Ejemplo n.º 1
function SERVICE_CMSCSS_postnuke()
    global $include_path, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $thename, $css, $row_colors, $jz_MenuItem, $jz_MenuItemHover, $jz_MenuItemLeft, $jz_MainItemHover, $jz_MenuSplit;
    $thename = pnVarPrepForOs(pnUserGetTheme());
    $bgcolor2 = $bgcolor4;
    echo "<style type=\"text/css\">" . ".jz_row1 { background-color:{$bgcolor1}; }" . ".jz_row2 { background-color:{$bgcolor2}; }" . ".and_head1 { background-color:{$bgcolor2}; }" . ".and_head2 { background-color:{$bgcolor1}; }" . "</style>";
    // Now let's set the style sheet for CMS stuff
    $_SESSION['cms-style'] = "themes/" . $thename . "/style/styleNN.css";
    $_SESSION['cms-theme-data'] = urlencode($bgcolor1 . "|" . $bgcolor2);
    $row_colors = array('jz_row2', 'jz_row1');
    $jz_MenuItemHover = "jz_row2";
    $jz_MenuItem = "jz_row1";
    $jz_MenuItemLeft = "jzMenuItemLeft";
    $jz_MenuSplit = "jzMenuSplit";
    $jz_MainItemHover = "jzMainItemHover";
    // Now let's set the CSS
    $css = $include_path . "style/cms-theme/default.php";
    return $css;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function head()
    global $index, $artpage, $topic, $hlpfile, $hr, $theme, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5, $textcolor1, $textcolor2, $textcolor3, $textcolor4, $forumpage, $thename, $postnuke_theme, $pntheme, $themename, $themeimages, $additional_header, $themeOverrideCategory, $themeOverrideStory;
    // modification mouzaia .71
    $cWhereIsPerso = WHERE_IS_PERSO;
    if (!empty($cWhereIsPerso)) {
        include "modules/NS-Multisites/head.inc.php";
    } else {
        global $themesarein;
        if (pnUserLoggedIn() && pnConfigGetVar('theme_change') != 1) {
            $thistheme = pnUserGetTheme();
            if (isset($theme)) {
                $thistheme = pnVarPrepForOs($theme);
        } else {
            $thistheme = pnConfigGetVar('Default_Theme');
            if (isset($theme)) {
                $thistheme = pnVarPrepForOs($theme);
        // eugenio themeover 20020413
        // override the theme per category or story
        // precedence is story over category override
        if ($themeOverrideCategory != '' && file_exists("themes/{$themeOverrideCategory}")) {
            $thistheme = $themeOverrideCategory;
        if ($themeOverrideStory != '' && file_exists("themes/{$themeOverrideStory}")) {
            $thistheme = $themeOverrideStory;
        if (@file(WHERE_IS_PERSO . "themes/" . $thistheme . "/theme.php")) {
            $themesarein = WHERE_IS_PERSO;
        } else {
            $themesarein = "";
    // eugenio themeover 20020413
     * Simple XHTML Beginnings
    if (pnConfigGetVar('supportxhtml')) {
        /* Transitional Support for now */
    } else {
        echo "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n";
        echo "<html>\n<head>\n";
        if (defined("_CHARSET") && _CHARSET != "") {
            echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" " . "content=\"text/html; charset=" . _CHARSET . "\">\n";
    if ($artpage == 1) {
         * article page output
        global $info, $hometext;
        echo "<title>{$info['title']} :: " . pnConfigGetVar('sitename') . ' :: ' . pnConfigGetVar('slogan') . "</title>\n";
        if (pnConfigGetVar('dyn_keywords') == 1) {
            $htmlless = check_html($info['maintext'], $strip = 'nohtml');
            $symbolLess = trim(ereg_replace('("|\\?|!|:|\\.|\\(|\\)|;|\\\\)+', ' ', $htmlless));
            $keywords = ereg_replace('( |' . CHR(10) . '|' . CHR(13) . ')+', ',', $symbolLess);
            $metatags = ereg_replace(",+", ",", $keywords);
            echo "<meta http-equiv=\"Keywords\" content=\"{$metatags}\">\n";
        } else {
            echo "<meta name=\"KEYWORDS\" content=\"" . pnConfigGetVar('metakeywords') . "\">\n";
    } else {
         * all other page output
        echo '<title>' . pnConfigGetVar('sitename') . ' :: ' . pnConfigGetVar('slogan') . "</title>\n";
        echo '<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="' . pnConfigGetVar('metakeywords') . "\">\n";
    echo '<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="' . pnConfigGetVar('slogan') . "\">\n";
    echo "<meta name=\"ROBOTS\" content=\"INDEX,FOLLOW\">\n";
    echo "<meta name=\"resource-type\" content=\"document\">\n";
    echo "<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\">\n";
    echo '<meta name="author" content="' . pnConfigGetVar('sitename') . "\">\n";
    echo '<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 2003 by ' . pnConfigGetVar('sitename') . "\">\n";
    echo "<meta name=\"revisit-after\" content=\"1 days\">\n";
    echo "<meta name=\"distribution\" content=\"Global\">\n";
    echo '<meta name="generator" content="PostNuke ' . _PN_VERSION_NUM . " - http://postnuke.com\">\n";
    echo "<meta name=\"rating\" content=\"General\">\n";
    global $themesarein;
    echo "<link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"" . $themesarein . "themes/" . $thistheme . "/style/styleNN.css\" type=\"text/css\">\n";
    echo "<style type=\"text/css\">";
    echo "@import url(\"" . $themesarein . "themes/" . $thistheme . "/style/style.css\"); ";
    echo "</style>\n";
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/showimages.php\"></script>\n\n";
    /* Enable Wysiwyg editor configuration at seeting Added by bharvey42 edited by Neo */
    $pnWysiwygEditor = pnConfigGetVar('WYSIWYGEditor');
    if (is_numeric($pnWysiwygEditor) && $pnWysiwygEditor == 1) {
        $pnWSEditorPath = pnGetBaseURI();
        echo "<!--Visual Editor Plug-in-->" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">QBPATH='" . $pnWSEditorPath . "/javascript'; VISUAL=0; SECURE=1;</script>" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src='" . $pnWSEditorPath . "/javascript/quickbuild.js'></script>" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src='" . $pnWSEditorPath . "/javascript/tabedit.js'></script>";
    } else {
    echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"javascript/openwindow.php?hlpfile={$hlpfile}\"></script>\n\n";
    if (isset($additional_header)) {
        echo @implode("\n", $additional_header);