Ejemplo n.º 1
function list_format_atom($list)
    // get display names, prune headers
    // (the atom watched list is always sorted by time, and has no
    //  sections or read plans listed)
    foreach ($list as $i => $plan) {
        $plan = str_replace('http://', 'http//', trim($plan));
        list($url, $displayname) = explode(':', str_replace('!', '', $plan), 2);
        if (!$displayname) {
            $displayname = $url;
        $displayname = htmlspecialchars($displayname);
        $plans_list[$i] = trim(str_replace('http//', 'http://', $url));
        $plans_list_display[$i] = $displayname;
    $ptime = plan_get_last_update($plans_list);
    $lastview = plan_get_last_view($plans_list);
    array_multisort($ptime, SORT_DESC, $plans_list, $lastview, $plans_list_display);
    foreach ($plans_list as $i => $plan) {
        if ($lastview[$i] < $ptime[$i]) {
            $plantime = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s+00:00', $ptime[$i]);
            $humantime = str_replace("&nbsp;", ' ', formattime($ptime[$i]));
            $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}'/>";
            $watchlist .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<entry>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<title type='html'>{$plans_list_display[$i]} updated {$humantime}</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<summary> {$humantime}</summary>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<link rel=\"alternate\" href=\"http://planwatch.org/read/{$plan}\" type=\"text/html\"/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<updated>{$plantime}</updated>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<id>http://planwatch.org/read/{$plan}</id>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<author>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<name>{$plans_list_display[$i]}</name>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</author>\n\t\t\t\t\t</entry>\n\t\t\t\t";
    $watchlist = "{$watchlist}";
    return $watchlist;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function snoop_list($source = FALSE)
    $snoop_filename = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/stats/snoop.txt";
    if ($source == 'planwatch' || $source == 'homesnoop') {
        $ignore = "ignore_ajax";
    } else {
        $ignore = "ignore";
    if (file_exists($snoop_filename)) {
        $snoop_a = file($snoop_filename);
        foreach ($snoop_a as $i => $snoop) {
            $snoop = trim($snoop);
            list($snooper, $snooptime) = explode(':', $snoop);
            if ($snooper != $_SERVER['USER'] && trim($snooper)) {
                if ($snooptime > $snoop_times[$snooper]) {
                    $snoop_times[$snooper] = $snooptime;
        if (is_array($snoop_times)) {
            $snoopers_lastview = plan_get_last_view(array_keys($snoop_times));
            // for very old snoops, we test them once a day to make sure they're
            // still valid
            // TODO:(v4.5) improve and re-enable the snoop test
            //			if (filemtime("$_SERVER[USER_ROOT]/stats/snoop_lastcheck") < (time()-24*3600))
            //			{
            //				$test_snoops=TRUE;
            //				file_put_contents("$_SERVER[USER_ROOT]/stats/snoop_lastcheck",time());
            //			}
            foreach ($snoop_times as $snooper => $snooptime) {
                // the actual validity test gets called here
                //				if (($snooptime < (time()-(72*3600))) && $test_snoops)
                //				{
                //					$valid_snoop=snoop_test($snoopers[$j]);
                //				}
                //				else $valid_snoop=TRUE;
                // if everything's OK, add it to the list
                if ($snooptime) {
                    $snooptime_display = formattime($snooptime);
                    if (strstr($snooper, '@')) {
                        list($username, $host) = explode("@", $snooper);
                        $displayname = "{$username} <span style='font-size: 60%;'>@{$host}</span>";
                    } else {
                        $displayname = $snooper;
                    if ($snoopers_lastview[$snooper] < $snooptime) {
                        $read_status = 'unread';
                    } else {
                        $read_status = 'read';
                    if ($ignore == "ignore") {
                        $content .= "<li><a class='tool' target='_self' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/snoop/{$ignore}/{$snooper}/{$source}'>&#x2612;</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='{$read_status}' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$snooper}'>{$displayname}</a> <span style='font-size: 80%;'>{$snooptime_display}\n" . "  </span>\n" . "</li>\n";
                    } else {
                        $content .= "<li><a class='tool' target='_self' href='javascript:loadXMLDoc(\"{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/snoop/{$ignore}/{$snooper}/{$source}\",null,\"{$source}\");'>&#x2612;</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a class='{$read_status}' href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$snooper}'>{$displayname}  <span class='updatetime'>{$snooptime_display}\n</span></a>\n" . "</li>\n";
