function print_list($list) { $str = ''; global $space; if ($space == null) { $space = ''; } else { $space .= ' '; } foreach ($list as $key => $val) { if (!is_array($val) && !is_object($val)) { $str .= $space . $key . ':' . $val . '<br/>'; } else { $str .= $space . $key . ':<br/>'; $str .= print_list($val); } } return $str; }
/** * FusionForge document search engine * * Copyright 2005, Fabio Bertagnin * * This file is part of FusionForge. * * FusionForge is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * FusionForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with FusionForge; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ function parser_text($fichin) { $tstart = microtime_float(); if (!is_file($fichin)) { return ""; } $fp = fopen($fichin, "r"); $buff = fread($fp, filesize($fichin)); // tout en minuscules $buff = mb_strtolower($buff); // élimination d'éventuels caractères unicode encore présents $buff = mb_convert_encoding($buff, "ascii"); // élimination caractères avec accents // et caractères spéciaux $buff = suppression_diacritics($buff); // tous les mots dans un tableau $a = explode(" ", $buff); //sort($a); // élimination des doublons $a = array_unique($a); // envoi du résultat sur stdout $rep = print_list($a); return $rep; }
function list_latest($num) { $result = db('SELECT "time","title","slug" from "public"."notes" ORDER BY "time" DESC LIMIT ' . $num); include "tpl/post_list.php"; print_list($result); }
?> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------> <?php print_link("Documentation list", "docs"); ?> <P>This list is used for the documentation group. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> are welcome to post any topics dealing with the documentation of Open MPI.</p> <?php print_list("docs"); ?> <!---------------------------------------------------------------------> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font\ncolor=red>USERS CANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "ompi-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git push to Github commit in the Open MPI code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated git-email-bot can post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL>
print_link("PMIx developers list", "pmix-devel"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of PMIx. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("pmix-devel"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "pmix-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git push to Github commit in the PMIx code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated git-email-bot can post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL> <?php
function print_agg_list($list) { print_list($list, $use_nickname = True); }
echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); if (isset($list)) { echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'boxwidthwide boxaligncenter', 'style' => 'padding:20px;')); if ($sitevoting) { echo '<div style="margin-left:20%;margin-right:20%;text-align:center;font-size:0.9em;">'; if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) { echo 'Sites can be marked "Cool" if three or more people vote for them. Cool sites are promoted around and other places. To vote on sites you need to be <a href="/login/index.php">logged in</a>.'; echo "<br />"; } else { $options = array(); $options['country'] = $country; if ($isadmin && $USER->siteediting) { $options['edit'] = 'on'; } if (empty($USER->sitevoting)) { echo 'Sites can be marked "Cool" if three or more people vote for them. Cool sites are promoted around and other places. To see the voting controls, use this button:</p>'; $options['voting'] = 1; $button = new single_button(new moodle_url('/sites/index.php', $options), 'Show voting buttons for these sites'); } else { $options['voting'] = -1; $button = new single_button(new moodle_url('/sites/index.php', $options), 'Hide voting buttons for these sites'); } $OUTPUT->render($button); } echo "<br /></div>"; } print_list($list); echo "<p align=\"right\" style='clear:both'><a href=\"#top\"><img src=\"/pix/t/up.png\" border=0 alt=\"Up to top\"></a></p>"; echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); } echo $OUTPUT->footer();
