Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  $Id$
 *  PostCalendar::PostNuke Events Calendar Module
 *  Copyright (C) 2002  The PostCalendar Team
 *  http://postcalendar.tv
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  To read the license please read the docs/license.txt or visit
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
function smarty_function_pc_view_select($args)
    @define('_PC_FORM_TEMPLATE', true);
    $Date = postcalendar_getDate();
    if (!isset($y)) {
        $y = substr($Date, 0, 4);
    if (!isset($m)) {
        $m = substr($Date, 4, 2);
    if (!isset($d)) {
        $d = substr($Date, 6, 2);
    $tplview = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
    $viewtype = pnVarCleanFromInput('viewtype');
    if (!isset($viewtype)) {
        $viewtype = _SETTING_DEFAULT_VIEW;
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $mdir = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']);
    $pcTemplate = pnVarPrepForOS(_SETTING_TEMPLATE);
    if (empty($pcTemplate)) {
        $pcTemplate = 'default';
    $viewlist = array();
    $handle = opendir("modules/{$mdir}/pntemplates/{$pcTemplate}/views/{$viewtype}");
    $hide_list = array('.', '..', 'CVS', 'index.html');
    while ($f = readdir($handle)) {
        if (!in_array($f, $hide_list)) {
            $viewlist[] = $f;
    $tcount = count($viewlist);
    //$options = "<select id=\"tplview\" name=\"tplview\" class=\"$args[class]\">"; - pennfirm
    $options = "<select id=\"tplview\" name=\"viewtype\" class=\"{$args['class']}\">";
    $selected = $tplview;
    for ($t = 0; $t < $tcount; $t++) {
        $id = str_replace('.html', '', $viewlist[$t]);
        $sel = $selected == $id ? 'selected' : '';
        $options .= "<option value=\"{$id}\" {$sel} class=\"{$args['class']}\">{$id}</option>";
    $options .= '</select>';
    if (!isset($args['label'])) {
        $args['label'] = _PC_TPL_VIEW_SUBMIT;
    $submit = '<input type="submit" valign="middle" name="submit" value="' . $args['label'] . '" class="' . $args['class'] . '" />';
    // build the form
    if ($t > 1) {
        echo $options, $submit;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function postcalendar_footer()
    // lets get the module's information
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    //$footer = "<p align=\"right\"><a href=\"http://www.postcalendar.tv\">PostCalendar v$modinfo[version]</a></p>";
    $footer = "";
    return $footer;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function postcalendar_admin_categoryLimits($msg = '', $e = '', $args)
    if (!PC_ACCESS_ADD) {
    $output = new pnHTML();
    // set up Smarty
    $tpl = new pcSmarty();
    $tpl->caching = false;
    $template_name = pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTemplate');
    if (!isset($template_name)) {
        $template_name = 'default';
    if (!empty($e)) {
        $output->Text('<div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">');
        $output->Text('<center><b>' . $e . '</b></center>');
        $output->Text('</div><br />');
    if (!empty($msg)) {
        $output->Text('<div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid green; background-color: lightgreen;">');
        $output->Text('<center><b>' . $msg . '</b></center>');
        $output->Text('</div><br />');
    //  Setup the correct config file path for the templates
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $modir = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']);
    $modname = $modinfo['displayname'];
    $tpl->assign('action', pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'categoryLimitsUpdate'));
    //  Setup titles for smarty
    $tpl->assign('_PC_LIMIT_TITLE', _PC_LIMIT_TITLE);
    $tpl->assign('StartTimeTitle', _PC_LIMIT_START_TIME);
    $tpl->assign('EndTimeTile', _PC_LIMIT_END_TIME);
    $tpl->assign('LimitHoursTitle', _PC_TIMED_DURATION_HOURS);
    $tpl->assign('LimitMinutesTitle', _PC_TIMED_DURATION_MINUTES);
    // Setup Vars for smarty
    $tpl->assign('mer_title', 'mer');
    $mer = array('am', 'pm');
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('mer', $mer);
    $tpl->assign('starttimeh', 'starttimeh');
    $tpl->assign('starttimem', 'starttimem');
    $tpl->assign('endtimeh', 'endtimeh');
    $tpl->assign('endtimem', 'endtimem');
    $tpl->assign('InputLimit', 'limit');
    $tpl->assign('LimitTitle', _PC_LIMIT_TITLE);
    $tpl->assign('_PC_NEW_LIMIT_TITLE', _PC_NEW_LIMIT_TITLE);
    $tpl->assign('_PC_CAT_DELETE', _PC_CAT_DELETE);
    $tpl->assign('EndTimeTitle', _PC_LIMIT_END_TIME);
    $hour_array = array('00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '21', '21', '22', '23');
    $min_array = array('00', '05', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55');
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('hour_array', $hour_array);
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('min_array', $min_array);
    $categories = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategories');
    // create translations of category names if applicable
    $sizeAllCat = count($categories);
    for ($m = 0; $m < $sizeAllCat; $m++) {
        $tempCategory = $categories[$m]["name"];
        $categories[$m]["name"] = xl_appt_category($tempCategory);
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('categories', $categories);
    $limits = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategoryLimits');
    $tpl->assign_by_ref('limits', $limits);
    $tpl->assign('BGCOLOR2', $GLOBALS['style']['BGCOLOR2']);
    $tpl->assign("catTitle", _PC_REP_CAT_TITLE_S);
    $tpl->assign("catid", "catid");
    $form_submit = '<input type=hidden name="form_action" value="commit"/>
				   ' . $authkey . '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . xl('go') . '">';
    $tpl->assign('FormSubmit', $form_submit);
    $output->Text($tpl->fetch($template_name . '/admin/submit_category_limit.html'));
    return $output->GetOutput();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function __construct()
     $theme = pnUserGetTheme();
     $osTheme = pnVarPrepForOS($theme);
     global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5, $bgcolor6, $textcolor1, $textcolor2;
     // call constructor
     // gather module information
     $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
     $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
     $pcDisplayName = $pcModInfo['displayname'];
     // setup up pcSmarty configs
     $this->compile_check = true;
     $this->force_compile = false;
     $this->debugging = false;
     $this->template_dir = "modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates";
     array_push($this->plugins_dir, "modules/{$pcDir}/pnincludes/Smarty/plugins");
     array_push($this->plugins_dir, "modules/{$pcDir}/plugins");
     $this->compile_dir = "modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/compiled";
     $this->cache_dir = "modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/cache";
     $this->caching = _SETTING_USE_CACHE;
     $this->cache_lifetime = _SETTING_CACHE_LIFETIME;
     $this->left_delimiter = '[-';
     $this->right_delimiter = '-]';
     //	checks for safe mode
     //	i think it's safe to say we can do this automagically now
     $safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode');
     $safe_mode_gid = ini_get('safe_mode_gid');
     $open_basedir = ini_get('open_basedir');
     $use_safe_mode = (bool) $safe_mode || (bool) $safe_mode_gid || !empty($open_basedir);
     if ($use_safe_mode) {
         $this->use_sub_dirs = false;
     } else {
         $this->use_sub_dirs = true;
     unset($use_safe_mode, $safe_mode, $safe_mode_gid, $open_basedir);
     $this->autoload_filters = array('output' => array('trimwhitespace'));
     $lang = pnUserGetLang();
     $func = pnVarCleanFromInput('func');
     $print = pnVarCleanFromInput('print');
     // assign theme globals
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR1', $bgcolor1);
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR2', $bgcolor2);
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR3', $bgcolor3);
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR4', $bgcolor4);
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR5', $bgcolor5);
     $this->assign_by_ref('BGCOLOR6', $bgcolor6);
     $this->assign_by_ref('TEXTCOLOR1', $textcolor1);
     $this->assign_by_ref('TEXTCOLOR2', $textcolor2);
     $this->assign_by_ref('USER_LANG', $lang);
     $this->assign_by_ref('FUNCTION', $func);
     $this->assign('PRINT_VIEW', $print);
     $this->assign('USE_POPUPS', _SETTING_USE_POPUPS);
     $this->assign('USE_TOPICS', _SETTING_DISPLAY_TOPICS);
     $this->assign('USE_INT_DATES', _SETTING_USE_INT_DATES);
     $this->assign('24HOUR_TIME', _SETTING_TIME_24HOUR);
     $this->assign_by_ref('MODULE_NAME', $pcDisplayName);
     $this->assign_by_ref('MODULE_DIR', $pcDir);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_NONE', PC_ACCESS_NONE);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_READ', PC_ACCESS_READ);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_COMMENT', PC_ACCESS_COMMENT);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_EDIT', PC_ACCESS_EDIT);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_ADD', PC_ACCESS_ADD);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_DELETE', PC_ACCESS_DELETE);
     $this->assign('ACCESS_ADMIN', PC_ACCESS_ADMIN);
     //  Find out what Template we're using
     $template_name = _SETTING_TEMPLATE;
     if (!isset($template_name)) {
         $template_name = 'default';
     //  Find out what Template View to use
     $template_view = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
     if (!isset($template_view)) {
         $template_view = 'default';
     $this->config_dir = "modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/{$template_name}/config/";
     $this->assign_by_ref('TPL_NAME', $template_name);
     $this->assign_by_ref('TPL_VIEW', $template_view);
     $this->assign('TPL_IMAGE_PATH', $GLOBALS['rootdir'] . "/main/calendar/modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/{$template_name}/images");
     $this->assign('TPL_ROOTDIR', $GLOBALS['rootdir']);
     $this->assign('TPL_STYLE_PATH', "modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/{$template_name}/style");
     $this->assign('THEME_PATH', "themes/{$osTheme}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * display block
function postcalendar_calendarblock_display($blockinfo)
    // You supposed to be here?
    if (!pnSecAuthAction(0, 'PostCalendar:calendarblock:', "{$blockinfo['title']}::", ACCESS_OVERVIEW)) {
        return false;
    // find out what view we're using
    $template_view = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
    if (!isset($template_view)) {
        $template_view = 'default';
    // find out what template we're using
    $template_name = _SETTING_TEMPLATE;
    if (!isset($template_name) || empty($template_name)) {
        $template_name = 'default';
    // What is today's correct date
    $Date =& postcalendar_getDate();
    // Get variables from content block
    $vars = unserialize($blockinfo['content']);
    $showcalendar = $vars['pcbshowcalendar'];
    $showevents = $vars['pcbeventoverview'];
    $eventslimit = $vars['pcbeventslimit'];
    $nextevents = $vars['pcbnextevents'];
    $pcbshowsslinks = $vars['pcbshowsslinks'];
    $pcbeventsrange = $vars['pcbeventsrange'];
    // Let's setup the info to build this sucka!