        } else {
            $content .= "<li class='unread'>no snoops found</li>\n";
    return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function list_format_rss($list, $sortby = 'time')
    $sep = "\n";
    $subkey = '#main';
    foreach ($list as $z => $plan) {
        if ($th = strstr($plan, '!prune')) {
            $prune = TRUE;
            $threshhold = str_replace('!prune', '', $th);
            if (strstr($threshhold, 's')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('s', '', $threshhold);
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'm')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('m', '', $threshhold) * 60;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'b')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('b', '', $threshhold) * 86.40000000000001;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'h')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('h', '', $threshhold) * 3600;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'd')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('d', '', $threshhold) * 3600 * 24;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'w')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('w', '', $threshhold) * 3600 * 24 * 7;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'n')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('n', '', $threshhold) * 3600 * 24 * 30;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'y')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('y', '', $threshhold) * 3600 * 24 * 365;
            if (strstr($threshhold, 'k')) {
                $threshhold = str_replace('k', '', $threshhold) * 3600 * 24 * 365 * 10;
            $threshhold = time() - $threshhold;
        if ($plan == '!onlynew') {
            $onlynew = TRUE;
        $plan = str_replace('http://', 'http//', trim($plan));
        list($url, $displayname) = explode(':', str_replace('!', '', $plan), 2);
        if (!$displayname) {
            $displayname = $url;
        $displayname = htmlspecialchars($displayname);
        if ($plan[0] == '#') {
            $subkey = $displayname;
        if (trim($plan)) {
            $sublist[$subkey][] = str_replace('http//', 'http://', $url);
            $sublist_display[$subkey][] = $displayname;
    $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/home'/>";
    $watchlist .= "\n\t\t<item rdf:about='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/home'>\n\t\t\t<title>&gt;&gt; Planwatch Home</title>\n\t\t\t<link>http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/home</link>\n\t\t\t<description>Planwatch Home</description>\n\t\t</item>\n";
    foreach ($sublist as $key => $list) {
        if (count($list) > 1) {
            $ptime = plan_get_last_update($list);
            $lastview = plan_get_last_view($list);
            $list_display = $sublist_display[$key];
            if ($sortby == 'name') {
                array_multisort($list, SORT_ASC, $ptime, $lastview, $list_display);
            if ($sortby == 'time') {
                array_multisort($ptime, SORT_DESC, $list, $lastview, $list_display);
            if ($key != '#main') {
                $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/{$key}'/>";
                $watchlist .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<item rdf:about='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/{$key}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<title>__ " . str_replace('#', '', $key) . " __</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<link>http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/</link>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<description>category: " . str_replace('#', '', $key) . "</description>\n\t\t\t\t\t</item>\n";
            foreach ($list as $i => $plan) {
                $plantime = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', formattime($ptime[$i]));
                if ($plan[0] != '#' && $plan && ($ptime[$i] > $threshhold || !$threshhold)) {
                    if ($lastview[$i] < $ptime[$i]) {
                        $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}'/>";
                        $watchlist .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<item rdf:about='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<link>http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}</link>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<title>*** {$list_display[$i]} {$plantime}</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<description>read {$list_display[$i]}'s plan</description>\n\t\t\t\t\t</item>\n";
                    } elseif (!$onlynew) {
                        $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}'/>";
                        $watchlist .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t<item rdf:about='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<title>{$list_display[$i]} {$plantime}</title>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<link>http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$plan}</link>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<description>read {$list_display[$i]}'s plan</description>\n\t\t\t\t\t</item>\n";
