<?php $player->get_relations(); print_topic("TRADER RELATIONS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_trader_menue(); print "<p align=\"center\">"; print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"60%\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th valign=\"top\" width=\"50%\">Relations (Global)</th>"; print "<th valign=\"top\" width=\"50%\">Relations (Personal)</th>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" width=\"50%\">"; print "<p>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM race"); while ($db->next_record()) { $race_id = $db->f("race_id"); if ($race_id == 1) { continue; } $race_name = $db->f("race_name"); print "{$race_name} : " . get_colored_text($player->relations_global_rev[$race_id], $player->relations_global_rev[$race_id]) . "<br>"; } print "</p>"; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\">"; print "<p>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM race"); while ($db->next_record()) { $race_id = $db->f("race_id");
<?php print_topic("WRITTING AN ARTICLE"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_galactic_post_menue(); print "What is the title?<br>"; $container = array(); $container["url"] = "galactic_post_write_article_processing.php"; print_form($container); print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"text-align:center;width:525;\"><br><br>"; print "<br>Write what you want to write here!<br>"; print "<textarea name=\"message\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"width:350px;height:100px;\"></textarea><br><br>"; print_submit("Enter the article"); print "</form>";
<?php print_topic("VIEWING MEMBERS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_galactic_post_menue(); $container = array(); $container["url"] = "skeleton.php"; $container["body"] = "galactic_post_view_members.php"; if ($action == "Remove") { $db->query("DELETE FROM galactic_post_writer WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND account_id = {$var['id']}"); } $db->query("SELECT * FROM galactic_post_writer WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND account_id != {$player->account_id}"); if ($db->nf()) { print_table(); print "<tr>"; print "<th align=\"center\">Player Name</th>"; print "<th align=\"center\">Last Wrote</th>"; print "<th align=\"center\">Options</th>"; print "</tr>"; while ($db->next_record()) { $curr_writter = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("account_id"), $player->game_id); $time = $db->f("last_wrote"); print "<tr>"; print "<td align=\"center\">{$curr_writter->player_name}</td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"> " . date("n/j/Y g:i:s A", $time) . "</td>"; $container["id"] = $curr_writter->account_id; print_form($container); print "<td>"; print_submit("Remove"); print "</td>"; print "</tr>";
$table = "player_has_stats_cache WHERE game_id = {$game_id} AND"; $db2 = new SMR_HISTORY_DB(); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM game WHERE game_id = {$game_id}"); //if next record we have an old game so we query the hist db if ($db2->next_record()) { $db = new SMR_HISTORY_DB(); $past = "Yes"; $table = "player_has_stats WHERE game_id = {$game_id} AND"; } else { $db = new SmrMySqlDatabase(); } } else { $table = "account_has_stats_cache WHERE"; } print "<div align=center>"; print_topic("Hall of Fame - {$cat} {$action}"); $container = array(); $container["url"] = "skeleton.php"; $container["body"] = "hall_of_fame_new.php"; if (isset($game_id)) { $container["game_id"] = $game_id; } print_link($container, "<b><<Back</b>"); print "<br>"; print "Here are the ranks of players by {$cat} {$action}<br><br>"; print_table(); print "<tr><th align=center>Rank</th><th align=center>Player</th><th align=center>{$cat} {$action}</th></tr>"; if ($cat == "<b>Money Donated to SMR</b>") { $db->query("SELECT account_id, sum(amount) as amount FROM account_donated " . "GROUP BY account_id ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 25"); } else { $db->query("SELECT account_id, {$row} as amount FROM {$table} {$row} > 0 ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 25");
require_once get_file_loc("smr_history_db.inc"); print "<div align=center>"; //topic if (isset($var["game_name"])) { $game_name = $var["game_name"]; } if (isset($var["game_id"])) { $game_id = $var["game_id"]; } if (isset($game_name)) { $topic = "Game {$var['game_name']}"; } else { $topic = "Games"; } print_topic("Viewing Old SMR {$topic}"); if (!isset($game_name)) { //list old games $db2 = new SMR_HISTORY_DB(); $db2->query("SELECT DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%c/%e/%Y') as start_date, " . "DATE_FORMAT(end_date, '%c/%e/%Y') as end_date, game_name, speed, game_id " . "FROM game ORDER BY game_id"); if ($db2->nf()) { print_table(); print "<tr><th align=center>Game Name</th><th align=center>Start Date</th><th align=center>End Date</th><th align=center>Speed</th><th align=center colspan=3>Options</th></tr>"; while ($db2->next_record()) { $id = $db2->f("game_id"); $container = array(); $container["url"] = "skeleton.php"; $container["game_id"] = $db2->f("game_id"); $container["game_name"] = $db2->f("game_name"); $container["body"] = "games_previous.php"; $name = $db2->f("game_name");
