private function loadPHIDsByTypes($type)
     $objects = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery())->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorFulltextInterface')->execute();
     $normalized_type = phutil_utf8_strtolower($type);
     $matches = array();
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $object_class = get_class($object);
         $normalized_class = phutil_utf8_strtolower($object_class);
         if (!strlen($type) || strpos($normalized_class, $normalized_type) !== false) {
             $matches[$object_class] = $object;
     if (!$matches) {
         $all_types = array();
         foreach ($objects as $object) {
             $all_types[] = get_class($object);
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Type "%s" matches no indexable objects. Supported types are: %s.', $type, implode(', ', $all_types)));
     if (count($matches) > 1 && strlen($type)) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Type "%s" matches multiple indexable objects. Use a more ' . 'specific string. Matching object types are: %s.', $type, implode(', ', array_keys($matches))));
     $phids = array();
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $iterator = new LiskMigrationIterator($match);
         foreach ($iterator as $object) {
             $phids[] = $object->getPHID();
     return $phids;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function normalize($slug, $hashtag = false)
     $slug = preg_replace('@/+@', '/', $slug);
     $slug = trim($slug, '/');
     $slug = phutil_utf8_strtolower($slug);
     $ban = "\\x00-\\x19" . "#%&+=?" . " " . "\\\\" . "<>{}\\[\\]" . "'" . '"';
     // In hashtag mode (used for Project hashtags), ban additional characters
     // which cause parsing problems.
     if ($hashtag) {
         $ban .= '`~!@$^*,:;(|)';
     $slug = preg_replace('([' . $ban . ']+)', '_', $slug);
     $slug = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $slug);
     $parts = explode('/', $slug);
     // Remove leading and trailing underscores from each component, if the
     // component has not been reduced to a single underscore. For example, "a?"
     // converts to "a", but "??" converts to "_".
     foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
         if ($part != '_') {
             $parts[$key] = trim($part, '_');
     $slug = implode('/', $parts);
     // Specifically rewrite these slugs. It's OK to have a slug like "a..b",
     // but not a slug which is only "..".
     // NOTE: These are explicitly not pht()'d, because they should be stable
     // across languages.
     $replace = array('.' => 'dot', '..' => 'dotdot');
     foreach ($replace as $pattern => $replacement) {
         $pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '@');
         $slug = preg_replace('@(^|/)' . $pattern . '(\\z|/)@', '\\1' . $replacement . '\\2', $slug);
     return $slug . '/';
 private function processMailCommands(PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail, array $command_list)
     $viewer = $this->getActor();
     $object = $this->getMailReceiver();
     $list = MetaMTAEmailTransactionCommand::getAllCommandsForObject($object);
     $map = MetaMTAEmailTransactionCommand::getCommandMap($list);
     $xactions = array();
     foreach ($command_list as $command_argv) {
         $command = head($command_argv);
         $argv = array_slice($command_argv, 1);
         $handler = idx($map, phutil_utf8_strtolower($command));
         if ($handler) {
             $results = $handler->buildTransactions($viewer, $object, $mail, $command, $argv);
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $xactions[] = $result;
         } else {
             $valid_commands = array();
             foreach ($list as $valid_command) {
                 $aliases = $valid_command->getCommandAliases();
                 if ($aliases) {
                     foreach ($aliases as $key => $alias) {
                         $aliases[$key] = '!' . $alias;
                     $aliases = implode(', ', $aliases);
                     $valid_commands[] = pht('!%s (or %s)', $valid_command->getCommand(), $aliases);
                 } else {
                     $valid_commands[] = '!' . $valid_command->getCommand();
             throw new Exception(pht('The command "!%s" is not a supported mail command. Valid ' . 'commands for this object are: %s.', $command, implode(', ', $valid_commands)));
     return $xactions;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function normalize($slug)
     $slug = preg_replace('@/+@', '/', $slug);
     $slug = trim($slug, '/');
     $slug = phutil_utf8_strtolower($slug);
     $slug = preg_replace("@[\\x00-\\x19#%&+=\\\\?<> ]+@", '_', $slug);
     $slug = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $slug);
     // Remove leading and trailing underscores from each component, if the
     // component has not been reduced to a single underscore. For example, "a?"
