Ejemplo n.º 1
function get_sql_from_avr($file)
    $sql = '';
    $category = '';
    $password = '';
    // Change password if needed
    $user = '******';
    if (preg_match("/#/", $file)) {
        list($category, $_name) = explode('#', basename($file), 2);
        $category = trim(str_replace(' ', '_', $category));
    if (file_exists($file) && filesize($file) > 0) {
        $content = file_get_contents($file);
        $decrypted_content = decrypt($content, $password);
        $datareport = @unserialize($decrypted_content);
        $report_name = $datareport["name"];
        $report_data = @unserialize($datareport["report"]);
        $format_error = $report_data ? FALSE : TRUE;
        $validation_error = FALSE;
        $validation_error = !validate($report_name, 'A-Za-z0-9\\s\\.,:@_\\-\\/\\?&\\=_\\-\\;\\#\\|') ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if (!$validation_error) {
            $validation_error = !validate($category, 'A-Za-z0-9\\s\\.,:@_\\-\\/\\?&\\=_\\-\\;\\#\\|') ? TRUE : FALSE;
        if (!$format_error && !$validation_error) {
            // Force some parameters
            $report_data["profile"] = 'Default';
            $report_data["user"] = 0;
            $report_data["entity"] = '-1';
            $report_data["category"] = !empty($category) ? str_replace('_', ' ', $category) : '';
            $category = !empty($category) ? '_' . $category : '';
            // check subreports ids
            $newds = array();
            $sub_reports = $datareport["sr"];
            foreach ($sub_reports as $idr => $info) {
                if ($idr < 3000) {
                    $newds[$idr] = $report_data["ds"][$idr];
            $report_data["ds"] = $newds;
            // insert
            $sql .= '    REPLACE INTO alienvault.user_config (login, category, name, value) VALUES (\'' . qstr($user) . '\', \'' . qstr('custom_report' . $category) . '\', \'' . qstr($report_name) . '\', from_base64(\'' . base64_encode(serialize($report_data)) . '\'));' . "\n";
        } else {
            print_err($validation_error ? "Invalid character in Report Name or Category" : "Invalid Password, file format or category");
    } else {
        print_err(empty($file) ? "Use: php " . $argv[0] . " path/file_name.avr [category]" : "File {$file} doesn't exists");
    return $sql;
Ejemplo n.º 2
            echo $msg . '<br/>';
        /********** INPUT VALIDATION **********/
        // validate first name
        validate_input($trimmed['fname'], 'first_name') ? $fn = $trimmed['fname'] : print_err('<center>- First Name is not valid: <em>(Must be between 2 & 20 characters and can only contain letters, apostrophes and hyphens)</em></center>');
        // validate last name
        validate_input($trimmed['lname'], 'last_name') ? $ln = $trimmed['lname'] : print_err('<center>- Last Name is not valid: <i>(Must be between 2 & 40 characters and can only contain letters, apostrophes and hyphens)</i></center>');
        // validate email
        validate_input($trimmed['email'], 'email') ? $em = $trimmed['email'] : print_err('<center>- You did not provide a valid email address</center>');
        // validate password
        if (validate_input($trimmed['pass'], 'password')) {
            $trimmed['pass'] == $trimmed['pass2'] ? $pw = $trimmed['pass'] : print_err('<center>- Your passwords did not match</center>');
        } else {
            print_err('<center>- Please enter a valid password: <small>(Must be between 4 & 20 characters. Can only contain letters, numbers and underscores)</small></center>');
        if ($fn && $ln && $em && $pw) {
            // Create activation code:
            $a = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
            $user = new User();
            $user->register(['first_name' => $fn, 'last_name' => $ln, 'email' => $em, 'password' => $pw, 'prof_link' => strtolower($fn . '.' . $ln . uniqid(rand()))]);
        } else {
            print_err('<br/><center><h5 class="red">Please amend your information as detailed and try again</h5></center><br/><br/>');
// Include registration form markup
include FORMS . 'registration_form.inc.php';
include FOOTER;
function array_stick($base_arr, $add_arr)
    if (is_array($base_arr) && is_array($add_arr)) {
        foreach ($add_arr as $key => $value) {
            $base_arr[$key] = array_merge($base_arr[$key], $value);
    } else {
        print_err("Input arguments are not arrays");
    return $base_arr;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public function register($fields = [])
        if (!$this->find($fields['email'], 'users', ['email'])) {
            // if find() returned false then either of the following is true:
            // - Email address provided is unique and we're good to go
            // - Or there were errors querying the DB...
