function make_kml($mid) { $map = map_get_single($mid); if ($map === false) { return array(false, "no such map"); } // 把地圖拿出來換成 kml $gpx = str_replace(".tag.png", ".gpx", $map['filename']); // test kml happyman add test path $cachefile = sprintf("/srv/www/htdocs/map/gpxtmp/test/%06d/%d/%s", $map['uid'], $map['mid'], basename(str_replace(".gpx", ".kml", $gpx))); if (file_exists($gpx)) { if (0 && file_exists($cachefile) && filemtime($cachefile) >= filemtime($gpx)) { return array(true, $cachefile); } @mkdir(dirname($cachefile), 0755, true); //$cmds_args[10] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x simplify,count=10 -x position,distance=20k"; // $cmds_args[11] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=10k"; // $cmds_args[12] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=5k"; //$cmds_args[13] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=2k"; //$cmds_args[14] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=1k"; //$cmds_args[15] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=500m"; //$cmds_args[16] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=200m"; //$cmds_args[17] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=100m"; //$cmds_args[18] = "-x nuketypes,tracks,routes -x position,distance=1m"; $cmd = sprintf("gpsbabel -i gpx -f %s -x nuketypes,points -o kml,lines=1,points=0,line_color=%s,line_width=3 -F %s", $gpx, pick_color($mid), $cachefile); exec($cmd); return array(true, $cachefile); } else { return array(false, "no gpx"); } }
$number = round(2.4); printf("2.4 rounds to the float %s", $number); print "<br> \n"; $number = floor(2.4); printf("2.4 rounds down to the float %s", $number); print "<br> \n"; print "<h3> random </h3>"; function pick_color() { $colors = array('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo', 'violet'); $i = mt_rand(0, count($colors) - 1); return $colors[$i]; } mt_srand(5555); $first = pick_color(); $second = pick_color(); // Так как mt_srand() передается конкретное значение, каждый раз // будут выбираться одни и те же цвета: красный (red) и желтый (yellow) print "{$first} is red and {$second} is yellow. <br>"; // Функция возвращает случайно выбранный ключ из взвешенного набора function rand_weighted($numbers) { $total = 0; foreach ($numbers as $number => $weight) { $total += $weight; $distribution[$number] = $total; } $rand = mt_rand(0, $total - 1); foreach ($distribution as $number => $weights) { if ($rand < $weights) { return $number;
<?php /* Printing numbers with Rand */ $lower = 65; $upper = 97; $random_number = mt_rand($lower, $upper); echo $random_number; echo "<hr>"; function pick_color() { $colores = array('red', 'azul', 'verde', 'amarillo'); $i = mt_rand(0, count($colores) - 1); return $colores[$i]; } mt_rand(24913); $first = pick_color(); $segundo = pick_color(); print "{$first} es rojo y {$segundo} es verde";