IFRAME; } } switch ($do) { case 'list': print print_list(); break; case 'add': if ($uid > 0 && $tid > 0) { $c = 'SELECT count(id) FROM thanks WHERE userid = ' . sqlesc($uid) . ' AND torrentid = ' . sqlesc($tid); $result = sql_query($c); $arr = $result->fetch_row(); if ($arr[0] == 0) { if (sql_query('INSERT INTO thanks(userid,torrentid) VALUES(' . sqlesc($uid) . ',' . sqlesc($tid) . ')')) { echo print_list(); } else { $msg = 'There was an error with the query,contact the staff. Mysql error ' . (is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)); echo $ajax ? json_encode(array('status' => false, 'err' => $msg)) : $msg; } } } header("Refresh: 0; url=details.php?id={$id}"); if ($INSTALLER09['seedbonus_on'] == 1) { // ===add karma sql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus+" . sqlesc($INSTALLER09['bonus_per_thanks']) . " WHERE id =" . sqlesc($uid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $sql = sql_query('SELECT seedbonus ' . 'FROM users ' . 'WHERE id = ' . sqlesc($uid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $User = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql); $update['seedbonus'] = $User['seedbonus'] + $INSTALLER09['bonus_per_thanks']; //header("Refresh: 1; url=details.php?id=$id"); $mc1->begin_transaction('userstats_' . $uid);
print_link("hwloc developers list", "hwloc-devel"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of hwloc. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("hwloc-devel"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "hwloc-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every git push to Github in the hwloc code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated Github web hook post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL> <?php
print_link("ORCM developers list", "orcm-devel"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of ORCM. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("orcm-devel"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "orcm-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git push to Github commit in the ORCM code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated git-email-bot can post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL> <?php
print_link("netloc developers list", "netloc-devel"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of netloc. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("netloc-devel"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "netloc-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git commit in the netloc code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>This list only accepts automated commit emails only; users and developers cannot post to this list.</strong> </UL> <?php
<div id="tab-pages" class="tab"> <table class="posts above" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="new"> <td><input type="radio" name="post" id="rbPost-2" value="-2" data-status="" data-type="page" data-tk="<?php echo wp_create_nonce("zedity-addcontent-page"); ?> "></td> <td><label for="rbPost-2"><?php _e('New Page', 'zedity'); ?> </label></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <?php print_list($pages); ?> </div> </div> <div> <div class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-widget options statusfilter"> <table> <tr> <td><?php _e('Filter status:', 'zedity'); ?> </td> <td> <input type="checkbox" id="cbPublished" class="cbStatus" value="publish" checked="checked"><label for="cbPublished"><?php _e('Published', 'zedity'); ?>
print_link("otpo user list", "otpo-users"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of otpo. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("otpo-users"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "otpo-svn"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git push to Github commit in the OTPO code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated git-email-bot can post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL>
if (count($devices = dbFetchColumn('SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE last_polled_timetaken > 300 AND `ignore` = 0 AND `disabled` = 0 AND `status` = 1')) > 0) { print_fail("Some devices have not completed their polling run in 5 minutes, this will create gaps in data.\n Check your poll log and refer to"); print_list($devices, "\t %s\n"); } if ($versions['local_branch'] != 'master') { print_warn("Your local git branch is not master, this will prevent automatic updates."); } // check for modified files $modifiedcmd = 'git diff --name-only --exit-code'; if ($username === 'root') { $modifiedcmd = 'su ' . $config['user'] . ' -c "' . $modifiedcmd . '"'; } exec($modifiedcmd, $cmdoutput, $code); if ($code !== 0 && !empty($cmdoutput)) { print_warn("Your local git contains modified files, this could prevent automatic updates.\nModified files:"); print_list($cmdoutput, "\t %s\n"); } // Modules test $modules = explode(',', $options['m']); foreach ($modules as $module) { switch ($module) { case 'mail': if ($config['alert']['transports']['mail'] === true) { $run_test = 1; if (empty($config['alert']['default_mail'])) { print_fail('default_mail config option needs to be specified to test email'); $run_test = 0; } elseif ($config['email_backend'] == 'sendmail') { if (empty($config['email_sendmail_path'])) { print_fail("You have selected sendmail but not configured email_sendmail_path"); $run_test = 0;