<?php require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc'); $sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id); print_topic("PLOT A COURSE"); // create menu $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'skeleton.php'; $container['body'] = 'course_plot.php'; $menue_items[] = create_link($container, 'Plot a Course'); if ($player->land_on_planet == 'FALSE') { $container['body'] = 'map_local.php'; $menue_items[] = create_link($container, 'Local Map'); } $menue_items[] = '<a href="' . URL . '/map_galaxy.php" target="_blank">Galaxy Map</a>'; // print it print_menue($menue_items); echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;border:none"><tr><td style="padding:0px;vertical-align:top">'; print "The plotted course is " . $var["distance"] . " sectors long."; echo '</td><td style="padding:0px;vertical-align:top;width:32em">'; // get the array back $route = unserialize($var["plotted_course"]); $full = implode(' - ', $route); // throw start sector away // it's useless for the route array_shift($route); // now get the sector we are going to but don't remove it (sector_move_processing does it) $next_sector = $route[0]; if ($next_sector == $sector->link_up || $next_sector == $sector->link_down || $next_sector == $sector->link_left || $next_sector == $sector->link_right || $next_sector == $sector->warp) { // save this to db (if we still have something if (!empty($route)) {
<?php require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc'); print_topic("SECTOR DEATH RANKINGS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_ranking_menue(3, 0); print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<p>Here are the most deadly Sectors!</p>"; print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\" width=\"60%\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th>Rank</th>"; print "<th>Sector</th>"; print "<th>Battles</th>"; print "</tr>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM sector WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} ORDER BY battles DESC, sector_id LIMIT 10"); $rank = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { // get current player $curr_sector = new SMR_SECTOR($db->f("sector_id"), $player->game_id, $player->account_id); // increase rank counter $rank++; print "<tr>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\""; if ($player->sector_id == $curr_sector->sector_id) { print " style=\"font-weight:bold;\""; } print ">{$rank}</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\""; if ($player->sector_id == $curr_sector->sector_id) { print " style=\"font-weight:bold;\""; }
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount']; $account_id = $_REQUEST['account_id']; if (!is_numeric($amount)) { print_error("Numbers only please"); return; } $amount = round($amount); if ($amount <= 0) { print_error("You can only tranfer a positive amount"); return; } if ($amount > $account->get_credits()) { print_error("You can't transfer more than you have!"); return; } print_topic("Confirmation"); print "Are you sure you want to transfer {$amount} credits to<br>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM account WHERE account_id = {$account_id}"); if ($db->next_record()) { $login = $db->f("login"); } $db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE account_id = {$account_id}"); if ($db->nf()) { while ($db->next_record()) { $player_name = stripslashes($db->f("player_name")); $game_id = $db->f("game_id"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM game WHERE game_id = {$game_id}"); if ($db2->next_record()) { $game_name = $db2->f("game_name"); } print "{$player_name} in game {$game_name}({$game_id})<br>";
<?php print_topic("Racial Standings"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_ranking_menue(2, 2); print "<div align=center>"; print "<p>Here are the rankings of the races by their deaths</p>"; print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\" width=\"95%\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th>Rank</th>"; print "<th>Race</th>"; print "<th>Deaths</th>"; print "</tr>"; $rank = 0; $db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase(); $db->query("SELECT race.race_id as race_id, race_name, sum(deaths) as death_sum, count(account_id) FROM player NATURAL JOIN race WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} GROUP BY player.race_id ORDER BY death_sum DESC"); while ($db->next_record()) { $rank++; $race_id = $db->f("race_id"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE race_id = {$race_id} AND game_id = {$player->game_id} AND out_of_game = 'TRUE'"); if ($player->race_id == $race_id) { $style = " style=\"font-weight:bold;\""; } elseif ($db2->next_record()) { $style = " style=\"color:red;\""; } else { $style = ""; } print "<tr>"; print "<td align=\"center\"{$style}>{$rank}</td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"{$style}>" . $db->f("race_name") . "</td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"{$style}>" . $db->f("death_sum") . "</td>";