     // converts to "a", but "??" converts to "_".
     $parts = explode('/', $slug);
     foreach ($parts as $key => $part) {
         if ($part != '_') {
             $parts[$key] = trim($part, '_');
     $slug = implode('/', $parts);
     // Specifically rewrite these slugs. It's OK to have a slug like "a..b",
     // but not a slug which is only "..".
     // NOTE: These are explicitly not pht()'d, because they should be stable
     // across languages.
     $replace = array('.' => 'dot', '..' => 'dotdot');
     foreach ($replace as $pattern => $replacement) {
         $pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '@');
         $slug = preg_replace('@(^|/)' . $pattern . '(\\z|/)@', '\\1' . $replacement . '\\2', $slug);
     return $slug . '/';
 protected function buildWhereClauseParts(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn)
     $where = parent::buildWhereClauseParts($conn);
     if ($this->phids !== null) {
         $where[] = qsprintf($conn, 'p.phid IN (%Ls)', $this->phids);
     if ($this->ids !== null) {
         $where[] = qsprintf($conn, ' IN (%Ld)', $this->ids);
     if ($this->repositoryPHIDs !== null) {
         $where[] = qsprintf($conn, 'rpath.repositoryPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->repositoryPHIDs);
     if ($this->ownerPHIDs !== null) {
         $base_phids = $this->ownerPHIDs;
         $projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery())->setViewer($this->getViewer())->withMemberPHIDs($base_phids)->execute();
         $project_phids = mpull($projects, 'getPHID');
         $all_phids = array_merge($base_phids, $project_phids);
         $where[] = qsprintf($conn, 'o.userPHID IN (%Ls)', $all_phids);
     if (strlen($this->namePrefix)) {
         // NOTE: This is a hacky mess, but this column is currently case
         // sensitive and unique.
         $where[] = qsprintf($conn, 'LOWER( LIKE %>', phutil_utf8_strtolower($this->namePrefix));
     return $where;
 public function markupText($text, $children)
     $matches = array();
     preg_match($this->getRegEx(), $text, $matches);
     if (idx($matches, 'showword')) {
         $word = $matches['showword'];
         $show = true;
     } else {
         $word = $matches['hideword'];
         $show = false;
     $class_suffix = phutil_utf8_strtolower($word);
     // This is the "(IMPORTANT)" or "NOTE:" part.
     $word_part = rtrim(substr($text, 0, strlen($matches[0])));
     // This is the actual text.
     $text_part = substr($text, strlen($matches[0]));
     $text_part = $this->applyRules(rtrim($text_part));
     $text_mode = $this->getEngine()->isTextMode();
     if ($text_mode) {
         return $word_part . ' ' . $text_part;
     if ($show) {
         $content = array(phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'remarkup-note-word'), $word_part), ' ', $text_part);
     } else {
         $content = $text_part;
     return phutil_tag('div', array('class' => 'remarkup-' . $class_suffix), $content);
 public final function getNgramsFromString($value, $mode)
     $tokens = $this->tokenizeString($value);
     $ngrams = array();
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $token = phutil_utf8_strtolower($token);
         switch ($mode) {
             case 'query':
             case 'index':
                 $token = ' ' . $token . ' ';
             case 'prefix':
                 $token = ' ' . $token;
         $len = strlen($token) - 2;
         for ($ii = 0; $ii < $len; $ii++) {
             $ngram = substr($token, $ii, 3);
             $ngrams[$ngram] = $ngram;
     return array_keys($ngrams);
 public function process(XHPASTNode $root)
     $aliases = $this->getFunctionAliases();
     $functions = $this->getFunctionCalls($root, array_keys($aliases));
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         $function_name = $function->getChildByIndex(0);
         $this->raiseLintAtNode($function_name, pht('Alias functions should be avoided.'), $aliases[phutil_utf8_strtolower($function_name->getConcreteString())]);
 private function normalizeSlug($slug)
     // NOTE: We're using phutil_utf8_strtolower() (and not PhabricatorSlug's
     // normalize() method) because this normalization should be only somewhat
     // liberal. We want "#YOLO" to match against "#yolo", but "#\\yo!!lo"
     // should not. normalize() strips out most punctuation and leads to
     // excessively aggressive matches.