print_link("GlassBottom developers list", "devel-glassbottom"); ?> <P>This list is used for general questions and discussion of GlassBottom. Please see the "<a href="<?php printf("{$topdir}/community/help/"); ?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("devel-glassbottom"); ?> <?php print_link("Git commit list (<font color=red>USERS\nCANNOT POST TO THIS LIST</font>)", "glassbottom-commits"); ?> <p>A mail is sent to this list for every Git push to Github commit in the GlassBottom code base. The mail includes a list of files that were changed, the developer's commit message, and a diff of the changes. <strong>Only the automated git-email-bot can post to this list;</strong> all other posts are automatically discarded. </UL> <?php
<?php session_start(); include "setting.php"; if (!isset($_SESSION['id']) || !isset($_SESSION['ipaddress'])) { gotoindex(); } check_login(); $_GET['pagename'] = 'log'; include "header.php"; $result = get_my_answers($_SESSION['id']); print_list($result); include "footer.php"; function print_list($result) { $num = pg_num_rows($result); if ($num == 0) { print "まだ診断を行っていません。<br>\n"; } else { print "<table>\n"; print "<tr><th>診断名</th><th>回答</th><th>結果</th></tr>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $row = pg_fetch_assoc($result, $i); $ans = getAnswer($row['answer']); print "<tr><td>{$row['content']}</td><td>{$row['choice']}</td><td>{$ans}</td></tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } } function get_my_answers($id) {
</style> <title>::</title> </head> <body> {$out}{$form} </body> </html> IFRAME; } } switch ($do) { case 'list': print print_list(); break; case 'add': if ($uid > 0 && $tid > 0) { $c = mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT count(id) FROM thanks WHERE userid = ' . $uid . ' AND torrentid = ' . $tid), 0); if ($c == 0) { if (mysql_query('INSERT INTO thanks(userid,torrentid) VALUES(' . $uid . ',' . $tid . ')')) { print print_list(); } else { $msg = 'There was an error with the query,contatct the staff. Mysql error ' . mysql_error(); print $ajax ? json_encode(array('status' => false, 'err' => $msg)) : $msg; } } } // ===add karma @mysql_query("UPDATE users SET seedbonus = seedbonus+5.0 WHERE id =" . $uid . "") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ===end break; }
$i++; } } } // Sortiere die gefundenen Seriennummern alphabetisch und entferne Dubletten. $seriennr = array_unique($seriennr); sort($seriennr); // Falls die Suche nicht erfolgreich war, gebe entprechende Meldung aus. if (count($seriennr) == 0) { print_nomatch(); } else { if (count($seriennr) == 1) { print_seriennummer($record); } else { if (count($seriennr) > 1) { print_list($seriennr); } } } // Gebe Hilfetext aus (Format der Suche, // Hinweise zum Internet Explorer, Abspeichern der Dateien) } else { print_description(); } } } } } } // Funktion zum Ausgeben der Liste von Typen bzw. Seriennummern. function print_list($liste)
/** * Can be used to print a list into the page * * <b>Creating the print list object</b> * * In order to create a list object you simply need to instatiate a stdClass object * and set the required properties as detailed below. * * <b>$list->style</b> <i>optional</i> Sets the style of the list this defaults to <b>ul</b> but can * be set to <b>ol</b> if you want an ordered list instead * * <b>$list->heading</b> <i>optional</i> Sets a heading before the list and should be a string * * <b>$list->data</b> Is an array of strings to display in the list, nested lists * are supported please read below for information on how to print nested lists. * * <b>$list->printanchors</b> <i>optional</i> If set to true an alphabetical anchor line is printed * at the top of the list allowing the user to <i>jump</i> to a particular letter. * * <b>$list->printanchorsbothends</b> <i>optional</i> If set to true and printanchors set to true then * this prints the alphabetical anchor line at the bottom of