Ejemplo n.º 1
if (empty($website)) {
    $website = "http://";
if (empty($day)) {
    $day = "N/A";
if (empty($month)) {
    $month = "N/A";
if (empty($year)) {
    $year = "N/A";
if (empty($other)) {
    $other = "N/A";
print_form_parameter(create_container("album_edit_processing.php", ""), "enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"");
print "<table>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Nick:</td>";
print "<td>{$account->HoF_name}</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Location:</td>";
print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"location\" id=\"InputFields\" value=\"{$location}\" onFocus=\"javascript:if (this.value == 'N/A') {this.value = '';}\" onBlur=\"javascript:if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'N/A';}\"></td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Email Address:</td>";
print "<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" id=\"InputFields\" value=\"{$email}\" style=\"width:303px;\" onFocus=\"javascript:if (this.value == 'N/A') {this.value = '';}\" onBlur=\"javascript:if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'N/A';}\"></td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight:bold;\">Website:</td>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
    print "<br></div>";
    //offer another drink and such
    include get_file_loc("bar_opening.php");
} else {
    print_topic("Naming Your Ship");
    print "<div align=\"center\">";
    //get bar name
    $db->query("SELECT location_name FROM location_type NATURAL JOIN location WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND sector_id = {$player->sector_id} AND location_type.location_type_id > 800 AND location_type.location_type_id < 900");
    //next welcome them
    if ($db->next_record()) {
        print "<div align=center>So you want to name your ship?  Great!  " . "Anyone who knows anything will tell you " . $db->f("location_name") . " " . "is the place to get it done!<br><br>";
    print "So...what do you want to name it? (max 48 text chars) (max 30 height by 200 width and 20k for logos)<br>";
    //start form
    $container = array();
    $container["url"] = "skeleton.php";
    $container["body"] = "bar_main.php";
    $container["script"] = "bar_ship_name.php";
    $container["process"] = "yes";
    print_form_parameter($container, "name=\"ship_naming\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\"");
    print "<input type=\"text\" name=\"ship_name\" value=\"Enter Name Here\" id=\"InputFields\"><Br><br>";
    //print("Include HTML? (2 SMR Credits)<input type=checkbox name=html><br>");
    print_submit("Get It Painted! (1 SMR Credit)");
    print "<br><br>";
    print_submit("Include HTML (2 SMR Credits)");
    print "<br><br>";
    print "Image: <input type=\"file\" name=\"photo\" accept=\"image/jpeg\" id=\"InputFields\" style=\"width:40%;\">";
    print "<br>";
    print_submit("Paint a logo (3 SMR Credits)");
    print "</form></div>";