<?php print_topic("BOUNTIES"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_trader_menue(); echo 'Bounties awaiting collection.<br><br>'; echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="standard fullwidth"><tr><th>Federal</th><th>Underground</th></tr>'; $bounties['HQ'] = array(); $bounties['UG'] = array(); $ids = array(); $db->query('SELECT amount,account_id,type FROM bounty WHERE claimer_id=' . SmrSession::$old_account_id . ' AND game_id=' . SmrSession::$game_id); while ($db->next_record()) { $bounties[$db->f('type')][] = array($db->f('account_id'), $db->f('amount')); $ids[] = $db->f('account_id'); } if (count($ids)) { $db->query('SELECT account_id,player_name,player_id,alignment FROM player WHERE account_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND game_id=' . SmrSession::$game_id . ' LIMIT ' . count($ids)); while ($db->next_record()) { $players[$db->f('account_id')] = get_colored_text($db->f('alignment'), stripslashes($db->f('player_name')) . ' (' . $db->f('player_id') . ')'); } } echo '<tr><td style="width:50%" class="top">'; if (count($bounties['HQ']) > 0) { foreach ($bounties['HQ'] as $bounty) { echo $players[$bounty[0]]; echo ' : <span class="yellow">'; echo number_format($bounty[1]); echo '</span>'; echo '<br>'; } } else {
FROM sector,galaxy WHERE sector.sector_id=' . $player->sector_id . ' AND game_id=' . SmrSession::$game_id . ' AND galaxy.galaxy_id = sector.galaxy_id LIMIT 1'); $db->next_record(); $galaxy_name = $db->f('galaxy_name'); $galaxy_id = $db->f('galaxy_id'); // get our rank $rank_id = $account->get_rank(); // remove newbie gals // add newbie to gal name? //if ($galaxy_id<9 && $rank_id < FLEDGLING && $account->veteran == 'FALSE') { // $galaxy_name .= ' - Newbie'; //} print_topic('CURRENT SECTOR: ' . $player->sector_id . ' (' . $galaxy_name . ')'); $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'skeleton.php'; $container['body'] = 'course_plot.php'; // create menu $menue_items[] = create_link($container, 'Plot a Course'); $container['body'] = 'map_local.php'; $menue_items[] = create_link($container, 'Local Map'); $menue_items[] = '<a href="' . URL . '/map_galaxy.php" target="_blank">Galaxy Map</a>'; // print it print_menue($menue_items); echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;border:none"><tr><td style="padding:0px;vertical-align:top">'; // ******************************************* // * // * Sector List // *
<?php require_once get_file_loc("smr_planet.inc"); // get a planet from the sector where the player is in $planet = new SMR_PLANET($player->sector_id, $player->game_id); // owner of planet if ($planet->owner_id != 0) { $planet_owner = new SMR_PLAYER($planet->owner_id, SmrSession::$game_id); $ownerAllianceID = $planet_owner->alliance_id; } else { $ownerAllianceID = 0; } print_topic("Examine Planet"); print "<table>"; print "<tr><td><b>Planet Name:</b></td><td>{$planet->planet_name}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><b>Level:</b></td><td>" . $planet->level() . "</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><b>Owner:</b></td><td>"; if ($planet->owner_id != 0) { print $planet_owner->player_name; } else { print "Unclaimed"; } print "</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td><b>Alliance:</b></td><td>"; if ($planet->owner_id != 0) { print $planet_owner->alliance_name; } else { print "none"; } print "</td></tr>"; print "</table>";
<?php // ******************************** // * // * V a l i d a t e d ? // * // ******************************** // is account validated? if ($account->validated == 'FALSE') { print_error('You are not validated so you can\'t use banks.'); return; } print_topic('bank'); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_bank_menue(); echo 'Hello '; echo $player->player_name; echo '<br><br>'; echo 'Balance: <b>'; echo number_format($player->bank); echo '</b><br><br><h2>Make transaction</h2><br>'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'bank_personal_processing.php'; $container['body'] = ''; $actions = array(); $actions[] = array('Deposit', 'Deposit'); $actions[] = array('Withdraw', 'Withdraw'); $form = create_form($container, $actions); echo $form['form']; echo 'Amount: <input class="text" type="text" name="amount" size="10" value="0"><br><br>'; echo $form['submit']['Deposit'];