     return phutil_utf8_strtolower($slug);
 public static function tokenizeString($string)
     $string = phutil_utf8_strtolower($string);
     $string = trim($string);
     if (!strlen($string)) {
         return array();
     $tokens = preg_split('/\\s+|-/', $string);
     return array_unique($tokens);
 public function markupKeystrokes(array $matches)
     if (!$this->isFlatText($matches[0])) {
         return $matches[0];
     $keys = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
     foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
         $v = trim($v, " \n");
         $v = preg_replace('/\\\\(.)/', '\\1', $v);
         if (!strlen($v)) {
         $keys[$k] = $v;
     $special = array(array('name' => pht('Command'), 'symbol' => "⌘", 'aliases' => array('cmd', 'command')), array('name' => pht('Option'), 'symbol' => "⌥", 'aliases' => array('opt', 'option')), array('name' => pht('Shift'), 'symbol' => "⇧", 'aliases' => array('shift')), array('name' => pht('Escape'), 'symbol' => "⎋", 'aliases' => array('esc', 'escape')), array('name' => pht('Up'), 'symbol' => "↑", 'heavy' => "⬆", 'aliases' => array('up', 'arrow-up', 'up-arrow', 'north')), array('name' => pht('Tab'), 'symbol' => "⇥", 'aliases' => array('tab')), array('name' => pht('Right'), 'symbol' => "→", 'heavy' => "➡", 'aliases' => array('right', 'right-arrow', 'arrow-right', 'east')), array('name' => pht('Left'), 'symbol' => "←", 'heavy' => "⬅", 'aliases' => array('left', 'left-arrow', 'arrow-left', 'west')), array('name' => pht('Down'), 'symbol' => "↓", 'heavy' => "⬇", 'aliases' => array('down', 'down-arrow', 'arrow-down', 'south')), array('name' => pht('Up Right'), 'symbol' => "↗", 'heavy' => "⬈", 'aliases' => array('up-right', 'upright', 'up-right-arrow', 'upright-arrow', 'arrow-up-right', 'arrow-upright', 'northeast', 'north-east')), array('name' => pht('Down Right'), 'symbol' => "↘", 'heavy' => "⬊", 'aliases' => array('down-right', 'downright', 'down-right-arrow', 'downright-arrow', 'arrow-down-right', 'arrow-downright', 'southeast', 'south-east')), array('name' => pht('Down Left'), 'symbol' => "↙", 'heavy' => "⬋", 'aliases' => array('down-left', 'downleft', 'down-left-arrow', 'downleft-arrow', 'arrow-down-left', 'arrow-downleft', 'southwest', 'south-west')), array('name' => pht('Up Left'), 'symbol' => "↖", 'heavy' => "⬉", 'aliases' => array('up-left', 'upleft', 'up-left-arrow', 'upleft-arrow', 'arrow-up-left', 'arrow-upleft', 'northwest', 'north-west')));
     $map = array();
     foreach ($special as $spec) {
         foreach ($spec['aliases'] as $alias) {
             $map[$alias] = $spec;
     $is_text = $this->getEngine()->isTextMode();
     $is_html_mail = $this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode();
     if ($is_html_mail) {
         $key_style = array('display: inline-block;', 'min-width: 1em;', 'padding: 4px 5px 5px;', 'font-weight: normal;', 'font-size: 0.8rem;', 'text-align: center;', 'text-decoration: none;', 'line-height: 0.6rem;', 'border-radius: 3px;', 'box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 rgba(71, 87, 120, 0.08);', 'user-select: none;', 'background: #f7f7f7;', 'border: 1px solid #C7CCD9;');
         $key_style = implode(' ', $key_style);
         $join_style = array('padding: 0 4px;', 'color: #92969D;');
         $join_style = implode(' ', $join_style);
     } else {
         $key_style = null;
         $join_style = null;
     $parts = array();
     foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
         $normal = phutil_utf8_strtolower($v);
         if (isset($map[$normal])) {
             $spec = $map[$normal];
