Ejemplo n.º 1
function linking($fin, $fout, $issuedescription, $issuenumber)
    global $header;
    $input = file($fin);
    $input = array_map('trim', $input);
    $outfile = fopen($fout, "w");
    fputs($outfile, $header);
    fputs($outfile, "<h1>{$issuedescription} (See " . '<a href="https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/hwnorm1/issues/' . $issuenumber . '">This issue</a>)</h1>');
    $counter = 1;
    foreach ($input as $value) {
        $split = explode(':', $value);
        $dict = $split[0];
        $word = $split[1];
        fputs($outfile, "<tr><td>" . $counter . "</td><td>" . webpagelink($dict, $word) . "</td><td>" . pdflink($dict, $word) . "</td></tr>\n");
    fputs($outfile, "</table></body></html>");
    echo "Check {$fout} for testing.\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
// make the navbars!
include "output_modules/publication/navbars.inc.php";
if ($thisSite) {
    printc("<div class='title'>Issue listing:</div>");
    $newaction = $isediting ? "viewsite" : "site";
    $i = 0;
    $total = count($thisSite->sections);
    printc("<table border='0' width='100%'>");
    foreach (array_reverse($thisSite->sections, TRUE) as $s => $o) {
        if ($i != $total - 1) {
            $pdfname = $filename = $fileurl = $extra = '';
            $pdfname = createPdfName($o->getField("title"));
            $filename = "{$uploaddir}/" . $thisSite->name . "/{$pdfname}";
            $fileurl = "{$uploadurl}/" . $thisSite->name . "/{$pdfname}";
            if (file_exists($filename)) {
                $extra .= pdflink($filename, $fileurl, 1);
            printc("<b><a href='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&amp;site={$site}&amp;section={$s}&amp;action={$newaction}&amp;supplement=listarticles'>" . $o->getField("title") . "</a></b>");
            if ($isediting) {
                printc("<div align='right' class='smaller'>");
                if ($o->hasPermission("edit")) {
                    printc("<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&amp;action=edit_section&amp;site={$site}&amp;section={$s}&amp;edit_section={$s}&amp;comingFrom=viewsite%26supplement%3Dlistissues'>edit</a>\n");
                if ($o->hasPermission("delete")) {
                    printc("<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&amp;action=delete_section&amp;site={$site}&amp;section={$s}&amp;delete_section={$s}&amp;comingFrom=viewsite%26supplement%3Dlistissues'>delete</a>\n");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        if ($o->canview() || $o->hasPermissionDown("add or edit or delete")) {
            if ($i != $total - 1 || $action == 'viewsite' && $_SESSION[atype] == 'admin') {
                if ($o->getField("type") == 'section') {
                    $link = "{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&amp;site={$site}&amp;section={$s}&amp;action={$action}&amp;supplement=listarticles";
                if ($o->getField("type") == 'url') {
                    $link = $o->getField("url");
                    $target = "_self";
                $extra = '';
                $pdfname = $filename = $fileurl = '';
                $pdfname = createPdfName($o->getField("title"));
                $filename = "{$uploaddir}/" . $thisSite->name . "/{$pdfname}";
                $fileurl = "{$uploadurl}/" . $thisSite->name . "/{$pdfname}";
                if (file_exists($filename)) {
                    $extra .= "<div align='center' class='leftmargin smaller'>" . pdflink($filename, $fileurl, 2) . "</div>";
                if ($isediting) {
                    $extra .= $thisSite->hasPermission("edit") ? "\n<a href='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&amp;site={$site}&amp;section={$s}&amp;action=edit_section&amp;edit_section={$s}&amp;comingFrom=viewsite' class='small' title='Edit the title and properties of this section'>edit</a>" : "";
                    $extra .= $thisSite->hasPermission("delete") ? "\n<a href='javascript:doconfirm(\"Are absolutely sure you want to PERMANENTLY DELETE this section, including anything that may be held within it?? (you better be SURE!)\",\"{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&" . $envvars . "&action=delete_section&delete_section={$s}\")' class='small' title='Delete this section'>del</a>" : "";
                add_link(leftnav2, $o->getField("title"), $link, $extra, $s, $target);
if ($isediting) {
    $leftnav_extra = $thisSite->hasPermission("add") ? " <a href='{$PHP_SELF}?{$sid}&" . $envvars . "&amp;action=add_section&amp;comingFrom=viewsite' class='small' title='Add a new Section to this site. A section can hold one or many pages of content. You can also add a Link here instead of a Section.'>+ add issue</a>" : "";