Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function ruleDeleted($rid = 0)
     pdo_delete('vote_reply', array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete('vote_fans', array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete('vote_option', array('rid' => $rid));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     //删除规则时调用,这里 $rid 为对应的规则
     pdo_delete('eso_runman_reply', array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete('eso_runman_users', array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete('eso_runman_submit', array('rid' => $rid));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function doWebAwardlist()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     if (checksubmit('delete')) {
         pdo_delete('zzz_user', " id  IN  ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     if (!empty($_GPC['wid'])) {
         $wid = intval($_GPC['wid']);
         pdo_update('zzz_user', array('status' => intval($_GPC['status'])), array('id' => $wid));
         message('标识领奖成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 15;
     $where = '';
     $condition = array('mobile' => " AND `b`.`mobile` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'", 'realname' => " AND `b`.`realname` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'", 'nickname' => " AND `b`.`nickname` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'");
     if (!empty($_GPC['profile'])) {
         $where .= $condition[$_GPC['profile']];
     $sql = 'SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`friendcount`, `a`.`points`, `a`.`createtime`, `a`.`sharevalue`, `b`.`realname`, `b`.`nickname`,
             `b`.`mobile` FROM ' . tablename('zzz_user') . ' AS `a` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' AS `f` ON
             `f`.`fanid` = `a`.`fanid` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_members') . " AS `b` ON `b`.`uid` = `f`.`uid`  WHERE `a`.`rid` = :rid\n                {$where} ORDER BY `a`.`points` DESC ";
     $params = array(':rid' => $id);
     if (empty($_GPC['export'])) {
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize;
     } else {
         $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params);
         $tableHeader = array('realname' => '姓名', 'nickname' => '昵称', 'mobile' => '手机', 'points' => '分数');
         $tableLength = count($tableHeader) + 1;
         /* 输入到CSV文件 */
         $html = "";
         /* 输出表头 */
         foreach ($tableHeader as $header) {
             $html .= $header . "\t ,";
         $html .= "创建时间\t, \n";
         /* 输出内容 */
         foreach ($list as $value) {
             foreach ($tableHeader as $key => $header) {
                 $html .= $value[$key] . "\t ,";
             $html .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value['createtime']) . "\t ,";
             $html .= "\n";
         /* 输出CSV文件 */
         header("Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=全部数据.csv");
         echo $html;
     $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('zzz_user') . ' AS `a` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' AS `f` ON `f`.`fanid` =
                 `a`.`fanid` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_members') . ' AS `b` ON `b`.`uid` = `f`.`uid` WHERE `a`.`rid` = :rid' . $where;
         $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params);
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     include $this->template('awardlist');
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function doWebList($ischeck = 1)
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     // AJAX
     if ($_W['isajax']) {
         $op = $_GPC['op'];
         $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
         $result = array('state' => -1, 'message' => '');
         if ($op == 'delete') {
             $item = $this->item_fetch($id);
             if ($item['id']) {
                 pdo_delete('qiyue_canvas', array('id' => $item['id']));
                 $result['state'] = 0;
         } elseif ($op == 'check') {
             if ($this->item_check($id)) {
                 $result['state'] = 0;
         message($result, '', 'ajax');
     $title = '图片管理';
     $result = $this->all_list(array('ischeck' => $ischeck));
     include $this->template('manage');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function doMobiledelcomment()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $cid = $_GPC['cid'];
     $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
     // 		$openid=$_W['openid'];
     // 		$ulist=$this->auth($uniacid,$openid);
     // 		$data=array(
     // 			'uniacid'=>$uniacid,
     // 			'tid'=>$tid,
     // 			'comment'=>$comment,
     // 			'nickname'=>$ulist['nickname'],
     // 			'cuid'=>$ulist['uid'],
     // 			'createtime'=>TIMESTAMP
     // 		);
     // 		pdo_insert('enjoy_circle_comment',$data);
     $data['tid'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("select tid from " . tablename('enjoy_circle_comment') . " where cid=" . $cid . "");
     $res = pdo_delete('enjoy_circle_comment', array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'cid' => $cid));
     if ($res > 0) {
         echo json_encode($data);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function doWebAwardlist()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     //$from_user = $_W['fans']['from_user'];
     $id = $_GPC['id'];
     if (checksubmit('delete')) {
         pdo_delete('mgamblemoon_user', " id  IN  ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     if (!empty($_GPC['wid'])) {
         $wid = intval($_GPC['wid']);
         pdo_update('mgamblemoon_user', array('status' => intval($_GPC['status'])), array('id' => $wid));
         message('标识领奖成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 50;