    $the_year = substr($Date, 0, 4);
    $the_month = substr($Date, 4, 2);
    $the_day = substr($Date, 6, 2);
    $uid = pnUserGetVar('uid');
    $cacheid1 = $cacheid2 = $cacheid3 = '';
    $theme = pnUserGetTheme();
    global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5;
    global $textcolor1, $textcolor2;
    // 20021125 - rraymond :: we have to do this to make it work with envolution
    $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
    require_once "modules/{$pcDir}/pnincludes/Smarty/Config_File.class.php";
    // set up Smarty
    $tpl =& new pcSmarty();
    // setup the Smarty cache id
    $templates_cached = true;
    if ($showcalendar) {
        $cacheid1 = md5($Date . 'M' . $template_view . $template_name . $showcalendar . $showevents . $nextevents . $uid . $theme);
        if (!$tpl->is_cached($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/month_view.html', $cacheid1)) {
            $templates_cached = false;
    if ($showevents) {
        $cacheid2 = md5($Date . 'T' . $template_view . $template_name . $showcalendar . $showevents . $nextevents . $uid . $theme);
        if (!$tpl->is_cached($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/todays_events.html', $cacheid2)) {
            $templates_cached = false;
    if ($nextevents) {
        $cacheid3 = md5($Date . 'U' . $template_view . $template_name . $showcalendar . $showevents . $nextevents . $uid . $theme);
        if (!$tpl->is_cached($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/upcoming_events.html', $cacheid3)) {
            $templates_cached = false;
    // start the output container
    $output = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'pageSetup');
    // if one of the templates is not cached, we need to run the following
    if (!$templates_cached) {
        // set up the next and previous months to move to
        $prev_month = Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth(1, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $next_month = Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth(1, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $last_day = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($the_month, $the_year);
        $pc_prev = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => $prev_month));
        $pc_next = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => $next_month));
        $pc_month_name = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getmonthname', array('Date' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day, $the_year)));
        $month_link_url = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year))));
        $month_link_text = $pc_month_name . ' ' . $the_year;
        //  Here we get the events for the current month view
        $day_of_week = 1;
        switch (_SETTING_FIRST_DAY_WEEK) {
            case _IS_MONDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 1;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 0, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow != 0) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (7 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
            case _IS_SATURDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 6;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 2, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow == 6) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + 6;
                } elseif ($end_dow != 5) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (5 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
            case _IS_SUNDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow != 6) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (6 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
        $month_view_start = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
        $month_view_end = date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
        $today_date = postcalendar_today('%Y-%m-%d');
        $starting_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1 - $first_day, $the_year));
        $ending_date = date('m/t/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month + $pcbeventsrange, 1, $the_year));
        $eventsByDate =& pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'pcGetEvents', array('start' => $starting_date, 'end' => $ending_date));
        $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarMonth($the_month, $the_year, '%Y-%m-%d');
        $sdaynames = array();
        $numDays = count($pc_short_day_names);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numDays; $i++) {
            if ($pc_array_pos >= $numDays) {
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
            array_push($sdaynames, $pc_short_day_names[$pc_array_pos]);
        $daynames = array();
        $numDays = count($pc_long_day_names);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numDays; $i++) {
            if ($pc_array_pos >= $numDays) {
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
            array_push($daynames, $pc_long_day_names[$pc_array_pos]);
        $dates = array();
        while ($starting_date <= $ending_date) {
            array_push($dates, $starting_date);
            list($m, $d, $y) = explode('/', $starting_date);
            $starting_date = Date_Calc::nextDay($d, $m, $y, '%m/%d/%Y');
        $categories =& pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategories');
        if (isset($calendarView)) {
            $tpl->assign_by_ref('CAL_FORMAT', $calendarView);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_MONTH_NAMES', $pc_month_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_LONG_DAY_NAMES', $pc_long_day_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_SHORT_DAY_NAMES', $pc_short_day_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('S_LONG_DAY_NAMES', $daynames);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('S_SHORT_DAY_NAMES', $sdaynames);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_EVENTS', $eventsByDate);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_CATEGORY', $categories);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('PREV_MONTH_URL', $pc_prev);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('NEXT_MONTH_URL', $pc_next);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('MONTH_START_DATE', $month_view_start);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('MONTH_END_DATE', $month_view_end);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('TODAY_DATE', $today_date);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('DATE', $Date);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('DISPLAY_LIMIT', $eventslimit);
        $tpl->assign('TODAYS_EVENTS_TITLE', _PC_TODAYS_EVENTS);
        $tpl->assign('NO_EVENTS', _PC_BLOCK_NO_EVENTS);
    if ($showcalendar) {
        // we need to create a unique ID for caching purposes
        $output .= $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/month_view.html', $cacheid1);
    if ($showevents) {
        if ($showcalendar) {
            $tpl->assign('SHOW_TITLE', 1);
        } else {
            $tpl->assign('SHOW_TITLE', 0);
        // we need to create a unique ID for caching purposes
        $output .= $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/todays_events.html', $cacheid2);
    if ($nextevents) {
        if ($showcalendar || $showevents) {
            $tpl->assign('SHOW_TITLE', 1);
        } else {
            $tpl->assign('SHOW_TITLE', 0);
        // we need to create a unique ID for caching purposes
        $output .= $tpl->fetch($template_name . '/views/calendarblock/upcoming_events.html', $cacheid3);
    if ($pcbshowsslinks) {
        $output .= '<br /><br />';
        $submit_event_url = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submit');
        $search_event_url = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'search');
        $output .= '<center>';
        if (PC_ACCESS_ADD) {
            $output .= '[ <a href="' . $submit_event_url . '">' . _PC_SUBMIT_EVENT . '</a> ] ';
        $output .= '[ <a href="' . $search_event_url . '">' . _PC_SEARCH_EVENT . '</a> ]';
        $output .= '</center>';
    // Populate block info and pass to theme
    $blockinfo['content'] = $output;
    return themesideblock($blockinfo);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * pnModLangLoad
 * loads the language files for a module
 * @author Mark West
 * @link http://www.markwest.me.uk
 * @param modname - name of the module
 * @param type - type of the language file to load e.g. user, admin
 * @param api - load api lang file or gui lang file
function pnModLangLoad($modname, $type = 'user', $api = false)
    // define input, all numbers and booleans to strings
    $modname = isset($modname) ? (string) $modname : '';
    // validate
    if (!pnVarValidate($modname, 'mod')) {
        return false;
    // get the module info
    $modinfo = isset($modname) ? pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($modname)) : false;
    if (!$modinfo) {
        return false;
    // create variables for the OS preped version of the directory
    list($osdirectory, $ostype) = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory'], $type);
    $defaultlang = pnConfigGetVar('language');
    if (empty($defaultlang)) {
        $defaultlang = 'eng';
    $osapi = '';
    if ($api) {
        $osapi = 'api';
    $currentlang = pnUserGetLang();
    if (file_exists("modules/{$osdirectory}/pnlang/{$currentlang}/{$ostype}{$osapi}.php")) {
        include_once "modules/{$osdirectory}/pnlang/" . pnVarPrepForOS($currentlang) . "/{$ostype}{$osapi}.php";
    } elseif (file_exists("modules/{$osdirectory}/pnlang/{$defaultlang}/{$ostype}{$osapi}.php")) {
        include_once "modules/{$osdirectory}/pnlang/" . pnVarPrepForOS($defaultlang) . "/{$ostype}{$osapi}.php";
Ejemplo n.º 7
if (empty($module)) {
    // call for admin.php without module parameter
    pnRedirect(pnModURL('Admin', 'admin', 'adminpanel'));
} else {
    if (!pnModAvailable($module) || !pnSecAuthAction(0, "{$module}::", '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
        // call for an unavailable module - either not available or not authorized
        header('HTTP/1.0 403 Access Denied');
        include 'header.php';
        echo 'Module <strong>' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($module) . '</strong> not available';
        include 'footer.php';
// get the module information
$modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($module));
if ($modinfo['type'] == 2 || $modinfo['type'] == 3) {
    // Redirect to new style admin panel
    pnRedirect(pnModURL($module, 'admin'));
if (!file_exists($adminfile = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/admin.php')) {
    // Module claims to be old-style, but no admin.php present - quit here
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
    include 'header.php';
    echo 'Wrong call for Adminfunction in Module <strong>' . pnVarPrepForDisplay($module) . '</strong>';
    include 'footer.php';
 * old style module administration
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Loads the required manual for module
function modules_get_manual()
    $currentlang = pnSessionGetVar('lang');
    $language = pnConfigGetVar('language');
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['ModName'])) {
        $modname = pnModGetName();
    } else {
        $modname = $GLOBALS['ModName'];
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($modname));
    if (file_exists('modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/lang/' . pnVarPrepForOS($currentlang) . '/manual.html')) {
        $hlpfile = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/lang/' . pnVarPrepForOS($currentlang) . '/manual.html';
    } elseif (!empty($language)) {
        if (file_exists('modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/lang/' . pnVarPrepForOS($language) . '/manual.html')) {
            $hlpfile = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/lang/' . pnVarPrepForOS($language) . '/manual.html';
    } else {
        $hlpfile = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/lang/eng/manual.html';
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * upgrade a module
function modules_adminapi_upgrade($args)
    // 20021216 fixed the fix : larsneo (thx to cmgrote and jojodee)
    // Get arguments from argument array
    // Argument check
    if (!isset($mid) || !is_numeric($mid)) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _MODARGSERROR);
        return false;
    // Get module information
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo($mid);
    if (empty($modinfo)) {
        pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _MODNOSUCHMOD);
        return false;
    // Get module database info
    pnModDBInfoLoad($modinfo['name'], $modinfo['directory']);
    // Module upgrade function
    $osdir = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']);
    @(include "modules/{$osdir}/pninit.php");
    $func = $modinfo['name'] . '_upgrade';
    if (function_exists($func)) {
        if ($func($modinfo['version']) != true) {
            return false;
    // Update state of module
    if (!modules_adminapi_setstate(array('mid' => $mid, 'state' => _PNMODULE_STATE_INACTIVE))) {
        return false;
    // BEGIN bugfix (561802) - cmgrote
    // Get the new version information...
    $modversion['version'] = '0';
    @(include "modules/{$modinfo['directory']}/Version.php");
    @(include "modules/{$modinfo['directory']}/pnversion.php");
    $version = $modversion['version'];
    // Note the changes in the database...