    $items .= "\n<rdf:li rdf:resource='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/look/{$_SERVER['FINGERPRINT']}'/>";
    $watchlist .= "\n\t\t<item rdf:about='http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/look/{$_SERVER['FINGERPRINT']}'/>\n\t\t\t<title>&gt;&gt; Planwatch Look</title>\n\t\t\t<link>http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/look/{$_SERVER['FINGERPRINT']}</link>\n\t\t\t<description>Planwatch Look</description>\n\t\t</item>\n";
    $watchlist = "{$items}\n<!-- FEED_DIVIDER -->\n{$watchlist}";
    return $watchlist;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function list_format_iphone($list = FALSE, $sortby = FALSE)
    profile('list_format_html', 'begin');
    if ($_SERVER['USER_ROOT'] && is_dir("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends/")) {
        //		echo $_SERVER['USER_ROOT'];
        $new_sends = files_list("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/sends/", "*..new");
    if ($new_sends) {
        $watchlist .= "<option value='/send'>sends</option>";
        foreach ($new_sends as $new_send) {
            $sender = files_decode_safe_name(str_replace("..new", '', $new_send));
            $watchlist .= "<option value='/send/{$sender}'>{$sender}</option>\n";
    if (!$list) {
        $list_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/watchedlist.txt";
        // reads in the user's watched list
        if (file_exists($list_fn)) {
            $list = file($list_fn);
            if ($list[0] == "sort by time\n") {
                $sortby = 'time';
            } elseif ($list[0] == "sort by name\n") {
                $sortby = 'name';
            } elseif ($list[0] == "sort by none\n") {
                $sortby = 'inorder';
            } else {
                $sortby = 'inorder';
            if (strpos($list[0], 'sort by ') !== FALSE) {
        } else {
            $list = array();
        $list = array_merge(array("#Watched Plans"), $list);
    profile('list_format_html_prep', 'begin');
    $ptime = plan_get_last_update($list);
    $lastview = plan_get_last_view($list);
    $ordinal = 0;
    foreach ($list as $z => $plan) {
        $plan = urldecode($plan);
        if (strstr($plan, '!!!')) {
            $prune = TRUE;
            $plan = '';
        if (strstr($plan, '!prune')) {
            // 			$prune=TRUE;
            $threshhold = str_replace('!prune', '', $plan);
            $threshhold = time_calculate_threshhold($threshhold);
            $threshhold = time() - $threshhold;
            $plan = '';
        if (trim($plan) == '!onlynew') {
            $onlynew = TRUE;
        if (trim($plan) == '!alwaysnew') {
            $alwaysnew = TRUE;
        $plan = str_replace(array('!alwaysnew', '!onlynew'), '', $plan);
        $alias_array = explode(':', str_replace('!', '', $plan));
        $displayname = end($alias_array);
        $url = $alias_array[0];
        if ($alias_array[1][0] == '/') {
            $url .= ":{$alias_array['1']}";
        if (!is_string($displayname) || $displayname == $url) {
            if (strstr($url, '@')) {
                list($username, $host) = explode("@", $url);
                $displayname = "{$username} <span style='font-size: smaller;'>@{$host}</span>";
            } else {
                $displayname = $url;
        //		else echo $displayname;
        if ($displayname[0] == '#') {
            $groupname = htmlentities(str_replace('#', '', $displayname));
            $grouplist[] = $groupname;
        if (trim($plan)) {
            if ($plan[0] != '#') {
                if (file_exists("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/send/" . files_encode_safe_name($url) . "..new")) {
                    $send = "<a href='/send/{$url}'>SEND</a>";
                } else {
                    $send = '';
                $biglist[$ordinal] = array("group" => $groupname, "url" => trim($url), "name" => $displayname, "updated" => $ptime[$z], "viewed" => $lastview[$z], "send" => $send);
                $timelist[$ordinal] = $ptime[$z];
                $namelist[$ordinal] = $displayname;
        if (!is_array($grouplist)) {
            $grouplist = array('');
    profile('list_format_html_prep', 'end');
    if (!$prune) {
        $onlynew = FALSE;
        $alwaysnew = FALSE;
        $threshhold = 0;
    if ($sortby == 'inorder') {
        foreach ($biglist as $i => $plan_details) {
            $plan_details = $biglist[$i];
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) {
                $class = '* ';
            } else {
                $class = '';
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') {
                $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']);
                $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n";
    if ($sortby == 'name') {
        foreach ($namelist as $i => $name) {
            $plan_details = $biglist[$i];
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) {
