Ejemplo n.º 1
function prj_addTeamMemberTaskPerms($pid, $taskID)
    global $_TABLES;
    $sql = "select id, uid, gid, viewread, writechange, fullaccess, seedetails from {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} ";
    $sql .= "where pid='{$pid}' and taskID='0' and writechange='1'";
    $cursorRes = DB_query($sql);
    $nCursorRows = DB_numRows($cursorRes);
    //use cursorRes as an in-code cursor to run thru to insert or update permissions
    //need to revoke anyone's who has monitor only rights to this task.  delete the row
    $sql = "delete from {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} ";
    $sql .= "where pid='{$pid}' and taskID='{$taskID}' and ((viewread='1' and writechange='0' and fullaccess='0') ";
    $sql .= "or (viewread='0' and writechange='0' and fullaccess='0')) ";
    for ($cntr = 0; $cntr < $nCursorRows; $cntr++) {
        list($rid, $uid, $gid, $pvr, $pwc, $pfa, $psd) = DB_fetchArray($cursorRes);
        //now we hold the project perms..we have to do the same check to see if a user/group already has perms to add them properly here
        $sql = "select id from {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} ";
        if ($uid == '0') {
            $sql .= "where gid='{$gid}'";
        } else {
            $sql .= "where uid='{$uid}'";
        $sql .= " and pid='{$pid}' and taskID='{$taskID}'";
        $countRes = DB_query($sql);
        list($rid) = DB_fetchArray($countRes);
        $cnt = DB_numRows($countRes);
        if ($cnt > 0) {
            //already have a row.. update
            $sql = "select viewRead,writeChange,fullAccess from {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} where id='{$rid}'";
            $res = DB_query($sql);
            list($vr, $wc, $fa) = DB_fetchArray($res);
            $vr = (bool) ($vr + $pvr);
            $vr = ppApplyFilter($vr, true, true);
            $wc = (bool) ($wc + $pwc);
            $wc = ppApplyFilter($wc, true, true);
            $fa = (bool) ($fa + $pfa);
            $fa = ppApplyFilter($fa, true, true);
            //we're now holding the new booleans for the database
            $sql = "update {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} set viewRead='{$vr}', writeChange='{$wc}', fullAccess='{$fa}' where id='{$rid}'";
        } else {
            //no row, insert
            $vr = (bool) $pvr;
            $vr = ppApplyFilter($vr, true, true);
            $wc = (bool) $pwc;
            $wc = ppApplyFilter($wc, true, true);
            $fa = (bool) $pfa;
            $fa = ppApplyFilter($fa, true, true);
            $sql = "insert into {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} (pid,taskID, uid, gid, viewRead, writeChange, fullAccess) values(";
            $sql .= "'{$pid}',";
            $sql .= "'{$taskID}',";
            if ($uid != '0') {
                $sql .= "'{$uid}',";
            } else {
                $sql .= "'0',";
            if ($gid != '0') {
                $sql .= "'{$gid}',";
            } else {
                $sql .= "'0',";
            $sql .= "'{$vr}',";
            $sql .= "'{$wc}',";
            $sql .= "'{$fa}'";
            $sql .= ")";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function prj_drawProjectGanttBar(&$graph, &$row, &$count, $pid = 0, $nameIndent = '', $sm, $stm)
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $showTasksForExpandedProjects, $expandedCookie, $userid, $_PRJCONF, $filterCSV, $proj_query_from, $proj_query_where;
    // Determine the expanded projects
    $expanded = split(',', $expandedCookie);
    $sm = ppApplyFilter($sm, true, true);
    $stm = ppApplyFilter($stm, true, true);
    $filter = COM_applyFilter($_COOKIE['filter']);
    $category_string = substr("{$filter}", 0, 3);
    // Get a list of groups user is a member of and setup to be used in SQL to test user can view project
    $groups = SEC_getUserGroups($uid);
    foreach ($groups as $id) {
        $aGroups[] = $id;
    $prjPermGroups = implode(',', $aGroups);
    if (SEC_inGroup('Root')) {
        $queryfrom = "FROM {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} a";
        $querywhere = " WHERE 1=1 ";
    } else {
        $queryfrom = "FROM {$_TABLES['prj_projects']} a, {$_TABLES['prj_projPerms']} b ";
        $querywhere .= "WHERE b.pid =a.pid";
        $querywhere .= " AND b.taskID=0 AND (b.uid={$userid} OR b.gid in ({$prjPermGroups})) ";