     $where = '';
     $condition = array('mobile' => " AND b.mobile ='{$_GPC['profilevalue']}'", 'realname' => " AND b.realname ='{$_GPC['profilevalue']}'");
     if (!empty($_GPC['profile'])) {
         $where .= $condition[$_GPC['profile']];
     $sql = "SELECT a.id,  a.award,a.createtime,a.num,a.status, b.nickname, b.mobile FROM " . tablename('mgamblemoon_user') . " AS a\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . tablename('fans') . " AS b ON a.from_user = b.from_user WHERE a.rid = {$id}  {$where} ORDER BY a.huodeid ASC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ",{$psize}";
     $list = pdo_fetchall($sql);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . tablename('mgamblemoon_user') . " AS a\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . tablename('fans') . " AS b ON a.from_user = b.from_user WHERE a.rid = '{$id}' {$where}");
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     include $this->template('awardlist');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function doWebCredit()
     // 1. display reservation
     // 2. add credit
     // 3. delete credit
     // 4. update credit
     global $_W;
     global $_GPC;
     // 获取query string中的参数
     $operation = !empty($_GPC['op']) ? $_GPC['op'] : 'display';
     if ($operation == 'delete') {
         $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
         $row = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('credit_request') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id));
         if (empty($row)) {
             message('抱歉,编号为' . $id . '的兑换请求不存在或是已经被删除!');
         pdo_delete('credit_request', array('id' => $id));
         message('删除成功!', referer(), 'success');
     } else {
         if ($operation == 'display') {
             $condition = '';
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . tablename('award_list') . " as t1," . tablename('credit_request') . "as t2 WHERE t1.award_id=t2.award_id AND t1.weid = '{$_W['weid']}' ORDER BY t2.createtime DESC";
             $list = pdo_fetchall($sql);
             $ar = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(), 'from_user');
             $fans = fans_search(array_keys($ar), array('realname', 'mobile', 'credit1', 'residedist'));
     include $this->template('credit_request');
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function doWebAwardlist()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     if (checksubmit('delete')) {
         pdo_delete('zzz_user', " id  IN  ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     if (!empty($_GPC['wid'])) {
         $wid = intval($_GPC['wid']);
         pdo_update('zzz_user', array('status' => intval($_GPC['status'])), array('id' => $wid));
         message('标识领奖成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 50;
     $where = '';
     $condition = array('mobile' => " AND `b`.`mobile` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'", 'realname' => " AND `b`.`realname` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'", 'nickname' => " AND `b`.`nickname` LIKE '%" . $_GPC['profilevalue'] . "%'");
     if (!empty($_GPC['profile'])) {
         $where .= $condition[$_GPC['profile']];
     $sql = 'SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`friendcount`, `a`.`points`, `a`.`createtime`, `b`.`realname`, `b`.`nickname`, `b`.`mobile` FROM ' . tablename('zzz_user') . ' AS `a` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' AS `f` ON `f`.`fanid` = `a`.`fanid` LEFT
             JOIN ' . tablename('mc_members') . " AS `b` ON `b`.`uid` = `f`.`uid`  WHERE `a`.`rid` = :rid {$where} ORDER BY `a`.`points`\n                DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize;
     $params = array(':rid' => $id);
     $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params);
     if (!empty($list)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('zzz_user') . ' AS `a` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' AS `f` ON `f`.`fanid` =
                 `a`.`fanid` LEFT JOIN ' . tablename('mc_members') . ' AS `b` ON `b`.`uid` = `f`.`uid` WHERE `a`.`rid` = :rid' . $where;
         $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params);
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     include $this->template('awardlist');
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function doWebList()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $weid = $_W['account']['weid'];
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     $condition = '';
     if (!empty($_GPC['name'])) {
         $condition .= " AND ( grabername LIKE '%{$_GPC['realname']}%' OR fitername LIKE '%{$_GPC['realname']}%' )";
     if (!empty($_GPC['mobile'])) {
         $condition .= " AND ( grabermobile = '{$_GPC['mobile']}' OR fitermobile = '{$_GPC['mobile']}' )";
     if (checksubmit('delete')) {
         pdo_delete('grabseat_record', " id IN ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('list', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     if (!empty($_GPC['wid'])) {
         $wid = intval($_GPC['wid']);
         pdo_update('grabseat_record', array('status' => intval($_GPC['status'])), array('id' => $wid));
         message('标识领奖成功!', $this->createWebUrl('list', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 25;
     $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('grabseat_record') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' {$condition} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize);
     $listtotal = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('grabseat_record') . " WHERE weid = '{$_W['weid']}' {$condition} ");
     $total = count($listtotal);
     $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
     include $this->template('list');
