function getTextWidth($text, $style) { return ps_stringwidth($this->ps, $text, $this->font, $style['font']) / $this->width; }
$text = sprintf("%.2f", ps_get_value($ps, "descender", $samplefont)); ps_show($ps, $text); for ($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i++) { ps_moveto($ps, $leftmargin + $i * $colwidth, $bottommargin); ps_lineto($ps, $leftmargin + $i * $colwidth, $bottommargin + 16 * $rowheight); ps_stroke($ps); } for ($j = 0; $j <= 16; $j++) { ps_moveto($ps, $leftmargin, $bottommargin + $j * $rowheight); ps_lineto($ps, $leftmargin + 16 * $colwidth, $bottommargin + $j * $rowheight); ps_stroke($ps); } ps_setfont($ps, $psfont, $fontsize); for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $text = sprintf("x%X", $i); $textwidth = ps_stringwidth($ps, $text, $psfont, $fontsize); ps_show_xy($ps, $text, $leftmargin + $i * $colwidth + $colwidth / 2 - $textwidth / 2, $bottommargin + 16 * $rowheight + $fontsize / 2); } for ($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { $text = sprintf("%Xx", $j); ps_show_xy($ps, $text, $leftmargin - 1.7 * $fontsize, $bottommargin + (15 - $j) * $rowheight + $rowheight / 2 - $fontsize / 2); } /* The symbol itself */ ps_setfont($ps, $samplefont, $fontsamplesize); ps_setlinewidth($ps, 0.4); for ($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $textwidth = ps_symbol_width($ps, $j * 16 + $i, $psfont, $fontsize); ps_set_value($ps, "textx", $leftmargin + $i * $colwidth + $colwidth / 2 - $textwidth / 2); ps_set_value($ps, "texty", $bottommargin + (15 - $j) * $rowheight + $rowheight / 2 + 3 - $fontsize / 2); //ps_show_xy($ps, $text, $leftmargin+$i*$colwidth+$colwidth/2-$textwidth/2, $bottommargin+(15-$j)*$rowheight+$rowheight/2-$fontsize/2);
ps_save($ps); ps_translate($ps, 72, 10); ps_rotate($ps, 45); ps_place_image($ps, $psimage, 0, 0, 0.45); ps_restore($ps); $buffer = sprintf("%.0f x %.0f pixel", ps_get_value($ps, "imagewidth", $psimage), ps_get_value($ps, "imageheight", $psimage)); ps_setfont($ps, $psfont, 10.0); ps_show_xy($ps, $buffer, EXAMPLE_BOX_WIDTH - 10 - ps_stringwidth($ps, $buffer, $psfont, 10), 10); end_example_box($ps); begin_example_box($ps, LEFT_BORDER + (EXAMPLE_BOX_WIDTH + 30) * $x++, $y, "EPS read from memory", $psfont); $data = file_get_contents("picture.eps"); $psimage = ps_open_image($ps, "eps", "memory", $data, strlen($data), 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL); ps_place_image($ps, $psimage, 15, 25, 0.45); $buffer = sprintf("%.0f x %.0f pixel", ps_get_value($ps, "imagewidth", $psimage), ps_get_value($ps, "imageheight", $psimage)); ps_setfont($ps, $psfont, 10.0); ps_show_xy($ps, $buffer, EXAMPLE_BOX_WIDTH - 10 - ps_stringwidth($ps, $buffer, $psfont, 10), 10); end_example_box($ps); ps_end_page($ps); ps_begin_page($ps, 596, 842); $psfont = ps_findfont($ps, "Helvetica", "", 0); ps_setfont($ps, $psfont, 12.0); $x = 0; $y = 625; begin_example_box($ps, LEFT_BORDER + (EXAMPLE_BOX_WIDTH + 30) * $x++, $y, "Gif image", $psfont); $psimage = ps_open_image_file($ps, "gif", "debian.gif", NULL, 0); ps_place_image($ps, $psimage, 25, 10, 2.0); end_example_box($ps); begin_example_box($ps, LEFT_BORDER + (EXAMPLE_BOX_WIDTH + 30) * $x++, $y, "Gif image with transparency", $psfont); $psimage = ps_open_image_file($ps, "gif", "debian-transparent.gif", NULL, 0); ps_place_image($ps, $psimage, 25, 10, 2.0); end_example_box($ps);
/** * Get the width of a text, * * @param string $text The text to get the width of * @return int The width of the text */ function textWidth($text) { if ($this->_psFont === false) { return $this->_font['size'] * 0.7 * strlen($text); } else { return ps_stringwidth($this->_ps, $text, $this->_psFont, $this->_font['size']); } }
} ps_set_parameter($ps, "warning", "true"); ps_set_info($ps, "Creator", "hyperlinks.php"); ps_set_info($ps, "Author", "Uwe Steinmann"); ps_set_info($ps, "Title", "Creating Hyperlinks with pdfmarks"); $fontsize = 20.0; ps_begin_page($ps, 596, 842); $b1 = ps_add_bookmark($ps, "Content", 0, 0); ps_add_bookmark($ps, "First Page", $b1, 0); $psfont = ps_findfont($ps, "Helvetica", "", 0); ps_setfont($ps, $psfont, $fontsize); ps_set_value($ps, "leading", 14.0); ps_show_xy($ps, "This is a web link", 100, 100); $len = ps_stringwidth($ps, "This is a web link", $psfont, $fontsize); ps_add_weblink($ps, 100, 100, 100 + $len, 130, ""); ps_show_xy($ps, "This is a pdf link to an external document", 100, 150); $len = ps_stringwidth($ps, "This is a pdf link to an external document", $psfont, $fontsize); ps_add_pdflink($ps, 100, 150, 100 + $len, 180, "test.pdf", 1, "fitpage"); ps_show_xy($ps, "This is a launch link", 100, 200); $len = ps_stringwidth($ps, "This is a launch link", $psfont, $fontsize); ps_add_launchlink($ps, 100, 200, 100 + $len, 230, "/usr/bin/gedit"); ps_show_xy($ps, "This is a pdf link within the document", 100, 250); $len = ps_stringwidth($ps, "This is a pdf link within the document", $psfont, $fontsize); ps_add_locallink($ps, 100, 250, 100 + $len, 280, 2, "fitpage"); ps_end_page($ps); ps_begin_page($ps, 300, 300); ps_add_bookmark($ps, "Second Page", $b1, 0); ps_add_note($ps, 100, 100, 200, 200, "This is the contents of the note", "Title of Note", "help", 1); ps_end_page($ps); ps_close($ps); ps_delete($ps);