    switch ($category_string) {
        case 'cat':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $queryfrom = $queryfrom . ", {$_TABLES['prj_category']} c ";
            $querywhere = $querywhere . "AND c.pid=a.pid AND c.category_id={$needle} ";
            $header = nexlistOptionList('view', '', $_PRJCONF['nexlist_category'], 0, $needle);
        case 'loc':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $queryfrom = $queryfrom . ", {$_TABLES['prj_location']} c ";
            $querywhere = $querywhere . "AND c.pid=a.pid AND c.location_id={$needle} ";
            $header = nexlistOptionList('view', '', $_PRJCONF['nexlist_locations'], 0, $needle);
        case 'dep':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $queryfrom = $queryfrom . ", {$_TABLES['prj_department']} c ";
            $querywhere = $querywhere . "AND c.pid=a.pid AND c.department_id={$needle} ";
            $header = nexlistOptionList('view', '', $_PRJCONF['nexlist_departments'], 0, $needle);
        case 'pri':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $querywhere = $querywhere . " AND a.priority_id={$needle} ";
            $header = $strings["filter_priority"] . $priority[$needle];
        case 'pro':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $querywhere = $querywhere . " AND a.progress_id={$needle} ";
            $header = $strings["filter_progress"] . $progress[$needle];
        case 'sta':
            $needle = substr("{$filter}", 3, 3);
            $querywhere = $querywhere . " AND a.status_id={$needle} ";
            $header = $strings["filter_status"] . $status[$needle];
            $needle = '';
            $customFilter = '';
            $header = '';
    $sql = "SELECT a.pid, a.name, a.start_date, a.estimated_end_date, a.parent_id, a.percent_completion as progress, progress_id ";
    $sql .= $queryfrom;
    $sql .= $querywhere;
    if ($pid == 0) {
        $sql .= "AND parent_id=0 AND a.pid=c.pid ";
    } else {
        $sql .= "AND parent_id='{$pid}' ";
    if ($filterCSV != '') {
        $sql .= "AND pid  in ({$filterCSV}) ";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY lhs ASC";
    $result = DB_query($sql, true);
    $testrows = DB_numRows($result);
    if ($testrows == 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT a.pid, a.name, a.start_date, a.estimated_end_date, a.parent_id, a.percent_completion as progress, progress_id ";
        $sql .= $queryfrom;
        $sql .= $querywhere;
        if ($pid == 0) {
            $sql .= "AND parent_id=0 ";
        } else {
            $sql .= "AND parent_id='{$pid}' ";
        $sql .= " ORDER BY lhs ASC";
        $result = DB_query($sql);
    for ($j = 0; $j < DB_numrows($result); $j++) {
        list($pid, $name, $startdate, $enddate, $parent_task, $progress, $status) = DB_fetchArray($result);
        $permsArray = prj_getProjectPermissions($pid, $userid);
        $ownertoken = getProjectToken($pid, $userid, "{$_TABLES['prj_users']}");
        if ($sm == '0' && $stm == '1') {
            //only show team members (my projects)
            if ($permsArray['teammember'] == '1' || $permsArray['full'] == '1' || $ownertoken == '1') {
                prj_paintProjectBar(false, $pid, $name, $startdate, $enddate, $parent_task, $progress, $status, $expanded, $userid, $nameIndent, $graph, $count, $row, $sm, $stm);
            //end if for perms checking
        } elseif ($sm == '1' && $stm == '1') {
            //show everything you have monitor and upwards access to (all projects)
            if ($permsArray['monitor'] == '1' || $permsArray['teammember'] == '1' || $permsArray['full'] == '1' || $ownertoken == '1') {
                prj_paintProjectBar(true, $pid, $name, $startdate, $enddate, $parent_task, $progress, $status, $expanded, $userid, $nameIndent, $graph, $count, $row, $sm, $stm);
        //if this project has no child projects AND it has tasks AND the expansion sign is empty
        if (DB_count($_TABLES['prj_projects'], 'parent_id', $pid) == 0 && DB_count($_TABLES['prj_tasks'], 'pid', $pid) > 0 && $sign == '') {
            if ($showTasksForExpandedProjects == 'true') {
                prj_drawProjectTasksGanttBar($graph, $row, $count, $pid, $nameIndent . ' ', 0, 0, $sm, $stm);
        $tempPerms = prj_getProjectPermissions($pid, $userid);