         } else {
             $spec = array('name' => null, 'symbol' => $v);
         if ($is_text) {
             $parts[] = '[' . $spec['symbol'] . ']';
         } else {
             $parts[] = phutil_tag('kbd', array('title' => $spec['name'], 'style' => $key_style), $spec['symbol']);
     if ($is_text) {
         $parts = implode(' + ', $parts);
     } else {
         $glue = phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'kbd-join', 'style' => $join_style), '+');
         $parts = phutil_implode_html($glue, $parts);
     return $this->getEngine()->storeText($parts);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 protected function getLintCodeFromLinterConfigurationKey($code)
     switch (phutil_utf8_strtolower($code)) {
         case 'parse':
             return self::LINT_PARSE_ERROR;
         case 'fatal':
             return self::LINT_FATAL_ERROR;
             throw new Exception(pht('Unrecognized lint message code: "%s"', $code));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function getHeaderValue($key, $default = null)
     $key = phutil_utf8_strtolower($key);
     foreach ($this->headers as $header) {
         list($hkey, $value) = $header;
         if (phutil_utf8_strtolower($hkey) === $key) {
             return $value;
     return $default;
 public function markupText($text, $children)
     $matches = array();
     preg_match($this->getRegEx(), $text, $matches);
     if (idx($matches, 'showword')) {
         $word = $matches['showword'];
         $show = true;
     } else {
         $word = $matches['hideword'];
         $show = false;
     $class_suffix = phutil_utf8_strtolower($word);
     // This is the "(IMPORTANT)" or "NOTE:" part.
     $word_part = rtrim(substr($text, 0, strlen($matches[0])));
     // This is the actual text.
     $text_part = substr($text, strlen($matches[0]));
     $text_part = $this->applyRules(rtrim($text_part));
     $text_mode = $this->getEngine()->isTextMode();
     $html_mail_mode = $this->getEngine()->isHTMLMailMode();
     if ($text_mode) {
         return $word_part . ' ' . $text_part;
     if ($show) {
         $content = array(phutil_tag('span', array('class' => 'remarkup-note-word'), $word_part), ' ', $text_part);
     } else {
         $content = $text_part;
     if ($html_mail_mode) {
         if ($class_suffix == 'important') {
             $attributes = array('style' => 'margin: 16px 0;
         padding: 12px;
         border-left: 3px solid #c0392b;
         background: #f4dddb;');
         } else {
             if ($class_suffix == 'note') {
                 $attributes = array('style' => 'margin: 16px 0;
         padding: 12px;
         border-left: 3px solid #2980b9;
         background: #daeaf3;');
             } else {
                 if ($class_suffix == 'warning') {
                     $attributes = array('style' => 'margin: 16px 0;
         padding: 12px;
         border-left: 3px solid #f1c40f;
         background: #fdf5d4;');
     } else {
         $attributes = array('class' => 'remarkup-' . $class_suffix);
     return phutil_tag('div', $attributes, $content);
 private function filterMethods(array $methods)
     foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
         $application = $method->getApplication();
         if (!$application) {
         if (!$application->isInstalled()) {
     $status = array(ConduitAPIMethod::METHOD_STATUS_STABLE => $this->isStable, ConduitAPIMethod::METHOD_STATUS_DEPRECATED => $this->isDeprecated, ConduitAPIMethod::METHOD_STATUS_UNSTABLE => $this->isUnstable);
     // Only apply status filters if any of them are set.