<?php include get_file_loc("council.inc"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_topic("RULING COUNCIL OF {$player->race_name}"); print_council_menue($player->race_id, getPresident($player->race_id)); print "<table border=\"0\" class=\"standard\" cellspacing=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"50%\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th>Race</th>"; print "<th>Treaty</th>"; print "</tr>"; $db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM race " . "WHERE race_id != {$player->race_id} AND " . "race_id > 1"); while ($db->next_record()) { $race_id = $db->f("race_id"); $race_name = $db->f("race_name"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM race_has_voting " . "WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND " . "race_id_1 = {$player->race_id} AND " . "race_id_2 = {$race_id}"); if ($db2->nf() > 0) { continue; } print "<tr>"; print "<td align=\"center\">" . $player->get_colored_race($race_id) . "</td>"; $container = array(); $container["url"] = "council_embassy_processing.php"; $container["race_id"] = $race_id; print_form($container); print "<td align=\"center\">"; print_submit("Peace"); print " "; print_submit("War"); print "</td>";
<?php if (isset($var['alliance_id'])) { $alliance_id = $var['alliance_id']; } else { $alliance_id = $player->alliance_id; } define('WITHDRAW', 0); define('DEPOSIT', 1); print_topic('Alliance Bank Report'); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_bank_menue(); //get all transactions $db->query("SELECT * FROM alliance_bank_transactions WHERE alliance_id = {$alliance_id} AND game_id = {$player->game_id}"); if (!$db->nf()) { create_error("Your alliance has no recorded transactions"); } while ($db->next_record()) { if ($db->f("transaction") == 'Payment') { if (!$db->f("exempt")) { $trans[$db->f("payee_id")][WITHDRAW] += $db->f("amount"); } else { $trans[0][WITHDRAW] += $db->f("amount"); } } else { if (!$db->f("exempt")) { $trans[$db->f("payee_id")][DEPOSIT] += $db->f("amount"); } else { $trans[0][DEPOSIT] += $db->f("amount"); } }
<?php require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc'); $sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id); //first check if there is a bar here if (!$sector->has_bar()) { create_error("So two guys walk into this bar..."); } //get script to include if (isset($var["script"])) { $script = $var["script"]; } else { $script = "bar_opening.php"; } //if ($script == 'bar_gambling_bet.php') create_error("Blackjack is currently outlawed, you will have to come back later."); //get bar name $db->query("SELECT location_name FROM location_type NATURAL JOIN location WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND sector_id = {$player->sector_id} AND location_type.location_type_id > 800 AND location_type.location_type_id < 900"); //next welcome them if ($db->next_record()) { print_topic("Welcome to " . $db->f("location_name") . "."); } else { print_topic("Welcome to this bar"); } //include menu (not menue ;) ) include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_bar_menue(); //get rid of drinks older than 30 mins $time = time() - 1800; $db->query("DELETE FROM player_has_drinks WHERE time < {$time}"); //include bar part include get_file_loc("{$script}");
$made = $var["made"]; if (isset($var["account_num"])) { $account_num = $var["account_num"]; } if (isset($var["password"])) { $pass = $var["password"]; } if (isset($var["amount"])) { $amount = $var["amount"]; } if (!isset($account_num)) { $topic = 'Anonymous Account'; } else { $topic = 'Anonymous Account #' . $account_num; } print_topic($topic); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_bank_menue(); if (isset($make)) { echo 'Hello '; echo $player->player_name; echo '<br><br>'; echo '<h2>Create Account</h2><br>'; echo 'Please enter the password you would like<br><br>'; $container = array(); $container["url"] = "skeleton.php"; $container["body"] = "bank_anon.php"; $container["made"] = "yes"; $form = create_form($container, 'Create Account'); echo $form['form']; echo '