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $modulestable = $pntable['modules'];
    $modulescolumn =& $pntable['modules_column'];
    $sql = "UPDATE {$modulestable}\n\t\t\tSET {$modulescolumn['version']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($modversion['version']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t{$modulescolumn['admin_capable']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($modversion['admin']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t{$modulescolumn['description']} = '" . pnVarPrepForStore($modversion['description']) . "'\n\t\t\tWHERE {$modulescolumn['id']} = " . pnVarPrepForStore($mid);
    // END bugfix (561802) - cmgrote
    // Message
    pnSessionSetVar('errormsg', _MODULESAPIUPGRADED);
    // Success
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 *  $Id$
 *  PostCalendar::PostNuke Events Calendar Module
 *  Copyright (C) 2002  The PostCalendar Team
 *  http://postcalendar.tv
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  To read the license please read the docs/license.txt or visit
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
function smarty_function_pc_filter($args, &$smarty)
    if (empty($type)) {
        $smarty->trigger_error("pc_filter: missing 'type' parameter");
    $Date = postcalendar_getDate();
    if (!isset($y)) {
        $y = substr($Date, 0, 4);
    if (!isset($m)) {
        $m = substr($Date, 4, 2);
    if (!isset($d)) {
        $d = substr($Date, 6, 2);
    $tplview = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
    $viewtype = pnVarCleanFromInput('viewtype');
    $pc_username = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_username');
    if (!isset($viewtype)) {
        $viewtype = _SETTING_DEFAULT_VIEW;
    $types = explode(',', $type);
    $output = new pnHTML();
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $mdir = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']);
    $pcTemplate = pnVarPrepForOS(_SETTING_TEMPLATE);
    if (empty($pcTemplate)) {
        $pcTemplate = 'default';
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    //	build the username filter pulldown
    if (in_array('user', $types)) {
        @define('_PC_FORM_USERNAME', true);
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT users.username, users.lname, users.fname\n\t \t\t\tFROM {$pntable['postcalendar_events']}, users where users.id=pc_aid\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY pc_aid";
        $result = $dbconn->Execute($sql);
        if ($result !== false) {
            $useroptions = "<select multiple='multiple' size='3' name=\"pc_username[]\" class=\"{$class}\">";
            $useroptions .= "<option value=\"\" class=\"{$class}\">" . _PC_FILTER_USERS . "</option>";
            $selected = $pc_username == '__PC_ALL__' ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $useroptions .= "<option value=\"__PC_ALL__\" class=\"{$class}\" {$selected}>" . _PC_FILTER_USERS_ALL . "</option>";
            for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
                $sel = $pc_username == $result->fields[0] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                $useroptions .= "<option value=\"" . $result->fields[0] . "\" {$sel} class=\"{$class}\">" . $result->fields[1] . ", " . $result->fields[2] . "</option>";
            $useroptions .= '</select>';
    //	build the category filter pulldown
    if (in_array('category', $types)) {
        @define('_PC_FORM_CATEGORY', true);
        $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_category');
        $categories = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategories');
        $catoptions = "<select name=\"pc_category\" class=\"{$class}\">";
        $catoptions .= "<option value=\"\" class=\"{$class}\">" . _PC_FILTER_CATEGORY . "</option>";
        foreach ($categories as $c) {
            $sel = $category == $c['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $catoptions .= "<option value=\"{$c['id']}\" {$sel} class=\"{$class}\">" . xl_appt_category($c[name]) . "</option>";
        $catoptions .= '</select>';
    //	build the topic filter pulldown
    if (in_array('topic', $types) && _SETTING_DISPLAY_TOPICS) {
        @define('_PC_FORM_TOPIC', true);
        $topic = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_topic');
        $topics = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getTopics');
        $topoptions = "<select name=\"pc_topic\" class=\"{$class}\">";
        $topoptions .= "<option value=\"\" class=\"{$class}\">" . _PC_FILTER_TOPIC . "</option>";
        foreach ($topics as $t) {
            $sel = $topic == $t['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $topoptions .= "<option value=\"{$t['id']}\" {$sel} class=\"{$class}\">{$t['text']}</option>";
        $topoptions .= '</select>';
    } else {
        $topoptions = '';
    //	build it in the correct order
    if (!isset($label)) {
        $label = _PC_TPL_VIEW_SUBMIT;
    $submit = "<input type=\"submit\" valign=\"middle\" name=\"submit\" value=\"{$label}\" class=\"{$class}\" />";
    $orderArray = array('user' => $useroptions, 'category' => $catoptions, 'topic' => $topoptions, 'jump' => $submit);
    if (isset($order)) {
        $newOrder = array();
        $order = explode(',', $order);
        foreach ($order as $tmp_order) {
            array_push($newOrder, $orderArray[$tmp_order]);
        foreach ($orderArray as $key => $old_order) {
            if (!in_array($key, $newOrder)) {
                array_push($newOrder, $orderArray[$old_order]);
        $order = $newOrder;
    } else {
        $order = $orderArray;
    foreach ($order as $element) {
        echo $element;
    if (!in_array('user', $types)) {
        echo $output->FormHidden('pc_username', $pc_username);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * load a block
 * @param the module name
 * @param the name of the block
function pnBlockLoad($modname, $block)
    global $blocks_modules;
    static $loaded = array();
    if (isset($loaded["{$modname}{$block}"])) {
        return true;
    if (empty($modname) || $modname == 'Core') {
        $modname = 'Core';
        $moddir = 'includes/blocks';
        $langdir = 'includes/language/blocks';
    } else {
        $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIdFromName($modname));
        $moddir = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/pnblocks';
        $langdir = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/pnlang';
    // Load the block
    $incfile = $block . ".php";
    $filepath = $moddir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
        return false;
    include_once $filepath;
    $loaded["{$modname}{$block}"] = 1;
    // Load the block language files
    $currentlangfile = $langdir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnUserGetLang()) . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    $defaultlangfile = $langdir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnConfigGetVar('language')) . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    if (file_exists($currentlangfile)) {
        include $currentlangfile;
    } elseif (file_exists($defaultlangfile)) {
        include "{$defaultlangfile}";
    // Initialise block if required (new-style)
    $initfunc = "{$modname}_{$block}block_init";
    if (function_exists($initfunc)) {
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 *  $Id$
 *  PostCalendar::PostNuke Events Calendar Module
 *  Copyright (C) 2002  The PostCalendar Team
 *  http://postcalendar.tv
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  To read the license please read the docs/license.txt or visit
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
function smarty_function_pc_url($args)
    //print "<br />args<br />";
    //print "<br />args<br />";
    if (!isset($action)) {
        $action = _SETTING_DEFAULT_VIEW;
    if (empty($print)) {
        $print = false;
    } else {
        $print = true;
    $starth = "";
    if ($setdeftime == 1) {
        $starth = date("H");
    $ampm = 1;
    if ($starth >= 12) {
        $ampm = 2;
    $template_view = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
    $viewtype = strtolower(pnVarCleanFromInput('viewtype'));
    // pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_username'); //(CHEMED) replaced by the code below
    //(CHEMED) Facility filtering
    $pc_username = $_SESSION['pc_username'];
    $pc_facility = $_SESSION['pc_facility'];
    //END (CHEMED)
    $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_category');
    $topic = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_topic');
    $popup = pnVarCleanFromInput('popup');
    if (!isset($date)) {
        $Date = postcalendar_getDate();
    } else {
        $Date = $date;
    // some extra cleanup if necessary
    $Date = str_replace('-', '', $Date);
    $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
    switch ($action) {
        case 'submit':
            if (!empty($starth)) {
                $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submit', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'Date' => $Date, 'event_starttimeh' => $starth, 'event_startampm' => $ampm));
            } else {
                $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submit', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'Date' => $Date));
        case 'submit-admin':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'admin', 'submit', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'Date' => $Date));
        case 'search':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'search');
        case 'day':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'day', 'Date' => $Date, 'pc_facility' => $pc_facility, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic, 'print' => $print), $localpath);
        case 'week':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'week', 'Date' => $Date, 'pc_facility' => $pc_facility, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic, 'print' => $print));
        case 'month':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => $Date, 'pc_facility' => $pc_facility, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic, 'print' => $print));
        case 'year':
            $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'year', 'Date' => $Date, 'pc_facility' => $pc_facility, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic, 'print' => $print));
        case 'detail':
            if (isset($eid)) {
                if (_SETTING_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW && !$popup) {
                    $link = "javascript:opencal({$eid},'{$Date}');";
                } else {
                    $link = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('Date' => $Date, 'tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'details', 'eid' => $eid, 'print' => $print), $localpath);
            } else {
                $link = '';
    if ($print) {
        $link .= '" target="_blank"';
    } elseif (_SETTING_OPEN_NEW_WINDOW && $viewtype == 'details') {
        $link .= '" target="csCalendar"';
    echo $link;
  * add a plugins dir to _plugin_dir array
  * This function takes  module name and adds two path two the plugins_dir array
  * when existing
  * @param   string   $module    well known module name
  * @access  private
 function _add_plugins_dir($module)
     $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($module));
     $modpath = $modinfo['type'] == 3 ? 'system' : 'modules';
     $mod_plugs = "{$modpath}/{$modinfo['directory']}/pntemplates/plugins";
     if (file_exists($mod_plugs)) {
         array_push($this->plugins_dir, $mod_plugs);
     // uncomment for .8 until modtype=3 for system modules is implemented
     $modpath = 'system';
     $mod_plugs = "{$modpath}/{$modinfo['directory']}/pntemplates/plugins";
     if (file_exists($mod_plugs)) {
         array_push($this->plugins_dir, $mod_plugs);
Ejemplo n.º 14
    } elseif (function_exists($function_main)) {
    } else {
        //        die("error : user_execute($file,$function_op)");
        return true;
// when we are here, the call is the result of an action
// requested by a (legacy) Your_Account plugin.
// Get all user modules...