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function receive()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $type = $this->message['type'];
     $uniacid = $GLOBALS['_W']['uniacid'];
     $acid = $GLOBALS['_W']['acid'];
     //$uniacid = $_W['acid'];
     $rid = intval($this->params['rule']);
     $rid = $this->rule;
     $openid = $this->message['fromusername'];
     $cfg = $this->module['config'];
     //file_put_contents(IA_ROOT.'/receive.txt', iserializer($cfg));
     if ($this->message['event'] == 'unsubscribe' && $cfg['isopenjsps']) {
         $record = array('updatetime' => TIMESTAMP, 'follow' => '0', 'followtime' => TIMESTAMP);
         pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $record, array('openid' => $openid, 'acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
         $fmvotelog = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_votelog') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $openid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid));
         foreach ($fmvotelog as $log) {
             $fmprovevote = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_provevote') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], ':uniacid' => $uniacid));
             pdo_update('fm_photosvote_provevote', array('lasttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'photosnum' => $fmprovevote['photosnum'] - 1, 'hits' => $fmprovevote['hits'] - 1), array('from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
         pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_votelog', array('from_user' => $openid));
         pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_bbsreply', array('from_user' => $openid));
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     $form = DBUtil::findUnique(DBUtil::$TABLE_ORDER_FORM, array(":rid" => $rid));
     pdo_delete(DBUtil::$TABLE_ORDER_ITEM, array("fid" => $form['id']));
     pdo_delete(DBUtil::$TABLE_ORDER_ORDER, array("fid" => $form['id']));
     pdo_delete(DBUtil::$TABLE_ORDER_FORM, array('id' => $form['id']));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function dolist()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $weid = intval($_W['weid']);
     if (checksubmit('verify') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) {
         pdo_update('message_list', array('isshow' => 1, 'create_time' => TIMESTAMP), " id  IN  ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('审核成功!', create_url('site/module', array('do' => 'list', 'name' => 'message', 'weid' => $weid, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     if (checksubmit('delete') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) {
         pdo_delete('message_list', " id  IN  ('" . implode("','", $_GPC['select']) . "')");
         message('删除成功!', create_url('site/module', array('do' => 'list', 'name' => 'message', 'weid' => $weid, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
     $isshow = isset($_GPC['isshow']) ? intval($_GPC['isshow']) : 0;
     $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
     $psize = 20;
     $message = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, isshow, weid FROM " . tablename('message_reply') . " WHERE weid = '{$weid}' LIMIT 1");
     $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('message_list') . " WHERE weid = '{$message['weid']}' AND isshow = '{$isshow}' ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT " . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ",{$psize}");
     if (!empty($list)) {
         $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('message_list') . " WHERE weid = '{$message['weid']}' AND isshow = '{$isshow}'");
         $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
         foreach ($list as &$row) {
             $row['content'] = emotion($row['content']);
             $userids[] = $row['from_user'];
     include $this->template('list');
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function doMobiledelcomment()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $cid = $_GPC['cid'];
     $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
     pdo_delete('enjoy_circle_comment', array('uniacid' => $uniacid, 'cid' => $cid));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function receive()
     global $_W;
     $wedata = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('members_status') . " WHERE uid = '{$_W['account']['uid']}' LIMIT 1");
     if ($wedata) {
         if (TIMESTAMP > $wedata['endtime']) {
             $data = array();
             $data['stattime'] = TIMESTAMP;
             $data['status'] = 1;
             $data['endtime'] = TIMESTAMP + 3600 * 24 * 365;
             pdo_update('members_status', $data, array('id' => $wedata['id']));
             $nMember = array();
             $nMember['uid'] = $_W['account']['uid'];
             $nMember['groupid'] = 1;
             pdo_delete('members_permission', array('uid' => $_W['account']['uid']));
     } else {
         $data = array();
         $data['endtime'] = TIMESTAMP + 86400 * 3;
         $data['stattime'] = TIMESTAMP;
         $data['uid'] = $_W['account']['uid'];
         pdo_insert('members_status', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function doWebAddInfo()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $infoid = intval($_GPC['infoid']);
     if ($infoid) {
         $info = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('water_query_info') . " WHERE id= " . $infoid);
     if ($_GPC['op'] == 'delete') {
         $infoid = intval($_GPC['infoid']);
         $info = pdo_fetch("SELECT id FROM " . tablename('water_query_info') . " WHERE id = " . $infoid);
         if (empty($info)) {
         pdo_delete('water_query_info', array('id' => $infoid));