            if (empty($this->_db->errors())) {
                // Set activation code depending on site status:
                $fields['active'] = LIVE ? md5(uniqid(rand(), true)) : NULL;
                // Create new user in DB:
                if (empty($this->_db->insert('users', $fields)->errors())) {
                    // Setup the new users directories and default files in file system:
                    if (!$this->create_new_user_dir($fields['prof_link'])) {
                        trigger_error("Error registering new user: Failed to create new users directories in file system");
                        print_err('<br/><center><h5 class="red uppercase">You have not been registered</h5></center><br/><br/>');
                        include FOOTER;
                    if (LIVE) {
                        // CONSTRUCT ACTIVATION EMAIL:
                        $body = "Thank you for creating an account with Boxtar UK. To activate your account please follow this link:\n\n";
                        // Add URL to activation script with required vars
                        $body .= BASE_URL . 'activate_acc.php?_x004a=' . urlencode($fields['email']) . '&_y0030=' . $fields['active'];
                        // send activation email
                        mail($fields['email'], 'Boxtar UK - Activate Your Box', $body, 'From: donotreply@boxtar.uk');
                        // Thank user
                        echo '<div class="md-container"><h5>Thank you for creating an account with BOXTAR UK&nbsp;&copy;</h5>
							<p><br/><br/>An email has been sent to the provided email address. Please follow the link
							in that email to activate your account</p></div">';
                    } else {
                        echo <<<EOT
<div class="md-container"><h5>Thank you for creating an account with BOXTAR UK&nbsp;&copy;</h5></div">
                    // Close page and kill script (form wont be re-shown)
                    echo '</div><!-- boxtar-content -->';
                    include FOOTER;
                } else {
                    trigger_error("Error inserting new user into DB in " . trim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/') . " (register function)<br/>DB Errors: " . implode('<br/>', $this->_db->errors()));
                    print_err('<br/><center><h5 class="red uppercase">You have not been registered</h5></center><br/><br/>');
                    include FOOTER;
            } else {
                trigger_error("Error registering new user in " . trim($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], '/') . " (find function returned false)<br/>DB Errors: " . implode('<br/>', $this->_db->errors()));
                print_err('<br/><center><h5 class="red uppercase">You have not been registered</h5></center><br/><br/>');
                include FOOTER;
        } else {
            // find() returned true so a match was found
            print_err('<center><p class="red">The provided e-mail address has already been registered<br/><i><a href="pass_retrieval.php">(Forgotten your password?)</a></i></p></center>');
Ejemplo n.º 5
    // Login will simply fail if an invalid email address is provided as the DB Query
    // won't return anything - so no need for unnecessary overhead
    !empty($trimmed['email']) ? $em = $trimmed['email'] : print_err('You did not enter an email address');
    !empty($trimmed['pass']) ? $pw = $trimmed['pass'] : print_err('You did not enter a password');
    if ($em && $pw) {
        // email and password provided - start querying DB
        $user = new User();
        $login_status = $user->login($em, $pw);
        if ($login_status['status'] === true) {
        } else {
            print_err($login_status['msg'] . '<br/><br/>Please try again');
    } else {
        // Email and/or password did NOT pass validation
        print_err('<br/>Please try again');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['e'])) {
        // Used for redirecting from activate_acc.php
        $trimmed = ['email' => trim($_GET['e'])];

include FORMS . 'login_form.inc.php';