the list as well * * <code> * $list = new stdClass; * $list->style = '' * $list->heading = 'Learn to count'; * $list->data = Array('one','two','three','four','five'); * print_list($list); * </code> * * <b>Creating nested lists</b> * * If you want to creata a nested list you simply need to create the second list * object and add it to the data array in the appropriate place. * * The following option is also available and allows you to print a string before * the nested list. * * <b>$list->title</b> <i>optional</i> Is the string to print before the nested list * <code> * $list = new stdClass; * $list->style = '' * $list->heading = 'Learn to count'; * $list->data = Array(); * $list->data[] = 'one'; * $list->data[] = 'two'; * $sublist = new stdClass; * $sublist->title = 'three'; * $sublist->data = Array('a','b','c','d','e'); * $list->data[] = $sublist; * $list->data[] = 'four'; * $list->data[] = 'five'; * print_list($list); * </code> * * @param stdClass $list * @param bool $return If set to true HTML is returned rather than printed * @param bool $disableanchors Only used for recursion don't bother setting */ function print_list($list, $return = false, $disableanchors = false) { $html = ''; $style = 'ul'; if (isset($list->style) && $list->style != 'ul') { $style = 'ol'; } if (isset($list->heading) && !empty($list->heading)) { $html .= sprintf("<h3 class='headingblock header'>%s</h3>\n", $list->heading); } if (isset($list->printanchors) && $list->printanchors === true && $disableanchors === false) { $html .= "<p>#PRINTANCHORS#</p>"; $anchors = array('#' => 0, 'A' => 0, 'B' => 0, 'C' => 0, 'D' => 0, 'E' => 0, 'F' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'H' => 0, 'I' => 0, 'J' => 0, 'K' => 0, 'L' => 0, 'M' => 0, 'N' => 0, 'O' => 0, 'P' => 0, 'Q' => 0, 'R' => 0, 'S' => 0, 'T' => 0, 'U' => 0, 'V' => 0, 'W' => 0, 'X' => 0, 'Y' => 0, 'Z' => 0); } else { $list->printanchors = false; } $html .= sprintf("<%s style='list-style:none;list-spacing:10px;'>\n", $style); foreach ($list->data as $line) { if (is_object($line) && get_class($line) == 'stdClass') { if (isset($line->title) && !empty($line->title)) { $line = $line->title . "<br />" . print_list($line, true, true); } else { $line = print_list($line, true, true); } } else { if ($list->printanchors === true) { if (preg_match('/^(\\s*<[^>]+>\\s*)*([a-zA-Z])/', $line, $m)) { $firstletter = strtoupper($m[2]); } else { $firstletter = '#'; } if ($anchors[$firstletter] === 0) { $line = "<a nohref='nohref' name='{$firstletter}'></a>" . $line; } $anchors[$firstletter]++; } } $html .= sprintf("<li>%s</li>\n", $line); } $html .= sprintf("</%s>\n", $style); if ($list->printanchors) { if (isset($list->printanchorsbothends) && $list->printanchorsbothends === true) { $html .= "<p>#PRINTANCHORS#</p>"; } $anchorlinks = array(); foreach ($anchors as $letter => $count) { if ($count > 0) { $anchorlinks[] = "<a href='#{$letter}' title='{$count}'>{$letter}</a>"; } else { $anchorlinks[] = "{$letter}"; } } $html = str_replace('#PRINTANCHORS#', join(' ', $anchorlinks), $html); } if ($return === true) { return $html; } else { echo $html; return true; } }
?> ">Getting Help</a>" page for details on submitting requests for help. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> can post questions, comments, suspected bug reports, etc. to the list at the following address:</p> <?php print_list("mtt-devel"); ?> <?php print_link("MTT developers list", "mtt-devel"); ?> <P>This list is used for developers who are working with the internals of MTT itself. <?php red("Subscribers"); ?> are welcome to post any topics dealing with the internal code of MTT are welcome on this list: questions, comments, bug reports, etc.</p> <?php print_list("mtt-devel"); ?> </UL> <?php include_once "{$topdir}/includes/";
<?php function print_list($items) { echo '<ul>'; foreach ($items as $item) { echo '<li>' . $item . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } $A = array(1, 2, 'pie'); print_list($A);
<?php require "common.php"; # find the table $table = isset($_REQUEST['table']) ? $_REQUEST['table'] : ""; $section = $sections[$table]; if (empty($section)) { #header("Location: index.php"); die("Invalid table."); } # Make sure we can get here. if (get_page_acccess_level() > $section['level']['show']) { #header("Location: index.php"); die("Not authorized."); } # print top print_header($table); print_menu($section); # create query to show things $msg = print_list($table, $sections[$table]['list']); # print footer of html print_footer($msg);