Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Show the control panel
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function index()
     if (CMS_VERSION !== $this->settings->version) {
         $this->data->messages['notice'] = sprintf(lang('cp_upgrade_message'), CMS_VERSION, $this->settings->version, site_url('upgrade'));
     } else {
         if (is_dir('./installer')) {
             $this->data->messages['notice'] = lang('cp_delete_installer_message');
     $this->data->recent_users = $this->users_m->get_recent(5);
     $recent_comments = $this->comments_m->get_recent(5);
     $this->data->recent_comments = process_comment_items($recent_comments);
     // Dashboard RSS feed (using SimplePie)
     $this->simplepie->set_cache_location(APPPATH . 'cache/simplepie/');
     // Store the feed items
     $this->data->rss_items = $this->simplepie->get_items(0, $this->settings->dashboard_rss_count);
     $this->template->set_partial('sidebar', 'admin/partials/sidebar', FALSE);
     $this->template->title(lang('cp_admin_home_title'))->build('admin/dashboard', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Show the control panel
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function index()
     if (is_dir('./installer')) {
         $data->messages['notice'] = lang('cp_delete_installer_message');
     if ($this->settings->ga_email and $this->settings->ga_password and $this->settings->ga_profile) {
         // Not FALSE? Return it
         if ($cached_response = $this->cache->get('analytics')) {
             $data->analytic_visits = $cached_response['analytic_visits'];
             $data->analytic_views = $cached_response['analytic_views'];
         } else {
             try {
                 $this->load->library('analytics', array('username' => $this->settings->ga_email, 'password' => $this->settings->ga_password));
                 // Set by GA Profile ID if provided, else try and use the current domain
                 $this->analytics->setProfileById('ga:' . $this->settings->ga_profile);
                 $end_date = date('Y-m-d');
                 $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days'));
                 $this->analytics->setDateRange($start_date, $end_date);
                 $visits = $this->analytics->getVisitors();
                 $views = $this->analytics->getPageviews();
                 /* build tables */
                 if (count($visits)) {
                     foreach ($visits as $day => $visit) {
                         $utc = mktime(date('h') + 1, NULL, NULL, date('m'), $day) * 1000;
                         $flot_datas_visits[] = '[' . $utc . ',' . $visit . ']';
                         $flot_datas_views[] = '[' . $utc . ',' . $views[$day] . ']';
                     $flot_data_visits = '[' . implode(',', $flot_datas_visits) . ']';
                     $flot_data_views = '[' . implode(',', $flot_datas_views) . ']';
                 $data->analytic_visits = $flot_data_visits;
                 $data->analytic_views = $flot_data_views;
                 // Call the model or library with the method provided and the same arguments
                 $this->cache->write(array('analytic_visits' => $flot_data_visits, 'analytic_views' => $flot_data_views), 'analytics', 60 * 60 * 6);
                 // 6 hours
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $data->messages['notice'] = 'Could not connect to Google Analytics. Check in ' . anchor('admin/settings', 'Settings') . '.';
     } elseif (empty($data->messages['notice'])) {
         $data->messages['notice'] = 'Google Analytics settings are missing. Add them into ' . anchor('admin/settings', 'Settings') . ' or contact your administrator.';
     $data->recent_users = $this->users_m->get_recent(5);
     $recent_comments = $this->comments_m->get_recent(5);
     $data->recent_comments = process_comment_items($recent_comments);
     // Dashboard RSS feed (using SimplePie)
     $this->simplepie->set_cache_location(APPPATH . 'cache/simplepie/');
     // Store the feed items
     $data->rss_items = $this->simplepie->get_items(0, $this->settings->dashboard_rss_count);
     $this->template->title(lang('cp_admin_home_title'))->build('admin/dashboard', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Show the control panel
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function index()
     if (CMS_VERSION !== $this->settings->version) {
         $this->data->messages['notice'] = sprintf(lang('cp_upgrade_message'), CMS_VERSION, $this->settings->version, site_url('upgrade'));
     } else {
         if (is_dir('./installer')) {
             $this->data->messages['notice'] = lang('cp_delete_installer_message');
     $this->data->recent_users = $this->users_m->get_recent(5);
     $recent_comments = $this->comments_m->get_recent(5);
     $this->data->recent_comments = process_comment_items($recent_comments);
     // Dashboard RSS feed (using SimplePie)
     $this->simplepie->set_cache_location(APPPATH . 'cache/simplepie/');
     // Dashboard Analytics
     // Just use dummy data for now - we need more settings to make this work...
     // Note: Data will need to be in javascript timestamps (multiply unix timestamp by 1000)
     $times = array(time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 5 * 1000, time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 4 * 1000, time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 3 * 1000, time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 2 * 1000, time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
     $this->data->ga_visits = '[[' . $times[0] . ', 300], [' . $times[1] . ', 800], [' . $times[2] . ', 500], [' . $times[3] . ', 800], [' . $times[4] . ', 1300]]';
     // Store the feed items
     $this->data->rss_items = $this->simplepie->get_items(0, $this->settings->dashboard_rss_count);
     $this->template->set_partial('sidebar', 'admin/partials/sidebar', FALSE);
     $this->template->title(lang('cp_admin_home_title'))->build('admin/dashboard', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Displays active comments
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function approved()
     // Create pagination links
     $total_rows = $this->comments_m->count_by('is_active', 1);
     $pagination = create_pagination('admin/comments/approved', $total_rows);
     // get all comments
     $comments = $this->comments_m->limit($pagination['limit'])->order_by('comments.created_on', 'desc')->get_many_by('comments.is_active', 1);
     $this->template->title($this->module_details['name'])->set('comments', process_comment_items($comments))->set('pagination', $pagination)->build('admin/index');
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Index
  * @return void
 public function index()
     // Only show is_active = 0 if we are moderating comments
     $base_where = array('comments.is_active' => (int) (!Settings::get('moderate_comments')));
     //capture active
     $base_where['comments.is_active'] = is_int($this->session->flashdata('is_active')) ? $this->session->flashdata('is_active') : $base_where['comments.is_active'];
     $base_where['comments.is_active'] = $this->input->post('f_active') ? (int) $this->input->post('f_active') : $base_where['comments.is_active'];
     //capture module slug
     $base_where = $this->input->post('module_slug') ? $base_where + array('module' => $this->input->post('module_slug')) : $base_where;
     // Create pagination links
     $total_rows = $this->comments_m->count_by($base_where);
     $pagination = create_pagination('admin/comments/index', $total_rows);
     $comments = $this->comments_m->limit($pagination['limit'])->order_by('comments.created_on', 'desc')->get_many_by($base_where);
     $content_title = $base_where['comments.is_active'] ? lang('comments.active_title') : lang('comments.inactive_title');
     $this->input->is_ajax_request() && $this->template->set_layout(FALSE);
     $module_list = $this->comments_m->get_slugs();
     $this->template->title($this->module_details['name'])->append_js('admin/filter.js')->set('module_list', $module_list)->set('content_title', $content_title)->set('comments', process_comment_items($comments))->set('comments_active', $base_where['comments.is_active'])->set('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->input->is_ajax_request() ? $this->template->build('admin/tables/comments') : $this->template->build('admin/index');
Ejemplo n.º 6
	public function get_recent_comments()