$usermods = pnModGetUserMods();
// since the your account module does't have index.php/pnuser.php it
// won't be listed as user_capable hence we need to manually add it to
// our result set. [markwest]
$usermods[] = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName('Your_Account'));
// ...and run the requested action (specified by $op)
foreach ($usermods as $usermod) {
    if (@is_dir($dir = 'modules/' . $usermod['directory'] . '/user/case/')) {
        $casedir = opendir($dir);
        while ($func = readdir($casedir)) {
            if (eregi('^case.', $func)) {
                $ModName = $usermod['name'];
                include $dir . pnVarPrepForOS($func);
Ejemplo n.º 15
function postcalendar_user_submit($args)
    // We need at least ADD permission to submit an event
    if (!(bool) PC_ACCESS_ADD) {
    $output = new pnHTML();
    // get the theme globals :: is there a better way to do this?
    global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5, $textcolor1, $textcolor2;
    // $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_category');
    $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('category');
    if (!empty($category)) {
        $category = unserialize(base64_decode($category));
    } else {
        $cat = $_POST['category'];
        $category = unserialize(base64_decode($cat));
    // echo("<!-- Here is the argument array: -->\n");
    // foreach ($args as $tmpkey => $tmpval) { // debugging
    //  echo("<!-- $tmpkey => '$tmpval' -->\n");
    // }
    $Date =& postcalendar_getDate();
    $year = substr($Date, 0, 4);
    $month = substr($Date, 4, 2);
    $day = substr($Date, 6, 2);
    // basic event information
    $event_desc = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_desc');
    $event_category = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_category');
    $event_subject = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_subject');
    $event_sharing = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_sharing');
    $event_topic = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_topic');
    //id of the user the event is for
    $event_userid = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_userid');
    if (!is_numeric($event_userid)) {
        $event_userid = 0;
    $event_pid = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_pid');
    if (!is_numeric($event_pid)) {
        $event_pid = "";
    // event start information
    $event_startmonth = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_startmonth');
    $event_startday = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_startday');
    $event_startyear = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_startyear');
    $event_starttimeh = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_starttimeh');
    $event_starttimem = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_starttimem');
    $event_startampm = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_startampm');
    // location data
    $event_location = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_location');
    $event_street1 = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_street1');
    $event_street2 = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_street2');
    $event_city = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_city');
    $event_state = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_state');
    $event_postal = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_postal');
    $event_location_info = serialize(compact('event_location', 'event_street1', 'event_street2', 'event_city', 'event_state', 'event_postal'));
    // contact data
    $event_contname = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_contname');
    $event_conttel = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_conttel');
    $event_contemail = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_contemail');
    $event_website = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_website');
    $event_fee = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_fee');
    $event_patient_name = pnVarCleanFromInput('patient_name');
    // event repeating data
    if (is_array($category)) {
        //$event_subject        =
        $event_desc = $category['desc'];
        $event_category = $category['id'];
        $event_duration = $category['event_duration'];
        //seconds of the event
        $event_dur_hours = $event_duration / (60 * 60);
        //seconds divided by 60 seconds * 60 minutes
        $event_dur_minutes = $event_duration % (60 * 60) / 60;
        $event_repeat = $category['event_repeat'];
        $event_repeat_freq = $category['event_repeat_freq'];
        $event_repeat_freq_type = $category['event_repeat_freq_type'];
        $event_repeat_on_num = $category['event_repeat_on_num'];
        $event_repeat_on_day = $category['event_repeat_on_day'];
        $event_repeat_on_freq = $category['event_repeat_on_freq'];
        $event_recurrspec = serialize(compact('event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq'));
        // event end information
        $multiple = $category['end_date_freq'] . " ";
        switch ($category['end_date_type']) {
            case REPEAT_EVERY_DAY:
            case REPEAT_EVERY_WORK_DAY:
                //end date is in days
                $multiple .= "days";
            case REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK:
                //end date is in weeks
                $multiple .= "weeks";
            case REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH:
                //end date is in months
                $multiple .= "months";
            case REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR:
                //end date is in years
                $multiple .= "years";
        $edate = strtotime(pnVarCleanFromInput('Date'));
        $event_startmonth = date("m", $edate);
        $event_startday = date("d", $edate);
        $event_startyear = date("Y", $edate);
        $event_enddate = strtotime(pnVarCleanFromInput('Date') . " + " . $multiple);
        $event_endmonth = date("m", $event_enddate);
        $event_endday = date("d", $event_enddate);
        $event_endyear = date("Y", $event_enddate);
        $event_endtype = $category['end_date_flag'];
        // I'm pretty sure this was a bug since 'event_all_day' appears nowhere
        // else in the code, but it's hard to tell WTF is going on.
        //    $event_allday         = $category['event_all_day'];
        $event_allday = $category['all_day'];
    } else {
        $event_dur_hours = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_dur_hours');
        $event_dur_minutes = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_dur_minutes');
        $event_duration = 60 * 60 * $event_dur_hours + 60 * $event_dur_minutes;
        $event_repeat = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat');
        $event_repeat_freq = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat_freq');
        $event_repeat_freq_type = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat_freq_type');
        $event_repeat_on_num = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat_on_num');
        $event_repeat_on_day = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat_on_day');
        $event_repeat_on_freq = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_repeat_on_freq');
        $event_recurrspec = serialize(compact('event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq'));
        // event end information
        $event_endmonth = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_endmonth');
        $event_endday = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_endday');
        $event_endyear = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_endyear');
        $event_endtype = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_endtype');
        $event_allday = pnVarCleanFromInput('event_allday');
    // Added by Rod:
    if ($event_allday) {
        $event_starttimeh = 0;
        $event_starttimem = 0;
        $event_startampm = 1;
        $event_dur_hours = 24;
        $event_dur_minutes = 0;
        $event_duration = 60 * 60 * $event_dur_hours;
    $form_action = pnVarCleanFromInput('form_action');
    $pc_html_or_text = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_html_or_text');
    $pc_event_id = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_event_id');
    $data_loaded = pnVarCleanFromInput('data_loaded');
    $is_update = pnVarCleanFromInput('is_update');
    $authid = pnVarCleanFromInput('authid');
    //pennfirm uname matchup future fix
    //if(pnUserLoggedIn()) { $uname = pnUserGetVar('uname'); }
    //else { $uname = pnConfigGetVar('anonymous'); }
    $uname = $_SESSION['authUser'];
    if (!isset($event_repeat)) {
        $event_repeat = 0;
    if (!isset($pc_event_id) || empty($pc_event_id) || $data_loaded) {
        // lets wrap all the data into array for passing to submit and preview functions
        $eventdata = compact('event_subject', 'event_desc', 'event_sharing', 'event_category', 'event_topic', 'event_startmonth', 'event_startday', 'event_startyear', 'event_starttimeh', 'event_starttimem', 'event_startampm', 'event_endmonth', 'event_endday', 'event_endyear', 'event_endtype', 'event_dur_hours', 'event_dur_minutes', 'event_duration', 'event_allday', 'event_location', 'event_street1', 'event_street2', 'event_city', 'event_state', 'event_postal', 'event_location_info', 'event_contname', 'event_conttel', 'event_contemail', 'event_website', 'event_fee', 'event_repeat', 'event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq', 'event_recurrspec', 'uname', "event_userid", "event_pid", 'Date', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'pc_html_or_text', 'event_patient_name', 'event_pid');
        $eventdata['is_update'] = $is_update;
        $eventdata['pc_event_id'] = $pc_event_id;
        $eventdata['data_loaded'] = true;
        $eventdata['category'] = base64_encode(serialize($category));
    } else {
        $event =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEventDetails($pc_event_id);
        //echo "uname is:$uname  other name is: ".$event['uname'] . "<br />";
        if ($uname != $event['uname']) {
            if (!validateGroupStatus($uname, getUsername($event['uname']))) {
                return _PC_CAN_NOT_EDIT;
        $eventdata['event_subject'] = $event['title'];
        $eventdata['event_desc'] = $event['hometext'];
        $eventdata['event_sharing'] = $event['sharing'];
        $eventdata['event_category'] = $event['catid'];
        $eventdata['event_topic'] = $event['topic'];
        $eventdata['event_startmonth'] = substr($event['eventDate'], 5, 2);
        $eventdata['event_startday'] = substr($event['eventDate'], 8, 2);
        $eventdata['event_startyear'] = substr($event['eventDate'], 0, 4);
        $eventdata['event_starttimeh'] = substr($event['startTime'], 0, 2);
        $eventdata['event_starttimem'] = substr($event['startTime'], 3, 2);
        $eventdata['event_startampm'] = $eventdata['event_starttimeh'] < 12 ? 1 : 2;
        //1 is am , 2 is pm
        $eventdata['event_endmonth'] = substr($event['endDate'], 5, 2);
        $eventdata['event_endday'] = substr($event['endDate'], 8, 2);
        $eventdata['event_endyear'] = substr($event['endDate'], 0, 4);
        $eventdata['event_endtype'] = $event['endDate'] == '0000-00-00' ? '0' : '1';
        $eventdata['event_dur_hours'] = $event['duration_hours'];
        $eventdata['event_dur_minutes'] = $event['duration_minutes'];
        $eventdata['event_duration'] = $event['duration'];
        $eventdata['event_allday'] = $event['alldayevent'];
        $loc_data = unserialize($event['location']);
        $eventdata['event_location'] = $loc_data['event_location'];
        $eventdata['event_street1'] = $loc_data['event_street1'];
        $eventdata['event_street2'] = $loc_data['event_street2'];
        $eventdata['event_city'] = $loc_data['event_city'];
        $eventdata['event_state'] = $loc_data['event_state'];
        $eventdata['event_postal'] = $loc_data['event_postal'];
        $eventdata['event_location_info'] = $loc_data;
        $eventdata['event_contname'] = $event['contname'];
        $eventdata['event_conttel'] = $event['conttel'];
        $eventdata['event_contemail'] = $event['contemail'];
        $eventdata['event_website'] = $event['website'];
        $eventdata['event_fee'] = $event['fee'];
        $eventdata['event_repeat'] = $event['recurrtype'];
        $rspecs = unserialize($event['recurrspec']);
        $eventdata['event_repeat_freq'] = $rspecs['event_repeat_freq'];
        $eventdata['event_repeat_freq_type'] = $rspecs['event_repeat_freq_type'];
        $eventdata['event_repeat_on_num'] = $rspecs['event_repeat_on_num'];
        $eventdata['event_repeat_on_day'] = $rspecs['event_repeat_on_day'];
        $eventdata['event_repeat_on_freq'] = $rspecs['event_repeat_on_freq'];
        $eventdata['event_recurrspec'] = $rspecs;
        $eventdata['uname'] = $uname;
        $eventdata['event_userid'] = $event['event_userid'];
        $eventdata['event_pid'] = $event['pid'];
        $eventdata['event_aid'] = $event['aid'];
        $eventdata['Date'] = $Date;
        $eventdata['year'] = $year;
        $eventdata['month'] = $month;
        $eventdata['day'] = $day;
        $eventdata['is_update'] = true;
        $eventdata['pc_event_id'] = $pc_event_id;
        $event_data['patient_name'] = $event_patient_name;
        $eventdata['data_loaded'] = true;