                $class = '* ';
            } else {
                $class = '';
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') {
                $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']);
                $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n";
    if ($sortby == 'time') {
        foreach ($timelist as $i => $time) {
            $plan_details = $biglist[$i];
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $plan_details['viewed']) {
                $class = '* ';
            } else {
                $class = '';
            if ($plan_details['updated'] > $threshhold || !$prune || $alwaysnew && $class == 'unread') {
                $plan_details['updated'] = formattime($plan_details['updated']);
                $outputlist[$plan_details['group']] .= "<option value='/read/{$plan_details['url']}'>{$class}{$plan_details['name']}: {$plan_details['updated']}</option>\n";
    foreach ($grouplist as $groupname) {
        $jsgroupname = trim(str_replace(" ", "_", $groupname));
        if ($outputlist[$groupname] || strtolower($groupname) == 'watched plans') {
            $watchlist .= "\n\t\t<option value=''>---</option><option value='/look/group/" . urlencode(trim($groupname)) . "'>[{$groupname}]</option>\n{$outputlist[$groupname]}";
    profile('list_format_html', 'end');
    return $watchlist;

$_SERVER['AUTH_COOKIE'] = 'fingerprint_v4';
$_SERVER['FILE_ROOT'] = '/home/planwatc/public_html';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/scripts/siteconfig.php';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/scripts/plan_read.php';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/backend/xmlrpc.inc';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/scripts/standard_library/user_info_functions.php';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/scripts/standard_library/plan_info_functions.php';
include_once '/home/planwatc/public_html/scripts/standard_library/file_functions.php';
/* BACKUP */
$_COOKIE[$_SERVER['AUTH_COOKIE']] = "YmFja3Vw:::d53db979c480aa3ce0d9aaba69495fc8";
$time = time();
$backup_permissions_dir = "{$_SERVER['FILE_ROOT']}/stats/backup_permissions";
$backup_users_list = files_list($backup_permissions_dir, "*.permission");
foreach ($backup_users_list as $userfile) {
    $username = trim(str_replace(".permission", "", basename($userfile)));
    $sptime = plan_get_last_update($username);
    $slastview = plan_get_last_view($username);
    if ($sptime > $slastview || !$sptime && filemtime("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/files/{$username}.latest.backup") < $time - 3600 * 6) {
        $plan = plan_read($username, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
        $file = fopen("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/files/{$username}.{$time}.backup", 'w');
        fwrite($file, $plan);
        $file = fopen("{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/files/{$username}.latest.backup", 'w');
        fwrite($file, $plan);
Ejemplo n.º 6
function snitch_read($owner, $threshhold)
    if (!$threshhold) {
        $threshhold = '2dr';
    $writer = $_SERVER['USER'];
    if ($_SERVER['USER'] == $owner) {
        if ($threshhold == 'r' . $_SERVER['USERINFO_ARRAY']['snitch_default_days'] . 'd') {
            $mode = 'NORMAL';
        if ($threshhold == 'r2h') {
            $mode = 'BRIEF';
        $last_plan_update = plan_get_last_update($_SERVER['USER']);
        if (strpos($threshhold, 'r') !== FALSE) {
            $newest_first = 'SELECTED';
        } else {
            $oldest_first = 'SELECTED';
        if (strpos($threshhold, 'w') !== FALSE) {
            $weeks_selected = 'SELECTED';
        } elseif (strpos($threshhold, 'h') !== FALSE) {
            $hours_selected = 'SELECTED';
        } elseif (strpos($threshhold, 'm') !== FALSE) {
            $minutes_selected = 'SELECTED';
        } else {
            $days_selected = 'SELECTED';
        $threshvalue = str_replace(array('d', 'r', 'w', 'd', 'h', 'm'), '', $threshhold);
        if ($threshhold == 'sidebar') {
            $threshhold = '1d';
            $reverse = 'true';
            $sidebar = 1;
        if (strstr($threshhold, 'r')) {
            $reverse = 'true';
            $threshhold = str_replace('r', '', $threshhold);
        $threshhold = time_calculate_threshhold($threshhold);
        $threshhold = time() - $threshhold;
        $snitch_fn = "{$_SERVER['USER_ROOT']}/stats/planlog.txt";
        if (file_exists($snitch_fn)) {
            if ($mode == 'NORMAL') {
                exec("tail -n 200 {$snitch_fn}", $snitch_array);
            if ($mode == 'BRIEF') {
                exec("tail -n 30 {$snitch_fn}", $snitch_array);
            } else {
                $snitch_array = explode("\n", file_get_contents($snitch_fn));
        } else {
            $snitch_array = array();
        if ($reverse) {
            $snitch_array = array_reverse($snitch_array);
        foreach ($snitch_array as $k => $snitch_entry) {
            list($blah, $snitch_user, $blah) = explode(',', $snitch_entry);
            $snitch_users[] = $snitch_user;
        if (is_array($snitch_users)) {