         message('删除成功!', referer(), 'success');
     if (checksubmit()) {
         $data = array('keyword' => $_GPC['keyword'], 'info' => htmlspecialchars_decode($_GPC['info']), 'infophoto' => $_GPC['infophoto']);
         if (!empty($infoid)) {
             pdo_update('water_query_info', $data, array('id' => $infoid));
         } else {
             $data['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
             pdo_insert('water_query_info', $data);
             $infoid = pdo_insertid();
         message('更新成功!', referer(), 'success');
     include $this->template('addinfo');
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function receive()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $type = $this->message['type'];
     $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $acid = $_W['acid'];
     $openid = $this->message['from'];
     $event = $this->message['event'];
     $cfg = $this->module['config'];
     file_put_contents(IA_ROOT . '/addons/fm_photosvote/test/fm_test.txt', iserializer($event));
     if ($event == 'unsubscribe') {
         $record = array('updatetime' => TIMESTAMP, 'follow' => '0', 'unfollowtime' => TIMESTAMP);
         pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $record, array('openid' => $openid, 'acid' => $acid, 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
         if ($cfg['isopenjsps']) {
             $fmvotelog = pdo_fetchall("SELECT tfrom_user FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_votelog') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $openid, ':uniacid' => $uniacid));
             foreach ($fmvotelog as $log) {
                 $fmprovevote = pdo_fetch("SELECT photosnum,hits FROM " . tablename('fm_photosvote_provevote') . " WHERE from_user = :from_user and uniacid = :uniacid LIMIT 1", array(':from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], ':uniacid' => $uniacid));
                 pdo_update('fm_photosvote_provevote', array('lasttime' => TIMESTAMP, 'photosnum' => $fmprovevote['photosnum'] - 1, 'hits' => $fmprovevote['hits'] - 1), array('from_user' => $log['tfrom_user'], 'uniacid' => $uniacid));
             pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_votelog', array('from_user' => $openid));
             pdo_delete('fm_photosvote_bbsreply', array('from_user' => $openid));
     } elseif ($event == 'subscribe') {
         if ($cfg['oauthtype'] == 2) {
             $wechats = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('account_wechats') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid ", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
             $token = iunserializer($wechats['access_token']);
             $arrlog = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND openid = :openid", array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], ':openid' => $openid));
             $access_token = $token['token'];
             $expire = $token['expire'];
             if (time() >= $expire || empty($access_token)) {
                 $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential&appid=" . $wechats['key'] . "&secret=" . $wechats['secret'];
                 $html = file_get_contents($url);
                 $arr = json_decode($html, true);
                 $access_token = $arr['access_token'];
                 $record = array();
                 $record['token'] = $access_token;
                 $record['expire'] = time() + 3600;
                 $row = array();
                 $row['access_token'] = iserializer($record);
                 pdo_update('account_wechats', $row, array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
             $url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/user/info?access_token=" . $access_token . "&openid=" . $openid . "&lang=zh_CN";
             $html = file_get_contents($url);
             $re = @json_decode($html, true);
             if (!empty($arrlog)) {
                 $data = array('nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'unionid' => $re['unionid']);
                 pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $data, array('openid' => $openid));
             } else {
                 $default_groupid = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT groupid FROM ' . tablename('mc_groups') . ' WHERE uniacid = :uniacid AND isdefault = 1', array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
                 $nickname = $re['nickname'];
                 $data = array('uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'], 'nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'avatar' => $re['headimgurl'], 'groupid' => $default_groupid, 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP);
                 pdo_insert('mc_members', $data);
                 $id = pdo_insertid();
                 $data = array('nickname' => $re['nickname'], 'unionid' => $re['unionid'], 'uid' => $id);
                 pdo_update('mc_mapping_fans', $data, array('openid' => $openid));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     //删除规则时调用,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号
     pdo_delete($this->table_reply, array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete($this->table_fans, array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete($this->table_rank, array('rid' => $rid));
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function doWebdatadelete()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
     $id = $_GPC['id'];
     pdo_delete("lee_tlvoice_record", array('id' => $id));
     message("删除成功", referer(), 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     //删除规则时调用,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号
