Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Prepare the 'In-skin editing'.
function init_inskin_editing()
    global $Blog, $edited_Item, $action, $form_action;
    global $item_tags, $item_title, $item_content;
    global $admin_url, $redirect_to, $advanced_edit_link;
    if (!$Blog->get_setting('in_skin_editing')) {
        // Redirect to the Back-office editing (setting is OFF)
        header_redirect($admin_url . '?ctrl=items&action=new&blog=' . $Blog->ID);
    $tab_switch_params = 'blog=' . $Blog->ID;
    // Post ID, go from $_GET when we edit post from Front-office
    $post_ID = param('p', 'integer', 0);
    // Post ID, go from $_GET when we copy post from Front-office
    $copy_post_ID = param('cp', 'integer', 0);
    if ($post_ID > 0) {
        // Edit post
        global $post_extracats;
        $action = 'edit';
        $ItemCache =& get_ItemCache();
        $edited_Item = $ItemCache->get_by_ID($post_ID);
        check_categories_nosave($post_category, $post_extracats);
        $post_extracats = postcats_get_byID($post_ID);
        $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=edit&p=' . $post_ID, '&');
        $tab_switch_params .= '&p=' . $edited_Item->ID;
    } elseif ($copy_post_ID > 0) {
        // Copy post
        global $localtimenow;
        $action = 'new';
        $ItemCache =& get_ItemCache();
        $edited_Item = $ItemCache->get_by_ID($copy_post_ID);
        $edited_Item_Blog = $edited_Item->get_Blog();
        $item_status = $edited_Item_Blog->get_allowed_item_status();
        $edited_Item->set('status', $item_status);
        $edited_Item->set('dateset', 0);
        // Date not explicitly set yet
        $edited_Item->set('issue_date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow));
        modules_call_method('constructor_item', array('Item' => &$edited_Item));
        check_categories_nosave($post_category, $post_extracats);
        $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=edit', '&');
    } elseif (empty($action)) {
        // Create new post (from Front-office)
        $action = 'new';
        load_class('items/model/_item.class.php', 'Item');
        $edited_Item = new Item();
        $def_status = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID, false);
        $edited_Item->set('status', $def_status);
        check_categories_nosave($post_category, $post_extracats);
        $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $Blog->get_default_cat_ID());
        // Set default locations from current user
        // Set object params:
        $edited_Item->load_from_Request(false, true);
        $redirect_to = url_add_param($Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp=edit', '&');
    // Used in the edit form:
    // We never allow HTML in titles, so we always encode and decode special chars.
    $item_title = htmlspecialchars_decode($edited_Item->title);
    $item_content = prepare_item_content($edited_Item->content);
    if (!$edited_Item->get_type_setting('allow_html')) {
        // HTML is disallowed for this post, content is encoded in DB and we need to decode it for editing:
        $item_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($item_content);
    // Format content for editing, if we were not already in editing...
    $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin();
    $params = array('object_type' => 'Item', 'object_Blog' => &$edited_Item->Blog);
    $Plugins_admin->unfilter_contents($item_title, $item_content, $edited_Item->get_renderers_validated(), $params);
    $item_tags = implode(', ', $edited_Item->get_tags());
    // Get an url for a link 'Go to advanced edit screen'
    $advanced_edit_link = array('href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&action=' . $action . '&' . $tab_switch_params, 'onclick' => 'return b2edit_reload( document.getElementById(\'item_checkchanges\'), \'' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&blog=' . $Blog->ID . '\' );');
    $form_action = get_samedomain_htsrv_url() . 'item_edit.php';
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Load data from Request form fields.
  * This requires the blog (e.g. {@link $blog_ID} or {@link $main_cat_ID} to be set).
  * @param boolean true if we are returning to edit mode (new, switchtab...)
  * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
 function load_from_Request($editing = false, $creating = false)
     global $default_locale, $current_User, $localtimenow;
     global $posttypes_reserved_IDs, $item_typ_ID;
     // LOCALE:
     if (param('post_locale', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
     // POST TYPE:
     $item_typ_ID = get_param('item_typ_ID');
     if (empty($item_typ_ID)) {
         // Try to get this from request if it has been not initialized by controller:
         $item_typ_ID = param('item_typ_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     if (!empty($item_typ_ID)) {
         // Set new post type ID only if it is defined on request:
         $this->set('ityp_ID', $item_typ_ID);
     // URL associated with Item:
     $post_url = param('post_url', 'string', NULL);
     if ($post_url !== NULL) {
         param_check_url('post_url', 'posting', '');
     if (empty($post_url) && $this->get_type_setting('use_url') == 'required') {
         // URL must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('post_url', T_('Please provide a "Link To" URL.'), '');
     // Item parent ID:
     $post_parent_ID = param('post_parent_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     if ($post_parent_ID !== NULL) {
         // If item parent ID is entered:
         $ItemCache =& get_ItemCache();
         if ($ItemCache->get_by_ID($post_parent_ID, false, false)) {
             // Save only ID of existing item:
         } else {
             // Display an error of the entered item parent ID is incorrect:
             param_error('post_parent_ID', T_('The parent ID is not a correct Item ID.'));
     if (empty($post_parent_ID)) {
         // If empty parent ID is entered:
         if ($this->get_type_setting('use_parent') == 'required') {
             // Item parent ID must be entered:
             param_check_not_empty('post_parent_ID', T_('Please provide a parent ID.'), '');
         } else {
             // Remove parent ID:
     if ($this->status == 'redirected' && empty($this->url)) {
         // Note: post_url is not part of the simple form, so this message can be a little bit awkward there
         param_error('post_url', T_('If you want to redirect this post, you must specify an URL!') . ' (' . T_('Advanced properties panel') . ')', T_('If you want to redirect this post, you must specify an URL!'));
     if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted') && $current_User->check_perm('blog_edit_ts', 'edit', false, $this->Blog->ID)) {
         // Allow to update timestamp fields only if user has a permission to edit such fields
         //    and also if user has an access to back-office
         $item_dateset = param('item_dateset', 'integer', NULL);
         if ($item_dateset !== NULL) {
             $this->set('dateset', $item_dateset);
             if ($editing || $this->dateset == 1) {
                 // We can use user date:
                 if (param_date('item_issue_date', T_('Please enter a valid issue date.'), true) && param_time('item_issue_time')) {
                     // only set it, if a (valid) date and time was given:
                     $this->set('issue_date', form_date(get_param('item_issue_date'), get_param('item_issue_time')));
                     // TODO: cleanup...
             } elseif ($this->dateset == 0) {
                 // Set date to NOW:
                 $this->set('issue_date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow));
     // DEADLINE:
     if (param_date('item_deadline', T_('Please enter a valid deadline.'), false, NULL) !== NULL) {
         $this->set_from_Request('datedeadline', 'item_deadline', true);
     // SLUG:
     if (param('post_urltitle', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
     // <title> TAG:
     $titletag = param('titletag', 'string', NULL);
     if ($titletag !== NULL) {
         $this->set_from_Request('titletag', 'titletag');
     if (empty($titletag) && $this->get_type_setting('use_title_tag') == 'required') {
         // Title tag must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('titletag', T_('Please provide a title tag.'), '');
     // <meta> DESC:
     $metadesc = param('metadesc', 'string', NULL);
     if ($metadesc !== NULL) {
         $this->set_setting('metadesc', get_param('metadesc'));
     if (empty($metadesc) && $this->get_type_setting('use_meta_desc') == 'required') {
         // Meta description must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('metadesc', T_('Please provide a meta description.'), '');
     // <meta> KEYWORDS:
     $metakeywords = param('metakeywords', 'string', NULL);
     if ($metakeywords !== NULL) {
         $this->set_setting('metakeywords', get_param('metakeywords'));
     if (empty($metakeywords) && $this->get_type_setting('use_meta_keywds') == 'required') {
         // Meta keywords must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('metakeywords', T_('Please provide the meta keywords.'), '');
     // TAGS:
     if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted')) {
         // User should has an access to back-office to edit tags
         $item_tags = param('item_tags', 'string', NULL);
         if ($item_tags !== NULL) {
             // Update setting 'suggest_item_tags' of the current User
             global $UserSettings;
             $UserSettings->set('suggest_item_tags', param('suggest_item_tags', 'integer', 0));
         if (empty($item_tags) && $this->get_type_setting('use_tags') == 'required') {
             // Tags must be entered
             param_check_not_empty('item_tags', T_('Please provide at least one tag.'), '');
     // WORKFLOW stuff:
     param('item_st_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     $this->set_from_Request('pst_ID', 'item_st_ID', true);
     $item_assigned_user_ID = param('item_assigned_user_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     $item_assigned_user_login = param('item_assigned_user_login', 'string', NULL);
     $this->assign_to($item_assigned_user_ID, $item_assigned_user_login);
     $item_priority = param('item_priority', 'integer', NULL);
     if ($item_priority !== NULL) {
         // Set task priority only if it is gone from form
         $this->set_from_Request('priority', 'item_priority', true);
     // FEATURED checkbox:
     $this->set('featured', param('item_featured', 'integer', 0), false);
     // HIDE TEASER checkbox:
     $this->set_setting('hide_teaser', param('item_hideteaser', 'integer', 0));
     $goal_ID = param('goal_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     if ($goal_ID !== NULL) {
         // Goal ID
         $this->set_setting('goal_ID', $goal_ID, true);
     // ORDER:
     param('item_order', 'double', NULL);
     $this->set_from_Request('order', 'item_order', true);
     // OWNER:
     $this->creator_user_login = param('item_owner_login', 'string', NULL);
     if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit') && param('item_owner_login_displayed', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
         // only admins can change the owner..