            $snitch_users = array_unique($snitch_users);
        } else {
            $snitch_users = 'No snitch';
        if ($mode) {
            $lastview = plan_get_last_view($snitch_users);
        if ($mode) {
            $lastupdate = plan_get_last_update($snitch_users);
        foreach ($snitch_array as $k => $snitch_entry) {
            $snitch_entry = explode(',', $snitch_entry);
            if ($snitch_entry[0] > $threshhold) {
                if ($snitch_entry[0] < $last_plan_update) {
                    $content .= "<li style='margin: 15px;'>" . str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', formattime($last_plan_update)) . " &nbsp;&nbsp; Last Plan Update</li>";
                    $last_plan_update = 0;
                $su_key = array_search($snitch_entry[1], $snitch_users);
                $snitchday = date('d', $snitch_entry[0]);
                if ($last_snitchday && $snitchday != $last_snitchday) {
                    $style = "margin-top: 15px;";
                $time_string = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', formattime($snitch_entry[0]));
                if (strlen(date('g', $snitch_entry[0])) == 1) {
                    $time_string .= "&nbsp;";
                if ($lastupdate[$su_key] > 0 && $lastupdate[$su_key] > $lastview[$su_key]) {
                    $class = "unread";
                } else {
                    $class = 'read';
                if (strpos($snitch_entry[1], 'Anon') !== FALSE) {
                    $snitch_ip = str_replace("Anonymous Coward from ", '', $snitch_entry[1]);
                    if ($snitch_ip == 'livejournal.com') {
                        $snitch_entry[1] = "LiveJournal";
                    } elseif (strstr($snitch_ip, 'facebook.com')) {
                        $snitch_entry[1] = "Facebook";
                    } else {
                        if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/snitch') === 0 && $_SERVER['OUTPUT_MODE'] != 'IPHONE') {
                            $ac = "Anonymous Coward ";
                        } else {
                            $ac = "AC ";
                        $numerical_ip = gethostbyname($snitch_ip);
                        $snitch_entry[1] = "{$ac} from {$snitch_ip}";
                        if ($ac != 'AC ') {
                            $snitch_entry[1] .= " <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/trace/{$snitch_ip}'>trace</a> | <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/blocked/{$numerical_ip}'>block</a>\n";
                if (strpos($snitch_entry[2], 'archives') !== FALSE) {
                    preg_match("|archives \\( (r.*d) 3(.*) \\)|", $snitch_entry[2], $matches);
                    $length = $matches[1];
                    $timecode = $matches[2];
                    $url = date("Y/m/d/h:i", $timecode);
                    $snitch_entry[2] = str_replace($matches[0], "<a href='/read/{$_SERVER['USER']}/{$length}/{$url}'>archives ({$length} from " . date("F jS Y g:ia", $timecode) . ")</a>", $snitch_entry[2]);
                if (strpos($snitch_entry[1], 'RSS') !== FALSE) {
                    $snitch_ip = str_replace("RSS Reader from ", '', $snitch_entry[1]);
                    if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'snitch')) {
                        $rr = "RSS Reader ";
                    } else {
                        $rr = "RSS ";
                    $snitch_entry[1] = "{$rr} <span class='edit_links'>from {$snitch_ip}";
                    if ($rr != 'RSS ') {
                        $snitch_entry[1] .= "[ <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/trace/{$snitch_ip}'>trace</a> | <a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/lists/add/blocked/{$ip}'>block</a> ]</span>\n";
                if (!strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'AC ') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'Anon') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'RSS') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'LiveJournal') && !strstr($snitch_entry[1], 'Facebook')) {
                    $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'><a href='{$_SERVER['WEB_ROOT']}/read/{$snitch_entry['1']}'>{$time_string} {$snitch_entry['1']}</a> {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>";
                } elseif ($sidebar != 1) {
                    $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'>{$time_string} {$snitch_entry['1']} {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>\n";
                } else {
                    $content .= "<li class='{$class}' style='{$style}'>{$time_string} AC {$snitch_entry['2']}</li>\n";
                $last_snitchday = $snitchday;
            } else {
                $k += 10000;
    } else {
        $content = "<li class='alert'>you are not the owner of {$owner}'s plan. you are {$user}. please re-login if this is an error.</li>";
    return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 7
function plan_read_simplepie_rss($urls, $offset = 0, $item_count = 30)
    if (IS_JOSH) {
        include_once 'simplepie.1.2.inc';
    } else {