     pdo_delete($this->modulename . "_rule", array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete($this->modulename . "_player", array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete($this->modulename . "_share", array('rid' => $rid));
     pdo_delete($this->modulename . "_prize", array('rid' => $rid));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function doWebDeleteFans()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']);
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     pdo_delete("ewei_dream_fans", array("id" => $id));
     message('规则操作成功!', $this->createWebUrl('fans', array('rid' => $rid)), 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function deleteById($id)
     $item = $this->selectById($id);
     if (empty($item)) {
         throw new Exception("无法删除,因为这条数据不存在", 402);
     pdo_delete($this->table_name, array('id' => $id));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function doWebDelete()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $id = $_GPC['id'];
     if (!empty($id)) {
         pdo_delete($this->manage, array('weid' => $_W['weid'], 'id' => $id));
         message('删除成功', referer(), 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     //删除规则时调用,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号
      * 此处可能需要一些权限及数据方面的判断
      * 除了表数据可能还需要删除一些附带的图片等资源
     pdo_delete($this->table_reply, array('rid' => $rid));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function fieldsFormSubmit($rid)
     //规则验证无误保存入库时执行,这里应该进行自定义字段的保存。这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     if (!empty($_GPC['reid'])) {
         pdo_delete('multisearch_reply', array('rid' => $rid));
         pdo_insert('multisearch_reply', array('rid' => $rid, 'reid' => intval($_GPC['reid'])));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function doDelete()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']);
     if (!empty($id) && !empty($rid)) {
         pdo_delete('wcha_reply', array('id' => $id, 'rid' => $rid));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function remove($id)
     global $_W;
     $filter = array();
     $filter['uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
     $filter['id'] = $id;
     pdo_delete('mbsk_devices', $filter);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public function doWebAwardlist()
        global $_GPC, $_W;
        $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
        if (checksubmit('delete')) {
            if (empty($_GPC['select'])) {
                message('请选择需要删除的数据', referer(), 'error');
            pdo_delete('bbb_user', ' id IN (' . implode(',', $_GPC['select']) . ')');
            message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page'])));
        $where = ' WHERE `a`.`rid` = :rid AND `f`.`uniacid` = :uniacid';
        $params = array(':rid' => intval($_GPC['id']), ':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']);
        $join = ' FROM ' . tablename('bbb_user') . ' AS `a` JOIN ' . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . ' AS `f` ON
				`a`.`from_user` = `f`.`openid`';
        if (!empty($_GPC['nickname'])) {
            $where .= ' AND `f`.`nickname` LIKE :nickname';
            $params[':nickname'] = '%' . $_GPC['nickname'] . '%';
        $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) ' . $join . $where;
        $total = pdo_fetchcolumn($sql, $params);
        if ($total > 0) {
            $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
            $psize = 15;
            $sql = 'SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`points`, `a`.`createtime`, `f`.`nickname` ' . $join . $where . ' ORDER BY
					`a`.`points` DESC LIMIT ' . ($pindex - 1) * $psize . ',' . $psize;
            $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, $params);
            $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize);
        if (!empty($_GPC['export'])) {
            /* 输入到CSV文件 */
            $html = "";
            /* 输出表头 */
            $filter = array('nickname' => '昵称', 'points' => '分数', 'createtime' => '时间');
            foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
                $html .= $value . "\t,";
            $html .= "\n";
            foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
                foreach ($filter as $index => $title) {
                    if ($index != 'createtime') {
                        $html .= $value[$index] . "\t, ";
                    } else {
                        $html .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value[$index]) . "\t, ";
                $html .= "\n";
            /* 输出CSV文件 */
            header("Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=全部数据.csv");
            echo $html;
        include $this->template('awardlist');
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public function doDelete()
     global $_GPC, $_W;
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     $rid = intval($_GPC['rid']);
     if (!empty($id) && !empty($rid)) {
         pdo_delete('xc_article_article_reply', array('id' => $id, 'rid' => $rid));
     message('删除成功!', referer(), 'success');
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function ruleDeleted($rid)
     //删除规则时调用,这里 $rid 为对应的规则编号
     if (pdo_tableexists('dream_wish')) {
         pdo_delete('dream_wish', array('rid' => $rid));
     if (pdo_tableexists('dream_reply')) {
         pdo_delete('dream_reply', array('rid' => $rid));
Ejemplo n.º 30
function biz_Print_Delete($data, $module)
    $sql = " SELECT * FROM " . tablename('printer') . " where  id=:id ";
    $print = pdo_fetch($sql, array(':id' => $data['index']));
    if (!empty($print) && $print['title'] == $data['name'] && $print['moduleid'] == $module['id']) {
        pdo_delete('printer', array('id' => $print['id']));
        return true;
    return false;