])) { set_config('tapatalk_push_slug', 0); } //Get push_slug from db $push_slug = !empty($config['tapatalk_push_slug']) ? $config['tapatalk_push_slug'] : 0; $slug = $push_slug; $slug = push_slug($slug, 'CHECK'); $check_res = unserialize($slug); //If it is valide(result = true) and it is not sticked, we try to send push if ($check_res[2] && !$check_res[5]) { //Slug is initialed or just be cleared if ($check_res[8]) { set_config('tapatalk_push_slug', $slug); } if (!function_exists("getContentFromRemoteServer")) { if (!defined("IN_MOBIQUO")) { define('IN_MOBIQUO', true); } if (!isset($config['tapatalkdir'])) { $config['tapatalkdir'] = 'mobiquo'; } require_once $phpbb_root_path . $config['tapatalkdir'] . '/mobiquo_common.php'; } if (isset($data['ip']) || isset($data['test'])) { $hold_time = 10; } else { $hold_time = 0; } //Send push $error_msg = ''; $push_resp = getContentFromRemoteServer($push_url, $hold_time, $error_msg, 'POST', $data); if (trim($push_resp) === 'Invalid push notification key' && !$is_test) { $push_resp = 1; } if (!is_numeric($push_resp) && !$is_test) { //Sending push failed, try to update push_slug to db $slug = push_slug($slug, 'UPDATE'); $update_res = unserialize($slug); if ($update_res[2] && $update_res[8]) { set_config('tapatalk_push_slug', $slug); } } return $push_resp; } return 1; }
function tt_do_post_request($data, $is_test = false) { global $mybb; if (empty($data['data']) && !isset($data['ip']) && !isset($data['test'])) { return false; } if (!empty($mybb->settings['tapatalk_push_key'])) { $data['key'] = $mybb->settings['tapatalk_push_key']; } $push_url = ''; //Get push_slug from db $push_slug = !empty($mybb->settings['tapatalk_push_slug']) ? $mybb->settings['tapatalk_push_slug'] : 0; $slug = base64_decode($push_slug); $slug = push_slug($slug, 'CHECK'); $check_res = unserialize($slug); //If it is valide(result = true) and it is not sticked, we try to send push if ($check_res['result'] && !$check_res['stick']) { //Slug is initialed or just be cleared if ($check_res['save']) { tt_update_settings(array('name' => 'tapatalk_push_slug', 'value' => base64_encode($slug))); } if (!function_exists("getContentFromRemoteServer")) { define('IN_MOBIQUO', true); require_once MYBB_ROOT . $mybb->settings['tapatalk_directory'] . '/mobiquo_common.php'; } if (isset($data['ip']) || isset($data['test'])) { $hold_time = 10; } else { $hold_time = 0; } //Send push $error_msg = ''; $push_resp = getContentFromRemoteServer($push_url, $hold_time, $error_msg, 'POST', $data); if (trim($push_resp) === 'Invalid push notification key' && !$is_test) { $push_resp = 1; } if (!is_numeric($push_resp) && !$is_test) { //Sending push failed, try to update push_slug to db $slug = push_slug($slug, 'UPDATE'); $update_res = unserialize($slug); if ($update_res['result'] && $update_res['save']) { tt_update_settings(array('name' => 'tapatalk_push_slug', 'value' => base64_encode($slug))); } } return $push_resp; } else { return 'stick ' . $check_res['stick'] . ' | result ' . $check_res['result']; } }