        include_once 'simplepie.inc';
    $lastview = plan_get_last_view($urls);
    $multifeed = TRUE;
    if (is_string($urls)) {
        if (substr_count($urls, ",http") > 0) {
            $urls = explode(",http", $urls);
            foreach ($urls as $i => $url) {
                if (!strstr($url, 'http')) {
                    $urls[$i] = "http" . $url;
        } else {
            $urls = array($urls);
            $multifeed = FALSE;
    preg_match("|\\/\\/(.*)@|", $urls[0], $match);
    if ($match[1]) {
        $_SERVER['DIGEST_USERINFO'] = $match[1];
    profile("load feeds");
    $feed = new SimplePie($urls);
    profile("load feeds");
    $items = $feed->get_items();
    usort($items, "plan_multifeed_sort_items");
    $items = array_slice($items, $offset, $item_count);
    if (!is_object($items[0])) {
        //		if(IS_JOSH) print_r($items);
        // do stuff to fix the url and try again
        preg_match("|.*://([^/]+)/|", $urls[0], $base_url_array);
        $base_link = "<a href='{$base_url_array['0']}'>{$base_url_array['1']}</a>";
        if ($offset != "RECURSION") {
            $content = plan_read_simplepie_rss($base_url_array[0], "RECURSION");
        if (!$content) {
            $title = "Failed to read feed {$urls['0']}";
            $content = "<h1>Plan Read Failed</h1> We tried <tt>{$urls['0']}</tt> and did not get a valid feed.<br />\n\t\t\tYou may want to try the site directly: {$base_link}<br />\n\t\t\tIf the feed address is incorrect, you can <a href='/lists/edit/watched'>edit your watched list</a> to correct it.<br /><br />\n\t\t\tStill have questions? Ask for <a href='mailto:help@planwatch.org'>help</a>.";
            $alternate_links = array_unique(array_merge(plan_feed_search(str_replace("http://", "http://www.", $base_url_array[0])), plan_feed_search($base_url_array[0]), plan_feed_search($urls[0])));
            if ($alternate_links) {
                $content .= "<hr /><h2>Alternate Links</h2>Here are some possible alternate feed links:<ul>";
                foreach ($alternate_links as $link) {
                    $content .= "<li><a href='http://planwatch.org/read/{$link}'>{$link}</a></li>\n";
    } else {
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $item_authors_string = '';
            $entry_header = '';
            $item_title = $item->get_title();
            $item_link = $item->get_permalink();
            $item_date = formattime($item->get_date('U'));
            $item_data = $item->get_content();
            if ($item_category_list = $item->get_categories()) {
                foreach ($item_category_list as $category) {
                    $item_categories .= " " . $category->get_label();
            $item_authors = $item->get_authors();
            $item_id = $item->get_id();
            if ($item_authors) {
                foreach ($item_authors as $item_author) {
                    if ($item_author->get_name()) {
                        $item_authors_string .= "<a href='" . $item_author->get_link() . "'>" . $item_author->get_name() . "</a> ";
                    } elseif ($item_author->get_email()) {
                        $item_authors_string .= $item_author->get_email() . " ";
            if ($item_title) {
                $feed = $item->get_feed();
                $feed_title = $feed->get_title();
                $feed_link = $feed->get_link();
                $feed_url = $feed->feed_url;
                if ($multifeed) {
                    $entry_header = "<a target='_self' href='/read/{$feed_url}'>{$feed_title}</a><br/><a target='_self' href='{$item_link}' class='entry_title'>{$item_title}</a>\n";
                } else {
                    $entry_header .= "<a target='_self' href='{$item_link}' class='entry_title'>{$item_title}</a>\n";
            $entry_header .= "<span class='edit_links'>";
            if ($item_categories) {
                $entry_header .= " {$item_categories}, ";
            if ($item_date) {
                $entry_header .= " posted {$item_date} ";
            if ($item_authors_string) {
                $entry_header .= "by {$item_authors_string} ";
            $item_id_hash = md5($item_id);
            $entry_header .= "</span><br />\n";
            $entry_text = $item_data;
            $content .= "\n\t\t\t<div class='plan_entry' id='plan_entry_{$item_id_hash}'>\n\t\t\t{$entry_header}\n\t\t\t<div class='entry_content' id='entry_content_{$item_id_hash}'>";
            $content .= str_replace("<a ", "<a target='_self' ", $entry_text);
            $content .= "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t";
    if (!$multifeed && is_object($item)) {
        $feed = $item->get_feed();
        $feed_title = $feed->get_title();
        $feed_link = $feed->get_link();
        $feed_description = $feed->get_description();
        $content = "<h1><a href='{$feed_link}'>{$feed_title}</a></h1>{$feed_description}<br /><br />{$content}";
        //		if($urls[0]!=$feed_link) $content="<div class='message'><b>This feed is autodiscovered</b> based on the link you provided. It may keep working, but discovery is unpredictable. If you want to ".$content;
    return $content;