        $eventdata['pc_html_or_text'] = $pc_html_or_text;
        $eventdata['category'] = base64_encode(serialize($category));
    // lets get the module's information
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $categories = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategories');
    $output->tabindex = 1;
    // removed event_desc as a required_var
    $required_vars = array('event_subject');
    $required_name = array(_PC_EVENT_TITLE, _PC_EVENT_DESC);
    $error_msg = '';
    $reqCount = count($required_vars);
    for ($r = 0; $r < $reqCount; $r++) {
        if (empty(${$required_vars}[$r]) || !preg_match('/\\S/i', ${$required_vars}[$r])) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text('<b>' . $required_name[$r] . '</b> ' . _PC_SUBMIT_ERROR4);
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    // check repeating frequencies
    if ($event_repeat == REPEAT) {
        //can't have a repeating event that doesnt have an end date
        if ($event_endtype == 0) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text("Repeating events must have an end date set.");
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
        if (!isset($event_repeat_freq) || $event_repeat_freq < 1 || empty($event_repeat_freq)) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR5);
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
        } elseif (!is_numeric($event_repeat_freq)) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR6);
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    } elseif ($event_repeat == REPEAT_ON) {
        //can't have a repeating event that doesnt have an end date
        if ($event_endtype == 0) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text("Repeating events must have an end date set.");
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
        if (!isset($event_repeat_on_freq) || $event_repeat_on_freq < 1 || empty($event_repeat_on_freq)) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR5);
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
        } elseif (!is_numeric($event_repeat_on_freq)) {
            $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR6);
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    // check date validity
    if (_SETTING_TIME_24HOUR) {
        $startTime = $event_starttimeh . ':' . $event_starttimem;
        $endTime = $event_endtimeh . ':' . $event_endtimem;
    } else {
        if ($event_startampm == _AM_VAL) {
            $event_starttimeh = $event_starttimeh == 12 ? '00' : $event_starttimeh;
        } else {
            $event_starttimeh = $event_starttimeh != 12 ? $event_starttimeh += 12 : $event_starttimeh;
        $startTime = $event_starttimeh . ':' . $event_starttimem;
    $sdate = strtotime($event_startyear . '-' . $event_startmonth . '-' . $event_startday);
    $edate = strtotime($event_endyear . '-' . $event_endmonth . '-' . $event_endday);
    $tdate = strtotime(date('Y-m-d'));
    if ($edate < $sdate && $event_endtype == 1) {
        $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR1);
        $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    if (!checkdate($event_startmonth, $event_startday, $event_startyear)) {
        $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR2 . " '{$event_startyear}-{$event_startmonth}-{$event_startday}'");
        $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    if (!checkdate($event_endmonth, $event_endday, $event_endyear)) {
        $error_msg .= $output->Text(_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR3 . " '{$event_endyear}-{$event_endmonth}-{$event_endday}'");
        $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
    //check limit on category
    if (($ret = checkCategoryLimits($eventdata)) != null) {
        $error_msg .= $output->Text("This category has a limit of {$ret['limit']} between {$ret['start']} and {$ret['end']} which you have exceeded.");
        $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
        //return $output->GetOutput();
    //echo "fa: " . $form_action . " double_book: " . pnVarCleanFromInput("double_book") . " update: " . $eventdata['is_update'] . " em: " . $error_msg;
    //event collision check
    if ($form_action == "commit" && pnVarCleanFromInput("double_book") != 1 && !$eventdata['is_update'] && empty($error_msg)) {
        //check on new shceduling events(in or out of office) to make sure that
        //you don't have more than one set per day
        //event category 1 is in office, event category 2 is out of office
        if ($eventdata['event_category'] == 2 || $eventdata['event_category'] == 3) {
            $searchargs = array();
            $searchargs['start'] = $eventdata['event_startmonth'] . "/" . $eventdata['event_startday'] . "/" . $eventdata['event_startyear'];
            $searchargs['end'] = $eventdata['event_endmonth'] . "/" . $eventdata['event_endday'] . "/" . $eventdata['event_endyear'];
            $searchargs['provider_id'] = $eventdata['event_userid'];
            //faFLag uses pcgeteventsfa, which can search on provider
            $searchargs['faFlag'] = true;
            $searchargs['s_keywords'] = " (a.pc_catid = 2 OR a.pc_catid = 3) ";
            $eventsByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents($searchargs);
            $ekey = md5($event_data['subject'] . date("U") . rand(0, 1000));
            $oldstatus = $eventdata['event_status'];
            $oldtitle = $eventdata['event_subject'];
            $old_patient_name = $eventdata['patient_name'];
            $old_dur_hours = $eventdata['event_dur_hours'];
            $old_dur_min = $eventdata['event_dur_minutes'];
            $old_duration = $eventdata['event_duration'];
            $eventdata['event_subject'] = mysql_real_escape_string($ekey);
            $eventdata['event_status'] = _EVENT_TEMPORARY;
            if (!pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submitEvent', $eventdata)) {
                $error_msg .= $output->Text('<center><div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">');
                $error_msg .= $output->Text("<b>The system was unable to check you event for conflicts with other events because there was a problem with your database.</b><br />");
                $error_msg .= $output->Text('</div></center>');
                $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
                $error_msg .= $output->Text($dbconn->ErrorMsg());
            $searchargs['s_keywords'] = " (a.pc_catid = 2 OR a.pc_catid = 3) AND a.pc_title = '" . $eventdata['event_subject'] . "' ";
            $searchargs['event_status'] = _EVENT_TEMPORARY;
            $submitEventByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents($searchargs);
            if (!delete_event($ekey)) {
                $error_msg .= $output->Text('<center><div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">');
                $error_msg .= $output->Text("<b>The system was unable to delete a temporary record it created, this may have left the database in an inconsistent state.</b><br />");
                $error_msg .= $output->Text('</div></center>');
                $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
                $error_msg .= $output->Text($dbconn->ErrorMsg());
            $eventdata['event_status'] = $oldstatus;
            $eventdata['event_subject'] = $oldtitle;
            $eventdata['patient_name '] = $old_patient_name;
            $eventdata['event_dur_hours'] = $old_dur_hour;
            $eventdata['event_dur_minutes'] = $old_dur_min;
            foreach ($submitEventByDate as $date => $newevent) {
                if (count($eventsByDate[$date]) > 0 && count($newevent) > 0) {
                    foreach ($eventsByDate[$date] as $con_event) {
                        if ($con_event['catid'] == $newevent[0]['catid']) {
                            $error_msg .= $output->Text('There is a conflict on ' . $date . ' with event ' . $con_event['title']);
                            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
            /*echo "<br /><br />";
              echo "<br /><br />";
        $colls = checkEventCollision($eventdata);
        if (count($colls) > 0) {
            foreach ($colls as $coll) {
                $error_msg .= $output->Text("Event Collides with: " . $coll['title'] . " at " . date("g:i a", strtotime($coll['startTime'])) . "<br />");
                $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
            $error_msg .= $output->Text("Submit again to \"Double Book\" <br />To change values click back in your browser.");
            $error_msg .= $output->Linebreak();
            // the following line will display "DOUBLE BOOKED" if when adding an event there is a collistion with anothe appointment
            //$eventdata['event_subject'] = "DOUBLE BOOKED " . $eventdata['event_subject'];
            $eventdata['double_book'] = 1;
    if ($form_action == 'preview') {
        //  Preview the event
        // check authid
        if (!pnSecConfirmAuthKey()) {
            return _NO_DIRECT_ACCESS;
        if (!empty($error_msg)) {
            $preview = false;
            $output->Text('<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="red">');
            $output->Text('<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="pink">');
            $output->Text('<center><b>' . _PC_SUBMIT_ERROR . '</b></center>');
        } else {
            $output->Text(pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'eventPreview', $eventdata));
    } elseif ($form_action == 'commit') {
        //  Enter the event into the DB
        if (!empty($error_msg)) {
            if (!pnSecConfirmAuthKey(true)) {
                return _NO_DIRECT_ACCESS;
        } else {
            if (!pnSecConfirmAuthKey()) {
                return _NO_DIRECT_ACCESS;
        if (!empty($error_msg)) {
            $preview = false;
            $output->Text('<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="red">');
            $output->Text('<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="pink">');
            $output->Text('<center><b>' . _PC_SUBMIT_ERROR . '</b></center>');
        } else {
            if (!pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submitEvent', $eventdata)) {
                $output->Text('<center><div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid red; background-color: pink;">');
                $output->Text("<b>" . _PC_EVENT_SUBMISSION_FAILED . "</b>");
            } else {
                // clear the Smarty cache
                $tpl = new pcSmarty();
                $output->Text('<center><div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid green; background-color: lightgreen;">');
                if ($is_update) {
                    $output->Text("<b>" . _PC_EVENT_EDIT_SUCCESS . "</b>");
                } else {
                    $output->Text("<b>" . _PC_EVENT_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS . "</b>");
                // clear the form vars
                $event_subject = $event_desc = $event_sharing = $event_category = $event_topic = $event_startmonth = $event_startday = $event_startyear = $event_starttimeh = $event_starttimem = $event_startampm = $event_endmonth = $event_endday = $event_endyear = $event_endtype = $event_dur_hours = $event_dur_minutes = $event_duration = $event_allday = $event_location = $event_street1 = $event_street2 = $event_city = $event_state = $event_postal = $event_location_info = $event_contname = $event_conttel = $event_contemail = $event_website = $event_fee = $event_repeat = $event_repeat_freq = $event_repeat_freq_type = $event_repeat_on_num = $event_repeat_on_day = $event_repeat_on_freq = $event_recurrspec = $uname = $Date = $year = $month = $day = $pc_html_or_text = $event_patient_name = $evnet_pid = null;
                $is_update = false;
                $pc_event_id = 0;
                //$_SESSION['category'] = "";
                // lets wrap all the data into array for passing to submit and preview functions
                $eventdata = compact('event_subject', 'event_desc', 'event_sharing', 'event_category', 'event_topic', 'event_startmonth', 'event_startday', 'event_startyear', 'event_starttimeh', 'event_starttimem', 'event_startampm', 'event_endmonth', 'event_endday', 'event_endyear', 'event_endtype', 'event_dur_hours', 'event_dur_minutes', 'event_duration', 'event_allday', 'event_location', 'event_street1', 'event_street2', 'event_city', 'event_state', 'event_postal', 'event_location_info', 'event_contname', 'event_conttel', 'event_contemail', 'event_website', 'event_fee', 'event_repeat', 'event_repeat_freq', 'event_repeat_freq_type', 'event_repeat_on_num', 'event_repeat_on_day', 'event_repeat_on_freq', 'event_recurrspec', 'uname', 'Date', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'pc_html_or_text', 'is_update', 'pc_event_id', 'event_patient_name');
                //if no using the no_nav format then show form again after submit
                if (pnVarCleanFromInput("no_nav") == 1) {
                    return $output->GetOutput();
    $output->Text(pnModAPIFunc('PostCalendar', 'user', 'buildSubmitForm', $eventdata));
    return $output->GetOutput();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * load a block
 * @param string $modname module name
 * @param string $block name of the block
 * @return bool true on successful load, false otherwise
function pnBlockLoad($modname, $block)
    static $loaded = array();
    if (empty($modname) || $modname == 'Core' || $modname == 'Blocks') {