     if (array_filter($status)) {
         foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
             $keep = idx($status, $method->getMethodStatus());
             if (!$keep) {
     if ($this->applicationNames) {
         $map = array_fuse($this->applicationNames);
         foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
             $needle = $method->getApplicationName();
             $needle = phutil_utf8_strtolower($needle);
             if (empty($map[$needle])) {
     if ($this->nameContains) {
         $needle = phutil_utf8_strtolower($this->nameContains);
         foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
             $haystack = $method->getAPIMethodName();
             $haystack = phutil_utf8_strtolower($haystack);
             if (strpos($haystack, $needle) === false) {
     if ($this->methods) {
         $map = array_fuse($this->methods);
         foreach ($methods as $key => $method) {
             $needle = $method->getAPIMethodName();
             if (empty($map[$needle])) {
     return $methods;
 public static function getGitHubPath($uri)
     $uri_object = new PhutilURI($uri);
     $domain = $uri_object->getDomain();
     $domain = phutil_utf8_strtolower($domain);
     switch ($domain) {
         case '':
         case '':
             return $uri_object->getPath();
             return null;
 private static function getFigletMap()
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     $dirs = array($root . '/externals/figlet/fonts/', $root . '/externals/pear-figlet/fonts/', $root . '/resources/figlet/custom/');
     $map = array();
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
         foreach (Filesystem::listDirectory($dir, false) as $file) {
             if (preg_match('/\\.flf\\z/', $file)) {
                 $name = phutil_utf8_strtolower($file);
                 $name = preg_replace('/\\.flf\\z/', '', $name);
                 $map[$name] = $dir . $file;
     return $map;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Get the priorities and their command keywords.
  * @return map Priorities to lists of command keywords.
 public static function getTaskPriorityKeywordsMap()
     $map = self::getConfig();
     foreach ($map as $key => $spec) {
         $words = idx($spec, 'keywords', array());
         if (!is_array($words)) {
             $words = array($words);
         foreach ($words as $word_key => $word) {
             $words[$word_key] = phutil_utf8_strtolower($word);
         $words = array_unique($words);
         $map[$key] = $words;
     return $map;
 public static function getDisableANSI()
     if (self::$disableANSI === null) {
         $term = phutil_utf8_strtolower(getenv("TERM"));
         if (phutil_is_windows() && $term !== "cygwin" && $term !== "ansi") {
             self::$disableANSI = true;
         } else {
             if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && !posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
                 self::$disableANSI = true;
             } else {
                 self::$disableANSI = false;
     return self::$disableANSI;
 public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args)
     $config_key = 'phabricator.developer-mode';
     if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($config_key)) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('lipsum is a development and testing tool and may only be run ' . 'on installs in developer mode. Enable "%s" in your configuration ' . 'to enable lipsum.', $config_key));
     $all_generators = id(new PhutilClassMapQuery())->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorTestDataGenerator')->execute();
     $argv = $args->getArg('args');
     $all = 'all';
     if (!$argv) {
         $names = mpull($all_generators, 'getGeneratorName');
         $list = id(new PhutilConsoleList())->setWrap(false)->addItems($names);
         id(new PhutilConsoleBlock())->addParagraph(pht('Choose which type or types of test data you want to generate, ' . 'or select "%s".', $all))->addList($list)->draw();
         return 0;
     $generators = array();
     foreach ($argv as $arg_original) {
         $arg = phutil_utf8_strtolower($arg_original);
         $match = false;
         foreach ($all_generators as $generator) {
             $name = phutil_utf8_strtolower($generator->getGeneratorName());
             if ($arg == $all) {
                 $generators[] = $generator;
                 $match = true;
