} } elseif ($config['mode'] == 'p') { error_reporting(0); } // Database connection is optional $sql = false; if (isset($config['db_host']) and $config['db_host']) { $sql = new Sql($config['db_host'], $config['db_user'], $config['db_password'], $config['db_database']); // Connect to DB Sql::$mode = $config['mode']; } if (!isset($config['use_mvc']) or $config['use_mvc'] === false) { $template = new MVC(); } //Otherways it is a mess with google ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ""); ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])) { session_start(); } //Don't start the session for a console app. $config['date_format'] = '%d %b %Y'; $config['time_format'] = '%d %b %Y, %h:%i %p'; $config['date_format_php'] = phpDateFormat($config['date_format']); $config['time_format_php'] = phpDateFormat($config['time_format']); $abs = $config['site_absolute_path']; $config['code_path'] = preg_replace("/includes/", '', dirname(__FILE__)); //Auto-include the application.php file if (isset($config['site_relative_path']) and file_exists($config['site_relative_path'] . 'includes/application.php')) { include $config['site_relative_path'] . 'includes/application.php'; }
// Enum - Select tag if ($field_type == 'select') { $html->buildInput($field, $name, 'select', $value, array('options' => $data)); // Date Field. } elseif ($field_type == 'datetime' or $field_type == 'date') { if ($field_type == 'datetime') { $js_date_format = $GLOBALS['config']['time_format']; } else { $js_date_format = $GLOBALS['config']['date_format']; } if ($value and $value != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' and $value != '0000-00-00') { $value = date(phpDateFormat($js_date_format), strtotime($value)); } elseif ($this->action == 'add' and $field == 'added_on') { $value = date(phpDateFormat($js_date_format)); } elseif ($this->action == 'edit' and $field == 'edited_on') { $value = date(phpDateFormat($js_date_format)); } else { $value = ''; } $js_date_format = jsDateFormat($js_date_format); $html->buildInput($field, $name, 'text', $value, array('class' => 'text-long'), "<input class='button' type='button' value=' ... ' id='date_button_{$field}' />"); $print_time = 1; // I use this method to make sure this is called only after the calendar.js files are loaded. $js_code .= <<<JS_END tCalendar.setup({ t\tinputField\t: "{$field}",\t\t\t\t// id of the input field t\tifFormat\t: "{$js_date_format}",\t// format of the input field t\tprintsTime\t: {$print_time},\t\t\t// will display a time selector t\tbutton\t\t: "date_button_{$field}",\t// trigger for the calendar (button ID) t\tsingleClick\t: true,\t// double-click mode t\ttimeFormat\t: 12,\t// The time format - 12 hr clock or the 24 Hr clock.
function makeListingDisplayData() { if (!$this->current_page_data) { return; } global $config; $total_rows = count($this->current_page_data); for ($i = 0; $i < $total_rows; $i++) { $row = $this->current_page_data[$i]; foreach ($this->listing_fields as $field_name) { $f = $this->fields[$field_name]; $value = ''; if ($f['type'] != 'virtual' and isset($row[$field_name])) { $value = $row[$field_name]; } $new_value = ''; switch ($f['type']) { // Enum - or the listing. case 'enum': if ($f['data'] and isset($f['data'][$value])) { $new_value = $f['data'][$value]; } else { $new_value = $value; } break; case 'datetime': if ($value != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $new_value = date(phpDateFormat($config['time_format']), strtotime($value)); } break; case 'date': if ($value != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $new_value = date(phpDateFormat($config['date_format']), strtotime($value)); } break; case 'virtual': //Not actually a DB column. if ($f['data']) { $new_value = eval("return " . $f['data']['html'] . ';'); } break; case 'varchar': default: $new_value = $value; } switch ($f['field_type']) { case 'select': if ($f['data'] and isset($f['data'][$value])) { $new_value = $f['data'][$value]; } else { $new_value = $value; } break; } switch ($f['value_type']) { case 'url': $url = $value; if (!empty($f['data']['url'])) { $url = eval('return ' . $f['data']['url'] . ';'); } if (!empty($f['data']['text'])) { $value = eval('return ' . $f['data']['text'] . ';'); } $new_value = "<a href='" . $url . "'>{$value}</a>"; break; case 'function': $new_value = $value; if (!empty($f['data']['function'])) { $new_value = call_user_func($f['data']['function'], $value); } } $this->current_page_data[$i][$field_name] = $new_value; } } }