        if (array_keys($expanded, $pid) != array() && DB_count($_TABLES['prj_projects'], 'parent_id', $pid) > 0 || $tempPerms['monitor'] == '0' && $tempPerms['teammember'] == '0') {
            if ($showTasksForExpandedProjects == 'true') {
                prj_drawProjectTasksGanttBar($graph, $row, $count, $pid, $nameIndent . ' ', 0, 0, $sm, $stm);
            prj_drawProjectGanttBar($graph, $row, $count, $pid, $nameIndent . ' ', $sm, $stm);
            $activity = NULL;
    //end for
Ejemplo n.º 3
function ppGetData($vars, $setglobal = false, $type = '', $option = '')
    $return_data = array();
    if (!is_array($vars)) {
        $vars = array($vars);
    #setup common reference to SuperGlobals depending which array is needed
    if ($type == 'GET' or $type == 'POST') {
        if ($type == 'GET') {
            $SG_Array =& $_GET;
        if ($type == 'POST') {
            $SG_Array =& $_POST;
        # loop through SuperGlobal data array and grab out data for allowed fields if found
        foreach ($vars as $key) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $SG_Array)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $SG_Array[$key];
    } else {
        foreach ($vars as $key) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $_POST[$key];
            } elseif (array_key_exists($key, $_GET)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $_GET[$key];
    # loop through $vars array and apply the filter
    foreach ($vars as $value) {
        if ($option == 'text') {
            // Check if this variable is an array - maybe a checkbox or multiple select
            if (is_array($return_data[$value])) {
                $subvalues_array = array();
                foreach ($return_data[$value] as $subvalue) {
                    $subvalues_array[] = ppFilterText($subvalue);
                $return_data[$value] = $subvalues_array;
            } else {
                $return_data[$value] = ppFilterText($return_data[$value]);
        } else {
            // Check if this variable is an array - maybe a checkbox or multiple select
            if (is_array($return_data[$value])) {
                $subvalues_array = array();
                foreach ($return_data[$value] as $subvalue) {
                    if ($option == 'int') {
                        $subvalues_array[] = ppApplyFilter($subvalue, true, true);
                    } else {
                        $subvalues_array[] = ppApplyFilter($subvalue);
                $return_data[$value] = $subvalues_array;
            } else {
                if ($option == 'int') {
                    $return_data[$value] = ppApplyFilter($return_data[$value], true);
                } else {
                    $return_data[$value] = ppApplyFilter($return_data[$value]);
    // Optionally set $GLOBALS or return the array
    if ($setglobal) {
        # loop through final data and define all the variables using the $GLOBALS array
        foreach ($return_data as $key => $value) {
            $GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
    } else {
        return $return_data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function ppGetData($vars, $setglobal = false, $type = '')
    $return_data = array();
    #setup common reference to SuperGlobals depending which array is needed
    if ($type == "GET" or $type == "POST") {
        if ($type == "GET") {
            $SG_Array =& $_GET;
        if ($type == "POST") {
            $SG_Array =& $_POST;
        # loop through SuperGlobal data array and grab out data for allowed fields if found
        foreach ($vars as $key) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $SG_Array)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $SG_Array[$key];
    } else {
        foreach ($vars as $key) {
            if (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $_POST[$key];
            } elseif (array_key_exists($key, $_GET)) {
                $return_data[$key] = $_GET[$key];
    # loop through $vars array and apply the filter
    foreach ($vars as $value) {
        $return_data[$value] = ppApplyFilter($return_data[$value]);
    // Optionally set $GLOBALS or return the array
    if ($setglobal) {
        # loop through final data and define all the variables using the $GLOBALS array
        foreach ($return_data as $key => $value) {
            $GLOBALS[$key] = $value;
    } else {
        return $return_data;