public function GetOutput($Db) { /*<img src="<?php echo $chid; ?>_256.jpg" height=118 width=118>*/ $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); $corpinf = cache_api_retrieve($Db, "/corp/CorporationSheet.xml.aspx", array("corporationID" => CORP_ID), 3 * 24 * 60 * 60)->value; $this->Title = "About " . $corpinf->result->corporationName; $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Output .= <<<EOD <table><tr><td> <img src="{$corpinf->result->corporationID}_128.png" height=108 width=108> </td><td valign=top> <table> <tr><td>CEO </td><td>{$corpinf->result->ceoName}</tr> <tr><td>Members </td><td>{$corpinf->result->memberCount}</tr> <tr><td>Tax </td><td>{$corpinf->result->taxRate}%</tr> <tr><td>URL </td><td><a href="{$corpinf->result->url}" target="_blank">{$corpinf->result->url}</a></td></tr> EOD; if ((int) $corpinf->result->allianceID != 0) { $this->Output .= "<tr><td>Alliance </td><td>" . $corpinf->result->allianceName . "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "\r\n\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t</td></table>\r\n\t\t<br>\r\n\t\t<div>"; $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($corpinf->result->description); $this->Output .= "</div><br>"; $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Mail = new eveApiMails($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Mail->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Mail->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Mail); $this->Title = "Mail for " . CHAR_NAME; if (count($Mail->Messages) > 0) { $idsToResolve = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { // get a list of all ids referenced foreach (explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] . "," . $message["toCharacterIDs"] . "," . $message["senderID"]) as $str) { if ($str != "" && !in_array($str, $idsToResolve)) { $idsToResolve[] = $str; } } } $ids = idlookup($Db->link, $idsToResolve); if (isset($_GET['mail'])) { $ret = $Mail->fetchMailBody(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, $_GET['mail']); if (!$ret) { $this->Output = "Error fetching mail {$_GET['mail']}: " . $Mail->Error; return false; } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($message["messageID"] != $_GET['mail']) { continue; } else { $this->Output .= "<h3>{$message['title']}</h3><h5 style=\"display: inline;\">Sent by " . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . " on {$message['sentDate']}</h5><br><br>"; break; } } $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($ret) . "<br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail\">[back]</a><br><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%; font-weight: bold;\">"; /*if ($Mail->unread > 0) $this->Output .= $Mail->unread." unread message".($Mail->unread ==1?", ":"s, ");*/ $this->Output .= count($Mail->Messages) . " messages total<br>"; if ($Mail->Message != "") { $this->Output .= $Mail->Message . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy Mail\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>date</th><th>sender</th><th>title</th><th>recipients</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($alt == " class=\"main\"") { $alt = " class=\"alt\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main\""; } if ((int) $message["toListID"] == 0 || (string) $message["toListID"] == "") { $to = array(); if ($message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"]); } if ($message["toCharacterIDs"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCharacterIDs"]); } $recp = ""; foreach ($to as $rec) { $recp .= $ids[(int) $rec] . ", "; } $recp = rtrim($recp, ", "); } else { $recp = "(mailing list)"; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt} style=\"cursor: pointer;\" onclick=\"document.location='{$full_url}&view=mail&mail=" . $message["messageID"] . "'\">"; //$this->Output .= "<td>".($message["read"]!=1?"<b>#</b>":"")."</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["sentDate"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["title"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $recp . "</td>\n"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no recent mails.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }
public function GetOutput($Db) { $Mail = new eveApiMails($Db); $full_url = FULL_URL; // TODO $time_start = microtime_float(); if (!$Mail->fetch(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY)) { $this->Output = $Mail->Error; return false; } $time_end = microtime_float(); $time_api = $time_end - $time_start; $this->Updated = APITime($Mail); $this->Title = "Mail for " . CHAR_NAME; if (count($Mail->Messages) > 0) { $idsToResolve = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { // get a list of all ids referenced foreach (explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] . "," . $message["toCharacterIDs"] . "," . $message["senderID"]) as $str) { if ($str != "" && !in_array($str, $idsToResolve)) { $idsToResolve[] = $str; } } } $ids = idlookup($Db->link, $idsToResolve); if (isset($_GET['mail'])) { $ret = $Mail->fetchMailBody(CHAR_ID, USER_ID, API_KEY, $_GET['mail']); if (!$ret) { $this->Output = "Error fetching mail {$_GET['mail']}: " . $Mail->Error; return false; } if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { die(json_encode(["result" => "success", "body" => (string) $ret])); } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { if ($message["messageID"] != $_GET['mail']) { continue; } else { $this->Output .= "<h3>{$message['title']}</h3><h5 style=\"display: inline;\">Sent by " . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . " on {$message['sentDate']}</h5><br><br>"; break; } } $this->Output .= parse_ccptml($ret) . "<br><br>"; $this->Output .= "<a href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail\">[back]</a><br><br>"; } else { $this->Output .= "<span style=\"font-size:80%; font-weight: bold;\">"; /*if ($Mail->unread > 0) $this->Output .= $Mail->unread." unread message".($Mail->unread ==1?", ":"s, ");*/ $this->Output .= count($Mail->Messages) . " messages total<br>"; if (isset($_SESSION) && isset($_SESSION['mailFormatted']) && $_SESSION['mailFormatted'] == true) { $this->Output .= "Message Formatting: <input type=\"button\" value=\"Formatted\" id=\"changeMessageFormatting\">"; } else { $this->Output .= "Message Formatting: <input type=\"button\" value=\"Unformatted\" id=\"changeMessageFormatting\">"; } if ($Mail->Message != "") { $this->Output .= $Mail->Message . "<br>"; } $this->Output .= "</span>"; $this->Output .= "<br><table class=\"fancy Mail\" style=\"font-size:83%;\" border=1>"; $this->Output .= "<tr><th>date</th><th>sender</th><th>title</th><th>recipients</th></tr>"; $alt = " class=\"main\""; $ids1 = array(); foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { $ids1[] = (string) $message['senderID']; $kindaID = explode(",", (string) $message['toCharacterIDs']); $kindaID2 = explode(",", (string) $message['toCorpOrAllianceID']); $ids1 = array_merge($ids1, $kindaID, $kindaID2); } $ids1 = array_unique($ids1); $redIDS = GetRedIDS($ids1, $Db); if (isset($redIDS[0]) && $redIDS[0] == 0) { $redIDS = array(); } foreach ($Mail->Messages as $message) { $sentTo = explode(",", (string) $message['toCharacterIDs']); $sentToGroup = explode(",", (string) $message['toCorpOrAllianceID']); $intersect = array_intersect($redIDS, $sentTo); $intersect2 = array_intersect($redIDS, $sentToGroup); if (in_array((string) $message['senderID'], $redIDS) || !empty($intersect) || !empty($intersect2)) { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"redAlt messageRow\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"redMain messageRow\""; } } else { if (strpos(strtolower($alt), 'main') !== false) { $alt = " class=\"alt messageRow\""; } else { $alt = " class=\"main messageRow\""; } } if ((int) $message["toListID"] == 0 || (string) $message["toListID"] == "") { $to = array(); if ($message["toCorpOrAllianceID"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCorpOrAllianceID"]); } if ($message["toCharacterIDs"] != "") { $to += explode(",", $message["toCharacterIDs"]); } $recp = ""; foreach ($to as $rec) { $recp .= $ids[(int) $rec] . ", "; } $recp = rtrim($recp, ", "); } else { $recp = "(mailing list)"; } $this->Output .= "<tr{$alt} style=\"cursor: pointer;\" href=\"{$full_url}&view=mail&mail=" . $message["messageID"] . "\">"; //$this->Output .= "<td>".($message["read"]!=1?"<b>#</b>":"")."</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["sentDate"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $ids[(int) $message["senderID"]] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $message["title"] . "</td>"; $this->Output .= "<td>" . $recp . "</td>\n"; $this->Output .= "</tr>"; } $this->Output .= "</table>"; } } else { $this->Output .= "<br>Character has no recent mails.<br>"; } $this->Times = getPageTimes($Db, $time_api, microtime_float() - $time_start); return true; }