        $modname = 'Core';
        $moddir = 'includes/blocks';
        $langdir = 'includes/language/blocks';
    } else {
        $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIdFromName($modname));
        $moddir = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/pnblocks';
        $langdir = 'modules/' . pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory']) . '/pnlang';
    if (isset($loaded["{$modname}/{$block}"])) {
        return true;
    // Load the block
    $incfile = $block . '.php';
    $filepath = $moddir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
        return false;
    include_once $filepath;
    $loaded["{$modname}/{$block}"] = 1;
    // Load the block language files
    $currentlangfile = $langdir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnUserGetLang()) . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    $defaultlangfile = $langdir . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS(pnConfigGetVar('language')) . '/' . pnVarPrepForOS($incfile);
    if (file_exists($currentlangfile)) {
        include $currentlangfile;
    } elseif (file_exists($defaultlangfile)) {
        include $defaultlangfile;
    // get the block info
    $infofunc = "{$modname}_{$block}block_info";
    if (function_exists($infofunc)) {
        $blocks_modules[$block] = $infofunc();
    // set the module and keys for the new block
    $blocks_modules[$block]['bkey'] = $block;
    if (!isset($blocks_modules[$block]['module'])) {
        $blocks_modules[$block]['module'] = $modname;
    $blocks_modules[$block]['mid'] = pnModGetIDFromName($blocks_modules[$block]['module']);
    // merge the blockinfo in the global list of blocks
    if (!isset($GLOBALS['blocks_modules'])) {
        $GLOBALS['blocks_modules'] = array();
    $GLOBALS['blocks_modules'][$blocks_modules[$block]['mid']][$block] = $blocks_modules[$block];
    // Initialise block if required (new-style)
    $initfunc = "{$modname}_{$block}block_init";
    if (function_exists($initfunc)) {
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 *  To read the license please read the docs/license.txt or visit
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
//  Require utility classes
$pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
$pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
require_once "modules/{$pcDir}/common.api.php";
unset($pcModInfo, $pcDir);
function postcalendar_adminapi_buildHourSelect($args)
    $time24hours = pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'time24hours');
    if (!isset($hour)) {
        $hour = $time24hours ? date('H') : date('h');
    $output = new pnHTML();
    $options = array();
    if ($time24hours) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * confirm an authorisation key is valid
 * <br />
 * See description of <code>pnSecGenAuthKey</code> for information on
 * this function
 * @public 
 * @return bool true if the key is valid, false if it is not
function pnSecConfirmAuthKey()
    list($module, $authid) = pnVarCleanFromInput('module', 'authid');
    // get the module info
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($module));
    // Regenerate static part of key
    $partkey = pnSessionGetVar('rand') . strtolower($modinfo['name']);
    // Not using time-sensitive keys for the moment
    // // Key life is 5 minutes, so search backwards and forwards 5
    // // minutes to see if there is a match anywhere
    // for ($i=-5; $i<=5; $i++) {
    // $testdate  = mktime(date('G'), date('i')+$i, 0, date('m') , date('d'), date('Y'));
    // $testauthid = md5($partkey . date('YmdGi', $testdate));
    // if ($testauthid == $authid) {
    // // Match
    // // We've used up the current random
    // // number, make up a new one
    // srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
    // pnSessionSetVar('rand', rand());
    // return true;
    // }
    // }
    if (md5($partkey) == $authid) {
        // Match - generate new random number for next key and leave happy
        srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
        pnSessionSetVar('rand', rand());
        return true;
    // Not found, assume invalid
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 *  postcalendar_userapi_buildView
 *  Builds the calendar display
 *  @param string $Date mm/dd/yyyy format (we should use timestamps)
 *  @return string generated html output
 *  @access public
function postcalendar_userapi_buildView($args)
    $print = pnVarCleanFromInput('print');
    $show_days = pnVarCleanFromInput('show_days');
    $schedule_start = $GLOBALS[schedule_start];
    $schedule_end = $GLOBALS[schedule_end];
    // $times is an array of associative arrays, where each sub-array
    // has keys 'hour', 'minute' and 'mer'.
    $times = array();
    // For each hour in the schedule...
    for ($blocknum = $schedule_start; $blocknum <= $schedule_end; $blocknum++) {
        $mer = $blocknum >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
        // $minute is an array of time slot strings within this hour.
        $minute = array('00');
        for ($minutes = $GLOBALS['calendar_interval']; $minutes <= 60; $minutes += $GLOBALS['calendar_interval']) {
            if ($minutes <= '9') {
                $under_ten = "0" . $minutes;
                array_push($minute, "{$under_ten}");
            } else {
                if ($minutes >= '60') {
                } else {
                    array_push($minute, "{$minutes}");
        foreach ($minute as $m) {
            array_push($times, array("hour" => $blocknum, "minute" => $m, "mer" => $mer));
    //  get the module's information
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = $modinfo['directory'];
    //  grab the for post variable
    // $pc_username = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_username');
    $pc_username = $_SESSION['pc_username'];
    // from Michael Brinson 2006-09-19
    $category = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_category');
    $topic = pnVarCleanFromInput('pc_topic');
    //  set the correct date
    $Date = postcalendar_getDate();
    //  get the current view
    if (!isset($viewtype)) {
        $viewtype = 'month';
    //  Find out what Template we're using
    $template_name = _SETTING_TEMPLATE;
    if (!isset($template_name)) {
        $template_name = 'default';
    //  Find out what Template View to use
    $template_view = pnVarCleanFromInput('tplview');
    if (!isset($template_view)) {
        $template_view = 'default';
    //  See if the template view exists
    if (!file_exists("modules/{$pcDir}/pntemplates/{$template_name}/views/{$viewtype}/{$template_view}.html")) {
        $template_view_load = 'default';
    } else {
        $template_view_load = pnVarPrepForOS($template_view);
    //  Grab the current theme information
    global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $bgcolor4, $bgcolor5, $bgcolor6, $textcolor1, $textcolor2;
    //  Insert necessary JavaScript into the page
    $output = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'pageSetup');
    //  Setup Smarty Template Engine
    $tpl = new pcSmarty();
    //if(!$tpl->is_cached("$template_name/views/$viewtype/$template_view_load.html",$cacheid)) {
    //diable caching completely
    if (true) {
        //  Let's just finish setting things up
        $the_year = substr($Date, 0, 4);
        $the_month = substr($Date, 4, 2);
        $the_day = substr($Date, 6, 2);
        $last_day = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($the_month, $the_year);
        //  populate the template object with information for
        //  Month Names, Long Day Names and Short Day Names
        //  as translated in the language files
        //  (may be adding more here soon - based on need)
        //  here we need to set up some information for later
        //  variable creation.  This helps us establish the correct
        //  date ranges for each view.  There may be a better way
        //  to handle all this, but my brain hurts, so your comments
        //  are very appreciated and welcomed.
        switch (_SETTING_FIRST_DAY_WEEK) {
            case _IS_MONDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 1;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 0, $the_year));
                $week_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day - 1, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow != 0) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (7 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
            case _IS_SATURDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 6;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 2, $the_year));
                $week_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day + 1, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow == 6) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + 6;
                } elseif ($end_dow != 5) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (5 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
            case _IS_SUNDAY:
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
                $first_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
                $week_day = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day, $the_year));
                $end_dow = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $last_day, $the_year));
                if ($end_dow != 6) {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day + (6 - $end_dow);
                } else {
                    $the_last_day = $last_day;
        // passing the times array to the tpl the times array is for the days schedule
        $tpl->assign_by_ref("times", $times);
        // load the table width to the template
        // $tpl->assign("day_td_width",$GLOBALS['day_view_td_width']);
        //  Week View is a bit of a pain in the ass, so we need to
        //  do some extra setup for that view.  This section will
        //  find the correct starting and ending dates for a given
        //  seven day period, based on the day of the week the
        //  calendar is setup to run under (Sunday, Saturday, Monday)
        $first_day_of_week = sprintf('%02d', $the_day - $week_day);
        $week_first_day = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $first_day_of_week, $the_year));
        list($week_first_day_month, $week_first_day_date, $week_first_day_year) = explode('/', $week_first_day);
        $week_first_day_month_name = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getmonthname', array('Date' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_first_day_month, $week_first_day_date, $week_first_day_year)));
        $week_last_day = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $first_day_of_week + 6, $the_year));
        list($week_last_day_month, $week_last_day_date, $week_last_day_year) = explode('/', $week_last_day);
        $week_last_day_month_name = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getmonthname', array('Date' => mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_last_day_month, $week_last_day_date, $week_last_day_year)));
        $week_view_start = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $first_day_of_week, $the_year));
        $week_view_end = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $first_day_of_week + 6, $the_year));
        //  Setup some information so we know the actual month's dates
        //  also get today's date for later use and highlighting
        $month_view_start = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
        $month_view_end = date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1, $the_year));
        $today_date = postcalendar_today('%Y-%m-%d');
        //  Setup the starting and ending date ranges for pcGetEvents()
        switch ($viewtype) {
            case 'day':
                $starting_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day, $the_year));
                $ending_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_day, $the_year));
            case 'week':
                $starting_date = "{$week_first_day_month}/{$week_first_day_date}/{$week_first_day_year}";
                $ending_date = "{$week_last_day_month}/{$week_last_day_date}/{$week_last_day_year}";
                $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarWeek($week_first_day_date, $week_first_day_month, $week_first_day_year, '%Y-%m-%d');
            case 'month':
                $starting_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, 1 - $first_day, $the_year));
                $ending_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $the_month, $the_last_day, $the_year));
                $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarMonth($the_month, $the_year, '%Y-%m-%d');
            case 'year':
                $starting_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $the_year));
                $ending_date = date('m/d/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $the_year + 1));
                $calendarView = Date_Calc::getCalendarYear($the_year, '%Y-%m-%d');
        //  Identify the Providers whose schedules we should load
        if ($_SESSION['pc_facility']) {
            $provinfo = getProviderInfo('%', true, $_SESSION['pc_facility']);
        } else {
            $provinfo = getProviderInfo();
        $single = array();
        $provIDs = array();
        // array of numeric provider IDs
        // filter the display on the requested username, the provinfo array is
        // used to build columns in the week view.