             if (strpos($name, $arg) !== false) {
                 $generators[] = $generator;
                 $match = true;
         if (!$match) {
             throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Argument "%s" does not match the name of any generators.', $arg_original));
     echo tsprintf("**<bg:blue> %s </bg>** %s\n", pht('GENERATORS'), pht('Selected generators: %s.', implode(', ', mpull($generators, 'getGeneratorName'))));
     echo tsprintf("**<bg:yellow> %s </bg>** %s\n", pht('WARNING'), pht('This command generates synthetic test data, including user ' . 'accounts. It is intended for use in development environments ' . 'so you can test features more easily. There is no easy way to ' . 'delete this data or undo the effects of this command. If you run ' . 'it in a production environment, it will pollute your data with ' . 'large amounts of meaningless garbage that you can not get rid of.'));
     $prompt = pht('Are you sure you want to generate piles of garbage?');
     if (!phutil_console_confirm($prompt, true)) {
     echo tsprintf("**<bg:green> %s </bg>** %s\n", pht('LIPSUM'), pht('Generating synthetic test objects forever. ' . 'Use ^C to stop when satisfied.'));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request)
     $viewer = $request->getViewer();
     $book_name = $request->getStr('book');
     $query_text = $request->getStr('name');
     $book = null;
     if ($book_name) {
         $book = id(new DivinerBookQuery())->setViewer($viewer)->withNames(array($book_name))->executeOne();
         if (!$book) {
             return new Aphront404Response();
     $query = id(new DivinerAtomQuery())->setViewer($viewer);
     if ($book) {
     $context = $request->getStr('context');
     if (strlen($context)) {
     $type = $request->getStr('type');
     if (strlen($type)) {
     $name_query = clone $query;
     $name_query->withNames(array($query_text, phutil_utf8_strtolower($query_text)));
     $atoms = $name_query->execute();
     if (!$atoms) {
         $title_query = clone $query;
         $atoms = $title_query->execute();
     $not_found_uri = $this->getApplicationURI();
     if (!$atoms) {
         $dialog = id(new AphrontDialogView())->setUser($viewer)->setTitle(pht('Documentation Not Found'))->appendChild(pht('Unable to find the specified documentation. ' . 'You may have followed a bad or outdated link.'))->addCancelButton($not_found_uri, pht('Read More Documentation'));
         return id(new AphrontDialogResponse())->setDialog($dialog);
     if (count($atoms) == 1 && $request->getBool('jump')) {
         $atom_uri = head($atoms)->getURI();
         return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($atom_uri);
     $list = $this->renderAtomList($atoms);
     return $this->newPage()->setTitle(array(pht('Find'), pht('"%s"', $query_text)))->appendChild(array($list));
 public static function getCommandMap(array $commands)
     assert_instances_of($commands, __CLASS__);
     $map = array();
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         $keywords = $command->getCommandAliases();
         $keywords[] = $command->getCommand();
         foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
             $keyword = phutil_utf8_strtolower($keyword);
             if (empty($map[$keyword])) {
                 $map[$keyword] = $command;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception(pht('Mail commands "%s" and "%s" both respond to keyword "%s". ' . 'Keywords must be uniquely associated with commands.', get_class($command), get_class($map[$keyword]), $keyword));
     return $map;
 private static function getCowMap()
     $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
     $directories = array($root . '/externals/cowsay/cows/', $root . '/resources/cows/builtin/', $root . '/resources/cows/custom/');
     $map = array();
     foreach ($directories as $directory) {
         foreach (Filesystem::listDirectory($directory, false) as $cow_file) {
             $matches = null;
             if (!preg_match('/^(.*)\\.cow\\z/', $cow_file, $matches)) {
             $cow_name = $matches[1];
             $cow_name = phutil_utf8_strtolower($cow_name);
             $map[$cow_name] = Filesystem::readFile($directory . $cow_file);
     return $map;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Get the markup language a README should be interpreted as.
  * @param string Local README path, like "README.txt".