<?php create_error('Please use main album edit.'); print_topic("Edit Photo"); print "<p><span style=\"font-size:80%;\">Here you have a chance to add an entry to the Space Merchant Realms - The Photo Album!<br>"; print "We only accept jpg or gif images to a maximum of 500 x 500 in size.<br>"; print "Your image will be posted under your <i>Hall Of Fame</i> nick!<br>"; print "<b>Please Note:</b> Your entry needs to be approved by an admin before going online</p>"; print "<p style=\"font-size:150%;\">"; print "Status of your album entry: "; $db->query("SELECT * FROM album WHERE account_id = " . SmrSession::$old_account_id); if ($db->next_record()) { $location = stripslashes($db->f("location")); $email = stripslashes($db->f("email")); $website = stripslashes($db->f("website")); $day = $db->f("day"); $month = $db->f("month"); $year = $db->f("year"); $other = stripslashes($db->f("other")); $approved = $db->f("approved"); $disabled = $db->f("disabled"); if ($approved == "TBC") { print "<span style=\"color:orange;\">Waiting approval</span>"; } elseif ($approved == "NO") { print "<span style=\"color:red;\">Approval denied</span>"; } elseif ($disabled == "TRUE") { print "<span style=\"color:red;\">Disabled</span>"; } elseif ($approved == "YES") { print "<a href=\"" . URL . "/album/?{$account->HoF_name}\" style=\"color:green;\">Online</a>"; } } else {
<?php print_topic("VALIDATION REMINDER"); $container = array(); $container["url"] = "validate_processing.php"; print_form($container); print "<p>Welcome " . $account->first_name . ",</p>"; print "<p>"; print "Thank you for trying out Space Merchant Realms! We hope that you are enjoying the game. However,"; print "in order for you to experience the full features of the game, you need to validate your login."; print "When you first created your login, you should have received an email confirmation which includes"; print "your validation code. If you have not received this, please verify that you gave us the correct"; print "email address by going to the user preferences page. If it"; print "is incorrect, please edit the email address and it will generate a new code and have it sent to"; print "you."; print "</p>"; print "<p>"; print "The following restrictions are placed on users who have not validated their account:"; print "<ul>"; print "<li>No additional turns are granted to your traders while you are not validated."; print "<li>Bank access is denied."; print "<li>You will be unable to land on a planet."; print "<li>You will be unable to access alliances."; print "<li>You will be unable to vote in the daily politics of the universe."; print "</ul>"; print "</p>"; print "<p>"; print "Enter validation code: "; print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"validation_code\" maxlength=\"10\" size=\"10\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"text-align:center;\">"; print "</p>"; print "<p align=\"center\">";
<?php $db->query("SELECT * FROM race WHERE race_id = " . $var["race_id"]); if ($db->next_record()) { $race_name = $db->f("race_name"); } print_topic("Send message to ruling council of the {$race_name}"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_message_menue(); print "<p>"; $container = array(); $container["url"] = "council_send_message_processing.php"; transfer("race_id"); print_form($container); print "<p><small><b>From:</b> {$player->player_name} ({$player->player_id})<br>"; print "<b>To:</b> Ruling Council of {$race_name}</small></p>"; print "<textarea name=\"message\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"width:350px;height:100px;\"></textarea><br><br>"; print_submit("Send message"); print "</form>"; print "</p>";
<?php require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc'); $sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id); print_topic("Military Payment Center"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); if ($sector->has_hq()) { print_hq_menue(); } else { print_ug_menue(); } if ($player->military_payment > 0) { print "For your military help you have been paid <font color=yellow>{$player->military_payment}</font> credits"; $player->update_stat("military_claimed", $player->military_payment); // add to our cash $player->credits += $player->military_payment; $player->military_payment = 0; $player->update(); } else { print "You have done nothing worthy of military payment"; }
<?php $db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase(); print_topic('SHIP DEALER'); $db->query('SELECT ship_type.ship_name as ship_name, ship_type.ship_type_id as ship_type_id, ship_type.cost as cost, ship_type.lvl_needed as lvl_needed FROM location, location_sells_ships,ship_type WHERE location.sector_id=' . $player->sector_id . ' AND location.game_id=' . $player->game_id . ' AND location_sells_ships.location_type_id = location.location_type_id AND ship_type.ship_type_id = location_sells_ships.ship_type_id '); if ($db->nf() > 0) { echo '<table cellspacing="0" class="standard"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Cost</th><th>Action</th></tr>'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'skeleton.php'; $container['body'] = 'shop_ship.php'; while ($db->next_record()) { $ship_name = $db->f('ship_name'); $ship_type_id = $db->f('ship_type_id'); $cost = $db->f('cost'); $level_needed = $db->f('lvl_needed'); $container['ship_id'] = $ship_type_id; $container['level_needed'] = $level_needed; echo '<tr><td>' . $ship_name; echo '</td><td>' . $cost . '</td><td>'; echo print_button($container, 'View Details'); echo '</td></tr>';