        foreach ($provinfo as $provider) {
            if (is_array($pc_username)) {
                foreach ($pc_username as $uname) {
                    if (!empty($pc_username) && $provider['username'] == $uname) {
                        array_push($single, $provider);
                        array_push($provIDs, $provider['id']);
            } else {
                if (!empty($pc_username) && $provider['username'] == $pc_username) {
                    array_push($single, $provider);
                    array_push($provIDs, $provider['id']);
        if ($single != null) {
            $provinfo = $single;
        //  Load the events
        if ($viewtype != 'year') {
            $eventsByDate =& postcalendar_userapi_pcGetEvents(array('start' => $starting_date, 'end' => $ending_date, 'viewtype' => $viewtype, 'provider_id' => $provIDs));
        } else {
            $eventsByDate = array();
        //  Create an array with the day names in the correct order
        $daynames = array();
        $numDays = count($pc_long_day_names);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numDays; $i++) {
            if ($pc_array_pos >= $numDays) {
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
            array_push($daynames, $pc_long_day_names[$pc_array_pos]);
        $sdaynames = array();
        $numDays = count($pc_short_day_names);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numDays; $i++) {
            if ($pc_array_pos >= $numDays) {
                $pc_array_pos = 0;
            array_push($sdaynames, $pc_short_day_names[$pc_array_pos]);
        //  Prepare some values for the template
        $prev_month = Date_Calc::beginOfPrevMonth(1, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $next_month = Date_Calc::beginOfNextMonth(1, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $pc_prev = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => $prev_month, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $pc_next = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'month', 'Date' => $next_month, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $prev_day = Date_Calc::prevDay($the_day, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $next_day = Date_Calc::nextDay($the_day, $the_month, $the_year, '%Y%m%d');
        $pc_prev_day = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'day', 'Date' => $prev_day, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $pc_next_day = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('tplview' => $template_view, 'viewtype' => 'day', 'Date' => $next_day, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $prev_week = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_first_day_month, $week_first_day_date - 7, $week_first_day_year));
        $next_week = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, $week_last_day_month, $week_last_day_date + 1, $week_last_day_year));
        $pc_prev_week = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('viewtype' => 'week', 'Date' => $prev_week, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $pc_next_week = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('viewtype' => 'week', 'Date' => $next_week, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $prev_year = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $the_year - 1));
        $next_year = date('Ymd', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $the_year + 1));
        $pc_prev_year = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('viewtype' => 'year', 'Date' => $prev_year, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        $pc_next_year = pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'view', array('viewtype' => 'year', 'Date' => $next_year, 'pc_username' => $pc_username, 'pc_category' => $category, 'pc_topic' => $topic));
        //  Populate the template
        $all_categories = pnModAPIFunc(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'getCategories');
        if (isset($calendarView)) {
            $tpl->assign_by_ref('CAL_FORMAT', $calendarView);
        if ($viewtype == "week") {
            $last_blocks = array();
            foreach ($eventsByDate as $cdate => $day) {
                $tblock = array_reverse($day['blocks']);
                $last_blocks[$cdate] = count($tblock) - 1;
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($tblock); $i++) {
                    if (!empty($tblock[$i])) {
                        $last_blocks[$cdate] = count($tblock) - $i;
            $tpl->assign("last_blocks", $last_blocks);
        $tpl->assign('STYLE', $GLOBALS['style']);
        $tpl->assign('show_days', $show_days);
        //$provinfo[count($provinfo) +1] = array("id" => "","lname" => "Other");
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('providers', $provinfo);
        if (pnVarCleanFromInput("show_days") != 1) {
            $tpl->assign('showdaysurl', "index.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&show_days=1");
        $tpl->assign('interval', $GLOBALS['calendar_interval']);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('VIEW_TYPE', $viewtype);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_MONTH_NAMES', $pc_month_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_LONG_DAY_NAMES', $pc_long_day_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_SHORT_DAY_NAMES', $pc_short_day_names);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('S_LONG_DAY_NAMES', $daynames);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('S_SHORT_DAY_NAMES', $sdaynames);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_EVENTS', $eventsByDate);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('A_CATEGORY', $all_categories);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('PREV_MONTH_URL', $pc_prev);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('NEXT_MONTH_URL', $pc_next);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('PREV_DAY_URL', $pc_prev_day);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('NEXT_DAY_URL', $pc_next_day);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('PREV_WEEK_URL', $pc_prev_week);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('NEXT_WEEK_URL', $pc_next_week);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('PREV_YEAR_URL', $pc_prev_year);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('NEXT_YEAR_URL', $pc_next_year);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('WEEK_START_DATE', $week_view_start);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('WEEK_END_DATE', $week_view_end);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('MONTH_START_DATE', $month_view_start);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('MONTH_END_DATE', $month_view_end);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('TODAY_DATE', $today_date);
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('DATE', $Date);
        $tpl->assign('SCHEDULE_BASE_URL', pnModURL(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user', 'submit'));
        $tpl->assign_by_ref('intervals', $intervals);
    //  Parse the template
    $template = "{$template_name}/views/{$viewtype}/{$template_view_load}.html";
    if (!$print) {
        $output .= "\n\n<!-- START POSTCALENDAR OUTPUT [-: HTTP://POSTCALENDAR.TV :-] -->\n\n";
        $output .= $tpl->fetch($template, $cacheid);
        // cache id
        $output .= "\n\n<!-- END POSTCALENDAR OUTPUT [-: HTTP://POSTCALENDAR.TV :-] -->\n\n";
    } else {
        $theme = pnUserGetTheme();
        echo "<html><head>";
        echo "<LINK REL=\"StyleSheet\" HREF=\"themes/{$theme}/style/styleNN.css\" TYPE=\"text/css\">\n\n\n";
        echo "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
        echo "@import url(\"themes/{$theme}/style/style.css\"); ";
        echo "</style>\n";
        echo "</head><body>\n";
        echo $output;
        $tpl->display($template, $cacheid);
        echo postcalendar_footer();
        echo "\n</body></html>";
    //  Return the output
    return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * get the user's theme
 * <br />
 * This function will return the current theme for the user.
 * Order of theme priority:
 *  - page-specific
 *  - category
 *  - user
 *  - system
 * @public
 * @return string the name of the user's theme
function pnUserGetTheme()
    static $theme;
    if (isset($theme)) {
        return $theme;
    // Page-specific theme
    $pagetheme = pnVarCleanFromInput('theme');
    if (!empty($pagetheme)) {
        $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($pagetheme);
        if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
            $theme = $pagetheme;
            return $pagetheme;
    // set a new theme for the user
    $pagetheme = pnVarCleanFromInput('newtheme');
    if (!empty($pagetheme) && !pnConfigGetVar('theme_change')) {
        $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($pagetheme);
        if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
            if (pnUserLoggedIn()) {
                $uid = pnUserGetVar('uid');
                $dbconn =& pnDBGetConn(true);
                $pntable =& pnDBGetTables();
                $column =& $pntable['users_column'];
                $sql = "UPDATE {$pntable['users']}\n                        SET {$column['theme']}='" . pnVarPrepForStore($pagetheme) . "'\n                        WHERE {$column['uid']}='" . pnVarPrepForStore($uid) . "'";
            } else {
                pnSessionSetVar('theme', $pagetheme);
            $theme = $pagetheme;
            return $pagetheme;
    // eugenio themeover 20020413
    // override the theme per category or story
    // precedence is story over category override
    list($sid, $file) = pnVarCleanFromInput('sid', 'file');
    if (pnModGetName() == 'News' && (!empty($sid) || strtolower($file) == 'article')) {
        $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName('News'));
        include_once 'modules/' . $modinfo['directory'] . '/funcs.php';
        $pntable =& pnDBGetTables();
        $results = getArticles("{$pntable['stories_column']['sid']}='" . (int) pnVarPrepForStore($sid) . "'", "", "");
        if (is_array($results) && count($results) > 0) {
            $info = genArticleInfo($results[0]);
            $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($info['catthemeoverride']);
            if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
                $theme = $info['catthemeoverride'];
                return $theme;
            $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($info['themeoverride']);
            if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
                $theme = $info['themeoverride'];
                return $theme;
    // User theme
    if (!pnConfigGetVar('theme_change')) {
        if (pnUserLoggedIn()) {
            $usertheme = pnUserGetVar('theme');
        } else {
            $usertheme = pnSessionGetVar('theme');
        $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($usertheme);
        if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
            $theme = $usertheme;
            return $usertheme;
    // default site theme
    $defaulttheme = pnConfigGetVar('Default_Theme');
    $themeinfo = pnThemeInfo($defaulttheme);
    if ($themeinfo && $themeinfo['active']) {
        $theme = $defaulttheme;
        return $theme;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 *	Upgrades an old install of PostCalendar
 *	This function is used to upgrade an old version
 *	of PostCalendar.  It is accessed via the PostNuke
 *	Admin interface and should not be called directly.
 *	@return boolean	true/false
 *	@param  string	$oldversion Version we're upgrading
 *	@access  public
 *	@author  Roger Raymond <*****@*****.**>
 *	@copyright	The PostCalendar Team 2002
function postcalendar_upgrade($oldversion)
     *	Until PostNuke fixes the bugs
     *	with the module upgrade we are
     *	going to have to do it ourselves.
     *	Please do not use the Modules admin
     *	to upgrade PostCalendar.  Use the
     *	link provided in the PostCalendar
     *	Admin section.