  * @return string Best markup interpreter (like "remarkup") for this file.
 private function getReadmeLanguage($path)
     $path = phutil_utf8_strtolower($path);
     if ($path == 'readme') {
         return 'remarkup';
     $ext = last(explode('.', $path));
     switch ($ext) {
         case 'remarkup':
         case 'md':
             return 'remarkup';
         case 'rainbow':
             return 'rainbow';
         case 'txt':
             return 'text';
 public function buildTransactions(PhabricatorUser $viewer, PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface $object, PhabricatorMetaMTAReceivedMail $mail, $command, array $argv)
     $target = phutil_utf8_strtolower(implode(' ', $argv));
     $yes_values = $this->getYesValues();
     $no_values = $this->getNoValues();
     if (in_array($target, $yes_values)) {
         $rsvp = PhabricatorCalendarEventAcceptTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE;
     } else {
         if (in_array($target, $no_values)) {
             $rsvp = PhabricatorCalendarEventDeclineTransaction::TRANSACTIONTYPE;
         } else {
             return array();
     $xactions = array();
     $xactions[] = $object->getApplicationTransactionTemplate()->setTransactionType($rsvp)->setNewValue(true);
     return $xactions;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static function normalize($slug)
     $slug = preg_replace('@/+@', '/', $slug);
     $slug = trim($slug, '/');
     $slug = phutil_utf8_strtolower($slug);
     $slug = preg_replace("@[\\x00-\\x19#%&+=\\\\?<> ]+@", '_', $slug);
     $slug = preg_replace('@_+@', '_', $slug);
     $slug = trim($slug, '_');
     // Specifically rewrite these slugs. It's OK to have a slug like "a..b",
     // but not a slug which is only "..".
     // NOTE: These are explicitly not pht()'d, because they should be stable
     // across languages.
     $replace = array('.' => 'dot', '..' => 'dotdot');
     foreach ($replace as $pattern => $replacement) {
         $pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '@');
         $slug = preg_replace('@(^|/)' . $pattern . '(\\z|/)@', '\\1' . $replacement . '\\2', $slug);
     return $slug . '/';
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Get the statuses and their command keywords.
  * @return map Statuses to lists of command keywords.
 public static function getTaskStatusKeywordsMap()
     $map = self::getEnabledStatusMap();
     foreach ($map as $key => $spec) {
         $words = idx($spec, 'keywords', array());
         if (!is_array($words)) {
             $words = array($words);
         // For statuses, we include the status name because it's usually
         // at least somewhat meaningful.
         $words[] = $key;
         foreach ($words as $word_key => $word) {
             $words[$word_key] = phutil_utf8_strtolower($word);
         $words = array_unique($words);
         $map[$key] = $words;
     return $map;
 public function loadNamedObjects(PhabricatorObjectQuery $query, array $names)
     $id_map = array();
     foreach ($names as $name) {
         $id = substr($name, 1);
         $id = phutil_utf8_strtolower($id);
         $id_map[$id][] = $name;
     $objects = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery())->setViewer($query->getViewer())->withUsernames(array_keys($id_map))->execute();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($objects as $id => $object) {
         $user_key = $object->getUsername();
         $user_key = phutil_utf8_strtolower($user_key);
         foreach (idx($id_map, $user_key, array()) as $name) {
             $results[$name] = $object;
     return $results;
 private function readRequest()
     // TODO: This is grossly inefficient for large requests.
     list($status, $body, $headers) = $this->future->resolve();
     $this->httpCode = $status->getStatusCode();
     // Strip "Transfer-Encoding" headers. Particularly, the server we proxied
     // may have chunked the response, but cURL will already have un-chunked it.
     // If we emit the header and unchunked data, the response becomes invalid.
     foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
         list($header_head, $header_body) = $header;
         $header_head = phutil_utf8_strtolower($header_head);
         switch ($header_head) {
             case 'transfer-encoding':
     $this->headers = $headers;
     return $body;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public static function getDisableANSI()
     if (self::$disableANSI === null) {
         $term = phutil_utf8_strtolower(getenv('TERM'));
         // ansicon enables ANSI support on Windows
         if (!$term && getenv('ANSICON')) {
             $term = 'ansi';
         if (phutil_is_windows() && $term !== 'cygwin' && $term !== 'ansi') {
             self::$disableANSI = true;
         } else {
             if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && !posix_isatty(STDOUT)) {
                 self::$disableANSI = true;
             } else {
                 self::$disableANSI = false;
     return self::$disableANSI;