         if (param_check_not_empty('item_owner_login', T_('Please enter valid owner login.')) && param_check_login('item_owner_login', true)) {
     if ($this->get_type_setting('use_coordinates') != 'never') {
         // location coordinates are enabled, save map settings
         param('item_latitude', 'double', NULL);
         // get par value
         $this->set_setting('latitude', get_param('item_latitude'), true);
         param('item_longitude', 'double', NULL);
         // get par value
         $this->set_setting('longitude', get_param('item_longitude'), true);
         param('google_map_zoom', 'integer', NULL);
         // get par value
         $this->set_setting('map_zoom', get_param('google_map_zoom'), true);
         param('google_map_type', 'string', NULL);
         // get par value
         $this->set_setting('map_type', get_param('google_map_type'), true);
         if ($this->get_type_setting('use_coordinates') == 'required') {
             // The location coordinates are required
             param_check_not_empty('item_latitude', T_('Please provide a latitude.'), '');
             param_check_not_empty('item_longitude', T_('Please provide a longitude.'), '');
     $custom_fields = $this->get_type_custom_fields();
     foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) {
         // update each custom field
         $param_name = 'item_' . $custom_field['type'] . '_' . $custom_field['ID'];
         if (isset_param($param_name)) {
             // param is set
             $param_type = $custom_field['type'] == 'varchar' ? 'string' : $custom_field['type'];
             param($param_name, $param_type, NULL);
             // get par value
             $custom_field_make_null = $custom_field['type'] != 'double';
             // store '0' values in DB for numeric fields
             $this->set_setting('custom_' . $custom_field['type'] . '_' . $custom_field['ID'], get_param($param_name), $custom_field_make_null);
     // COMMENTS:
     if ($this->allow_comment_statuses()) {
         // Save status of "Allow comments for this item" (only if comments are allowed in this blog, and by current post type
         $post_comment_status = param('post_comment_status', 'string', 'open');
         if (!empty($post_comment_status)) {
             // 'open' or 'closed' or ...
     $expiry_delay = param_duration('expiry_delay');
     if (empty($expiry_delay)) {
         // Check if we have 'expiry_delay' param set as string from simple or mass form
         $expiry_delay = param('expiry_delay', 'string', NULL);
     if (empty($expiry_delay) && $this->get_type_setting('use_comment_expiration') == 'required') {
         // Comment expiration must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('expiry_delay', T_('Please provide a comment expiration delay.'), '');
     $this->set_setting('comment_expiry_delay', $expiry_delay, true);
     modules_call_method('update_item_settings', array('edited_Item' => $this));
     // RENDERERS:
     if (param('renderers_displayed', 'integer', 0)) {
         // use "renderers" value only if it has been displayed (may be empty)
         global $Plugins;
         $renderers = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list(param('renderers', 'array:string', array()), array('Item' => &$this));
         $this->set('renderers', $renderers);
     } else {
         $renderers = $this->get_renderers_validated();
     // CONTENT + TITLE:
     if ($this->get_type_setting('allow_html')) {
         // HTML is allowed for this post, we'll accept HTML tags:
         $text_format = 'html';
     } else {
         // HTML is disallowed for this post, we'll encode all special chars:
         $text_format = 'htmlspecialchars';
     $editor_code = param('editor_code', 'string', NULL);
     if ($editor_code) {
         // Update item editor code if it was explicitly set
         $this->set_setting('editor_code', $editor_code);
     $content = param('content', $text_format, NULL);
     if ($content !== NULL) {
         // Never allow html content on post titles:  (fp> probably so as to not mess up backoffice and all sorts of tools)
         param('post_title', 'htmlspecialchars', NULL);
         // Do some optional filtering on the content
         // Typically stuff that will help the content to validate
         // Useful for code display.