    $pcModInfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName(__POSTCALENDAR__));
    $pcDir = pnVarPrepForOS($pcModInfo['directory']);
    list($dbconn) = pnDBGetConn();
    $pntable = pnDBGetTables();
    $events_table = $pntable['postcalendar_events'];
    $cat_table = $pntable['postcalendar_categories'];
    switch ($oldversion) {
        case '3.0':
        case '3.01':
        case '3.02':
        case '3.03':
        case '3.04':
            // we need the Date_Calc class
            require_once "modules/{$pcDir}/pnincludes/Date/Calc.php";
            // Update PostCalendar Variables
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTime24Hours', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'time24hours'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcEventsOpenInNewWindow', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'eventsopeninnewwindow'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUseInternationalDates', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'useinternationaldates'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcFirstDayOfWeek', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'firstdayofweek'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDayHighlightColor', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'dayhighlightcolor'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUsePopups', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'usepopups'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDisplayTopics', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'displaytopics'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowDirectSubmit', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcListHowManyEvents', pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'listhowmanyevents'));
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTimeIncrement', '15');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowSiteWide', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcAllowUserCalendar', '1');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcEventDateFormat', '%Y-%m-%d');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcTemplate', 'default');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcUseCache', '1');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcCacheLifetime', '3600');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcDefaultView', 'month');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode', '0');
            // alter the events table and change some old columns
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table}\n                    ADD pc_catid int(11) default '0' NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\tADD pc_duration bigint(20) default '0' NOT NULL,\n                    ADD pc_sharing int(11) default '0' NOT NULL,\n                    ADD pc_language varchar(30) default '',\n\t\t\t\t\tCHANGE pc_eid pc_eid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                    CHANGE pc_location pc_location text,\n                    CHANGE pc_conttel pc_conttel varchar(50),\n                    CHANGE pc_contname pc_contname varchar(150),\n                    CHANGE pc_contemail pc_contemail varchar(255),\n                    CHANGE pc_website pc_website varchar(255),\n                    CHANGE pc_fee pc_fee varchar(50),\n                    CHANGE pc_recurrspec pc_recurrspec text default ''\n                    ";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('event table alter error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // create the new categories table
            $sql = "CREATE TABLE {$cat_table} (\n                    pc_catid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n                    pc_catname varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'Undefined',\n                    pc_catcolor varchar(50) NOT NULL default '#EEEEEE',\n                    pc_catdesc text default '',\n                    PRIMARY KEY(pc_catid)\n                    )";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('cat table create error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // insert the current hardcoded categories into the new categories table
            $category1 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category1'));
            $category2 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category2'));
            $category3 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category3'));
            $category4 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category4'));
            $category5 = pnVarPrepForStore(pnModGetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category5'));
            $inserts = array("INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('1','{$category1}','#EEEEEE')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('2','{$category2}','#00ff00')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('3','{$category3}','#0000ff')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('4','{$category4}','#ffffff')", "INSERT INTO {$cat_table} (pc_catid,pc_catname,pc_catcolor) VALUES ('5','{$category5}','#ffcc00')");
            foreach ($inserts as $insert) {
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    die('cat table insert error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                    return false;
            // update the current events to reflect the category system change
            $updates = array("UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 1 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'r' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 2 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'g' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 3 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'b' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 4 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'w' ", "UPDATE {$events_table} SET pc_catid = 5 WHERE pc_barcolor = 'y' ");
            foreach ($updates as $update) {
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    die('event table update error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                    return false;
            // alter the events table and drop the old barcolor column
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table} DROP pc_barcolor";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                die('cat table alter error : ' . $dbconn->ErrorMsg());
                return false;
            // remove the old vars as they are no longer needed
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category1');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category2');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category3');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category4');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'category5');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'time24hours');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'eventsopeninnewwindow');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'useinternationaldates');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'firstdayofweek');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'dayhighlightcolor');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'displaytopics');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'usepopups');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'listhowmanyevents');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'allowdirectsubmit');
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'showeventsinyear');
            //  now, ideally, we will convert old events to the new
            //  style. this consists of reconfiguring the repeating
            //  events vars.
            //  we need to establish the current repeating
            //  conditions and convert them to the new system
            //  old repeating defines
            @define('_EVENT_NONE', -1);
            @define('_EVENT_DAILY', 0);
            @define('_EVENT_WEEKLY', 1);
            @define('_EVENT_MONTHLY', 2);
            @define('_EVENT_YEARLY', 3);
            @define('_RECUR_SAME_DAY', 0);
            @define('_RECUR_SAME_DATE', 1);
            //  new repeating defines
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat']
            @define('NO_REPEAT', 0);
            @define('REPEAT', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON', 2);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq']
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_OTHER', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_THIRD', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_FOURTH', 4);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type']
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_DAY', 0);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR', 3);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_1ST', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_2ND', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_3RD', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_4TH', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_LAST', 5);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_SUN', 0);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_MON', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_TUE', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_WED', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_THU', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_FRI', 5);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_SAT', 6);
            //  $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq']
            @define('REPEAT_ON_MONTH', 1);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_2MONTH', 2);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_3MONTH', 3);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_4MONTH', 4);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_6MONTH', 6);
            @define('REPEAT_ON_YEAR', 12);
            //  Set Sharing Paramaters
            @define('SHARING_PRIVATE', 0);
            @define('SHARING_PUBLIC', 1);
            @define('SHARING_BUSY', 2);
            @define('SHARING_GLOBAL', 3);
            //  Here's some psuedo-code for the conversion
            //  if _EVENT_NONE
            //      $rtype = NO_REPEAT
            //      $rspec = 0 for all;
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_DAILY
            //      $rtype = REPEAT
            //      $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_DAY
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_WEEKLY
            //      $rtype = REPEAT
            //      $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_MONTHLY
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DAY
            //          $rtype = REPEAT_ON
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_ON_NUM|REPEAT_ON_DAY|REPEAT_ON_FREQ
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DATE
            //          $rtype = REPEAT
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  if _EVENT_YEARLY
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DAY
            //          $rtype = REPEAT_ON
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_ON_NUM|REPEAT_ON_DAY|REPEAT_ON_FREQ
            //      if _RECUR_SAME_DATE
            //          $rtype = REPEAT
            //          $rspec = REPEAT_EVERY|REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR
            //      $duration = endTime - startTime
            //  attempt reconfiguration
            $sql = "SELECT pc_eid, pc_eventDate, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_recurrtype, pc_recurrfreq\n                    FROM {$events_table}";
            $result = $dbconn->Execute($sql);
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            if (!isset($result)) {
                return false;
            // grab the results and start the conversion
            for (; !$result->EOF; $result->MoveNext()) {
                $recurrspec = array();
                list($eid, $eventdate, $start, $end, $rtype, $rfreq) = $result->fields;
                if ($rtype == null) {
                    $rtype = _EVENT_NONE;
                switch ($rtype) {
                    case _EVENT_NONE:
                        $recurrtype = NO_REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_DAILY:
                        $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_DAY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_WEEKLY:
                        $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                        $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                    case _EVENT_MONTHLY:
                        if ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DATE) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                        } elseif ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DAY) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT_ON;
                            list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $eventdate);
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                            // event day of week
                            $edow = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($d, $m, $y);
                            // date of first event day of week
                            $firstDay = Date_Calc::NWeekdayOfMonth(1, $edow, $m, $y, '%Y-%m-%d');
                            // find difference between 1st day and event day
                            list($y2, $m2, $d2) = explode('-', $firstDay);
                            $diff = Date_Calc::dateDiff($d, $m, $y, $d2, $m2, $y2);
                            // assuming $diff is going to be a multiple of 7
                            if ($diff > 0) {
                                $diff /= 7;
                            if ($diff > REPEAT_ON_4TH) {
                                $diff = REPEAT_ON_LAST;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = $diff;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = $edow;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = REPEAT_ON_MONTH;
                    case _EVENT_YEARLY:
                        if ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DATE) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = REPEAT_EVERY;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = 0;
                        } elseif ($rfreq == _RECUR_SAME_DAY) {
                            $recurrtype = REPEAT_ON;
                            list($y, $m, $d) = explode('-', $eventdate);
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq'] = 0;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_freq_type'] = 0;
                            // event day of week
                            $edow = Date_Calc::dayOfWeek($d, $m, $y);
                            // date of first event day of week
                            $firstDay = Date_Calc::NWeekdayOfMonth(1, $edow, $m, $y, '%Y-%m-%d');
                            // find difference between 1st day and event day
                            list($y2, $m2, $d2) = explode('-', $firstDay);
                            $diff = Date_Calc::dateDiff($d, $m, $y, $d2, $m2, $y2);
                            // assuming $diff is going to be a multiple of 7
                            if ($diff > 0) {
                                $diff /= 7;
                            if ($diff > REPEAT_ON_4TH) {
                                $diff = REPEAT_ON_LAST;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_num'] = $diff;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_day'] = $edow;
                            $recurrspec['event_repeat_on_freq'] = REPEAT_ON_YEAR;
                // ok, figure out the event's duration
                list($sh, $sm, $ss) = explode(':', $start);
                list($eh, $em, $es) = explode(':', $end);
                $stime = mktime($sh, $sm, $ss, 1, 1, 1970);
                // if the ending hour is less than the starting hour
                // assume that the event spans to the next day
                if ($eh < $sh) {
                    $etime = mktime($eh, $em, $es, 1, 2, 1970);
                } else {
                    $etime = mktime($eh, $em, $es, 1, 1, 1970);
                $duration = $etime - $stime;
                // prep the vars for the sql statement
                $eid = pnVarPrepForStore($eid);
                $recurrtype = pnVarPrepForStore($recurrtype);
                $recurrspec = pnVarPrepForStore(serialize($recurrspec));
                // create our sql statement
                $updatesql = "UPDATE {$events_table} SET \n                              pc_aid = '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  pc_recurrtype = {$recurrtype},\n                              pc_recurrspec = '{$recurrspec}',\n                              pc_duration = {$duration},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  pc_sharing = " . SHARING_GLOBAL . "\n                              WHERE pc_eid = {$eid}";
                // execute our sql statement
                if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                    return false;
                // next event please
            // all done, proceed with next upgrade step if available/necessary
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.1');
        case '3.1':
        case '3.1.1':
        case '3.1.2':
        case '3.1.3':
        case '3.1.4':
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.0');
        case '3.9.0':
        case '3.9.1':
        case '3.9.2':
            // ading pcSafeMode
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode', '0');
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.3');
        case '3.9.3':
        case '':
            // adding indexes
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$events_table} \n\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX basic_event (pc_catid,pc_aid,pc_eventDate,pc_endDate,pc_eventstatus,pc_sharing,pc_topic)";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            // adding indexes
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$cat_table} \n\t\t\t\t\tADD INDEX basic_cat (pc_catname, pc_catcolor)";
            if ($dbconn->ErrorNo() != 0) {
                return false;
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.4');
        case '3.9.4':
        case '3.9.5':
        case '3.9.6':
        case '3.9.7':
            return postcalendar_upgrade('3.9.8');
        case '3.9.8':
            pnModDelVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcSafeMode');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcNotifyAdmin', '0');
            pnModSetVar(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'pcNotifyEmail', pnConfigGetVar('adminmail'));
        case '3.9.9':
    // if we get this far - load the userapi and clear the cache
    if (!pnModAPILoad(__POSTCALENDAR__, 'user')) {
        return false;
    $tpl =& new pcSmarty();
    return true;