<?php print_topic("VIEWING APPLICATIONS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_galactic_post_menue(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM galactic_post_applications WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id}"); if ($db->nf()) { print "You have received an application from the following players (click name to view description)<br>"; print "Becareful when choosing your writters. Make sure it is someone who will actually help you.<br><br>"; } else { print "You have no applications to view at the current time."; } while ($db->next_record()) { $appliee = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("account_id"), $player->game_id); $container = array(); $container["url"] = "skeleton.php"; $container["body"] = "galactic_post_view_applications.php"; $container["id"] = $appliee->account_id; print_link($container, "<font color=yellow>{$appliee->player_name}</font>"); print " who has "; if ($db->f("written_before") == "YES") { print "written for some kind of a newspaper before."; } else { print "not written for a newspaper before."; } print "<br>"; } print "<br><br>"; if (isset($var["id"])) { $db->query("SELECT * FROM galactic_post_applications WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND account_id = {$var['id']}"); $db->next_record();
<?php $rank_id = $account->get_rank(); print_topic("Extended User Rankings"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); if ($session->game_id != 0) { print_trader_menue(); } $db->query("SELECT * FROM rankings WHERE rankings_id = {$rank_id}"); if ($db->next_record()) { $rank_name = $db->f("rankings_name"); } // initialize vars $kills = 0; $exp = 0; // get stats $db->query("SELECT * from account_has_stats WHERE account_id = " . SmrSession::$old_account_id); if ($db->next_record()) { $kills = $db->f("kills") > 0 ? $db->f("kills") : 0; $exp = $db->f("experience_traded") > 0 ? $db->f("experience_traded") : 0; } print "You have <font color=\"red\">{$kills}</font> kills and <font color=\"red\">{$exp}</font> traded experience<br><br>"; print "You are ranked as a <font size=\"4\" color=\"greenyellow\">{$rank_name}</font> player.<p><br>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM rankings"); $i = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { if ($i > 1) { print " OR " . $db->f(experience_needed) . " experience OR " . $db->f(kills_needed) . " kills."; } if ($i > 0) { print "<br>";
<?php require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc'); $sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id); require_once get_file_loc("smr_planet.inc"); print_topic("VIEWING PLANET DETAILS"); $db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase(); if ($player->alliance_id != 0) { $db->query("SELECT planet.sector_id as sector, player.game_id as game, time_attack, attacker_damage, planet_damage, trigger_id FROM player, planet, planet_attack WHERE player.game_id = planet.game_id AND " . "owner_id = account_id AND " . "player.game_id = {$player->game_id} AND " . "planet.game_id = {$player->game_id} AND " . "planet.sector_id = planet_attack.sector_id AND " . "planet.game_id = planet_attack.game_id AND " . "alliance_id = {$player->alliance_id} " . "ORDER BY time_attack DESC"); } else { $db->query("SELECT planet.sector_id as sector, player.game_id as game, time_attack, attacker_damage, planet_damage, trigger_id FROM player, planet, planet_attack WHERE player.game_id = planet.game_id AND " . "owner_id = account_id AND " . "planet.game_id = {$player->game_id} AND " . "planet.sector_id = planet_attack.sector_id AND " . "planet.game_id = planet_attack.game_id AND " . "player.game_id = {$player->game_id} " . "ORDER BY time_attack DESC"); } while ($db->next_record()) { $game_id = $db->f("game"); $sector_id = $db->f("sector"); $time = $db->f("time_attack"); $attacker = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("trigger_id"), $player->game_id); $att_damage = $db->f("attacker_damage"); $planet_damage = $db->f("planet_damage"); $planet = new SMR_PLANET($db->f("sector"), $player->game_id); print "Planet <span style=font-variant:small-caps>{$planet->planet_name}</span> is under attack by " . $attacker->get_colored_name() . "<br>"; print "This shot was at " . date("n/j/Y g:i:s A", $time) . ". The attacking team did {$att_damage} damage "; print "while the planet did {$planet_damage} damage<br><br>"; }