         // Will probably be used for validation also.
         $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin();
         $params = array('object_type' => 'Item', 'object' => &$this, 'object_Blog' => &$this->Blog);
         $Plugins_admin->filter_contents($GLOBALS['post_title'], $GLOBALS['content'], $renderers, $params);
         // Title checking:
         $use_title = $this->get_type_setting('use_title');
         if ((!$editing || $creating) && $use_title == 'required') {
             param_check_not_empty('post_title', T_('Please provide a title.'), '');
         // Format raw HTML input to cleaned up and validated HTML:
         param_check_html('content', T_('Invalid content.'));
         $content = prepare_item_content(get_param('content'));
         $this->set('content', $content);
         $this->set('title', get_param('post_title'));
     if (empty($content) && $this->get_type_setting('use_text') == 'required') {
         // Content must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('content', T_('Please enter some text.'), '');
     // EXCERPT: (must come after content (to handle excerpt_autogenerated))
     $post_excerpt = param('post_excerpt', 'text', NULL);
     if ($post_excerpt !== NULL && $post_excerpt != $this->excerpt) {
         $this->set('excerpt_autogenerated', 0);
         // Set this to the '0' for saving a field 'excerpt' from a request
     if (empty($post_excerpt) && $this->get_type_setting('use_excerpt') == 'required') {
         // Content must be entered
         param_check_not_empty('post_excerpt', T_('Please provide an excerpt.'), '');
     // Check if this item has a special post type. Location is not required for special posts.
     $not_special_post = !$this->is_special();
     if ($this->country_visible()) {
         // Save country
         $country_ID = param('item_ctry_ID', 'integer', 0);
         $country_is_required = $this->get_type_setting('use_country') == 'required' && $not_special_post && countries_exist();
         param_check_number('item_ctry_ID', T_('Please select a country'), $country_is_required);
         $this->set_from_Request('ctry_ID', 'item_ctry_ID', true);
     if ($this->region_visible()) {
         // Save region
         $region_ID = param('item_rgn_ID', 'integer', 0);
         $region_is_required = $this->get_type_setting('use_region') == 'required' && $not_special_post && regions_exist($country_ID);
         param_check_number('item_rgn_ID', T_('Please select a region'), $region_is_required);
         $this->set_from_Request('rgn_ID', 'item_rgn_ID', true);
     if ($this->subregion_visible()) {
         // Save subregion
         $subregion_ID = param('item_subrg_ID', 'integer', 0);
         $subregion_is_required = $this->get_type_setting('use_sub_region') == 'required' && $not_special_post && subregions_exist($region_ID);
         param_check_number('item_subrg_ID', T_('Please select a sub-region'), $subregion_is_required);
         $this->set_from_Request('subrg_ID', 'item_subrg_ID', true);
     if ($this->city_visible()) {
         // Save city
         param('item_city_ID', 'integer', 0);
         $city_is_required = $this->get_type_setting('use_city') == 'required' && $not_special_post && cities_exist($country_ID, $region_ID, $subregion_ID);
         param_check_number('item_city_ID', T_('Please select a city'), $city_is_required);
         $this->set_from_Request('city_ID', 'item_city_ID', true);
     return !param_errors_detected();
Ejemplo n.º 3
     if (in_array($action, array('new_type', 'edit_type'))) {
         // Form to change post type
     } else {
         // Form to edit item
     // End payload block:
 case 'new_mass':
     // Begin payload block:
     // We never allow HTML in titles, so we always encode and decode special chars.
     $item_title = htmlspecialchars_decode($edited_Item->title);
     $item_content = prepare_item_content($edited_Item->content);
     if (!$edited_Item->get_type_setting('allow_html')) {
         // HTML is disallowed for this post, content is encoded in DB and we need to decode it for editing:
         $item_content = htmlspecialchars_decode($item_content);
     // Format content for editing, if we were not already in editing...
     $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin();
     $params = array('object_type' => 'Item', 'object_Blog' => &$edited_Item->Blog);
     $Plugins_admin->unfilter_contents($item_title, $item_content, $edited_Item->get_renderers_validated(), $params);
     // End payload block:
 case 'view':
 case 'delete':