		$recent_comments = $this->comments_m->get_recent(5);
		$data['recent_comments'] = process_comment_items($recent_comments);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Activates an unapproved comment
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function active()
     // Create pagination links
     $total_rows = $this->comments_m->count_by('is_active', 1);
     $this->data->pagination = create_pagination('admin/comments/active', $total_rows);
     // get all comments
     $comments = $this->comments_m->limit($this->data->pagination['limit'])->order_by('comments.created_on', 'desc')->get_many_by('comments.is_active', 1);
     $this->data->comments = process_comment_items($comments);
     $this->template->build('admin/index', $this->data);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 	 * Show the control panel
	 * @access public
	 * @return void
 	public function index()
		$data = array();
		if (is_dir('./installer'))
			$data['notice'] = lang('cp_delete_installer_message');

		if ($this->settings->ga_email AND $this->settings->ga_password AND $this->settings->ga_profile)
			// Not FALSE? Return it
			if ($cached_response = $this->pyrocache->get('analytics'))
				$data['analytic_visits'] = $cached_response['analytic_visits'];
				$data['analytic_views'] = $cached_response['analytic_views'];

					$this->load->library('analytics', array(
						'username' => $this->settings->ga_email,
						'password' => $this->settings->ga_password

					// Set by GA Profile ID if provided, else try and use the current domain

					$end_date = date('Y-m-d');
					$start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 month'));

					$this->analytics->setDateRange($start_date, $end_date);

					$visits = $this->analytics->getVisitors();
					$views = $this->analytics->getPageviews();

					/* build tables */
					if (count($visits))
						foreach ($visits as $date => $visit)
							$year = substr($date, 0, 4);
							$month = substr($date, 4, 2);
							$day = substr($date, 6, 2);

							$utc = mktime(date('h') + 1, NULL, NULL, $month, $day, $year) * 1000;

							$flot_datas_visits[] = '[' . $utc . ',' . $visit . ']';
							$flot_datas_views[] = '[' . $utc . ',' . $views[$date] . ']';

						$flot_data_visits = '[' . implode(',', $flot_datas_visits) . ']';
						$flot_data_views = '[' . implode(',', $flot_datas_views) . ']';

					$data['analytic_visits'] = $flot_data_visits;
					$data['analytic_views'] = $flot_data_views;

					// Call the model or library with the method provided and the same arguments
					$this->pyrocache->write(array('analytic_visits' => $flot_data_visits, 'analytic_views' => $flot_data_views), 'analytics', 60 * 60 * 6); // 6 hours

				catch (Exception $e)
					$data['messages']['notice'] = sprintf(lang('cp_google_analytics_no_connect'), anchor('admin/settings', lang('cp_nav_settings')));

		// Only mention this notice if no other notices are set
		elseif (empty($data['messages']['notice']))
			$data['messages']['notice'] = sprintf(lang('cp_google_analytics_missing'), anchor('admin/settings', lang('cp_nav_settings')));



		$data['recent_users'] = $this->users_m->get_recent(5);

		$recent_comments = $this->comments_m->get_recent(5);
		$data['recent_comments'] = process_comment_items($recent_comments);

		// Dashboard RSS feed (using SimplePie)

		// Store the feed items
		$data['rss_items'] = $this->simplepie->get_items(0, $this->settings->dashboard_rss_count);

			->build('admin/dashboard', $data);