<?php print_topic("Report a Bug"); print "<span style=\"font-size:75%;\">All information you can see on this page will be sent via email to the developer team!<br>"; print "Be as accurate as possible with your bug description.</span>"; print_form(create_container("bug_report_processing.php", "")); print "<table>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Login:</td>"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"login\" value=\"{$account->login}\">"; print "<td>{$account->login}</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td style=\"font-weight:bold;\">eMail:</td>"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"email\" value=\"{$account->email}\">"; print "<td>{$account->email}</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Account ID:</td>"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"account_id\" value=\"{$account->account_id}\">"; print "<td>{$account->account_id}</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Subject:</td>"; print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"subject\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"width:300px;\"></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td style=\"font-weight:bold;\" valign=\"top\">Description:</td>"; print "<td><textarea id=\"InputFields\" name=\"description\" style=\"width:300px;height:100px;\"></textarea></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>";
<?php print_topic("ALLIANCE KILL RANKINGS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_ranking_menue(1, 1); $db->query("SELECT alliance_id, alliance_name, alliance_kills, leader_id FROM alliance\n\t\t\tWHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} ORDER BY alliance_kills DESC, alliance_name"); $alliances = array(); while ($db->next_record()) { $alliances[$db->f("alliance_id")] = array(stripslashes($db->f("alliance_name")), $db->f("alliance_kills"), $db->f("leader_id")); if ($db->f("alliance_id") == $player->alliance_id) { $ourRank = sizeof($alliances); } } // how many alliances are there? $numAlliances = sizeof($alliances); print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<p>Here are the rankings of alliances by their kills.</p>"; if ($player->alliance_id > 0) { print "<p>Your alliance is ranked {$ourRank} out of {$numAlliances} alliances.</p>"; } print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\" width=\"95%\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th>Rank</th>"; print "<th>Alliance</th>"; print "<th>Kills</th>"; print "</tr>"; $rank = 0; foreach ($alliances as $id => $infoArray) { // get current alliance $currAllianceName = $infoArray[0]; $numKills = $infoArray[1];
<?php print_topic("DEATH RANKINGS"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_ranking_menue(0, 2); // what rank are we? $db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = " . SmrSession::$game_id . " AND " . "(deaths > {$player->deaths} OR " . "(deaths = {$player->deaths} AND player_name <= " . format_string("{$player->player_name}", true) . " ))"); $our_rank = $db->nf(); // how many players are there? $db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id}"); $total_player = $db->nf(); print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<p>Here are the rankings of players by their deaths</p>"; print "<p>You are ranked {$our_rank} out of {$total_player}</p>"; print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\" width=\"95%\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th>Rank</th>"; print "<th>Player</th>"; print "<th>Race</th>"; print "<th>Alliance</th>"; print "<th>Deaths</th>"; print "</tr>"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} ORDER BY deaths DESC, player_name LIMIT 10"); $rank = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { // get current player $curr_player = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("account_id"), SmrSession::$game_id); // increase rank counter $rank++; print "<tr>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"";
<?php require_once get_file_loc("smr_planet.inc"); if ($player->land_on_planet == "FALSE") { print_error("You are not on a planet!"); return; } // create planet object $planet = new SMR_PLANET($player->sector_id, $player->game_id); $planet->build(); print_topic("PLANET : {$planet->planet_name} [SECTOR #{$player->sector_id}]"); include get_file_loc('menue.inc'); print_planet_menue(); //print the dump cargo message or other message. if (isset($var["msg"])) { print $var["msg"] . "<br>"; } print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<th width=\"125\"> </th>"; print "<th width=\"75\">Current</th>"; print "<th width=\"75\">Max</th>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>Generator</td><td align=\"center\">"; print $planet->construction[1]; print "</td><td align=\"center\">"; print $planet->max_construction[1]; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>";
<?php print_topic("LEAVE NEWBIE PROTECTION"); print_form(create_container("leave_newbie_processing.php", "")); print "Do you really want to leave Newbie Protection?<br><br>"; print_submit("Yes!"); print " "; print_submit("No!"); print "</form>";